IEEE Development of A Dual Wind Turbines Using The Savonius and Archimedes Spiral Principle 2

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Development of a Dual Wind Turbines using the

Savonius and Archimedes Spiral Principle

Kevin Ted Coderes1, Gino James Estacio2, Abdollah Rezvani Ramchahi3, Jargon V. Pulido4, Jesus M.
Martinez Jr.5, Conrado Ostia Jr.6
School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
Mapúa University
Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila 1002 Metro Manila, Philippines,,,,,

Abstract--Wind energy is one of the cleanest energy in the proto is Savonius which can catch the wind in all directions
world, Wind turbine use to increase electricity as and Archimedes which can produce more power. [3]
renewable to protect the environmental against the The coverage of this study is to determine the
pollution such as fossil fuel and global warming gases. In relationships between the wind speed, turbine speed,
This paper presents the combination of Archimedes generated voltage of the Archimedes wind turbine and the
Spiral Wind Turbine and Savonius Wind Turbine. The Savonius wind turbine design a microcontroller for automatic
Savonius is use as the vertical axis wind turbine while the data logging, and to test the charging characteristics of the
Archimedes is horizontal axis wind turbine. The data turbine independently and in combination. The stored energy
logger will be the one measuring the voltage, current, rpm will be used in LED lighting and to DC converted devices.
and battery percentage. The relationships by the
parameters wind speed, turbine speed, and generated
voltage is conducted by obtaining first the values II. METHODOLOGY
correspond to each parameters. The data given with by
the Archimedes wind turbine is different with Savonius
wind turbine. The Archimedes wind turbine has faster
RPM and produces more voltage with the same wind Start End
speed with Savonius wind turbine.

Keywords – Archimedes Spiral Wind Turbine, Savonius Design of the Implementation

Wind Turbine, Renewable Energy, Wind Energy, data Prototype and
logger. Final Testing

I. INTRODUCTION Canvassing the

Components of Construction of Initial Testing
the Study Prototype and Modification
In the future the demand for the energy will be more
on the renewable energy, the renewable energy is the safest
and cleanest energy that can help world to protect the Figure. 1 Flow of the Study
environmental. there is many type of renewable energy such
as solar, wind, geothermal and others. Fig. 1 shows the flow of the study from the start up to the end,
In this paper the research is more on wind energy, wind is in this study for design the prototype we have to design the
also known as form of solar energy, Heat from the sun causes two generator in a single tower which the Archimedes turbine
convection in the atmosphere, the sun shines on land and will placed at the top of the tower and Savonius will be placed
water, land heats up faster than water and warm air over the in the middle of tower. We design different dc generator for
land rises then the cool air over the water moves in and each turbine which will use to charging the battery. The
produce the wind. generator that use in this project is Permanent Magnet DC
The wind energy is one of the abundant energy but it has Generator.
a limited source when there is not enough wind supply in the
area. [1] A. A. Design & Construction of Savonius Wind Turbine
In the wind power the kinetic energy in the wind will turn
into mechanical power to rotate the turbine and the
mechanical energy will turn to the electricity.
there are two common types of wind energy the horizontal
axis wind turbines (HAWT) and vertical axis wind turbines
(VAWT), this classification is based on the rotor, usually for
the horizontal axis wind turbines the rotor is at the top of the
tower and for vertical the rotor is install vertically. [2] A B
there are many types of horizontal and vertical turbine, the
researcher based on the efficiency and reliability and cost Figure. 2 A) Top View B) Front View of Savonius Wind Turbine
they have different design, in this paper the design of the
The Savonius shape is like cylinder with two blade which
can harvest the wind in all direction and converting the force F. Visualization of the Prototype
of the wind into torque on a rotating shaft.

B. Design & Construction of Archimedes Wind Turbine

a) b)

Figure. 3 a) Top and b) Side View of Archimedes Wind


Fig 3 shows the design of Archimedes wind turbine which is

used by three circular blades that around each other and
separated by 120 degrees from the center of the turbine, this
type of turbine can produce larger power and it have placed
at the top of the tower and the rotor is placed horizontally,
this type of wind turbine is horizontal axis wind turbine, by Figure. 4 Side View of the Prototype
rotating the rotor across the generator then generator will
produce dc power to charge the dc battery. From the fig 4 there is side view of the prototype
which shows that the hight of the tower from the ground to
C. Automatic Data Logger the top of the prototype is 4.5 meter, the Savonius wind
turbine placed 1.25 meter above the ground and dc generator
The principle of automatic data logger is to store the is vertically mounted at the bottom of the Savonius wind
data from the main source and save in the micro SD card the turbine.
data will store from the generator and display composes of The space between the Savonius wind turbine and
RPM1, RPM2, Voltage1, Voltage 2, Current1, Current2, and Archimedes wind turbine that is considered is 1.75 meter and
the Battery percentage. The program of the data logger that lastly the hight of the Archimedes wind turbine is 1.5 meter
uses in this project is to operate when the battery is 12V and which is placed at the top of the tower. To balance the tower,
has a tolerance of +/- 0.8V. we have three legged tower with the distance of 1.4 meter
between the legs of the tower and the automatic data logger
D. DC Permanent Magnet Generator and battery are placed beside the Savonius wind turbine.

