Twin Shaft Shredder

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Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015



An industrial shredder is a machine used for reducing the size of all kinds of material.

Industrial shredders come in many different variations and sizes. Some examples of materials that

are commonly shredded are: tires, metals, car wrecks, wood, plastics, and garbage. However by far,

the most common use of an industrial shredder is to shred high volumes of paper documents.

Industrial shredder is commonly used to reduce the recycling cost by shredding metals, plastics,

aluminium, dump cars and as well as garbage materials.

Industrial shredders can be equipped with different types of cutting systems: single-shaft,

two-shaft, three-shaft and four-shaft cutting systems. These shredders are all slow-speed systems,

in contrast to hammer mills which are generally high-speed systems.

The largest scrap metal shredder in the world is the 9,200 hp (6,860 kW) Lynxs at the Sims

Metal Management plant at the mouth of the River Usk in Newport Wales with access by road, rail

and sea. It can process 450 cars per hour.

Types of Shredder


The single-shaft shredder is the most versatile and widely used shredder and can operate without

an additional feeding system in most applications. The material collected can be fed directly with

dosing. The hydraulically driven ram feeds the material to the rotor. The rotor system, developed

and patented in 1989, is able to handle almost all materials.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015


Processing of material in the two shaft shredder employs the principle of cutting and scraping

material on the edges of discs placed on two working shafts turning against each other. Two sets of

tearing discs having the same width with hooks around the perimeter, set on two parallel shafts are

the working tools. The processed material takes shape of irregular strips which width is defined by

shredding disc width. This shredder can be also called twin shaft or dual shaft shredder.

There are also the three shafts and four shaft cutting system with respective number of shaft used

in holding the cutters for shredding the materials.

Other Types of Machine for Steelmaking

Scrap Metal Shredder

A scrap metal shredder, also sometimes referred to as a metal scrap shredder, is a machine

used for reducing the size of scrap metal. Scrap metal shredders come in many different variations

and sizes.

Scrap Balers

New Rapid Automatic Scrap Baler (RAS) is much faster, requires less energy per tonne of

baled scrap and has an increased level of availability. The RAS series is the first generation of scrap

balers to operate with a peak hydraulic pressure of 350 bar. This means that smaller cylinders can

be used with the same pressure forces and hence there is less oil to move. Because fewer than 10

per cent of all cylinder movements happen in the high-pressure range, 90 per cent of the working

movements can be made at the same drive power but at much higher speeds.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

New features include an infinitely variable positioning system, which replaces proximity

switches. This new system is not affected by dirt or falling scrap, so the operational problems

previously caused by defective proximity switches are eliminated.

Scrap shears

Compared with shredding and baling, scrap shears offer the most universal processing

technique for different grades of scrap. All scrap types can be processed on scrap shears, and for

heavy and demolition scrap, shearing is the only suitable automatic recycling technique.

Following the introduction of its (eta)-Cut line at the start of 2002, with improved flexibility,

specific energy consumption, operating safety and reduced maintenance.

The shear control offers a range of operating programs for the efficient processing of an

extremely wide variety of scrap, including automatic determination of the most efficient operating

mode for the particular material being processed.

Other benefits of the new generation of shears include mechanical synchronism of the side

press, which ensures full impact over all the press box and eliminates downtime through jamming

and blocking and an extremely large over travel of the side press and the press cover, for

processing heavy scrap.Additional features include the use of a crushing bar, which facilitates an

increase of up to 30 per cent in cutting capacity for certain scrap grades, and a safe method of

pressing high volumes of bulk shredder feedstock into so-called ‘logs’.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Design Specifications

A 2- shaft shredder is to be designed with the data as follows:

Material to shred: Scrap Cast iron sleeve or liner for recycling and reducing air space for

transportation – shear strength 58000 psi

feed rate: 1 ton/hr from

Service: Non- continuous at 8- 10 hrs. /day

Blades: 4 teeth 284 mm. diameter with 20 mm thickness

No. of blades: 15 per shaft

Shredder speed: 50 rpm, based from

Belt transmission with 200 rpm speed of big sheave

Geared reduction of 4:1 to produce shredder speed of 50 rpm

Design View

Isometric view

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Inner view

Left side view

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Right side view

Top view

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Front view

Back view

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015


Solving for shredder power

The motor size is 20 hp from shredder standard model GXT2140 (twin-shaft shredder) from


From table of power versus torque and motor velocity in

electric motors, the of the motor size is 20 hp. I choose 500 rpm for the motor velocity.

Power transmitted by the motor:

Loss in V-belts= 5% (Morse, p.452)

20hp x 0.95 = 19 hp

Power transmitted by the line shaft :

Loss per pair of spur gear: 2%

Loss in the mesh of gear: 1%

19hp x 0.97 = 18.43hp

Total shaft power = 18.43hp

Solving for Shaft 1 and Shaft 2 power

Loss per pair of spur gear: 2%

Loss in the mesh of gear: 1%

Equation 1 - Total shaft power = Power on Shaft 1 + Power on Shaft 2

18.43 = Power on Shaft 1 + Power on Shaft 2

Power on Shaft 2
Equation 2 - Power on Shaft 1 = 0.97

Equation 2 substituted to equation 1

Power on Shaft 2
18.43 = Power on Shaft 2 +

Power on shaft 2 = 9.074670051 hp

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Power on Shaft 1 = 18.43 - 9.074670051

Power on Shaft 1 = 9.355329949

The motor power to drive shaft is 9.074670051 hp, where I consider shaft 2 have the lowest


Design of Drive System

Belt design considerations:

Belt material: Rubber

Pulley material: Cast iron

Speed of small sheave: 500 rpm

Speed of big sheave: 200 rpm

Service: 8- 10 hrs. /day

Solving for Design hp

Design Hp = Nsf (Transmitted Hp)


Nsf = Service Factor Table 17.7(Faires, p.466), 1.6 for driven machine is hammer mils(closest

comparison to metal shredder) and driving machine is AC normal torque, subtract 0.2 for operation

under 16 hr./day service, seasonal or intermittent.

Nsf = 1.6 - 0.2= 1.4

Design Hp = 1.4 x 20 hp

Design Hp = 28 hp

From Fig.17.14, Belt Section from Hp and Speed, Design Hp of 28 Hp at 500 rpm belongs to section


Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for Diameter of Sheaves (using stock sheave diameters)

From Table 17.3, Standard V- belt Lengths , for section D belt varies by 0.5 in. from 13 to 16 in.;

then 18, 22, 27, 33, 40, 48, 58 in.

N1=N2 D2/D1

Using D1= 15 in., D2= 40 in.

500 rpm ×(15 in.)/(40 in.)=N2

N2= 187.5 rpm

Using D1=16 in., D2= 40 in.

500 rpm×(16 in.)/(40 in.)=N2

N2= 200 rpm

I select D1= 16 in. and D2= 40 in. because it can produce a speed as exactly as 200 rpm.

Solving for the Minimum Center Distance

From eq. (p) by Faires, p.457. If the size of the smaller sheave is assumed and velocity ratio is

known, choose a minimum center distance (C) as:

C = (D₂+D₁)/2 + D₁ or C = D₂


D₁ = diameter of small sheave, 16 in.

D₂ = diameter of driven sheave, 40 in.

C = (40 in.+ 16 in.)/2+ 16 in.

C = 44 in. or C = 40 in.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

-Whichever is longer between the two values is the minimum center distance. Therefore, I select C

= 44 in.

The center distance is made adjustable so that the belts can be mounted into the grooves without

harmful stretching and so that the initial tension can be maintained (Faires, p.457).

Solving for Belt Length

L = π/2 (D₂+D₁) + 2C + ((D₂-D₁)²)/4c

L = π/2 (40+16) + 2(44) + ((40-16)²)/(4(44))

L = 179.2373216 in.

From Table 17.3 Standard V-Belt Lengths (Faires, p.458) at section D, I choose D180 with pitch

length equal to 183.3 in.

Solving for Actual Center Distance

C = (B+ √(B²-32(D-d)²))/16


B =4L-6.28(D2+D1) = 4(183.3) – 6.28(40+16)

B = 381.52 in.

C = (381.52+ √(381.52 ²-32(40-16)²))/16

C = 46.12916534 in.

Thus, 44 < 46.12916534 in., it is satisfactory because it is greater than the minimum center


Solving for the Belt Speed

νm = (πD₁N₁ )/12

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

νm = (π(16)(500) )/12

νm = 2094.395102 ft./min

Solving for the Rated hp

Rated Hp = [8.792 (〖10〗^3/νm)^0.09-38.819/(Kd D₁ )- 0.0416 (νm² )/(10⁶)] νm/〖10〗^3


D₁ = pitch diameter of the small sheave, 16 in

Kd = small diameter factor (Table 17.4)

νm = belt speed

Small- diameter factors, based on Table 17.4

D2=D1(40 in.)/(16 in.)

