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PST / JEST Test General Science Class 7 Unit.1 Human Organ Systems
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. The process of breaking down food into simple molecules is called?
Answer: Digestion

Q2. How many steps of digestion are there?

Answer: Five

Q3. How many groups of organs compose the digestive system?

Answer: Two

Q4. Which two groups of organs compose the digestive system?

Answer: Alimentary canal and Accessory digestive organs

Q5. Canal that extends from mouth to the anus is the?

Answer: Alimentary canal

Q6. Length of canal tract from mouth to anus is?

Answer: Seven meters

Q7. Mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus
consists of?
Answer: Alimentary canal

Q8. Teeth, liver, gall bladder and pancreas are included in?
Answer: Accessory digestive organs

Q9. Organ in which both chemical and physical digestion takes place is?
Answer: Mouth

Q10. Liquid of the mouth is called?

Answer: Saliva

Q11. Saliva contains the?

Answer: Enzymes


Q12. When food is reduced to semi-sold food in mouth, it is called?
Answer: Bolus

Q13. Food is moved from mouth to?

Answer: Oesophagus (Food pipe)

Q14. Pharynx is a muscular organ that connects?

Answer: Mouth to Oesophagus

Q15. Oesophagus transports the food from pharynx to the?

Answer: Stomach

Q16. What is shape of stomach?

Answer: J-shape

Q17. What is released from walls of stomach?

Answer: Gastric juice

Q18. Gastric juice released from stomach walls contains of?

Answer: Hydrochloric acid (HCL), water and enzyme

Q19. Large protein molecules are converted into small protein molecules by?
Answer: Enzymes

Q20. Food is softened and germs are killed by?

Answer: Hydrochloric acid

Q21. Chemical digestion of protein is started by?

Answer: Gastric juice

Q22. Bolus is converted into food called?

Answer: Chyme

Q23. After many hours (6-8) stomach empties its contents into the?
Answer: Small intestine


Q24. What is average length of small intestine?
Answer: Six meters

Q25. Bile is secreted by?

Answer: Liver

Q26. When Chyme enters in small intestine, it receives pancreatic juice from?
Answer: Pancreas

Q27. Which part of liver stores the bile?

Answer: Gall bladder

Q28. Which thing breaks down large sized fats into smaller pieces so that fats can be
digested faster by enzymes?
Answer: Bile

Q29. Pancreatic juice is secreted by?

Answer: Pancreas

Q30. Pancreatic juice is consisted of?

Answer: Enzymes

Q31. All proteins, fats and carbohydrates are digested in small intestine by?
Answer: Enzymes

Q32. Small protein molecules are broken down into?

Answer: Amino aids

Q33. Semi-carbohydrates are converted into?

Answer: Sugars

Q34. Fats are broken down into?

Answer: Fatty acids

Q35. Last part of small intestine is called?

Answer: Villa


Q36. Digested components of food are diffused through the walls of small intestine into
Answer: Blood stream

Q37. The process through which walls of small intestine diffuse digested food into blood
streams is called?
Answer: Absorption

Q38. Absorption only occurs in?

Answer: Small intestine

Q39. Glucose is used in?

Answer: Respiration process

Q40. Amino acids and fatty acids are used in the formation and growth of?
Answer: Cells

Q41. The undigested components of food move from small intestine to last part of
digestive system called?
Answer: Large intestine

Q42. Which things are absorbed in large intestine?

Answer: Water and mineral salts

Q43. Large intestine contains finger like projection called?

Answer: Appendix

Q44. All non-diffusible components of food move from large intestine to?
Answer: Rectum

Q45. Undigested food is converted into faeces in?

Answer: Rectum

Q46. Faeces are removed from the body by an opening called?

Answer: Anus


Q47. What are the disorders of digestive system?
Answer: Constipation, Diarrhea, Ulcer, Obesity

Q48. Fast downwards rhythmic action of digestive tract is called?

Answer: Diarrhea

Q49. Slow downwards rhythmic action of digestive tract is called?

Answer: Constipation

Q50. The disorder when energy input is greater that energy used is called?
Answer: Obesity

Q51. A process in which human beings inhale air through nose is called?
Answer: Breathing

Q52. A biochemical process during which carbohydrates are broken down to release
energy is called?
Answer: Respiration

Q53. Breathing is a?
Answer: Physical process

Q54. The Taking in of oxygen is called?

