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Essential Start Booklet – Level 6

Answer key


Page 2
a artistic, b brave, c friendly, d funny, e hard-working, f lazy, g naughty, h quiet,
i talkative, j sporty

Page 3
artistic O, brave O, funny O, hard-working P, naughty O, quiet P, sporty P,
talkative O, lazy O
1 sporty, 2 good, 3 hard-working, 4 quiet, 5 quiet, 6 good at Music
Student’s own answers

Page 4
Kevin: was, wasn’t, was, wasn’t, was; Maya: were, were, weren’t, weren’t, were
1 I wasn’t, 2 I wasn’t, 3 I was, 4 I was, 5 I was, 6 I wasn’t, 7 I was, 8 I was

Page 5
1 No, he wasn’t. 2 No, she wasn’t. 3 Yes, she was. 4 No, he wasn’t. 5 Yes, she was.
6 Yes, he was.
2 Was Elsie quiet? No, she wasn’t. 3 Were Tom and Bill naughty? No, they weren’t.
4 Was Elsie very artistic? Yes, she was. 5 Was Elsie lazy? No, she wasn’t.
6 Were Bill and Tom talkative? Yes, they were.

Page 6
1 wasn’t, was, 2 was, was, 3 were, weren’t, 4 were, wasn’t, 5 were, weren’t, were,
6 weren’t, was

Page 7
1 Yes, there was. 2 Yes, there were. 3 Yes, there was. 4 No, there weren’t.
5 No, there weren’t. 6 No, there wasn’t.

GO! Essential Start Booklet – Level 6
Answer key

Page 8
1 washing machine, 2 dishwasher, 3 tablet, 4 mobile phone, 5 solar panel,
6 quadcopter, 7 microwave, 8 Rubik’s cube
1 mobile phone, 2 solar panel, 3 dishwasher, 4 Rubik’s cube, 5 microwave,
6 washing machine

Page 9
1969, 2007, 2018, 2040
1 1950, 2 1970, 3 1980, 4 2010, 5 1980, 6 2010

Page 10
1 visited, filmed, 2 worked, designed, 3 looked, used, 4 listened, counted
2 She didn’t listen to music on her phone. 3 He used his tablet to study.
4 You didn’t play the keyboard at school. 5 I watched a musical at the cinema.
6 They didn’t design a solar panel. 7 She changed the TV channel.
8 He didn’t walk through the park.

Page 11
1 heated, microwave, 2 washed, washing machine, 3 talked, computer/laptop,
4 played, Rubik’s cube, 5 used, quadcopter, 6 moved, remote control
2 I didn’t use your hairbrush! 3 My dog didn’t jump on your bed! 4 I didn’t visit
Grandma when it was your turn to go! 5 I didn’t talk to our friends about your
problems! 6 I didn’t listen to you talking on the telephone!

Page 12
1 O, 2 P, 3 O, 4 O, 5 P, 6 P

Page 13
2 Did Lucas visit a museum? 3 Did Amelia talk on the phone?
4 Did Lucas and Amelia talk on the phone? 5 Did Lucas play the violin?
6 Did Amelia visit a museum?; 1 f, 2 c, 3 a, 4 e, 5 d, 6 b
1 No, he didn’t. 2 No, he didn’t. 3 No, he didn’t. 4 No, he didn’t. 5 No, he didn’t.
6 Yes, he did

GO! Essential Start Booklet – Level 6
Answer key

Page 14
Jean: very quiet, hard-working, artistic, sporty, Art, Art, English, Science, Music, playing
the recorder; Henry: very talkative, naughty, lazy, funny, Science, Science, Maths, PE,
1 Diego Velázquez painted Las Meninas (in) sixteen fifty-six, 2 Gustave Eiffel designed
the Eiffel Tower (in) eighteen eighty-nine, 3 Edmund Hillary climbed Mount Everest (in)
nineteen fifty-three, 4 Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon (in) nineteen sixty-nine,
5 Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (in) nineteen eighty-nine

Page 15
From left to right: 5, 4, 2, 1, 3
1 No, she wasn’t. 2 Yes, she was. 3 Yes, she did. 4 No, she didn’t. 5 Twice a year.
6 Yes, they were.

Page 16
1 He used a tablet. 2 No, he didn’t. (He designed a robotic car.) 3 Yes, he did.
4 He played basketball. 5 No, he didn’t. (He helped his parents.) 6 She lived in France.
1 naughty, 2 funny, 3 hard-working, 4 brave

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