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Microbes in human welfare

● Lactobacillus- curd from milk (lactic acid bacteria

● Fermented bacteria- dough of idli and dosa
● Saccharomyces cerevisae -bread (bakers yeast)
● Fermentation of sap from palm - toddy
● Propionate bacterium Sharmanii-Swiss cheese
● Fungi-roque fort cheese

● Beverages by brewer’s yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) -cereals
&fruit juice
● Produce ethanol
● Wine & beer - without distillation
● Whiskey, brandy &rum - with distillation of broth

For antibiotics:
● Penicillin- Alexander Fleming while working on staphylococci

(mould first called -penicillium notatum)

● Full potential described by Ernest chain and howard Florey

● Treated American soldiers in world war 2

● Noble prize in 1945

● Leprosy - Khusrau fog

● Whooping cough - kali khansi

● Diphtheria - gal ghotu

● Aspergillus niger (fungus)- citric acid

● Acetobacter aceti( bacterium)- acetic acid
● Clostridium butylicum( bacteria)-butyric acid
● Lactobacillus (bacteria) - lactic acid
● Lipase - detergent
● Pectinases and proteases- bottled juice
● Streptococcus - clot buster ( during heart attack)
● Triocoderma polysporum ( cyclosporine A)- immuno suppressive
● Statins ( monarchs purpureus)- blood cholesterol level

Sewage treating plants :

● Used to make sewage less polluting
● Done by heterotrophic microbes naturally present In sewage
● Primary treatment is physical process
● By filtration and sedimentation
● Floating debris-sequential filtration
● Grit- sediment
● All Solids - primary sludge ( sedimented )
● Remaining supernatant effluent
● Effluent taken to secondary treatment
● Secondary starts with large aeration tanks that allows growth of
flocs(masses of bacteria )
● Bacteria consume major part of organic matter
● Reduces BOD
● BOD is directly proportional to pollution potential
● When BOD fully reduced it is sent to settling tanks - i.e activated
● Major part as anaerobic sludge digesters which produces BIOGAS
● BIOGAS - methane + hydrogen sulphide+ co2
● Effluent from secondary treatment plant released in water bodies

Ministry of environment - Ganga action and Yamuna action plan

● Anaerobically producing methane is methanogens
● Methanobacterium present in rumen of cattle
● From cattle dung - Gobar gas
● Developed in India by Indian Agricultural Research Institute and
Biocontrol agents :
● Lady bird and dragonflies- get rid of aphids and mosquito
● Bacillus thuringienesis - butterfly caterpillars (brassicas and fruit
● Fungus Tricodermna -root system - effective for plant pathogens
● Baculoviruses- attack arthropod and insect
● Majority genus -neucleopolyhedrovirus
● Done by Integrated Pest management (IPM)

Microbes as bio fertilisers:

● Rhizobium in leguminous plants fix nitrogen into organic forms
● Azospirillium and azobacter - fix atmospheric nitrogen
● Fungi - symbiotic association with plant ( mycorrhiza) -glomus
● Fungus absorb phosphorous
● Cyanobacteria also fix nitrogen but it is autotrophic eg: Anabena,
nostoic, oscillatoria

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