Answer: Inhalation

Q55. The giving out of carbon di-oxide is called?

Answer: Exhalation

Q56. Nose consists of how many nostrils?

Answer: Two

Q57. Mucus is secreted by?

Answer: Mucus glands

Q58. The air from nose passes through the pharynx into the?
Answer: Trachea


Q59. Where does larynx (Sound box) lie?
Answer: Neck

Q59. Trachea is supported by incomplete?

Answer: Cartilaginous rings

Q60. Trachea divides into two parts before lungs called?

Answer: Bronchi

Q61. Each bronchi enters the lungs into small?

Answer: Bronchioles

Q62. The bronchioles open in the air sacs called?

Answer: Alveoli

Q63. How many million alveoli are there in in lungs?

Answer: Seven million alveoli

Q64. Oxygen from atmosphere comes inside the?

Answer: Alveoli

Q65. Alveoli are surrounded by?

Answer: Blood capillaries

Q66. The oxygen from alveoli diffuse in?

Answer: Blood capillaries

Q67. Carbon di-oxide from the blood capillaries diffuse in?

Answer: Alveoli

Q68. Blood transports the oxygen to the?

Answer: Cells

Q69. Which membrane separates the lungs from abdominal cavity?

Answer: Diaphragm


Q70. Name the disorders of respiratory tract?
Answer: Asthma, TB, Pneumonia, cough, common cold

Q71. Which is infectious bacterial disease?

Answer: Tuberculosis

Q72. T.B is causes by?

Answer: Mycobacterium

Q73. Which is inherited disease of respiratory tract?

Answer: Asthma


PST / JEST Science Class 7 Unit.2 Transport System in Human and Plants
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Which system involves the circulation of blood?
Answer: Circulatory system

Q2. The supply of food, water, oxygen and collection of waste materials is called?
Answer: Transportation

Q3. How many kinds of blood vessels are there in human being?
Answer: Three (Arteries, capillaries and veins)

Q4. The blood vessels that carry blood from heart to other parts of the body are called?
Answer: Arteries

Q5.The largest artery in human body is?

Answer: Aorta

Q6. The blood vessels that carry blood from other parts of body to the heart are called?
Answer: Capillaries

Q7. The blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart are called?
Answer: Veins

Q8. Which is the only single vein that carries oxygenated blood?
Answer: Pulmonary vein

Q9. Fluid part of the blood is called?

Answer: Plasma

Q10. River of life is called?

Answer: Blood

Q11. Blood bank in the body is?

Answer: Spleen


Q12. Blood pressure is measured by?
Answer: Sphygmomanometer

Q13. Which organ is located between lungs and behind the sternum?
Answer: Heart

Q14. Which organ pumps the blood?

Answer: Heart

Q15. In how many chambers the heart is divided?

Answer: Four

Q16. Which side of heart receives deoxygenated blood from all parts of body?
Answer: Right side

Q17. Right side of heart pumps the deoxygenated blood towards the?
Answer: Lungs

Q18. Which part of heart receives oxygenated blood from lungs and pumps it to other
parts of body?
Answer: Left side

Q19. The two upper chambers receive blood through veins are called?
Answer: Atria

Q20. The two lower receive blood through atria are called?
Answer: Ventricles

Q21. Which cava collects blood from upper parts of the body?
Answer: Superior vena cava

Q22. Which cava collects blood from lower parts of the body?
Answer: Inferior vena cava

Q23. Which atrium receives deoxygenated blood form superior and inferior vena cava?
Answer: Right atrium


Q24. Which atrium receives oxygenated blood from lungs through pulmonary vein?
Answer: Left atrium

Q25. How many valves are found in human heart?

Answer: Four

Q26. Two valves are present between?

Answer: Atria and ventricles

Q27. Two valves are present between?

Answer: Ventricles and arteries

Q28. From where circulation of blood starts?

Answer: Right side of heart

Q29. Which are the disorders of the respiratory tract?

Answer: Angina, heart attack, hypertension, hypotension,

Q30. Hypertension is known as?

Answer: High blood pressure

Q31. Hypotension is known as?

