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FINE™/Marine 7.1rc

Tutorial 1: Driven Cavity 9
Tutorial 2: DTMB Combatant 27
3.1 C-Wizard Resistance 66
3.1.1 NUMECA Software 66
3.1.2 Prerequisites 67
3.1.3 Problem Description 67
3.1.4 Preparation 68
3.1.5 Part I - Project Setup 68
A. Start C-Wizard 68
B. C-Wizard Part l: Create & Set up Project 69
3.1.6 Part I - Domain & Mesh Setup 78
A. C-Wizard Part I: Domain Constructor & Mesh Setup 78
B. Mesh Generation 86
3.1.7 Part II - Flow Settings & Post Processing 89
A. C-Wizard Part II: Flow Settings 89
B. Launch & Control Computation 95
C. Post Processing 99
4.1 C-Wizard Open Water Application 102
4.1.1 Introduction 102
A. Problem Description 102
B. Objectives 102
C. Methodology 103
D. CPU Prerequisites 103
E. Estimated Engineering and Computing Time 103
F. Preparation 104
4.1.2 Part I: Automatic Setup (Project, Mesh and Flow Solver) 104
A. Project Management 105
B. Body Configuration 106
C. Flow Definition 108
D. Additional Inputs 109
E. Mesh Setup 110
4.1.3 Part II: Manual Mesh Generation (optional) 113
4.1.4 Part III: Manual Flow Solver Setup (optional) 119
4.1.5 Part IV: Computation Launch & Control 125
A. Task Manager tool 125
B. Monitor tool 126
4.1.6 Part V: Post-Processing 127
A. Result Analysis tool 128
B. CFView™ 132
5.1 C-Wizard Planing regime 138
5.1.1 Introduction 138

2 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

A. Problem Description 138
B. Objectives 139
C. Methodology 139
D. CPU Prerequisites 139
E. Estimated Engineering and Computing Time 140
F. Preparation 140
5.1.2 Part I: Automatic Setup (Project, Mesh and Flow Solver) 140
A. Project Management 141
B. Body Configuration 142
C. Flow Definition 144
D. Additional Input 146
E. Mesh Setup 146
5.1.3 Part II: Manual Mesh Generation (optional) 150
5.1.4 Part III: Manual Flow Solver Setup (optional) 155
5.1.5 Part IV: Computation Launch & Control 161
A. Task Manager tool 161
B. Monitor tool 161
5.1.6 Part V: Post-Processing 166
A. Result Analysis tool 166
B. CFView™ 170

1.1 Full Appended DTMB 176
1.1.1 Prerequisites 176
1.1.2 Problem Description 176
1.1.3 Preparation 177
1.1.4 Graphical User Interfaces 178
1.1.5 Mesh Generation 180
A. Import Geometry 180
B. Define Domain 184
C. Manipulate Domain 191
D. Boundary Conditions 206
E. Mesh Wizard 216
F. Save Project 251
1.1.6 Flow Settings 252
A. Physical Configuration 252
B. Boundary Conditions & Body Definition 254
C. Body Motion 259
D. Mesh Management 263
E. Initial Solution 264
F. Numerical Parameters 265
G. Computation Control 266
H. Launch & Control Computation 269
1.1.7 Post Processing 275
A. Visualize Free Surface (Color Contour) 275
B. Add Isolines on Free Surface 278
C. Generate Streamlines on Free Surface 280