D2/D1= 2.5

Kd = 1.13

Horsepower Constants for section D V- belt, from Table 17.3

a = 18.788

c = 137.7

e = 0.0848

Rated Hp = [18.788 (〖10〗^3/(2094.395102))^0.09-137.7/(1.13 x 16 )- 0.0848 (2094.395102²

)/(10⁶)] (2094.395102)/〖10〗^3

Rated Hp = 21.6444511 Hp

Solving for Adjusted Rated hp

Horsepower rating must be corrected for length of belt (Kl) and arc of contact (Kθ). (Faires, p.457)

Adjusted Rated Hp = KL x Kѳ x Rated Hp

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015


Kѳ = arc of contact factor

KL= length of correction factor

From Table 17.6 Length Correction Factors (Faires, p. 459), for D180: KL= 0.94

From Table 17.5 Arc of Contact Factors (Faires, p.459)

(D₂-D₁ )/C = (40-16)/46.12916534

= 0.5202782193

By interpolation:

(D_2-D_1)/c VV

0.5 0.93

0.5202782193 Kѳ

0.6 0. 91


Kѳ = 0.9259443561
Adjusted Rated Hp = (0.9259443561) (0.94) (21.6444511)
= 18.8390639 Hp
Solving for the Number of Belts
No. of Belts = (Design Hp )/(Adjusted Rated Hp ) (Faires, p.461)
No.of Belts=(28 hp)/( 18.8390639 hp )
No.of Belts=1.494399938
say 2 belts

V- Belt and sheave data

Belt No. Pitch Length Sheave Diameter No. of Belts

D180 183.3 in. D1= 16 in., D2= 40 in. 2

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for Forces in Belt



F₁ = total tension on the tight side, lb

F₂ = total tension on the slack side, lb

f = coefficient of friction, 0.3 from Table 16-5 Coefficient of Friction for Belts, for rubber V- belt on

a cast iron pulley

θ = arc of contact, rad

θ = 180 - 2sinˉ¹ ((D₂- D₁ )/2c)deg.


D₁ = diameter of small sheave, 16 in.

D₂ = diameter of big sheave, 40 in.

C = center distance, 46.12916534 in.

θ = angle of wrap of small pulley, rad

θ= {180 - 2sinˉ¹ ((40-16)/(2 x46.12916534))} π/180

θ = 2.615260114 rad

( F₁)/(F₂) = e(0.3)( 2.615260114)

F₁ = 2.191482015 F₂ (eq. 1)

Power transmitted on the V-Belt, Hp from the eq. 16.7 (Doughtie and Vallance, p. 383)


F₁ =total tension on the tight side, lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

F ₂= total tension on the slack side, lb

vm = belt speed, 2094.395102 ft./min

Hp = power transmitted, 20 hp

Hp = ((F₁-F₂) x νm)/33000

F₁-F₂ = (33000 x 20 )/ 2094.395102

F₁ = 315.1267874 + F₂ (eq.2)

Equating eq. 1 and 2

2.191482015 F₂= 315.1267874 + F₂

F₂ = 264.4830416 lbs.

F₁ = 2.191482015 F₂ = 2.191482015 (264.4830416)

F₁ = 579.609829 lb

Solving for Pulley Thickness

From Fig. 17.14, width of section D belt, b= 1 ¼ in.

T= width (no. of belts)

=1 1/4 (2) + 1

= 3.5 in.

The pulley face should be about 1 in. wider than the belts up to 12 in. (Doughtie and Vallance,


Solving for Sheave Weight

Density of cast iron, ρ = 0.256 lb/in3

W1= ρV

W1= 0.256×π/4 (16)^2 (3.5)

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

W1= 180.1514891 lbs.

W2= ρV

W2=0.256×π/4 (40)^2 (3.5)

W2= 1125.946807 lb

Design of Speed Reducer (Spur Gear type)

Gear Design Consideration:

 14 ½ deg. involute
 4:1 speed ratio
 8- 10 hrs. /day operation
 Rpm of pinion= 200
 Rpm of gear= 50
 Diameter of pinion= 6.4 in.

Interference in Involute gears

Tp² + 2Tp Tg = sin²ф


Tp = number of teeth of pinion

Tg = number of teeth of gear

m = product of diametral pitch and addendum, 1 from Table 11-1 Gear Tooth proportion,
Addendum is 1/P; hence, m =1 (Doughtie and Vallance, p.262)

Since Np/Ng = 4, so Tg/Tp= 4

Therefore 4Tp = Tg; thus,

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Tp² + 2(4Tp) Tp = sin²14.5°

0.5642113179Tp² -16Tp -4 = 0

−b ± √b²−4ac
Tp = 2𝑎

16 ± √(−16²)−4(0.5642113179)(−4)
Tp = 2(0.5642113179)

Tp = 28.60600324≈ 29 teeth

According to Faires, p.362, in the 14 ½ deg. full depth system, a gear with 32 teeth or more will
have no interference with a rack (or any other gear). Therefore I use Tp= 32 teeth.

Solving the number of teeth on gear

Tg/Tp= 2

Tg= 4(32 teeth)

Tg= 128 teeth

Solving the Pitch Diameter of Gear

Dg/Dp= 4

Dg= 4(6.4 in.)

Dg= 25.6 in.

Solving for the Diametral Pitch

P=𝐷 Diametral pitch varies by increments of 1/4 from 1/4
32 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ
to 2, ½ from 2 to 5 (Doughtie and Vallance, p.262)
P= 6.4 𝑖𝑛.

P= 5 teeth/in.

Solving the Circular Pitch

Pc= 𝑇
Circular pitch of pinion = Circular pitch of gear

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Pc= 0.62831853 in. /teeth

Solving for the Pitch line Velocity

v= 2𝜋𝑅𝑁

v= 2𝜋 (2×12) (200)

v= 335.1032164 ft. /min

Solving for Tangential Force at the pitch line

From eq.11-15 (Doughtie and Vallance, p.270)

33000 Hp
Ft =
Fs ν


Transmitted power = 19 hp

Fs = service factor, 0.65 from Table 11-4, Service Factors

ν= pitch line velocity= 335.1032164 ft. /min

Ft = transmitted force which is the tangential component

33000 x 19
Ft = 0.65( 335.1032164 )

Ft = 2878.562 lbs.

Solving for the face width

For the pinion:

To get Y, from the Table 11-2, Form Factors for the Lewis equation with Tp = 32. (Doughtie and
Vallance, p.268)

By interpolation:

No. of teeth Y

30 0.320

32 Yp

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

34 0.326

32−30 𝑌−0.320
= 0.326−0.320

Yp= 0.323

For the gear:

By interpolation:

No. of teeth Y

100 0.371

128 Yg

150 0.376

128−100 𝑌−0.371
= 0.376−0.371

Yg= 0.3738

Using the Lewis equation:

Ft P(600+𝜈)
fp = for ordinary industrial gears operating at velocities up to 2000 fpm.

and using SAE 1050 as material for both pinion and gear with working stress, Sw= 35,000 psi.

for pinion:

2878.562 (5)(600+ 335.1032164 )

fp = 35000(0.323)(600)

fp = 1.9719799 in.

for gear:

2878.562 (5)(600+ 335.1032164 )

fg= 35000(0.3738)(600)

fg =1.714535775 in

If both gears are made of the same material, the pinion is weaker and should be the one

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

8 12.5
The face widths are satisfactory because it is between 𝑃 𝑡𝑜 𝑃
or 1.6 to 2.5 in. Therefore, the
gears are well proportioned.

Computing the Dynamic loads on gear teeth (Earle Buckingham’s Method)

Total maximum instantaneous load on the tooth,

From equation 11-6 (Doughtie and Vallance, p. 272)

0.05ν ( Cf + Ft )
Fd = Ft + Fi = Ft +
0.05 ν +√Cf + Ft


Fd = total equivalent load applied at pitch line velocity or dynamic load, lbs.

Ft = tangential load required for power transmission

Fi = increment load (variable load), lbs.

C = a factor depending upon machining errors

ν= pith line velocity, 335.1032164 ft. /min

f = face width, in.

From Fig. 11-12, Maximum Permissible error in gears at various speed, error in gear = .00345 for
pitch line velocity equal to 335.1032164 ft. /min

Thus class 1, industrial gears cut with formed cutters will be used from Table 11-5, Maximum Error
in action between gears; e= 0.0022 for diametral pitch equal to 5.