The permanent magnet dc generator that use in this G. Testing and Data Gathering Procedure
project is for small scale wind turbine, they are reliable since
they can perform at low rotational speed from, DC generator For the testing and data gathering there is different
has the attribute of being used to generate with their high measuring apparatus is used to test the proto type.
efficiency and can work with different speed range operation.
With the compact size, it is reliable in wind turbine, the  Digital Anemometer
mechanical force that applied by the turbine to the generator
the armature rotates in the direction of the generated force and Anemometer is the device that measure the wind
produce ac voltage but by using the bridge rectifier the ac speed, there is fan at the anemometer which by placing the
voltage will change to the form of dc voltage to charging the fan in front of the wind the fan will rotate and the device from
battery. the speed of the fan can measure the speed of the wind.
In this project there is uses of two DC Permanent
Magnet Generator, for each turbine there is an individual DC  Digital Multimeter
Permanent Magnet Generator.
The Digital Multimeter is used to measure voltages,
E. Battery currents, resistance, and other electrical parameters. It is used
to measure the voltage in Full Load and No Load.
The battery that use in this project is the lead Acid
Battery, this type of the battery is rechargeable and the cost H. Computation
of the battery compare to the other batteries is lower.
From the two dc generator that using in this project we can For the computation of Savonius Wind Turbine, the
produce dc power to charge the battery. diameter that researchers assign is 49 centimeters or 20
inches. This measurement will fit through the designated
place of the wind turbine and with respect to the aspect
ratio of the system, the researchers use the previous value
from the previous study which maximizes the rotational Vθ = 7.6m/s (highest wind speed in wind profiling)
speed and use the effectivity of the wind turbine.
L1 = 3 inches
Computation for Savonius Wind Turbine[4]: 9 inches = 0.2286 meters
L2 = 2 inches
DS = Diameter of Savonius
ω = 7.6/0.2296 = 33.25 rad/s
ARS = Aspect Ratio of Savonius
S1 = 24 inches
HS = Height of Savonius
β = Overlap Ratio
Solving for the Area of the outer blade, use Eq. 1
α = Shaft Diameter
rα = Shaft Allowance
1 1 1 1
DHC = Diameter of Half Circle Aout = R1L1 - R2 L1 + (R1 - R2)( L2 -L1) = (R1 - R2)(L2)
2 2 2 2

HS = (ARS) (DS)
1 1 1
(Eq. 6) Aout = (9)(3) - (5)(3) + (9 - 5)(2-3)
2 2 2
β = (rα - α) / DHC
(Eq. 7) Aout = 4 in2
DHC = (DS + rα) / 2
(Eq. 8) Solving for the angle between the rotational axis and the tip
of the blade, use Eq. 4
Given: DS = 20 inches
γ = tan-1(R1/S1)
ARS = 0.75(enough to start the rotor)
γ = tan-1(9/24)
β = 0.25(the best efficiency is between 0.20 to 0.30)
γ = 20.550
To determine the Height of Savonius, use Eq. 6
I. Wind Profiling
HS = (ARS)(DS)
HS = (0.75) (20) = 15 inches The wind profiling is done for each wind turbine as
the researchers measure the wind speed of each wind turbine.
To determine the Shaft Allowance, use Eq. 7 The test will convey into the location of the wind turbines to
determine the change of wind speed for every hour pass by.
β = (rα - α) / DHC
DHC = (DS + rα) / 2
(rα - α) / DHC = (DS + rα) / 2 Time vs. Wind Speed
2(rα - α) = β(DS + rα) 8
2(rα - 1) = 0.25(20 + rα) 6

By solving the value of rα: 4

rα = 4 inches 2

To determine the Diameter of Half Circle, use Eq. 8

DHC = (DS + rα) / 2
DHC = (20 + 4) / 2 = 12 inches Wind Speed

Figure 1. Wind Profiling for the Study

Computation for Archimedes Spiral Wind Turbine[5]:

