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Assignment 1

Submitted to

Raisa Tasneem Zaman


BRAC Business School

Submitted by

MD. Samiul Hasan Aric

ID; 18104205

MKT425 Section - 01

BRAC Business School

Solution for the case study on Corntana: Microsoft’s Intelligent Personal Assistant and the
adjustments that must be made to Cortana’s personality for the successful acceptance of Cortana
in Japan:

As we look thoroughly to the case, we can see that Microsoft has implicated the adaptation
strategy for Cortana. Adaptation requires modification of a product or service to satisfy local
customs needs. It includes different marketing mixes, price, entry mode etc. Hence, Microsoft
has made a team to do a research on international culture to enter into global market.

If we look at the Hofstede’s 4 cultural dimensions from the lecture,

1. Individualism vs Collectivism index

2. Power distance index
3. Uncertainty avoidance index
4. Masculinity vs Femininity index

Initially, If I consider individualism vs collectivism index, the factor of individuality vs

collectivism takes into consideration the extent to which societies are integrated into teams and
their perceived obligations and team dependency. Individualism shows that the achievement of
personal aims is of greater importance. In such regard, a person's self-image is described as “I”
or “Me.” Collectivism shows that the goals and well-being of the cluster are more important. A
The self-image is described as “We” or “Us.”

Next, in power distance index, it takes into account the amount to which that difference and
power are allowed. In this dimension, differentiation and power are seen through the eyes of the
followers, the lower level. A culture with a high-power distance index supports inequity and
power variations, encourages forms, and has a high regard for rank and authority. A low power
distance index suggests that a culture fosters systems with decentralized decision-making
responsibilities, participative management, and a focus on power distribution.

Then, in the uncertainty avoidance index takes into considerations the degree to which
uncertainty and ambiguity are tolerated. This dimension, however, takes into consideration
unknown things and abrupt happenings. A high avoidance score for unsureness, ambiguity and
risk-taking implies a severe tolerance. Strict regulations, legislation, etc. reduce the unknown. A
low shunning score for insecurity, ambiguity and risk assessment implies a great tolerance. The
unknown is also tolerated boldly and there are slack norms, laws and so on.

Ultimately, in masculinity vs femininity index, the dimensions masculine vs. characteristic are
moreover described as resilient to fragile and consider society's inclination for action, gender
equality angle, behavior, etc. Masculinity is associated with the following characteristics:
different gender roles, assertiveness, and a focus on material achievements and wealth-building.
Femininity is associated with the following characteristics: fluid gender roles, modesty,
nurturing, and anxiety over one's level of living.

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