From Table 11-6, Values of the dynamic factor, C the materials are both steel, error in gear is equal
to 0.0022 through interpolation, we get:

0.002 3200

0.0022 C

0.003 4800

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

C = 3520

Solving for Ft

33000 x 19
Ft = 1.0( 335.1032164)

Ft = 1871.0653 lbs.


0.05(335.1032164){(3520)(1.9719799)+1871.0653 }
Fd = = 1871.0653 +
0.05 (335.1032164) +√ (3520 x 1.9719799 ) +1871.0653

Fd =3205.731483 lb

Design of Spur gear for wear

The load limit for wear is expressed by the eq. 11-20 (Doughtie and Vallance, p.275)

Dp f S²ew sinф 2Ng 1 1

Fw = 1.4
x Np+Ng x (Ep + Eg)


Sew = using BHN 320 with surface endurance limit, 118,000psi from Table 11-7, Fatigue
limits of gear materials for steel. (Doughtie and Vallance, p. 275)

Ng = number of teeth of the gear, 128

Np = number of teeth of the pinion, 32

Ep = modulus of elasticity for steel, 30x10⁶ psi from Table 2-1 General properties of
commonly used material for steel. (Doughtie and Vallance, p.11)

Dp = pitch diameter of pinion, 6.4 in.

f = face width, 1.9719799in.

6.4𝑥 1.9719799 𝑥1 18000² 𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑛14.5 2(128) 1 1

Fw = 1.4
x 32+128 x (30x10⁶ + 30x10⁶)

Fw = 3352.330301 lbs.

The value of Fw is not less than the value of dynamic load Fd, therefore it is satisfactory.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for the weight of pinion and gear

Density of steel, ρ= 0.284 lb. /in3

Wp= ρpVp
Wp= 4 (6.4)2 (1.9719799)(0.284)

Wp= 18.01650943 lbs.

Wg= ρgVg
Wg= 4 (25.6)2 (1.9719799)(0.284)

Wg= 288.2641509 lbs.

Design of Transmitting Gears

Gear Design Consideration:

 14 ½ deg. involute
 1:1 speed ratio
 8- 10 hrs. /day operation
 Rpm of gear1= 50
 Rpm of gear2= 50
 Diameter of gear 1= 10 in.

Interference in Involute gears

Tp² + 2Tp Tg = sin²ф


Tp = number of teeth of pinion

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Tg = number of teeth of gear

m = product of diametral pitch and addendum, 1 from Table 11-1 Gear Tooth proportions,
Addendum is 1/P; hence, m =1 (Doughtie and Vallance, p.262)

Since Np/Ng = 1, so Tg/Tp= 1

Therefore Tp = Tg; thus,

Tp² + 2(Tp) Tp = sin²14.5°

0.188070439Tp² -4Tp -4 = 0

−b ± √b²−4ac
Tp =

4 ± √−4²−4(0.188070439Tp2 )(−4)
Tp =

Tp = 22.22557092≈ 23 teeth

According to Faires, p.362, in the 14 ½ deg. full depth system, a gear with 32 teeth or more will
have no interference with a rack (or any other gear). I select Tg1= 50 teeth to attain a standard
diametral pitch of 5.

Solving the number of teeth on mating gear

Tg2/Tg1= 1

Tg2= 50 teeth

Solving for the Diametral Pitch

P=𝐷 Diametral pitch varies by increments of 1/4 from 1/4
50 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ
to 2, ½ from 2 to 5 (Doughtie and Vallance, p.262)
P= 10 𝑖𝑛.

P= 5 teeth/in.

Solving the Circular Pitch

Pc= 𝑇
Circular pitch of gear1 = Circular pitch of gear2

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Pc= 50

Pc= 0.6283185307 in. /teeth

Solving for the Pitch line Velocity

V= 2𝜋𝑅𝑁

V= 2𝜋 (2×12) (50)

V= 130.8996939 ft. /min

Solving for Tangential Force at the pitch line

From eq.11-15 (Doughtie and Vallance, p.270)

33000 Hp
Ft =
Fs ν


Transmitted power = 9.355329749 hp

Fs = service factor, 0.65 from Table 11-4, Service Factors

ν= pitch line velocity= 130.8996939 ft. /min

Ft = transmitted force which is the tangential component

33000 x 9.355329749
Ft = 0.65( 130.8996939 )

Ft = 3628.449241 lb

Solving for the face width

For both gears:

To get Y, from the Table 11-2, Form Factors for the Lewis equation with Np = 32. (Doughtie and
Vallance, p.268)

By interpolation:

No. of teeth Y

43 0.345

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

50 Yg1

60 0.358

50−43 𝑌−0.345
= 0.358−0.345

Yg1 =Yg2 = 0.3503529412

Using the Lewis equation:

Ft P(600+𝜈)
fg = SwY(600)

and using SAE 1050 as material for both pinion and gear with working stress, Sw= 35,000 psi.

for both gears:

3628.449241 (5)(600+ 130.8996439 )

fg1&2 =

fg1&2 =1.802286269 in.

8 12.5
The face widths are satisfactory because it is between 𝑃 𝑡𝑜 𝑃
or 1.6 to 2.5 in. Therefore, the

gears are well proportioned.

Computing the Dynamic loads on gear teeth (Earle Buckingham’s Method)

Total maximum instantaneous load on the tooth,

From equation 11-6 (Doughtie and Vallance, p. 272)

0.05ν ( Cf + Ft )
Fd = Ft + Fi = Ft +
0.05 ν +√Cf + Ft


Fd = total equivalent load applied at pitch line velocity or dynamic load, lb

Ft = tangential load required for power transmission

Fi = increment load (variable load), lb

C = a factor depending upon machining errors

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

ν= pith line velocity, 130.8996439ft. /min

f = face width, in.

From Fig. 11-12, Maximum Permissible error in gears at various speed, error in gear = .00039 for
pitch line velocity equal to 130.8996439ft. /min

Thus class 1, industrial gears cut with formed cutters will be used from Table 11-5, Maximum Error
in action between gear; e= 0.0022 for diametral pitch equal to 5.

From Table 11-6, Values of the dynamic factor, C the materials are both steel, error in gear is equal
to 0.0022 through interpolation, we get:

0.002 3200

0.0022 C

0.003 4800

C = 3520

Solving for Ft

33000 x 9.355329449
Ft = 1.0( 130.8996439)

Ft = 2358.491931 lb


0.05(130.8996439){(3520)(1.802286269)+2358.491931 }
Fd = = 2358.491931 +
0.05 (130.8996439) +√ (3520 x 1.802286269) +2358.491931

Fd =2929.028103 lb

Design of Spur gear for wear

The load limit for wear is expressed by the eq. 11-20 (Doughtie and Vallance, p.275)
Dg f S²ew sinф 2Ng2 1 1
Fw = x x( + )
1.4 Ng1+Ng2 Eg1 Eg2


Sew = using BHN 350 with surface endurance limit, 130,000psi from Table 11-7, Fatigue
limits of gear materials for steel. (Doughtie and Vallance, p. 275)

Ng = number of teeth of the gear, 50

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Np = number of teeth of the pinion, 50

Ep = modulus of elasticity for steel, 30x10⁶ psi from Table 2-1 General properties of
commonly used material for steel. (Doughtie and Vallance, p.11)

Dg = pitch diameter of gear, 10 in.

f = face width, 1.802286269 in.

8𝑥 1.802286269 𝑥130000² 𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑛14.5 2(40) 1 1
Fw = x x( + )
1.4 40+40 30x10⁶ 30x10⁶

Fw = 3631.539949 lb

The value of Fw is not less than the value of dynamic load Fd, therefore it is satisfactory.

Solving for the weight of gear 1 and 2

Density of steel, ρ= 0.284 lb. /in3

Wg1= ρg1Vg1
Wg1= 4 (10)2 (1.802286269)(0.284)

Wg1= 40.20055005 lbs.

Wg1= Wg2

Design of Line Shaft

4 in. 10 in. 4 in.


Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for the forces acting on the pinion (speed reducer)


Ф Ft= 1871.0653 lb

Fh/Ft= tan Ф
Fh= 1871.0653 tan 14.5ᵒ

Fh= 483.8903881 lb


Solving the horizontal and vertical forces on belt

F1h Ф



Solving for the angle of contact
sin Ф= 2𝑐

sin Ф=

Ф= 15.07831658ᵒ

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Horizontal components:

F1h= F1 cos Ф F2h= F2 cos Ф

F1h= 579.609829 cos 15.07831658ᵒ F2h= 264.4830416 cos 15.07831658ᵒ

F1h= 559.6545285 lb F2h= 255.3771943 lbs.

