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 General Practitioner (GP)

o Passed the physician licensure examination
Learning Objectives o Treats individuals and family members of all age
At the end of the session, the student will: groups.
1. Define key terms. o Deals with different members of the household.
2. Discuss the development of FM o Has skills attributed to surgeons, OBs, pedias,
3. Describe the characteristics of family practice. and internists.
4. Differentiate the scope and categories of family medicine, o Provides care that is personal, continuous, and
community medicine and public health activities. comprehensive.
 Anesthesiology  Ophthalmology
 Being a doctor entails a lot of sacrifice. We invest not only  Community and Family Medicine  Radiology
 Head and Neck Surgery  Rehabilitation Medicine
money but time and effort.
 Internal Medicine  Surgery
 Medical education is a lifelong process.
 Everyone who goes into medicine should be ready for that  Obstetrics and Gynecology
lifelong commitment  Clinical Specialists
 This kind of education should be outcome based, taking o physicians who chose to limit their practices to
into consideration the competencies expected of the specific, defined areas of medicine 
students. o Focused on different organ system or diseases 
 It should also be transformative where relevance to the o Fragmented or depersonalized care
needs of the community is at the forefront, and realistic, o Specialist's Focus of Care
where compliance with the requirements of medical  Curative medicine was given more
practice matters. emphasis over preventive medicine.
 Three cornerstones of a successful career in medicine:  The fragmentation of their care and the shortage of
o A love for learning in general personal physicians who could provide initial, continuing
o A true intellectual curiosity about medicine. and comprehensive care.
o A strong desire to help others.
 Earn prestige and distinction
 Good predictors of success:
o Conscientiousness
o Self-discipline
o Competence
 Important interpersonal traits:
o Honesty  FMs are not GPs.
o Coincidental concern with family.
o Dependability
o Not versed in family systems.
o Empathy
o Has little recognition of the family as a
o Love
medicosocial unit in which health and disease
 Needs emotional resources to cope with the general
concepts could be better understood and
pressures of the study of Medicine.
o Family
o Partner
o Friends  The patient-physician relationship with the patient viewed
o Counselor in the context of the family.
 Spending more time on social relationships during the first  It is the extent to which this relationship is valued,
years of medical school could hinder good academic developed, nurtured and maintained that distinguishes
performance and results to lower grades. family medicine from all other specialties.
 Definition: A discipline of medicine with distinct core
CAREER IN MEDICINE knowledge and characteristics of care, which refers to
 It is an investment. individuals, family and community, and functions within
 Continuing professional development – lifetime economic, cultural and social environments and resources.
 General Practitioner (GP) (Wonca, 1979)
o Specialty training – 3 to 5 years  Academic discipline
o Medical board exam – 1 year  Encompasses a distinct body of knowledge appropriate to
o Postgraduate internship – 1 year the needs of changing society.
o Doctor of Medicine – 4 years  Roots from general practice
o Bachelor's degree – 4years  Centered on the family as the basic social unit.
 Health and disease oriented
 Emphasizes the importance of:
1. disease prevention

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2. health maintenance communicator teacher educator/ teacher
3. curative medicine community
social mobilizer social mobilizer


1. Primary
o First contact care, at the forefront CARE PROVIDER
o OPD, ER, Health Center, Multi-specialty clinic,  Curative Role
Home care  apply evidence based, patient centered, family focused,
o Has a unique consultation process, which community-oriented care
establishes a relationship over time, through  Apply validated complementary alternative healthcare
effective communication between doctor and practice
patient.  Apply the biopsychosocial approach: Besides giving
o The value of this personal relationship is individual treatment must take into account the total
determined by the communication skills of the (physical, mental and social) needs of the patient.
family doctor and is in itself therapeutic.  They must ensure that a full range of treatment - curative,
2. Continuing preventive, early diagnosis and treatment, disability
o is responsible for the provision of longitudinal limitation, rehabilitative and palliative - will be dispensed
continuity of care as determined by the needs in ways that are complementary, integrated and
of the patient. continuous.
o makes efficient use of health care resources  And they must ensure that the treatment is of the highest
through coordinating care, working with other quality.
professionals in the primary care setting, and by  Practice self-directed learning
managing the interface with other specialties
taking an advocacy role for the patient when DECISION-MAKER
needed.  In a climate of transparency “five-star doctors” will have
3. Comprehensive to take decisions that can be justified in terms of efficacy
o develops a person-centered approach, orientated and cost.
to the individual, his/her family, and their  From all the possible ways of treating a given health
community. condition, the one that seems most appropriate in the
o understand how the patient copes with and views given situation must be chosen.
their illness as dealing with the disease process  As regards expenditure, the limited resources available for
itself. health must be shared out fairly to the benefit of every
o The common denominator is the person with individual in the community.
their beliefs, fears, expectations and needs.
o Illness behavior and patterns of disease are COMMUNICATOR
 Health Educator
varied by many of these issues and much
 Lifestyle aspects such as a balanced diet, safety measures
unhappiness is caused by interventions which do
at work, type of leisure pursuits, respect for the
not address the root cause of the problem for the
environment and so on all have a determining influence on
4. Preventive
 The involvement of the individual in protecting and
o promotes health and well-being both by
restoring his or her own health is therefore vital, since
appropriate and effective intervention.
exposure to a health risk is largely determined by one’s
o Interventions must be appropriate, effective and
based on sound evidence whenever possible.
 The doctors of tomorrow must be excellent
o Intervention when none is required may cause
communicators in order to persuade individuals, families
harm and wastes valuable health care resources. and the communities in their charge to adopt healthy
5. Curative lifestyles and become partners in the health effort.
o manages illness at an early stage in its
development, which may require urgent COMMUNITY LEADER
intervention.  Social Mobilizer
o manages simultaneously both acute and chronic  The needs and problems of the whole community in a
health problems of individual patients. suburb or a district - must not be forgotten.
6. Rehabilitative  By understanding the determinants of health inherent in
o assist patient to go back to society.  the physical and social environment and by appreciating
the breadth of each problem or health risk “five-star
THE FIVE STAR PHYSICIAN doctors” will not simply be treating individuals who seek
WHO, 1994 DOH-APMC, 2000 CHED, 2006 help but will also take a positive interest in community
care provider care provider care provider health activities which will benefit large numbers of
decision researcher/ people.
maker information manager
manager manager manager/ leader MANAGER