3 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

D. Compute Wetted Surface Area 281
E. Visualize Pressure on Ship's Hull 283
F. Draw Volume Streamlines 285
2.1 Self-Propulsion 290
2.1.1 Prerequisites 290
2.1.2 Problem Description 290
2.1.3 Preparation 291
2.1.4 Mesh Generation 291
A. Import Domain 291
B. Boundary Conditions 292
C. Mesh Wizard - Boat Domain 293
D. Mesh Wizard - Prop Domain 300
E. Full Non-Matching Connections 302
F. Save Project 308
2.1.5 Flow Settings 308
A. Physical Configuration 308
B. Boundary Conditions & Body Definition 310
C. Body Motion 313
D. Mesh Management 316
E. Initial Solution 318
F. Computation Control - Control Variables 319
G. Launch & Control Computation 320
H. Computational Setup for Second Computation 321
I. Monitoring 322
2.1.6 Post Processing 325
A. Visualize Free Surface (Color Contour) 325
B. Add Isolines on Free Surface 328
C. Visualize Pressure on the Propeller 329
D. Draw Streamlines on the Ship's Hull 330
3.1 2D Falling Object 334
3.1.1 Prerequisites 334
3.1.2 Problem Description 334
3.1.3 Preparation 335
3.1.4 Graphical User Interfaces 336
3.1.5 Mesh Generation 338
A. Domain Creation 338
B. Boundary Conditions 339
C. Mesh Wizard 340
D. Save Project 344
3.1.6 Flow Settings 345
A. Physical Configuration 345
B. Numerical Parameters 348
C. Computation Control 353
D. Launch & Control Computation 355
3.1.7 Post Processing 357

4 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The tutorials for FINE™/Marine as listed below provide detailed step-by-step instructions for the entire
simulation process. Additional Tutorials of HEXPRESS™ allow a further detailed insight into the
mesh generation process. Most of the tutorials are designed so as to limit use of computational
resources but some of them may require a significant amount of computational time assuming they are
executed on the finest mesh level.

Driven Cavity — individual PDF
DTMB Combatant — individual PDF
"C-Wizard Resistance" (p. 66)
"C-Wizard Open Water Application" (p. 102)
"C-Wizard Planing regime" (p. 138)

"Full Appended DTMB" (p. 176)
"Self-Propulsion" (p. 290)
"2D Falling Object" (p. 334)

Where to Find the Files Used in the Tutorials?

Each of the tutorials starts from mesh generation and uses an existing geometry. The appropriate
files (and any other relevant files used in the tutorial) can be downloaded from the corresponding
links: download Beginner level files or download Advanced level files. In addition they are
available from the Products page of the Customer Area (
Some of the project files (mesh and project, excluding solution files) can also be found in the
demo cases package dedicated to ready-to-run demonstration cases and presented in the Demo
Cases section. This allows to quickly start a calculation and observe the behavior of
FINE™/Marine, without necessarily going through all the steps of the tutorials.

Conventions Used in the Tutorials

Several conventions are used in the tutorials to facilitate your learning process.
Following a short introduction, each tutorial is divided into 3 sections respectively related to mesh
generation, settings and calculation, and post-treatment.

5 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Inputs required to execute the tutorials are most often restricted to the geometry, either in a ".dom"
or CAD related format, and profiles of boundary conditions.
The sequence of actions to be executed are described through a step-by-step approach, in the form
of Arabic numbers.
Additional insight about some specific actions and/ or features is frequently added to illustrate the
tutorial further. This information is proposed for the purpose of clarity and completeness, and
should not be executed. It appears as a note with a light blue background.
The calculations executed to illustrate the behavior of the flow solver include a "reasonable"
number of grid points, so as to limit the computational resources required to complete the tutorials.
As a consequence, most of the underlying flow solutions must be considered as qualitative.
Additional mesh refinement may be required in some circumstances so as to obtain a more
quantitative picture.

Contact NUMECA local sales or support office for any question or information you may require. To
allow NUMECA local sales or support office to help you out within the shortest delays, please
provide a detailed description of the observed behavior and performed analysis.

6 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The following Beginner level tutorials for FINE™/Marine allow to familiarize with the Graphical
User Interface and basis of the mesh generation technique, project set up and solution procedures:
Tutorial 1: Driven Cavity
Tutorial 2: DTMB Combatant
Tutorial 3: C-Wizard Resistance
Tutorial 4: C-Wizard Open Water Application
Tutorial 5: C-Wizard Planing regime
General information on the use of the tutorials:
Where to Find the Files Used in the Tutorials?
Conventions Used in the Tutorials
NUMECA Software

Where to Find the Files Used in the Tutorials?