Vertical components:

F1v= F1 sin Ф F2v= F2 sin Ф

F1v= 579.609829 sin 15.07831658ᵒ F2v= 264.4830416 sin 15.07831658ᵒ

F1v= 150.7791849 lb F2v= 68.80238297 lbs.

Solving vertical forces acting on line shaft

At point B:

FBv= W2+ F1v- F2v

FBv= 1125.946807+150.7791849 -68.80238297

FBv= 1207.923609 lb (downward)

At point D:

FDv= Wp – Ft

FDv= 18.01650943-1871.0653

FDv= -1853.048791 lb (upward)

Load Diagram:

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

[∑ 𝑀𝐶 = 0]

1207.923609 (10) + 1853.048791 (4) = RA (14)

RAV= 1392.24509 lb

[∑ 𝑀𝐴 = 0]

1207.923609 (4) + Rc (14) = 1853.048791 (18)

RCV= 2037.370272 lb

Shear and Moment Diagrams:

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for the horizontal forces acting on the line shaft

At point B:

FBh= F1h + F2h

FBh= 559.6545285+255.3771943

FBh= 815.0317228 lb (downward)

At point D:

FDh= Fh

FDh= -483.8903881 lb (upward)

Load Diagram:

[∑ 𝑀𝐶 = 0]

815.0317228(10) + 483.8903881(4) = RA (14)

RAH= 720.4199129 lb

[∑ 𝑀𝐴 = 0]

815.0317228 (4) + Rc (14) = 483.8903881 (18)

RCH= 389.2785782 lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Shear and Moment Diagrams:

Data for load in line shaft:

Section Vertical, lbs. Horizontal, lbs. Resultant, lbs.

A 1392.24509 720.41991129 1567.594093

B 1207.923609 815.0317228 1457.17403
C 2037.370272 389.2785782 2074.226467
D 1853.048791 483.899129 1915.188813
* Letters in bold represent point location of bearings.

Data for moment in line shaft:

Section Vertical, in-lbs. Horizontal, in-lbs. Resultant, in-lbs.

A 0 0 0
B 5568.980316 2881.679652 6270.376335
C 7412.195164 1935.561552 7660.746417
D 0 0 0
* Letters in bold represent point location of bearings.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Maximum resultant moment is at section C.

M= 7660.746417 in-lb

Solving for the maximum torque


T= 2𝜋×200

T= 498.9507466 ft- lb (12in. /ft.)

T= 5987.408959 in- lbs.

Solving for the required diameter of line shaft

0.5𝜎𝑦𝑝 16
𝜏 max = 𝐹𝑠
= 𝜋𝑑3 √(𝐶𝑚𝑀)2 + (𝐶𝑡𝑇)²


𝜏 max = maximum shear stress = 8000 psi for commercial shafting

σyp = yield point stress

Fs = factor of safety

D = diameter of the shaft

M = maximum moment, 7660.746417 in- lb

T = maximum steady torque, 5987.408959 in- lb

Cm = shock and fatigue factor due to be applied for the computed bending moment, 1.5 from Table
3-1 constants for ASME Code or rotating shafts with gradually applied or steady load (Spotts, .157)

Ct = shock and fatigue factor due to be applied for the computed torque, 1.0 from Table 3-1
constants for ASME Code or rotating shafts with gradually applied or steady load (Spotts, .157)

From ASME Code B17C -1927, Section 21, p.171 recommends that the working stress, 𝜏 max in shear
be taken at 8000 psi for “commercial shafting”. For shafts with keyway, shear stress be reduced to


Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

8000(0.75) = 𝜋𝑑3 √(1.5 𝑥 7660.746417 )2 + (1.0 𝑥 5987.408959 )²

d= 2.223886076 in.

From transmission shafting diameters, Art. 9.5, p.269, Faires. I select 2 7/16 in. diameter shaft to be
reduced to the diameter equal to the bore of the bearing.

Design of bearings for line shaft

Bearing design consideration:

 Rotating inner race at 200 rpm

 Moderate shock load
 Expected life of 8 years
 80% chance that the bearing will meet its desired life.

Maximum actual radial load of the bearing is at point C= 2074.226467 lb

From eq. 9-17 by Doughtie and Vallance, p.209

Fc = (KaKl) Ko Kp Ks Kt Fr


Fc = catalog rating of bearing, lb (Table 9-7 & 9-8)

Fr = actual radial load on the bearing, 2074.226467 lb

Ka = application factor taking into account the amount of shock (Table 9-4), 1.3
Kl =∛ , life factor
𝐻𝑐 𝐾𝑟𝑒𝑙

Ha = desired life of bearing, hours of use

Hc = catalog rated life, 10,000 hrs.

Krel = reliability factor (Table 9-3), 2.0

Ha = 29200 hrs.

Hc = 10000 hrs.
Kl = ∛2.0 𝑥 10000 = 1.134447194

Ko = oscillation factor, 1.0 for constant rotational speeds of the races

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Kp = preloading factor, 1.0 for non-preloaded roller bearings

𝐾𝑟 𝑁𝑎
Ks =∛ 𝑁𝑐
, speed factor

Na = rotational speed of bearing, 200 rpm

Nc = catalog rated rotational speed, 500 rpm

Kr = rotational factor, 1.0

1.0 (200 )
Ks = ∛ 500
= 0.7368062997

Kt = thrust factor, 1.0 for no thrust-load component


Fc = (1.3 x 1.134447194) (1.0) (1.0) (0.7368062997) (1.0) (2074.226467)

Fc = 2253.912954 lb

From Table 9-8, Typical radial capacity Fc of straight cylindrical roller bearings, I select SAE 212 with
Fc of 2760 lbs. and bearing bore of 2.3622 in. The shaft can be reduced so that the bearing can be

Key design for line shaft

For shaft diameter of 2.3622 in., from Table AT 19, Key Dimensions (Faires, p.594)

5 7
b = ′′ t= ′′
8 16

Material used: AISI C1045 WQT1000, from Table AT 8, Typical properties of steel, Faires, p.578;

σu= 94,000 psi

σyp= 59,000 psi

Solving for the maximum torque

P= 2𝜋𝑇𝑁

19 hp (33000) = 2πT (200)

T= 498.9507466 ft. –lb (12 in. / ft.)

T= 5987.408959 in- lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for the force


F= 2.3622

F = 5069.349724 lb

Solving for the length of the key

From Table 1.1, Factors of safety, for repeated, one direction, gradual, based on yield strength, Fs =


Based on the bearing stress of the key:

σyp 𝐹
𝐹𝑠 𝐴

59000 5069.349724
= 7/16
3.0 𝐿

L = 1.178347636 in.

Based on the shearing stress of the key:

0.5σyp 𝐹

0.5(59000) 5069.349724
= 5
( )𝐿

L = 0.8248433449 in.

Therefore, I use L = 1.178347636 in. and 5/8 x 16 in. key. The length of the key is satisfactory for

sheave and pinion.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Bolt design for the bearings on line shaft

 No. of bolts= 2

 Bearing type: Pillow block

 Material of bolts: AISI C1045 WQT1000

From Table AT 8, Typical properties of steel, Faires, p.578

σu= 94,000 psi

σyp= 59,000 psi

From Table 1.1, Factors of safety, for repeated, one direction, gradual, based on yield strength, Fs =

3.0, based on ultimate strength, Fs= 6.0.

Using vertical force:

Maximum downward vertical reaction is at point C, F=2037.370272 lb

σult 𝐹
= 2𝐴

94000 2037.370272
= 2𝐴

A= 0.06502245549 in2

Using horizontal force:

Maximum horizontal force is at point A, F=720.4199129 lb

0.5σyp 𝐹

0.5(59000) 720.4199129
= 2𝐴

A= 0.03663152099 in2

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

The safe stress area of the bolts is 0.06502245549 in2. From Table 6-1, Unified and American

National threads, coarse, fine, and extra- fine series, I select 3/8 in. – 16 UNC, Ar= 0.0775 in2, the

bolt body is not threaded.

Design of Shaft 1

Forces acting on the gear (speed reducer)

As previously calculated:

Ft= 1871.0653 lb

Fh Fh= 483.8903881 lb

Wg= 288.2641509 lb


Forces acting on transmitting gear 1

Ft Wg= 40.20055005 lb

Ft= 2358.491931 lb

Fh= Ft tan Ф
Fh= 2358.491931 tan 14.5ᵒ

Fh= 609.9474859 lb


Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving the maximum angle of shredding

Cutter Diameter= 284 mm (11.18110236 in.)