Given: R1 = 9 inches
ρ = Density of air = 1.225 kg/m3
R2 = 5 inches
III. PROCEDURES In figure 3, this show the generated voltage is
directly proportional to the RPM since when the wind speed
varies to minimum to maximum the generated voltage also
The Dual Wind Turbines using the Savonius and
Archimedes Spiral is used to change kinetic energy from the
wind to the mechanical energy and by using the generator the
mechanical energy will produce and electricity to charge the Wind Speed vs. Generated Voltage
battery in this paper there is two type of testing control and 15
uncontrolled, for the control is by using the fan in front of the

Generated Voltage
turbine and testing the power and voltage for both Savonius 10
and Archimedes spiral, for uncontrolled the turbine will
placed in faced with wind then test the result and check the 5
percentage of the battery and comparison between the control
and uncontrolled and also comparison between the two type 0




of the turbine.
Wind Speed


Figure 4. Wind Speed vs. Generated Voltage (Archimedes)

Wind Speed vs. RPM

In figure 4, shows the direct relationship of wind
speed to the generated voltage. Constant changes in generated
150 voltage depends in the wind since there are strong and weak

100 wind that can vary the value of the voltage.

0 Wind Speed vs. Current
5.9 6 6.1 6.4 6 5.9 6 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.4
Wind Speed 0.8

Figure 2: Wind Speed vs. RPM (Archimedes) 0.6

In figure 2, describes the relationship of wind speed 0.2
and RPM using only the Archimedes. This graphs shows the
values being gathered by the data logger. For controlled 2.9 5.8 7.3 2.5 1.6 4.2 4.8 6.4 2.7 7.3 4.3 7.5 7.6
condition, the speed of the wind is constant. The graph show
Wind Speed
that the RPM is direct relation to the wind speed. The air
flows through the wind turbine but will not automatically
rotate the Archimedes wind turbine since it has slight delay
due to the require torque. Figure 5. Wind Speed vs. Current(Archimedes)

Wind Speed vs. RPM In this figure, the graph shows the direct relation of
the wind and RPM. Increasing the wind speed also increases
the RPM. Since the RPM is dependent on the wind, it shows
150 an increasing pattern.

2.9 5.8 7.3 2.5 1.6 4.2 4.8 6.4 2.7 7.3 4.3 7.5 7.6
Wind Speed

Figure 3. RPM vs. Generated Voltage (Archimedes)

In figure 8, shows the direct relationship between
the RPM and wind speed. In Savonius wind turbine, even if
Wind Speed vs. Voltage the wind is the same with Archimedes wind turbine the RPM
10 of Savonius is slower compare to Archimedes. To reach the
8 maximum RPM a strong wind is required.

RPM vs. Generated Voltage

Generated Voltage
0 6
2.9 5.8 7.3 2.5 1.6 4.2 4.8 6.4 2.7 7.3 4.3 7.5 7.6 4
Wind Speed 2


Figure 6. Wind Speed vs. Voltage (Archimedes)

As for this graph, the voltage is directly proportional

to the wind speed. The voltage increases depending on wind
speed, when the wind speed stabilize the voltage can be Figure 9. RPM vs Generated Voltage (Savonius)
change any time. When the wind was at highest point, the
voltage reaches its highest peak which is 9.23V. In figure 9, describes the behavior of RPM and the
generated voltage for Savonius wind turbine. It shows that
generated voltage is simply directly proportional to the RPM.
Wind Speed vs. Power It signifies that when the natural wind is strong, so is the
10 generated voltage since they are directly relation with the

2 Wind Speed vs. Generated Voltage
0 10
Generated Voltage

2.9 5.8 7.3 2.5 1.6 4.2 4.8 6.4 2.7 7.3 4.3 7.5 7.6 8
Wind Speed 6
Figure 7. Wind Sped vs. Power (Archimedes)

In this figure, the power increases when the wind 0

5.9 6 6.3 5.9 6 6.2 6.4 6 6 6.2 6 6.4 6.3
speed is increasing. As for voltage and current, the power
increases when the two parameters also increase. The highest Wind Speed
point of the power occurred at 7.6m/s with the value 5.93W.
Figure 10. Wind Speed vs Generated Voltage (Savonius)

In figure 10, the wind speed is directly proportional

with generated voltage. With this graph, it shows the relation
Wind Speed vs. RPM between the two parameters. Since the wind speed and RPM
100 are directly proportional, the output of the generated voltage
80 will be the same.

