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Who is your idol? Almost everyone has an idol, including me.

I also have my own

favourite idol. An idol is a person who has a big impact on our life in many ways and
this person can be inspiration source to walk on our life. That person whose qualifies
I particular admire is my father. My father is my favourite person in the world. This is
because my father is always there when I need him the most and I don’t know where
I would be today without him. He gave me a great life and I forever thankful for all he
does for me. Nobody can compare with my father.

My father is patient, caring and understanding. He has taught me to avoid fighting

on little things. He has always taught me to sacrifice things for others and face the
hardships of life with grace like I face success. I discuss my personal problems with
my father and he always guides me how to deal with them in the best possible
manner. Not only I even my friends discuss their personal issues with my father as
he has influenced their lives too. He also always listens to my ideas about successful
life diligently and shows me ways on how to reach that point. Even in bad situations
he keeps himself collected and cool and never loses his temper.

Besides that, my father is very careful regarding what I eat. He always insists me to
eat healthy stuff such as fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals.
He is an extremely loving person. I always enjoy spending time with him and learn
new things with him. He has taught me to swim. My father helps me in my studies
too. He does not allow me to take tuitions instead he personally sits with me to get
my problems solved. It is because of his grace I perform well in studies. My father is
the most precious gift of God to me. He is a loving father and the most gracious
person I have ever seen in my life. He wants me to become a good human being like
him. That is why he always teaches me to differentiate between wrong & right.

My father is always be by my side even if times do get tough. He has a never left
my side and I know he will always be there for me whether I am upset and crying or I
am celebrating a new accomplishment in my life. He always tries to cheer me up
whenever I am in a sad mood. He also has gifted me many things as envouragement
that I always wish to have. During the scool holidays, he will spends his time to bring
me and my family to travel. We have travelled to Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore.

My father is my idol not only because what he offers to me and gives back to me but
to other people too, he is a great son, husband, father and friend. All the qualities he
has as a person I hope one day and I can have the same and be just like him.

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