ᶿ Ф
r ᶿ Fh

b a
4.40944882 in.
Cos ɵ= 5.59055118 in.
in. ɵ= 37.93279089ᵒ
a= 11.18110236 in. – 10 in.
ᾳ= 180- ɵ
a= 1.18110236 in.
ᾳ= 180-37.93279089ᵒ
b= r-a
ᾳ= 142.0672091ᵒ
b= 5.59055118 in. - 1.18110236 in.
Ф= ᾳ-90ᵒ
b= 4.40944882 in.

Ф= 52.06720911ᵒ

Solving for the forces acting on the cutters of shaft 1

Total power consumption of shaft= 9.074670051 hp

No. of cutters per shaft= 15


9.074670051 hp(33000)= 2πT(50 rpm)

T= 953.2238731 ft-lb (12 in. /ft.)

T= 11438.68648 in-lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

F= 𝑟

11438.68648 in−lb
5.59055118 𝑖𝑛.

F= 2046.074905 lb
Force per cutter= 15

Force per cutter= 136.4049937 lb

Fh= F cos Ф

Fh= 136.4049937 lbs. cos 52.06720911ᵒ

Fh= 83.8531556 lb

Fv= F sin Ф

Fv= 136.4049937 lb sin 52.06720911ᵒ

Fv= 107.5870373 lb

Solving for the weight of the cutter

Wc= ρcvc

density of tungsten carbide, ρ= 0.564669574 lb. /in3

Wc= 4 × 11.18110236 2 × 1 ×0.564669574

Wc= 55.44386732 lb

Solving for the vertical forces acting on shaft 1

At point A:

FAV= Wg+Ft

FAV= 288.2641509 lb + 1871.0653 lb

FAV= 2159.329451 lb(downward)

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

At point C to Q:

F= WC - Fv

F= 55.44386732 lb - 107.5870373 lb

F= -52.14316998 lb (upward)

At point S:

FjV= Wg – Ft

FjV= 40.20055005 lb -2358.491931 lb

FjV= -2318.291381 lb (upward)

Load Diagram:

[∑ 𝑀𝐼 = 0]

2159.329451 (48.5) +2318.291381 (4) = 52.14316998 (337.5) +RBV (44.5)

RBV= 2166.34436 lb

[∑ 𝑀𝐵 = 0]

2159.329451 (4) +52.14316998 (330) + 2318.291381 (48.5) = RRV (44.5)

RIV= 3107.45384 lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Shear and Moment Diagrams:

Solving for the horizontal forces acting on shaft 1

At point A:

FAH= Fh (reducer)

FAH= 483.8903881 lb (downward)

At point C to Q:

F= Fh (cutter)

F= 83.8531556 lb (downward)

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

At point S:

FjH= Fh (transmitting gear)

FjH= 609.9474859 lb (downward)

Load Diagram:

[∑ 𝑀𝐼 = 0]

483.8903881 (48.5) +83.8531556 (337.5) = 609.9474859 (4) +RBH (44.5)

RBH= 1108.524357 lb

[∑ 𝑀𝐵 = 0]

83.8531556 (330) +609.9474859 (48.5) = RRH (44.5) + 483.8903881 (4)

RIH= 1243.110851 lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Shear and Moment Diagrams:

Data for Load in Shaft 1

Section Vertical, lb Horizontal, lb Resultant, lb

A 2159.329451 483.890388 2212.883545

B 2166.3446 1108.524357 2433.490114
C 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
D 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
E 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
F 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
G 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
H 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
I 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
J 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
K 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
L 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
M 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
N 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
O 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
P 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
Q 52.14316998 83.8531556 98.74341436
R 3107.45384 1243.110851 3346.87824
S 2318.291381 609.9474859 2337.188116
* Letters in bold represent point location of bearings.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Data for Moment in Shaft 1

Section Vertical, in-lb Horizontal, in-lb Resultant, in-lb

A 0 0 0
B -8637.317804 -1935.561552 8851.534181
C -8605.750714 875.2913081 8650.149145
D -8457.85516 2227.243341 8746.19499
E -8179.602394 3369.562486 8846.459556
F -7770.991347 4302.248741 8882.434956
G -7232.021624 5025.302107 8806.576976
H -6562.694727 5538.722584 8587.572995
I -5763.009905 5842.510173 8206.534487
J -4832.967157 5936.664872 7655.165664
K -3772.566485 5821.186682 6936.747961
L -2451.449963 5496.075603 6018.010797
M -999.9755163 4961.331636 5061.102907
N 581.8568557 4216.954779 4216.954779
O 2294.047152 3263.945033 3988.666773
P 4136.595374 2099.302398 4638.802846
Q 8082.407668 726.0268746 8114.950939
R 9273.165524 -2439.789951 9588.752465
S 0 0 0

* Letters in bold represent point location of bearings.

Solving for the required diameter of Shaft 1

Maximum resultant moment is at section R. M= 9588.752465 in-lb

0.5𝜎𝑦𝑝 16
𝜏 max = 𝐹𝑠
= 𝜋𝑑3 √(𝐶𝑚𝑀)2 + (𝐶𝑡𝑇)²


𝜏 Max = maximum shear stress

σyp = yield point stress

Fs = factor of safety

D = diameter of the shaft

M = maximum moment,

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

T = maximum steady torque,

𝐻𝑝 33000 18.43( 33000)

T= = = 1935.928897 lb-ft. (12in. /ft.)
2𝜋𝑁 2𝜋(50)

T= 23231.14676 in-lb

Cm = shock and fatigue factor due to be applied for the computed bending moment, 1.5 form Table
3-1 constants for ASME Code or rotating shafts with gradually applied or steady load (Spotts, .157)

Ct = shock and fatigue factor due to be applied for the computed torque, 1.0 from Table 3-1
constants for ASME Code or rotating shafts with gradually applied or steady load (Spotts, .157)

Recommended working stress, 𝜏 max for the commercial shafting is 8000 psi. For shafts with keyway,
shear stress be reduced to 75%.

From ASME Code B17C -1927, Section 21, p.171


8000(0.75) = 𝜋𝑑3 √(1.5 𝑥 9588.752465 )2 + (1.0 𝑥23231.14676 )²

d = 2.8517865519 in.

From machinery shafting diameters, Art. 9.5, p.269, Faires. I select 3 7/16 in. diameter shaft to be
reduced to the diameter equal to the bore of the bearing.

Design of Bearings for Shaft 1

Bearing design consideration:

 Rotating inner race at 50 rpm

 Moderate shock load
 Expected life of 8 years
 80% chance that the bearing will meet its desired life.

Maximum actual radial load of the bearing is at point R= 3346.87824 lb

From eq. 9-17 by Doughtie and Vallance, p.209

Fc = (KaKl) Ko Kp Ks Kt Fr

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015


Fc = catalog rating of bearing, lb (Table 9-7 & 9-8)

Fr = actual radial load on the bearing, 3346.87824 lb

Ka = application factor taking into account the amount of shock (Table 9-4), 1.3
Kl =∛𝐻𝑐 𝐾𝑟𝑒𝑙, life factor

Ha = desired life of bearing, hours of use

Hc = catalog rated life, 10,000 hrs.

Krel = reliability factor (Table 9-3), 2.0

Ha = 29200 hrs.

Hc =10000 hrs.
Kl = ∛2.0 𝑥 10000 = 1.134447194

Ko = oscillation factor, 1.0 for constant rotational speeds of the races

Kp = preloading factor, 1.0 for non-preloaded roller bearings

𝐾𝑟 𝑁𝑎
Ks =∛ , speed factor

Na = rotational speed of bearing, 50 rpm

Nc = catalog rated rotational speed, 500 rpm

Kr = rotational factor, 1.0

1.0 (50 )
Ks = ∛ 500
= 0.4641588834

Kt = thrust factor, 1.0 for no thrust-load component


Fc = (1.3 x 1.134447194) (1.0) (1.0) (0.4641588834) (1.0) (3346.87824 lb)

Fc = 2291.048153 lb

From Table 9-8, Typical radial capacity Fc of straight cylindrical roller bearings, I select SAE 217 with
Fc of 35600 lbs and bearing bore of 3.3465 in. The shaft can be reduced so that the bearing can be

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Key design for Shaft 1

For shaft diameter of 2.7559 in., from Table AT 19, Key Dimensions (Faires, p.594)

7 5
b = 8 ′′ t= 8

Material used: AISI C1045 WQT1000, from Table AT 8, Typical properties of steel, Faires, p.578;

σu= 94000 psi

σyp= 59,000 psi

Solving for the maximum torque

P= 2𝜋𝑇𝑁

18.43(33000) = 2πT (50)

T = 1935.928897 lb-ft. (12in. /ft.)