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1. To carry out all these functions, it will be essential for
“five-star doctors” to acquire managerial skills. THE PROGRAM OUTCOMES
2. This will enable them to initiate exchanges of information 1. Demonstrate clinical competence
in order to make better decisions, and to work within a 2. Communicate effectively
multidisciplinary team in close association with other 3. Lead and manage healthcare teams
partners for health and social development. 4. Produce relevant research in family medicine
3. Both old and new methods of dispensing care will have to 5. Collaborate with interprofessional team
be integrated with the totality of health and social 6. Engage in continuing personal and professional
services, whether destined for the individual or for the development
community 7. Adhere to ethical, professional and legal standards
8. Practice nationalism and global cooperation
THE RESIDENCY TRAINING PROGRAM IN FAMILY AND 9. Practice the principles of social accountability
1. Clinical  Dedicated to providing holistic, accessible, continuous,
2. Family Concepts and Principles, Communication and comprehensive, coordinated, compassionate and culturally
Relational Skills effective health care.
3. Community Health Care  Patient centered, family focused, community-oriented
4. Evidence-Based Medicine approach to health care.
5. Ethics and Professionalism
1. Family medicine principles and family practice  Community Medicine
2. Primary and secondary care  Public Health
3. Acute care  Academe
4. Preventive care and wellness
5. Communication and relational skills FAMILY PRACTICE
6. Community oriented primary care  The family physician functions as the patient's means of
7. Evidence based medicine entry into the health care system and as the physician of
8. Quality assurance first contact in most situations is in a unique position to
9. Research form a bond with the patient.
10. Information Technology  An FM knows the limits.
11. Medical ethics and professionalism  When referral is indicated, an FM refers the patient to
12. Health legislations, issues and advocacies other specialists or caregivers but remains the coordinator
13. Practice management and health administration of the patient’s health care.
14. Occupational safety and health  This prevents fragmentation of care.
15. Hospice and palliative medicine  Although all family physicians share a core of information,
the dimensions of knowledge and skill vary with the
THE APPROACH OF HEALTH CARE DELIVERY individual family physician.
 The scope of an individual family physician's practice
changes over time, evolving as competency in current
skills is maintained and new knowledge and skills are
obtained through continuing medical education.
 This growth in medical information also confers on the
family physician a responsibility for the assessment of new
medical technologies and for participation in resolving
ethical dilemmas brought about by these technological


THE CONTENTS OF THE PROGRAM  A discipline concerned with the identification and solution
of health care problems of communities or other defined
 Aims to ensure personal health services that each
individual in the population will have comprehensive care
encompassing the 3 levels of prevention.
 Two basic advantages for family practice:
o It fosters a contextual approach in the care of
individual patients.
o It builds knowledge and skills for those who will
work with communities in future practices.

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 The science and the art of preventing disease, prolonging
life and promoting health through the organized efforts
and informed choices of society, organizations, public and
private, communities and individuals.
 It is concerned with threats to the overall health of a
community based on population health analysis.
 Public health is typically divided into epidemiology,
biostatistics and health services.
 Environmental, social, behavioral, and occupational health
are other important subfields.

Characteristics of Public Health

 It deals with preventive rather than curative aspects of
 It deals with population-level, rather than individual-level
health issues.
 Focus is on prevention of a disease through surveillance of
cases and the promotion of healthy behaviors.
 In many cases treating a disease may be vital to
preventing it in others, such as during an outbreak of an
infectious disease.
 The goal of public health is to improve lives through the
prevention and prompt treatment of disease.

Scope of Public Health

 Health service system
 Health behavior and motivation
 Environmental Hazards

Activities of Public Health

 Community-based
 Designed to prevent illness, disability or premature death.
 Related to comprehensive health care.
 Concerned with collection and use of vital records.
 Conducts public education and motivation in personal and
community health.
 Involved comprehensive health planning and evaluation.
 Incorporates research-scientific, technical and

Dr. Oczon’s ppt

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