5.9 6 6.3 5.9 6 6.2 6.4 6 6 6.2 6 6.4 6.3

Wind Speed

Figure 8. Wind Speed vs. RPM (Savonius)

In this figure, the current is dependent on voltage.
The current is directly proportional to wind speed. The
Wind Speed vs. RPM current is drop from 0.55mA to 0.41mA due to the wind
turbine. And increasing again until in the peak value 0.6mA.


40 Wind Speed vs. Power

20 7
0 5

2.9 5.8 7.3 2.5 1.6 4.2 4.8 6.4 2.7 7.3 4.3 7.5 7.6 4
Wind Speed 3
Figure 11. Wind Speed vs. RPM (Savonius) 0


In this figure, the RPM of the Savonius is slower Wind Speed
than Archimedes. As observed, the RPM is changing little by
little when the wind speed is increasing. Figure 14. Wind Speed vs. Power (Savonius)

In this figure, the power is increasing slowly when

the wind speed is increasing this graph is direct relationship.
Wind Speed vs. Voltage
When the wind speed varies, the power is also varies
10 depending on the speed that being applied on the wind
8 turbine.

2 Wind Speed vs. RPM
0 150
2.9 5.8 7.3 2.5 1.6 4.2 4.8 6.4 2.7 7.3 4.3 7.5 7.6 100

Wind Speed 50

Figure 12. Wind Speed vs. Voltage (Savonius) 0

4.6 3.8 4.4 3.9 5.2 5.1 5.4 6.5 6.5 5.8 6.2 4.7 4.5

Archimedes Savonius
In this figure, the voltage directly proportional to the
Wind Speed
wind speed. Some points in the graph has different value and
it is due to the sudden stoppage of the wind turbine. That is
being encountered in the data gathering.
Figure 15. Wind Speed vs. RPM (Combination)

Wind Speed vs. Current In this figure, the wind speed and RPM for both
wind turbines are considered as for the combination to
2 compare the two wind turbines. These data are gathered for
1.5 the same wind speed. The RPM of Savonius is lower than

Archimedes due to the larger torque needed for the wind


2.9 5.8 7.3 2.5 1.6 4.2 4.8 6.4 2.7 7.3 4.3 7.5 7.6
Wind Speed

Figure 13. Wind Speed vs. Current (Savonius)

contribute for varying of the values of power and for other
parameters. The highest value for the power was 3.62W and
Wind Speed vs. Voltage the lowest value was 2.34W.

5 A. Battery Percentage:

The values to be used in determining the Time vs.

0 Battery Percentage for the individual and combination of
4.6 3.8 4.4 3.9 5.2 5.1 5.4 6.5 6.5 5.8 6.2 4.7 4.5
turbines were from the controlled condition. When the values
Archimedes Savonius from uncontrolled condition are to be considered, the values
are too small for the battery to charge. For the part of charging
Wind Speed
the battery, the researchers used the controlled condition to
Figure 16. Wind Speed vs. Voltage (Combination) ensure the battery will charge for a certain amount of time.
As for other parameters that were needed to be accomplish
In this figure, the voltage was constantly changing when the are from uncontrolled condition.
wind speed varies. As observed, when the wind speed
changes from higher or lower the voltage fluctuates reacting Time vs. Battery Percentage
to the speed of the wind.

Battery Percentage
Wind Speed vs. Current 45.5
1 45

0.5 44
4.6 3.8 4.4 3.9 5.2 5.1 5.4 6.5 6.5 5.8 6.2 4.7 4.5
Archimedes Savonius

Wind Speed
Figure 19. Time vs Battery Percentage (Archimedes)

In figure 19, shows the capability of the Archimedes

Figure 17. Wind Speed vs. Current (Combination) wind turbine to charge in certain amount of time. In this case,
the battery is in 44.5% after five hours of charging the battery
In this figure, considering the current, which is
is charged to 46.14%. The Archimedes alone can be used to
dependent on the voltage. The current is dependent for
charge the battery but it is not enough to fully charge the
voltage. That will vary when the wind speed is changing.
battery since the current produce by the generator is in mili
amperes only.
Wind Speed vs. Total Power
Time vs. Battery Percentage
Total Power