Answer: Low blood pressure

Q32. Main reason of heart attack is?

Answer: Cholesterol

Q33. Who is considered father of heart transplantation?

Answer: Norman Shum way

Q34. The transport system in plants consists of?

Answer: Xylem and phloem

Q35. Which part transports water and mineral from roots to the leaves via the stem?
Answer: Xylem


Q36. Which part transports sugar produced in the leaves to all parts of plants?
Answer: Phloem

Q37. In roots, water absorption take place through the?

Answer: Root hairs

Q38. Water enters the root hair by?

Answer: Osmosis

Q39. A force that is involved in movement in water and dissolved minerals up in the
xylem is called?
Answer: Root pressure

Q40. Which is the movement of food materials from leaves to other tissues throughout
the plant?
Answer: Translocation


For PST / JEST Test Science Class 7 Unit.3 Reproduction in Plants
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Flowering plants are called?
Answer: Angiosperms

Q2. Non-flowering plants are called?

Answer: Gymnosperms

Q3. The transfer of pollen grains from another of a flower to the stigma of the same of
another flower is called?
Answer: Pollination

Q4. How many kinds of pollination are there?

Answer: Two (Self-pollination and cross-pollination)

Q5. Pollination in which one plant and flower is involved is called?

Answer: Self-pollination

Q6. Pollination in which more than one plant two flowers are involved is called?
Answer: Cross-pollination

Q7. Variety of plants are produced in?

Answer: Cross-pollination

Q8. What are the agents of cross-pollination?

Answer: Water, wind, insects and animals

Q9. How many methods of reproduction are there in plants?

Answer: Two (Sexual and asexual)

Q10. When sex cells (male and female) are involved in the production of offspring, then
this type of reproduction is called?
Answer: Sexual reproduction


Q11. When sex cells (male and female) are not involved in the production of offspring,
then this type of reproduction is called?
Answer: Asexual reproduction

Q12. Roots, stem and leaves also produce their offspring through?
Answer: Asexual reproduction

Q13. Which is important process of sexual reproduction?

Answer: Fertilization

Q14. The process in which fusion of male and female cells occur to develop a new plant
is called?
Answer: Fertilization

Q15. When pollen grains are converted into sperm sex cells, what is formed?
Answer: Pollen tube

Q16. Trough pollen tube sperm cells transfer from stigma to?
Answer: Ovary

Q17. What is present in ovules?

Answer: Egg sex cell

Q18. When sperms fuse with the egg cells, what is formed?
Answer: Zygote

Q19. Zygote undergoes repetitive cell division and develops into?

Answer: Embryo

Q20. Embryo is present in?

Answer: Ovule

Q21. Ovule enlarges and develops into?

Answer: Seed

Q22. Ovary enlarges and develops into?

Answer: Fruit
PST/JEST Science Class 7 Unit.4 Environment and Feeding Prelateships
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. A place in water or at land where biotic and a biotic components interact with each
other called?
Answer: Ecosystem

Q2. An ecological are in which species of animals, plants and all types of organisms live
Answer: Habitat

Q3. How many types of habitat are there according to its physical characteristics?
Answer: Two (Aquatic land and terrestrial land)

Q4. Examples of aquatic habitat are?

Answer: Lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and sea

Q5. Example of terrestrial habitat are?

Answer: Forest, grass land, desert and tundra

Q6. How many types of grass Lands are there?

Answer: Two (Temperate and tropical)

Q7. Areas below ice caps which are very cold regions are called?
Answer: Tundra

Q8. Polar bear, Arctic foxes, Snowy owl are inhabitant of?
Answer: Tundra

Q9. Condition when animals have prosperity to change their colour according to their
surrounding in order to hide from enemies is called?
Answer: Camouflage

Q10. Which condition take place on seasonal basis?

Answer: Migration


Q11. Winter sleep that helps animals to save energy and survive in winter is called?
Answer: Hibernation

Q12. Conditions in which animals slow their activity in hot and dry summer months is
Answer: Estivation

Q13. Conditions that help animals to survive with environmental changes are called?
Answer: Body coverings

Q14. Most organisms are active at temperatures between?

Answer: 0 centigrade and 45 centigrade

Q15. The transfer of energy by eatings is called?

Answer: Food chain

Q16. Food chain has?

