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The City School

Academic Year 2020-21

Class 5
Subject: English
Topic: Poetry Writing (Free Verse)
Worksheet # 4C

Student’s Name: ___________________ Date: ___________

By the end of this worksheet learners will be able to:
 write a free verse poem

Do you ever wish you had a day where you could do whatever you wanted? Maybe you
would eat chocolate cake for every meal and have recess all day long at school.
As wonderful as a day like this would be, the reality is that rules seem to be everywhere,
except for one type of poetry - free verse.

Free verse poems are poems with no specific rules or patterns that poets must follow
when writing. Free verse poems can be short or long and about any topic. They do not
have set number of words or syllables per line.

Free verse poems can be written about a wide variety of topics and can look very different
on the page. The poet only needs to think of a topic and figure out what he or she would
like to express to the reader through the poem.

Following are a few examples of free verse poetry.

Brussels Sprout
Figurative language can be used in poetry writing to evoke emotions in the reader.
Following are a few examples of figurative language:

1. Identify the figurative language used in the following example provided of free verse

2. Write a free verse poem on any ONE of the following topics. Don’t forget to use one or
more of the literary devices (figurative language) in your poem. (Word count: 100-120)
 Summers
 A Day at the Beach
 Ice cream

Free Verse Poetry Writing Checklist:
 Title
 Interesting word choice
 Use of figurative language
 Punctuation
 Correct spelling

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