10 45.5
Battery Percentage


0 44
4.6 3.8 4.4 3.9 5.2 5.1 5.4 6.5 6.5 5.8 6.2 4.7 4.5
Wind Speed

Figure 18. Wind Speed vs. Total Power (Combination)
Figure 20. Time vs Battery Percentage (Savonius)
In this figure, the power was combined for the two
wind turbine. As observed, the power changes when wind
speed changes. The turbines also change the speed which
In figure 20, as compare to Archimedes wind turbine obtaining first the values correspond to each parameters. The
the charging percentage of savonius is quite low. Meaning, data given with by the Archimedes wind turbine is different
the RPM of this turbine is slower that also can affect the with Savonius wind turbine. The Archimedes wind turbine
has faster RPM and produces more voltage with the same
generation of voltage in generator. The battery is in 44.8%
wind speed with Savonius wind turbine. The results show that
before the charging of the savonius wind turbine starts, after wind speed and the generated voltage are directly
five hours of charging the battery is charged to 45.26%. It is proportional. In spite of the fact that wind speed is changing
quite low compare to the battery charge to Archimedes wind the data gathered is as expected since it is proven that the
turbine. battery is charging even if the value of voltage and current are
small. With the natural wind as the primary source of the
prototype the researchers perform a wind profiling and record
Time vs. Battery Percentage the actual wind direction in which improve the attack of the
wind into the wind turbines.
39 The researchers come up with the design of the
Battery Percentage

38 automated data logger which the main component is Arduino

37 Mega as the microcontroller. It is intentionally placed in the
36 design to reduce the delay in storing the data. The interface is
35 composed of different parameters needed in the study; the
34 voltage, current, rpm and battery percentage.
33 The testing for the charging capability as for
32 individual turbine was done by controlled condition to
31 produce a value that are constant to continue the charging of

the battery. The uncontrolled condition can be used, but the

voltage and current are fluctuating due to the wind speed that
Time can interrupt the charging of the battery. As for the
combination of the two wind turbines, the researchers used
Figure 21. Time vs Battery Percentage (Combination) the uncontrolled condition since two generators were running
to the system. The two generators proved that when they were
In figure 21, indicates the battery percentage in running at the same time it doubled the output of one of the
which the two turbines are combined for better charging of turbine, in which increasing the capability of charging the
the battery. The original value of the battery is 33.73%, for a battery.
span of five hours the battery percentage charged up to
37.89%. Providing the combination of the two turbines it VI. RECOMMENDATION
enhances the charging capacity of the battery. As compared
These following recommendations would help the
to the two individual wind turbines, the combination of the
future readers who will improve and enhance the study:
two turbines were more efficient and reliable. For the construction of Archimedes and Savonius wind
turbine it can be change into thin metal sheet, for easy
molding and for light and smooth operation that can
contribute the efficiency of the wind turbines. In particular,
V. CONCLUSION with Archimedes wind turbine.

For the safety of the electronic devices and

The objectives were able to meet by the researchers,
generators in the prototype, the future researchers should
they are able to build and construct a dual wind turbines using
provide a weather proof electronic devices since majority of
the Savonius and Archimedes spiral principle. The objectives
operation of the prototype is done in outdoor.
of the study are: to determine the relationships between the
wind speed, turbine speed, generated voltage of the For better result, improve the generator in which it
Archimedes wind turbine, to determine the relationship has a higher power rating and current rating that can help
between the wind speed, turbine speed and generated voltage increase the efficiency to charge the battery. This could
of the Savonius wind turbine, to design a microcontroller for stabilize the values of voltage and current that are needed to
automatic data logging, and to test the charging charge the battery.
characteristics of the turbine independently and in
combination. For future researchers, may enhance the prototype
For determining the relationship between wind by adding a load to the system. By putting load to the system,
speed, turbine speed and generated voltage. First, is to find it could be seen the charging capacity of the battery.
the right spot where there was strong wind that be needed in
the prototype. Wind profiling is done to find the location
where to position the prototype since it is heavy to handle. In
this manner, the prototype is set up in the upper most part of
Magat Dam, there it is easier to gather data since the wind
converges into one position.
The relationships by the parameters wind speed,
turbine speed, and generated voltage is conducted by
First of all, we would like to express our deepest
gratitude to the God Almighty for His giving support and
guidance that He shared through our friends, classmates and
family whom are instrumental in making this thesis possible.
To Prof. Jesus M. Martinez Jr. for providing us his
continuous guidance on the thesis from the very beginning
until the end, for his patience, motivation, and sharing his vast
knowledge and ideas in order to improve our research.
To Engr. Conrado Ostia Jr, Engr. Jun Teresa, Engr.
Catherine Salvador and Engr. Michael Pacis for their
insightful comments and recommendations which strives us
to improve our research from various perspectives.
To Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sabado for offering his
machine shop for building the prototype and sharing his basic
knowledge in welding and machinery.
To Engr. Dante Villanueva who allowed us to enter
the premises in Magat Dam for testing our thesis prototype.
And lastly to our friends, classmates and professors
for sharing their varying ideas that enabled the researchers to
came up with what they were able to achieve through this


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