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A deepest gratitude go to may advisor Dr. NITIN GUPTA, Associate

Professor, Department of Management for his constructive great
support, comment, suggestion and offering useful hints for
accomplishment of this research

Secondly, I would thanks my family who support me financial and

morale next to Alha.

Thirdly,, It would have been in difficult to attempts such research

without the commendable assistance of Jimma university , college of
Business and Economics for providing the chance to conduct this

Last but not least, I would to thanks w/ro Aster Tesema for her
careful typing of this research


In this study the researcher assessed the impact of product

distribution system on the availability of product to consumer in
Adama textile Share Company.

The reason behind was one of the effect of product distribution system
result directly in the satisfaction of ultimate consumer and business
users. There fore the objective of research was identifying the problem
and impacte of product distribution system on the availability of
products. And its significance was to give a focus on a company's
future distribution system management.

In addition it is significant for the company, researcher, interested

individual and others.

The necessary information for the accomplishment of this research

will gather through questionnaire the sampling technique that the
researcher use will judgment sampling since it will convenient for the
research and the data collect from the respondent is analyze by
statistical measurement

Finally, a recommendation will give on how the company can make

more accessible its products to the market and the way if has to use
distribution its products to consumer

Contents page No
Acknowledgements......................................................................... I
Table of content.............................................................................III
CHPTERONE ............................................................................
The problem and its approach
1.1 Background of the problem.......................................................1
1.2 Background of the company.....................................................3
1.3 Statement of the problem..........................................................4
1.4 Significance of study.................................................................5
1.5 Objective of study.....................................................................6
1.5.1 Generally objective of study...............................................6
1.5.2 Specific objective of study .................................................6
1.6 Definition of the terms .............................................................7
1.7 Research design and methodology............................................8
1.7.1 Method of sampling............................................................9
1.7.2 Method of Analysis............................................................10
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................
Review of the literature
2.1 Channels of the distribution....................................................11
2.2 Number of channel level..........................................................12
2.3 identifying major channel alternative.......................................14
2.4 Evaluating channel members...................................................16
2.5 Channel dynamic.....................................................................16
2.6 Physical distribution concept..................................................127
2.7 Goals of logistics concepts.......................................................18
CHAPTER THREE ....................................................................
Data analysis and interpretation
3.1 Demography............................................................................20
3.2 Distribution system.................................................................22
3.3 Factors affecting distribution system.......................................26

3.4 Accessibility and customer satisfaction...................................28

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
4.1 Summary...................................................................................35
4.2 Conclusions...............................................................................36
4.3 Recommendations.....................................................................37


Table Number Topics of the table Page No

Table 1 -------- Age of Distribution of respondents ---------- 20

Table 2---------- Sex of distribution of respondents ------------- 21
Table 3 -------- Educational level of respondents--------------21
Table 4 -------- Average monthly income of respondents----- 22
Table 5 -------- Types of distribution channels ---------------- 22
Table 6 -------- Problem faced while consumer buy for --------24
Table 7-------- Existence of the problems -----------------------25
Table 8------- Specific problem Respondents Faced ------------26
Table 9 ------ Factors affecting the distribution system --------26
Table 10 ----- The way of consumer payment ---------------------27
Table 11------ Accessibility and consumer satisfaction ---------28
Table 12 ----- Quality of product while purchasing ------------- 28
Table 13 ----- Have ever used other company products ---------29
Table 14 ---- unique product features ------------------------------- 31
Table 15 ----- befits that consumer get being a user --------------32
Table 16----- Unique features of the products---------------------- 32
Table 17 ----- Incentive give to consumer by the company------- 32
Table 18------ Product availability ------------------------------------33
Table 19 ----- If product is not available what is the -----------------33


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