T= 23231.14676 in-lb

Solving for the force


F= 3.3465

F = 13883.84686 lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for the length of the key

From Table 1.1, Factors of safety, for repeated, one direction, gradual, based on yield strength, Fs =


Based on the bearing stress of the key:

σyp 𝐹
𝐹𝑠 𝐴

59000 13883.84686
= 5/8

L = 2.259066608 in.

Based on the shearing stress of the key:

0.5σyp 𝐹

0.5(59000) 13883.84686
= 7
3.0 ( )𝐿

L = 1.613619006 in.

Therefore, I use L = 2.259066608 in.and in. x 5/8 key. The length of the key is greater than face

width of reducer gear and transmitting gear. Therefore, the hub length of both gears must be

increased to accommodate the key.

Bolt design for the bearings on shaft 1

 No. of bolts= 2

 Bearing type: Pillow block

 Material of bolts: AISI C1045 WQT1000

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

From Table AT 8, Typical properties of steel, Faires, p.578;

σu= 94,000 psi

σyp= 59,000 psi

From Table 1.1, Factors of safety, for repeated, one direction, gradual, based on yield strength, Fs =

3.0, based on ultimate strength, Fs= 6.0.

Using vertical force:

Maximum downward vertical reaction is at point R, F= 3107.45384 lb

σult 𝐹
= 2𝐴

94000 3107.45384
= 2𝐴

A= 0.09917405872 in2

Using horizontal force:

Maximum horizontal force is at point R, F=1243.110851 lb

0.5σyp 𝐹

0.5(59000) 1243.110851
= 2𝐴

A= 0.06320902632 in2

The safe stress area of the bolts is 0.09917405872 in2. From Table 6-1, Unified and American

National threads, coarse, fine, and extra- fine series, I select 7/16 in. – 14 UNC, Ar= 0.1063 in2, the

bolt body is not threaded.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Mounting of cutters for shaft 1

To attach the cutters to the shaft, set screws will be used for ease of installation and removal.

No. of setscrews: 1

Material used: AISI C1045 WQT1000

From Table AT 8, Typical properties of steel, Faires, p.578

σu= 94000 psi

σyp= 59000 psi

From Table 1.1, Factors of safety, for repeated, one direction, gradual, based on yield strength, Fs =

3.0, based on ultimate strength, Fs= 6.0.

Solving for the maximum force due to torque of cutter in shaft 1:

P= 2πTN

9.074670051 ℎ𝑝
= (33,000) = 2𝜋𝑇(50 𝑟𝑝𝑚)

T= 63.5482582 ft. - lbs. (12 in. /ft.)

T= 762.5790984 in. lb

F= 𝑟

762.5790984 𝑖𝑛.−𝑙𝑏
F= 1
2.7559 𝑖𝑛.( )

F= 553.4156525 lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

0.5σyp 𝐹
𝐹𝑠 𝐴

0.5(59000psi) 553.4156525
= 𝐴

A= 0.05627955788 in2

From Table 6-1, Unified and American National threads, coarse, fine, and extra- fine series, I select

3/8in. – 16 UNC, Ar= 0.0775 in2.

Design of Shaft 2


Forces acting on transmitting gear in shaft 2

Wg= 40.20055005 lb

Ft= 2358.491931 lb

Fh Fh= Ft tan Ф

Fh= 2358.491931tan 14.5ᵒ

Fh= 609.9474859 lb

Ft Wg

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving the maximum angle of shredding Ft F

ᶿ r Fh

a b

8 in.
4.409448819 in.
Cos ɵ= 5.590551181 in.
a= 11.18110236 in. – 10 in.
ɵ= 37.93279089ᵒ
a= 1.181102362 in.
ᾳ= 180- ɵ
b= r-a
ᾳ= 180-37.93279089ᵒ
b= 5.590551181 in. - 1.181102362 in.
ᾳ= 142.0672091ᵒ
b= 4.409448819 in.
Ф= ᾳ-90ᵒ


Ф= 52.06720911ᵒ

Solving for the forces acting on the cutters of shaft 2

Total power consumption of shaft= 9.07467005 hp

No. of cutters per shaft= 15


9.074670051 hp(33000)= 2πT(50 rpm)

T= 953.2238731 ft-lb (12 in. /ft.)

T= 11438.68648 in-lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

F= 𝑟

11438.68648 in−lb
5.590551181 𝑖𝑛.

F= 2046.074906 lb
Force per cutter= 15

Force per cutter= 136.4049937 lb

Solving for the weight of the cutter

Wc= ρcvc

density of tungsten carbide, ρ= 0.564669574 lb. /in3

Wc= 4 × 11.18110236 2 × 1 ×0.564669574

Wc= 55.44386732 lb

Fh= F cos Ф

Fh= 136.4049937 lbs. cos 52.06720911ᵒ

Fh= 83.8531556 lb

Fv= F sin Ф

Fv= 136.4049937 lbs. sin 52.06720911ᵒ

Fv= 107.5870373 lb

Solving for the vertical forces acting on shaft 2

At point B to P:

F= Wc+Fv

F= 55.44386732 lb + 107.5870373 lb

F= 163.0309046 lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

At point R:

FRV= Ft+Wg

FRV= 2358.491931 lb + 40.20055005 lb

FRV= 2398.692481 lb

Load Diagram:

[∑ 𝑀𝐻 = 0]

163.0309046 (318.75) +2398.692481 (4) = RAV (44.5)

RAV= 1383.390354 lb

[∑ 𝑀𝐴 = 0]

RHV (44.5) +163.0309046 (348.75) = 2398.692481 (48.5)

RHV= 1336.619266 lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Shear and Moment Diagrams:

Solving for the horizontal forces acting on shaft 2

At point B-P:

F= Fh (cutter)

F= 83.8531556 lb

At point I:

FIH= Fh (transmitting gear)

FIH= 609.9474859 lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Load Diagram:

[∑ 𝑀𝐻 = 0]
83.8531556 (318.75) = RAH (44.5) + 609.9474859 (4)
RAH= 545.8068181 lb
[∑ 𝑀𝐴 = 0]
83.8531556 (348.75) +609.9474859 (48.5) = RQH (44.5)
RHH= 1321.938002

Shear and Moment Diagrams:

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Data for Load in Shaft 2

Section Vertical, lb Horizontal, lb Resultant, lb

A 1383.390354 545.8068181 1487.16978

B 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
C 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
D 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
E 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
F 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
G 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
H 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
I 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
J 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
K 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
L 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
M 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
N 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
O 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
P 163.0309046 83.8531556 183.3314691
Q 1336.619266 1321.938002 1879.912536
R 2398.692481 609.9474859 2475.027587
* Letters in bold represent point location of bearings.

Data for Moment in Shaft 2

Section Vertical, in-lb Horizontal, in-lb Resultant, in-lb

A 0 0 0
B -7954.494536 -3138.389204 8551.226235
C -11005.39316 -4293.27336 11813.16531
D -13648.71452 -5238.524628 14619.49207
E -15884.45862 -5974.143006 16970.75161
F -17712.62546 -6500.128495 18867.6647
G -19133.21504 -6816.481095 20311.18737
H -20146.22735 -6923.200807 21302.60984
I -20751.66241 -6820.287779 21843.71347
J -20949.5202 -6507.741712 21937.02575
K -20739.80073 -5985.562756 21586.25247
L -20122.504 -5253.750912 20797.04464
M -19097.63001 -4312.306178 19578.44367
N -17665.17876 -3161.228555 17945.80471
O -15825.15024 -1800.518043 15927.24852
P -13577.54447 -230.1746423 13519.50402
Q -9594.76992 2439.789944 9900.110342
R 0 0 0
* Letters in bold represent point location of bearings.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for the required diameter of Shaft 2

Maximum resultant moment is at section J. M= 21937.02575 in-lb

0.5𝜎𝑦𝑝 16
𝜏 max =
𝜋𝑑 3
√(𝐶𝑚𝑀)2 + (𝐶𝑡𝑇)²


𝜏 Max = maximum shear stress

σyp = yield point stress

Fs = factor of safety

D = diameter of the shaft

M = maximum moment,

T = maximum steady torque,

𝐻𝑝 33000 9.07467005( 33000)

T= = = 953.223873 lb.-ft. (12in. /ft.)
2𝜋𝑁 2𝜋(50)

T= 11438.68648 in-lb

Cm = shock and fatigue factor due to be applied for the computed bending moment, 1.5 form Table
3-1 constants for ASME Code or rotating shafts with gradually applied or steady load (Spotts, .157)

Ct = shock and fatigue factor due to be applied for the computed torque, 1.0 from Table 3-1
constants for ASME Code or rotating shafts with gradually applied or steady load (Spotts, .157)

Recommended working stress, 𝜏 max for the commercial shafting is 8000 psi. For shafts with keyway,
shear stress be reduced to 75%.

