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What Organizational Structure you would suggest to new generation digital

company like Zomato or Swiggy? Give reasons for your answer.

Organisational structure of any organisation defines the management of activities

that how the tasks are allocated, how coordination is established, how supervision
is conducted. An organisation structure refers to the hierarchy of an organization
for determination of roles, responsibilities and power of all the people who are the
part of management so that their individual efforts can be integrated into group
efforts for achievement of organisational goals. The structure of the organization
plays a major role in the success of the organisation .
In order to deliver an event there needs to be a clearly defined team and
organisational structure, the size and complexity of which is depended on the event
being organised.
Foodservice defines those businesses, institutions, and companies responsible for
any meal prepared outside the home. This industry includes restaurants, school and
hospital cafeterias, catering operations, and so on.
Organization Structure is the type of business entity that a company has chosen to
be legally recognized as. It defines the legal status of a company and sets forth
what rights its owners and shareholders have, how the business can be terminated,
what responsibilities managers have, how profits are distributed among different
owners or stakeholders in the company, and other such issues. In recent years
primarily because of digital nature of business organizations such as Swiggy or
Zomato are formed as limited liability companies to ensure funding transparency.
However here below are some key considerations for startups which will help them
decide on their organizational structure.
Types of organisational structures suggested to food delivery companies like
Zomato, Swiggy, etc.:
1. Line organisational structure:

In this type of organisational structure there is a direct and vertical relationship

between different levels of an organisation. There is a proper chain followed in this
type of organisational structure for achievement of organisational objectives. This
structure clearly defines the responsibilities, roles, responsibilities and authorities
of various levels of organisation. The accountability of relationship is easy to
understand in line organisation structure and this also promotes faster decision
making in the organisation. There is a closeness established in the employees of
the organisation where line structure is established.
2. Matrix organisational structure:

This type of organisational structure is the hierarchy of the management is set in

horizontal division and relationships among different level of the organisation are
established accordingly. In matrix organisational structure management structure is
designed in such a way so that specific organisational objectives can be achieved
from different areas of the organisation. The decision making is decentralised in
this structure. This type of organisational structure enhances flexible use of
resources as well as efficient and effective use of support system. This
organisational structure is useful for growing organisations as this structure
decentralises the decision power and establishes proper coordination in each level
of the organisation. Matrix organisational structure is useful for those types of
organisations which changes rapidly as per the changes in the external environment
of the organisation

Most effective structure available to food delivery companies in reference to

management theory:
The most effective structure available to Swiggy/Zomato in reference to
management is Matrix Organisational structure as Swiggy/Zomato is one of the
fastest growing start-ups of the world Matrix organisational structure will help
Swiggy/Zomato to respond to the rapidly changing environment along this
Swiggy/Zomato is tend to increase the number of employees because of the
expansions so the organisational structure will be designed using teams in
Swiggy/Zomato so proper division of work can be established as per administrative
theory of management and employees will be divided in those teams and each team
will be having specialists for better decision making in the team and matrix
organisational structure will help Swiggy/Zomato for better coordination and
proper functions of management such as planning, controlling, organising, training,
commanding and coordinating as described by administrative theory of

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