Answer: Biotic factors

Q17. Food chain starts from?

Answer: Producers

Q18. Food chains are linked together to form a complex network called?
Answer: Food web


For PST/JEST General Science Class 7 Unit.5 Water
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. How much percentage of fresh water is used for crop irrigation?
Answer: 70% (Pakistan 93%)

Q2. How much percentage of fresh water is used in industries?

Answer: 20% (Pakistan 5%)

Q3. How much percentage of fresh water is used in domestic houses?

Answer: 10% (Pakistan 2%)

Q4. A way used to remove dissolved physical and chemical impurities from water is
Answer: Distillation

Q5. RO stands for?

Answer: Reverse Osmosis


For PST/JEST General Science Class 7 Unit.6 Structure of an Atom
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Neutrons and protons are present in?
Answer: Nucleus

Q2. How many times protons are heavier than electron?

Answer: 1836

Q3. Neutron and proton are collectively known as?

Answer: Nucleons

Q4. Where electrons are arranged in cell?

Answer: Shells around the nucleus

Q5. Which subatomic particles revolve around nucleus?

Answer: Electron

Q6. The specific number of protons present in the nucleus of every atom is called?
Answer: Atomic number

Q7. Atomic number is represented by which symbol?

Answer: Z

Q8. The sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atom is called?
Answer: Mass number

Q9. Mass number is represented by?

Answer: A

Q10. What is atomic number of carbon atom?

Answer: 6

Q11. How many protons does carbon atom have?

Answer: Six

Q12. How many neutrons does carbon atom have?

Answer: Six

Q13. What is the mass number of carbon atom?

Answer: 12


Q14. Who is father of modern periodic table?
Answer: Dmitri Mendeleev (1869)

Q15. Dimitri Mendeleev was basically?

Answer: Russian

Q16. How many groups are there in periodic table?

Answer: 18

Q17. The elements in a group have the same number of?

Answer: Electrons

Q18. How many total elements are there in periodic table?

Answer: 118

Q19. How many metals are there in periodic table?

Answer: 95

Q20. How many non-metals are there in periodic table?

Answer: 17

Q21. How many metalloids are there in periodic table?

Answer: 6

Q22. The number shown above the symbol of element is called?

Answer: Atomic number

Q23. The number shown below the symbol of element is called?

Answer: Mass number

Q24. Power of combining of an atom with other atoms to form molecules or compounds
is called?
Answer: Valence

Q25. The tendency to gain or loss an electron is also called?

Answer: Valence

Q26. The first orbit which is closest to nucleus is called?

Answer: K shell

Q27. The second orbit around nucleus is called?

Answer: L shell
Q28. The third orbit around nucleus is called?
Answer: M shell

Q29. Atoms of the same element which have same atomic number but different atomic
mass are called?
Answer: Isotopes

Q30. Isotopes are represented by the symbol?

Answer: X

Q31. How many isotopes does hydrogen have?

Answer: Three

Q32. Atom that carries net electric due to loss or gain of electron is called?
Answer: Ion

Q33. Atoms which loss electron will become positively charged ion and are known as?
Answer: Cations

Q34. Atoms which gain electron will become negatively charged and are known as?
Answer: Anions

Q35. What is formed when two or more atoms join together chemically?
Answer: Molecules

Q36. A molecule that contains atoms of at least two different elements is called?
Answer: Compound

Q37. Water, carbon di-oxide and methane are example of?

Answer: Compounds

Q38. Which compound is composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen?
Answer: Water


PST / JEST Science Class 7 Unit.7 Physical and Chemical Changes
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. How many types of changes in material are there?
Answer: Two (physical and chemical)

Q2. Change in physical appearance or state of a substance is called?

Answer: Physical change

Q3. A change in chemical composition of a substance is called?

Answer: Chemical change

Q4. Chemical fertilizers, banastpati ghee and plastics are products of?
Answer: Chemical changes

Q5. New substances are formed with different properties through?

Answer: Chemical changes

Q6. Burning of fuel is an example of?

Answer: Chemical change

Q7. Compounds made up of hydrogen and carbon are called?

Answer: Hydrocarbons

Q8. Organic compounds are the compounds of?

Answer: Carbon

Q9. Simplest hydrocarbon is?