From ASME Code B17C -1927, Section 21, p.171


8000(0.75) = 𝜋𝑑3 √(1.5 𝑥 21937.02575)2 + (1.0 𝑥11438.68648 )²

d = 3.092335617 in

For shaft size, from transmission shafting diameters, Art. 9.5, p.269, Faires. I select 3 7/16 in.
diameter shaft to be reduced to the diameter equal to the bore of the bearing as the same for shaft

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Design of Bearings for Shaft 2

Bearing design consideration

 Rotating inner race at 50 rpm

 Moderate shock load
 Expected life of 8 years
 80% chance that the bearing will meet its desired life.

Maximum actual radial load of the bearing is at point Q= 1879.912536 lb

From eq. 9-17 by Doughtie and Vallance, p.209

Fc = (KaKl) Ko Kp Ks Kt Fr


Fc = catalog rating of bearing, lb (Table 9-7 & 9-8)

Fr = actual radial load on the bearing, 1879.912536 lb

Ka = application factor taking into account the amount of shock (Table 9-4), 1.3
Kl =∛ , life factor
𝐻𝑐 𝐾𝑟𝑒𝑙

Ha = desired life of bearing, hours of use

Hc = catalog rated life, 10,000 hrs.

Krel = reliability factor (Table 9-3), 2.0

Ha = 29200 hrs.

Hc =10000 hrs.
Kl = ∛2.0 𝑥 10000 = 1.134447194

Ko = oscillation factor, 1.0 for constant rotational speeds of the races

Kp = preloading factor, 1.0 for non-preloaded roller bearings

𝐾𝑟 𝑁𝑎
Ks =∛ 𝑁𝑐
, speed factor

Na = rotational speed of bearing, 50 rpm

Nc = catalog rated rotational speed, 500 rpm

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Kr = rotational factor, 1.0

1.0 (50 )
Ks = ∛ 500
= 0.4641588834

Kt = thrust factor, 1.0 for no thrust-load component


Fc = (1.3 x 1.134447194) (1.0) (1.0) (0.4641588834) (1.0) (1879.912536)

Fc = 1286.861916 lb

From Table 9-8, Typical radial capacity Fc of straight cylindrical roller bearings, I select SAE 217 with
Fc of 5600 lbs. and bearing bore of 3.3465 in The shaft can be reduced so that the bearing can be

Key design for Shaft 2

For shaft diameter of 3.3465 in, from Table AT 19, Key Dimensions (Faires, p.594)

7 5
b = ′′ t= ′′
8 8

Material used: AISI C1045 WQT1000, from Table AT 8, Typical properties of steel, Faires, p.578;

σu= 94,000 psi

σyp= 59,000 psi

Solving for the maximum torque

P= 2𝜋𝑇𝑁

9.07467005(33000)= 2πT(50)

T= 953.223873 ft-lb (12in/ft)

T= 11438.68648 in- lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for the force


F= 3.3465

F = 6836.208863 lb

Solving for the length of the key

From Table 1.1, Factors of safety, for repeated, one direction, gradual, based on yield strength, Fs =


Based on the bearing stress of the key:

σyp 𝐹
𝐹𝑠 𝐴

59000 6836.208863
= 5/8
3.0 𝐿

L = 1.1233229 in

Based on the shearing stress of the key:

0.5σyp 𝐹

0.5(59000) 6836.208863
= 5
( )𝐿

L = 0.794523064

Therefore, I use L = 1.1233229 in. and 7/8 x 8 in. key. The length of the key is satisfactory for the

transmitting gear in shaft 2.

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Bolt design for the bearings on shaft 2

 No. of bolts= 2

 Bearing type: Pillow block

 Material of bolts: AISI C1045 WQT1000

From Table AT 8, Typical properties of steel, Faires, p.578

σu= 94000 psi

σyp= 59000 psi

From Table 1.1, Factors of safety, for repeated, one direction, gradual, based on yield strength, Fs =

3.0, based on ultimate strength, Fs= 6.0.

Using vertical force:

Maximum downward vertical reaction is at point R, F=1336.619266

σult 𝐹
= 2𝐴

94000 1336.619266
= 2𝐴

A= 0.04265806168 in2

Using horizontal force:

Maximum horizontal force is at point B, F=1321.938002 lb

0.5σyp 𝐹

0.5(59000) 1321.938002
3.0 2𝐴

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

A= 0.06721718654 in2

The safe stress area of the bolts is 0.06721718654 in2. From Table 6-1, Unified and American

National threads, coarse, fine, and extra- fine series, I select 3/8 in. – 16 UNC, Ar= 0.0775 in2, the

bolt body is not threaded.

Mounting of cutters for shaft 2

To attach the cutters to the shaft, set screws will be used for ease of installation and removal.

No. of setscrews: 1

Material used: AISI C1045 WQT1000

From Table AT 8, Typical properties of steel, Faires, p.578

σu= 94000 psi

σyp= 59000 psi

From Table 1.1, Factors of safety, for repeated, one direction, gradual, based on yield strength, Fs =

3.0, based on ultimate strength, Fs= 6.0.

Solving for the maximum force due to torque of cutter in shaft 1:

P= 2πTN

9.074670051 ℎ𝑝
= (33,000) = 2𝜋𝑇(50 𝑟𝑝𝑚)

T= 63.5482582 ft. - lbs. (12 in. /ft.)

T= 762.5790984 in. lb

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

F= 𝑟

762.5790984 𝑖𝑛.−𝑙𝑏
F= 1
3.3465 𝑖𝑛.( )

F= 455.7472574 lb

0.5σyp 𝐹

0.5(59000psi) 455.7472574
= 𝐴

A= 0.0463547178 in2

From Table 6-1, Unified and American National threads, coarse, fine, and extra- fine series, I select

15/16in. – 18 UNC, Ar= 0.0524 in2.

Hopper Design

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

𝑡𝑎𝑛 30° =

𝑦3 = 36.14121763 𝑖𝑛.

tan 30° =

𝑦2 = 16.02487952 𝑖𝑛

𝑦1 = 𝑦3 −𝑦2

= 36.14121763 − 16.02487952

𝑦1 = 20.116338 𝑖𝑛.

Solving for Area of Hopper

𝐴𝑥 = 𝑏ℎ

= (11.61417323)(20.11633811)

𝐴𝑥 = 116.8173178 𝑖𝑛2

𝐴𝑇 = (20.86614173)(20.116338)

= 419.7503621 𝑖𝑛2

𝐴𝑦 = 𝐴 𝑇 − 𝐴𝑥

= 419.7503621 − 116.8173178

𝐴𝑦 = 302.9330443 𝑖𝑛2 × 2 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠

𝐴𝑦 = 605.8660886 𝑖𝑛2

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Solving for Volume of Hopper

𝑉𝐻 = 𝐴𝑦 (6 𝑓𝑡) (12 )

𝑉𝐻 = 25284.1753 𝑖𝑛3

Stresses on Hopper

Differential plane slices in a hopper

Bulk density of Cast iron = 0.25520833333 lb/in3

g = 32.2 ft/s2 x 12 in/ft = 386.4 in/s2

𝛾 = 𝜌𝐵 (𝑔)

𝑙𝑏 𝑖𝑛
𝛾 = 0.25520833333 3
(386.4 2 )
𝑖𝑛 𝑠

𝛾 = 98.6125
𝑖𝑛2 𝑠 2

Janssen Constant for hopper (KH)

Based on similar material from

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

𝜑 = 40° 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝜑𝜔 = 16.5° from Figure 4.7 Bounds Between mass and core flow (wedge shaped hopper)

1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜑𝜔
𝐾𝐻 = (𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜑𝜔 )
1 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑

1 − (𝑠𝑖𝑛40°)𝑐𝑜𝑠(2)(16.5°)
𝐾𝐻 = (𝑡𝑎𝑛16.5°)
1 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛40°

𝐾𝐻 = 0.08310790456

Material Dependent Constant

𝑁 = 1 − 𝐾𝐻 (𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛼 + 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜑𝜔 )

𝑁 = 1 − (0.08310790456)(𝑐𝑜𝑡30° + 𝑐𝑜𝑡16.5°)

