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Reading is a Really Good Thing Literacy Program

End of Fiscal Year 2017 Audited Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position

Current Assets
Cash in Checking+Petty Cash $887
Cash in Savings $2,200
Investments $9,500
Grants Receivable $13,000
Services Receivalbe $300
Prepaid Expenses $3,000
Total Current Assets $28,887

Long-term Assets
Furniture and Equipment $2,000
Computer Equipment $5,000
Depreciation -$4,000
Total Long-Term Assets $3,000

Total Assets $31,887

Accounts Payable $38

Accrued Liabilities $1,250
Current Portion Mortgage $0
Total Current Liabilities $1,288

Long-Term Liabilities
Mortgage (minus current position) $0
Total Long-Term Liabilities $0

Total Liabilities $1,288

Net Assets
Unrestricted $17,599
Temporarily Restricted $13,000
Total Net Assets $30,599

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $31,887

Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position

Current Assets
Cash in Checking+Petty Cash
Cash in Savings
Grants Receivable
Contracts Receivalbe
Prepaid Expenses
Total Current Assets $0

Long-term Assets
Furniture and Equipment
Computer Equipment
Total Long-Term Assets $0

Total Assets $0

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Accrued Liabilities
Current Portion Mortgage
Total Current Liabilities $0

Long-Term Liabilities
Mortgage (minus current position)
Total Long-Term Liabilities $0

Total Liabilities $0

Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets $0

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $0

Reading is a Really Good Thing Literacy Program
End of Fiscal Year 2017 Audited Income Statement/Statement of Financial Activities

Revenue Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted

Contributions $36,000
Grants $34,500 $13,000
Special Events $14,550 $0
Other Income $630 $0
Dividends and Interest $285 $0
In-Kind Contributions $12,000 $0
Net Assets Released From Restricitons $2,800 -$2,800
Revenue Total $100,765 $10,200


Program Services $78,004

Management and General $26,422
Fundraising $5,540
Expense Total $109,966 $0

Change In Net Assets -$9,201 $10,200

Net Assets, Beginning of Year $26,800 $2,800

Net Assets, End of Year $17,599 $13,000
Restricted Total Comments

$36,000 Contributions Subtotal

$0 $47,500 Grants + Gov't Grants
$0 $14,550 Special Events
$0 $630 Program Fees
$0 $285 Reserve Fund Interest
$0 $12,000 In Kind
$0 $0

Dues + Office + Materials+80%Salary+80%Rent

Insurance + Professional Fees+20%Salary+20%Rent
Bank Fees + Special Events
$0 $109,966

$0 $999

$0 $29,600
$0 $30,599
Reading is a Really Good Thing Literacy Program Fiscal Year 2017 Budget

Fiscal Year 2017

Income Actual

General Contributions $28,500.00
Board Member Contributions $7,500.00
Reserve Fund Contributions $0.00
Contributions Subtotal $36,000.00

Local Family Foundation $5,000.00
Local Community Foundation $10,000.00
Wish You Well Foundation $10,000.00
Dollar General Literacy Foundation $10,000.00
ProLiteracy National Book Fund $2,000.00
United Way $10,000.00
Grants Subtotal $47,000.00

Government Grants
County or Local $500.00
State $0.00
Federal $0.00
Government Grants Subtotal $500.00

Special Events
Annual Tea $14,550.00
Other Events $0.00
Special Events Subtotal $14,550.00

Other Income
Program Fees $630.00
Reserve Fund Interest $285.00
Other Income Subtotal $915.00

In-Kind Income (non-cash)

Rent $12,000.00
In-Kind Subtotal $12,000.00

Income Total $110,965.00


Bank Fees
PayPal Donation Fees $2,700.00
Other $75.00
Subtotal Bank Fees $2,775.00

Dues and Subscriptions

ProLiteracy Membership $169.00
Other $65.00
Subtotal Dues and Subscriptions $234.00

Directors & Officers $775.00
General Liability $3,000.00
Workers Compensation $0.00
Disability $1,830.00
Subtotal Insurance $5,605.00

Office Expense
Copier $1,350.00
Printing - outside $2,892.00
Postage $564.00
Office Supplies $1,238.00
Phone $800.00
Technology - recurring $2,800.00
Technology - new $0.00
Subtotal Office $9,644.00

Instructional Materials $1,998.00
Subtotal Materials $1,998.00

Professional Fees
Instructors $0.00
Audit $4,285.00
Legal $0.00
Subtotal Professional Fees $4,285.00

Salary & Benefits

Salary $61,000.00
Health Insurance $4,545.00
Payroll Service Fee $610.00
Payroll Tax $4,270.00
Staff Training $235.00
Subotal Salary & Benefits $70,660.00

Special Event
Annual Tea $2,765.00
Other Events $0.00
Subtotal Special Events $2,765.00

In-Kind Expense
Rent $12,000.00
In-Kind Subtotal $12,000.00

Expense Total $109,966.00

Net Profit/Loss $999.00

Income Statement/Statement of Financial Activities

Revenue Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Restricted Total

Special Events
Other Income
Dividends and Interest
In-Kind Contributions
Net Assets Released From Restricitons
Revenue Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Program Services
Management and General
Expense Total $0 $0 $0 $0

Change In Net Assets $0 $0 $0 $0

Net Assets, Beginning of Year

Net Assets, End of Year $0 $0 $0 $0

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