Answer: Methane
Q10. Fuel, petrol, furnace oil and sui gas are example of?
Answer: Hydrocarbons

Q11. Burning of any hydrocarbon is?

Answer: Chemical change

Q12. During chemical change, energy is produced in the form of?

Answer: Heat and light

Q13. Chemical process which changes vegetable oil into fat is called?
Answer: Hydrogenation

Q14. Polymers are made up of small identical molecules called?

Answer: Monomers

Q15. Plastics are?

Answer: Polymers


For PST / JEST Test General Science Class 7 Unit.8 Transmission of Heat
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. The motion of atoms and molecules results in the formation of energy called?
Answer: Heat energy

Q2. Ways in which heat is transferred from one place to another are called?
Answer: Modes of heat transmission

Q3. How many modes of head transmission are there?

Answer: Three (Conduction, Convention, Radiation)

Q4. Transfer of internal energy by collision of particles and movements of electrons

within the body is called?
Answer: Heat conduction

Q5. The microscopic particles in the heat conduction can be?

Answer: Molecules, atoms and electrons

Q6. Kinematic and potential energy are jointly known as?

Answer: Internal energy

Q7. Heat conduction only occurs in?

Answer: Solids

Q8. Conduction transfers heat from high temperature to?

Answer: Lower temperature

Q9. The solids that conduct heat are called?

Answer: Good conductors of heat

Q10. The solids that do not conduct heat are called?

Answer: Bad conductors of heat (insulators)

Q11. Which is considered the best conductor of heat?

Answer: Copper

Q12. A mode of heat transfer that occurs by the mass motion of a fluid is called?
Answer: Heat convention

Q13. Heat convention only occurs in?

Answer: Liquid and gases
Q14. Convention occurs due to the movement of?
Answer: Fluid molecules

Q15. How many types of breezes occur along the coastal areas due to convention?
Answer: Two

Q16. Name the two types of breeze that occurs along the coastal areas due to
Answer: Land breeze and sea breeze

Q17. A wind system characterized by a flow from land to water at nigh is called?
Answer: Land breeze

Q18. A wind system characterized by a flow from sea to land in day time is called?
Answer: Sea breeze

Q19. A continuous and directed movement of sea water generated by a number of

forces is called?
Answer: Ocean current

Q20. Heat convention occurs between the?

Answer: Water and air

Q21. A transfer of heat through waves is called?

Answer: Radiation

Q22. To radiate means?

Answer: To send out

Q23. The heat received on earth from the sun is the result of?
Answer: Radiation

Q24. A special kind of bottle in which hot liquids remain hot and cold items remain cold
for a long time is called?
Answer: Vacuum Flask


For PST / JEST Test General Science Class 7 Unit.9 Dispersion of Light
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Change in the speed and direction of light rays due to change of medium is called?
Answer: Refraction of light

Q2. The light travels fastest in?

Answer: Vacuum

Q3. How many laws of refraction of light are there?

Answer: Two

Q4. Laws of refraction are also called?

Answer: Snell’ laws

Q5. Who discovered laws of refraction of light in 1621?

Answer: Willebrord Snell

Q6. The angle of incidence for which the angle of refraction is 900 is called?
Answer: Critical angle

Q7. Critical angle is denoted by?

Answer: C

Q8. What is the critical angle of water?

Answer: 48.8

Q9. The splitting of light into its constituent components is called?

Answer: Dispersion of light

Q10. Rainbow is the best example of?

Answer: Spectrum of white light

Q11. Rainbow is formed due to the?

Answer: Refraction of light

Q12. White light is composed of?

Answer: Seven colors

Q13. Primary colors of light are?

Answer: Red, green and blue

Q14. Ratio between the speed of light in vacuum and its speed in any other medium is called?
Answer: Refractive index (n)


For PST / JEST Test General Science Class 7 Unit.10 Sound waves
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Waves having compressions and refractions with movements of particles parallel to
the direction of wave propagation are called?
Answer: Longitudinal waves

Q2. Seismic and sound waves are example of?

Answer: Longitudinal waves

Q3. Waves having crests and troughs with movement of particles perpendicular to the
direction of wave propagation are called?
Answer: Transverse waves

Q4. Radio and light waves are example of?