𝑁 = 0.575485303

Vertical stress acting upward

𝜎𝑦 = 1+𝑚𝑁 ; 𝑦 = ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 ; m= 2(Coefficient indicating type of slice)

𝜎𝑦 =
1 + (2)(0.575485303)

𝜎𝑦 = −76.64586897 𝑝𝑠𝑖

Tangential stress acting upward

𝜎𝑡 =
1 + 𝑚𝑁

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

𝜎𝑡 =
1 + (2)(0.575485303)

𝜎𝑡 = −76.624495 𝑝𝑠𝑖

Normal stress acting upward

−𝛾𝑦𝐾𝐻 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜑𝜔
𝜎𝑡 =
1 + 𝑚𝑁

𝜎𝑡 =
1 + (2)(0.575485303)

𝜎𝑡 = −258.7598819 𝑝𝑠𝑖

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015



Motor 20 hp @ 500 rpm

C = 46.12916534 in
L = 183.3 in P= 20 hp
V –Belt νm= 2094.395102 ft./mi F1 = 579.609829 lb
n = 2 rubber V-belts F2 = 264.4830416 lb
1 3
b x t = 1 x in.
4 4

D1 = 16 in
Sheaves D2 = 40 in
T = 3.5 in

Material for gear and pinion:

SAE 1050
Pressure angle: 14.5 degrees P= 19 hp
Speed Reducer D1 = 6.4 in, T1= 32 teeth Ft= 1871.0653 lb
D2 = 25.6 in, T2= 125 teeth Fh= 483.8903881 lb
Diametral pitch = 5 TPI
Face width = 1.9719799 in
V= 335.1032164 ft. /min
Material for gears: SAE 1050
Pressure angle: 14.5 degrees
D1 = 10 in., T1= 50 teeth P= 9.355329949 hp
Transmitting Gears D2 = 10 in., T2= 50 teeth Ft= 1871.0653 lb
Diametral pitch = 5 TPI Fh= 609.9474859 lb
Face width = 1.802286269 in.
V= 130.8996939 ft. /min

Material: tungsten carbide Fv= 83.8531556 lb

Blades D = 284 mm Fh= 107.5870373 lb
Thickness= 20 mm

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Line Shaft:
Material used: AISI C1045 At section C
N = 200 rpm Mmax= 7660.746417 in- lb
D =2.3622 in T = 5987.408959 in- lb
L = 20 in

Shaft 1:
Material used: AISI C1045 At section B
N = 50 rpm Mmax= 9588.752465 in-lb
Shafts D =3.3465 in T = 23231.14676 in-lb
L = 52.5 in.

Shaft 2:
Material used: AISI C1045 At section F
N = 50 rpm Mmax= 21960.85232 in-lb
D =3.3456 in. T = 11438.68648 in-lb
L = 48.5

Line Shaft:
Ha = 29200 hrs.
SAE 212 straight cylindrical Fr = 2074.226467 lb
roller bearing
Bore = 2.3622 in

Shaft 1:
Bearings Ha = 29200 hrs.
SAE 217 straight cylindrical Fr = 3346.87824 lb
roller bearing
Bore = 3.3465 in

Shaft 2:
Ha = 29200 hrs.
SAE 217 straight cylindrical Fr = 1879.912536 lb
roller bearing
Bore = 3.3465 in

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Line shaft: 𝜏 xy= 9833.333333 psi

AISI C1045 σxy= 19666.66667 psi
b= 5/8 in.
t= 7/16 in
L= 1.178347636 in
Shaft 1: 𝜏 xy= 9833.333333 psi
AISI C1045 σxy= 19666.66667 psi
Keys b= 7/8 in.
t= 5/8 in.
L= 2.259066 in
Shaft 2: 𝜏 xy= 9833.333333 psi
AISI C1045 σxy= 19666.66667 psi
b= 7/8 in
t= 5/8 in
L= 1.12332229 in
Line Shaft:
Material: AISI C1045 WQT1000
2 pcs. 3/8 in -18 UNC, Ar= σ = 15666.66667 psi
0.0775 in2
Shaft 1:
Material: AISI C1045 WQT1000
2 pcs. 7/16 in -14 UNC, Ar= σ = 15666.66667 psi
Bolts 0.1063 in2
Shaft 2:
Material: AISI C1045 WQT1000
2 pcs. 3/8 in -16 UNC, Ar= 𝜏 = 9833.333333 psi
0.0775 in2
Shaft 1:
Material: AISI C1045 WQT1000
1 pc. 3/8in – 16 UNC, Ar= F= 553.4156525 lb
0.0775 in2
Shaft 2:
Set screws Material: AISI C1045 WQT1000
1pc. 15/16in – 18 UNC, Ar= F=841.1677012 lbs.
0.0524 in2

∝= 30° 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒

Hopper Height= 20.11633811 in 𝜎𝑛 = 258.7598819 psi

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015


Doughtie, V.L., &Vallance, A.(1978). Design of machine members(4thed.).New York: McGraw-Hill,


Spotts, M.F.(1991). Design of machine elements (6thed.). Singapore: Simon & Schuster (Asia) Pte Ltd.

Faires,V.M. (1965). Design of machine elements (4th ed. ). New York: Macmillan Company


Engineering Tool Box, electrical motors - Hp, torque and rpm. Retrieved from,

Folien SFPS, Hopper Design. Retrieved from,

Hopper Design. Retrieved from,

Twin-Shaft shredder GXT2140. Retrieved from,

Typical speed of shredders. Retrieved from,

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015


Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

Table of power versus torque and motor velocity in electric motors

Motor Velocity (rpm)

Power 3450 2000 1000 500


(in (in (in (in

hp kW (ftlbf) (Nm) (ftlbf) (Nm) (ftlbf) (Nm) (ftlbf) (Nm)
lbf) lbf) lbf) lbf)

1 0.75 18 1.5 2.1 32 2.6 3.6 63 5.3 7.1 126 10.5 14.2

1.5 1.1 27 2.3 3.1 47 3.9 5.3 95 7.9 10.7 189 15.8 21.4

2 1.5 37 3.0 4.1 63 5.3 7.1 126 10.5 14.2 252 21.0 28.5

3 2.2 55 4.6 6.2 95 7.9 10.7 189 15.8 21.4 378 31.5 42.7

5 3.7 91 7.6 10 158 13.1 18 315 26.3 36 630 52.5 71

7.5 5.6 137 11 15 236 20 27 473 39 53 945 79 107

10 7.5 183 15 21 315 26 36 630 53 71 1260 105 142

15 11 274 23 31 473 39 53 945 79 107 1891 158 214

20 15 365 30 41 630 53 71 1260 105 142 2521 210 285

25 19 457 38 52 788 66 89 1576 131 178 3151 263 356

30 22 548 46 62 945 79 107 1891 158 214 3781 315 427

40 30 731 61 83 1260 105 142 2521 210 285 5042 420 570

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

50 37 913 76 103 1576 131 178 3151 263 356 6302 525 712

60 45 1096 91 124 1891 158 214 3781 315 427 7563 630 855

70 52 1279 107 145 2206 184 249 4412 368 499 8823 735 997

80 60 1461 122 165 2521 210 285 5042 420 570 10084 840 1140

90 67 1644 137 186 2836 236 321 5672 473 641 11344 945 1282

100 75 1827 152 207 3151 263 356 6302 525 712 12605 1050 1425

125 93 2283 190 258 3939 328 445 7878 657 891 15756 1313 1781

150 112 2740 228 310 4727 394 534 9454 788 1069 18907 1576 2137

175 131 3197 266 361 5515 460 623 11029 919 1247 22058 1838 2494

200 149 3654 304 413 6302 525 712 12605 1050 1425 25210 2101 2850

225 168 4110 343 465 7090 591 801 14180 1182 1603 28361 2363 3206

250 187 4567 381 516 7878 657 891 15756 1313 1781 31512 2626 3562

275 205 5024 419 568 8666 722 980 17332 1444 1959 34663 2889 3918

300 224 5480 457 620 9454 788 1069 18907 1576 2137 37814 3151 4275

350 261 6394 533 723 11029 919 1247 22058 1838 2494 44117 3676 4987

400 298 7307 609 826 12605 1050 1425 25210 2101 2850 50419 4202 5699

450 336 8221 685 929 14180 1182 1603 28361 2363 3206 56722 4727 6412

Twin-Shaft Metal Shredder 2015

550 410 10047 837 1136 17332 1444 1959 34663 2889 3918 69326 5777 7837

600 448 10961 913 1239 18907 1576 2137 37814 3151 4275 75629 6302 8549


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