Answer: Transverse waves

Q5. In transverse wave, the distance between crests and troughs is called?
Answer: Wavelength

Q6. Distance between the rest position of moving particles to the top of crest and
bottom of the trough is termed as?
Answer: Amplitude

Q7. The number of vibrations produced by a vibrating body in a second is called?

Answer: Frequency

Q8. Frequency is measured in?

Answer: Hertz (Hz)

Q9. The distance a sound wave covers in a unit of time is called?

Answer: Speed

Q10. Speed is measured in?

Answer: Meter per second


Q11. What is speed of sound in air?
Answer: 343 m/s

Q12. What is speed of sound in diamond?

Answer: 12000 m/s

Q13. The highness and lowness of the sound is called?

Answer: Pitch

Q14. High frequency of sound waves

Results into?
Answer: High-pitched

Q15. Low frequency of sound waves results into?

Answer: Low-pitched

Q16. The degree of the sensation of sound produced in the human ear is called?
Answer: Loudness

Q17. Loudness depends on ……... of the sound waves?

Answer: Amplitude

Q18. What is audible frequency range of human ear?

Answer: 20 Hz to 20 kHz


For PST / JEST Test Science Class 7 Unit.11 Circuit and Electric Current
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. The rate of flow of charge at certain point is called? Answer: Current

Q2. Electric current is measured in? Answer: Amperes (a)

Q3. How many types of electric current are there? Answer: Two

Q4. Name the two electric currents? Answer: Series circuit and parallel circuit

Q5. If all the components are connected one after another in a single loop, it is called?
Answer: Series circuit

Q6. Which circuit provides only one path for the flow of current? Answer: Series circuit

Q7. If the components are connected in two or more loops, then it is called?
Answer: Parallel circuit

Q8. When Thomas Edison invented bulb?

Answer: 1879

Q9. The first power plant to distribute electricity in New York was developed by?
Answer: Thomas Edison

Q10. Difference of potential between two points in a circuit or battery is called?

Answer: Voltage

Q11. Potential difference (voltage) is measured in?

Answer: Volts (V)

Q12. The hindrance to the flow of current is called?

Answer: Resistance

Q13. Who discovered the relationship between voltage and resistance in 1827?
Answer: George Simon Ohm

Q14. Relationship between voltage and resistance has chemical equation:

Answer: V=IR

Q15. MCBs stands for?

Answer: Miniature Circuit Breakers

Q16. ELCB stands for?

Answer: Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
For PST / JEST Test Science Class 7 Unit.12 Investing the Space
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. How many zeros are there in one billion?
Answer: Nine

Q2. Stars are made up of?

Answer: Hydrogen and Helium

Q3. The closest star to earth is sun, which is next closest star to earth?
Answer: Alpha Centauri

Q4. Which stars are the coolest stars?

Answer: Red stars (3,000 C)

Q5. Which stars are the hottest stars?

Answer: Blue stars (25,000 C)

Q6. Betelgeuse, Arcturus, Polaris and Vega are examples of?

Answer: Stars

Q7. A vast collection of stars, gas and dust which are bound together gravitationally as
a unit is called?
Answer: Galaxy

Q8. Our solar system is a part of?

Answer: Milky Way galaxy

Q9. Major types of galaxies are?

Answer: Elliptical, spiral, lenticular and irregular

Q10. Milky way galaxy and Andromeda galaxy are?

Answer: Spiral galaxies

Q11. How many light years the earth and sun are away from the center of Milky Way
Answer: 25, 000 light years
Q12. How many years our solar system takes to orbit around Milky Way galaxy?
Answer: 250 million years

Q13. Nebulae are made up of?

Answer: Hydrogen (97%) and Helium (3%)

Q14. The first phase of star is known as?

Answer: Proto star (1000, 000 years)

Q15. The most stable part of star’s life is?

Answer: Main Sequence

Q16. What is third and fourth phase of star?

Answer: Red Giant and White Dwarf

Q17. A region of space where matter has collapsed in on itself is called?

Answer: Black hole

Life Cycle of Star- Forming:

1. Nebula
2. Proto star
3. Main sequence
4. Massive star
5. Red giant
6. Supernova
7. Black hole

Constellations :
Groups of stars on sky total (88


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