Each of the tutorials starts from mesh generation and uses an existing geometry. The appropriate
files (and any other relevant files used in the tutorial) can be downloaded from the corresponding
link: download Beginner level files. In addition they are available from the Products page of the
Customer Area (
Some of the project files (mesh and project, excluding solution files) can also be found in the
demo cases package dedicated to ready-to-run demonstration cases and presented in the Demo
Cases section. This allows to quickly start a calculation and observe the behavior of
FINE™/Marine, without necessarily going through all the steps of the tutorials.

Conventions Used in the Tutorials

Several conventions are used in the tutorials to facilitate your learning process.
Following a short introduction, most of the tutorials are divided into 3 sections, respectively
related to mesh generation, settings and calculation, and post-treatment.
Inputs required to execute the tutorials are most often restricted to the geometry, either in a ".dom"
or CAD related format, and profiles of boundary conditions.
The sequence of actions to be executed are described through a numbered step-by-step approach.
Additional insight about some specific actions and/ or features is frequently added to further
illustrate the tutorial. This information is for the purpose of clarity and completeness, and should
not be executed. It appears as a note with a light blue background.

7 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The calculations executed to illustrate the behavior of the flow solver include a reasonable number
of grid points, so as to limit the computational resources required to complete the tutorials. As a
consequence, most of the underlying flow solutions must be considered as qualitative. Additional
mesh refinement may be required in some circumstances so as to obtain a more quantitative

Contact your NUMECA local sales or support office for any questions or information you may
require. To allow NUMECA local sales or support office to help you promptly, please provide a
detailed description of the observed behavior and performed analysis.

NUMECA Software

The resolution of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps:
l spatial discretization of the flow equations,
l flow computation,
l visualization of the results.
To perform these steps, three software systems have been created:
l HEXPRESS™ (developed by NUMECA), is an automated all-hexahedral unstructured grid
generation system,
l ISIS-CFD, the flow solver (developed by the CNRS and the Ecole Centrale de Nantes), is a
3D unstructured flow solver able to simulate Euler or Navier-Stokes (laminar or turbulent)
l CFView™ (developed by NUMECA), is a highly interactive Computational Field
Visualization system.
It will be possible to learn how to:
l use the computation wizard mode integrated into the FINE™/Marine interface including the
C-Wizard mode,
l set up the resistance computation with extra conditions: actuator disk and additional external
l generate a computational mesh in automatic mode.
The tutorials consist of detailed information about physical and numerical parameters imposed
during the setup procedures. It is recommended to check the full information, although to save
time it would be useful to check the shell/ bash window since it will display interactively all the
important information while performing the C-Wizard procedures.

8 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

FINETM/Marine v7

Tutorial 1
Driven Cavity

Last update: 05-01-2018

REF MARINE-001_rev_5


• HEXPRESSTM settings

• Project set-up

• Results in CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International


• Start FINE™/Marine v71rc.
• For LINUX and UNIX systems, you can access the FINE™/Marine v7.1rc
graphical user interface with the following command line:
finemarine71rc -print
• For WINDOWS systems (WINDOWS 7 and older), you can access the
FINE™/Marine v71rc graphical user interface from the Start menu by going to
/Programs/NUMECA software/FineMarine71rc/FINE. In WINDOWS 8 you can
access it by going to the Start menu and clicking on Search. Under Apps, there
will be a section called Numeca software. Click on FINE(#-bits) in order to open
the FINE™/Marine v71rc graphical user interface.

Copyright © NUMECA International

FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

Create Domain
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Create a new project by selecting Creating a mesh and

click on Ok.

• Enter the name of the new FINETM/Marine project: “Driven_Cavity”, click on Ok/Save
and then on Yes to start HEXPRESSTM.
• Close the Welcome to HEXPRESSTM dialog box and go to the CAD Manipulation
• Create a box with corner coordinates (0,0,0) and (1,1,1).
• Click on Create Domain, keep the default faceting settings, and click on Create to
save the domain in the “_mesh” folder under the name “Driven_Cavity” and click on
Yes to load the created domain.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Define Boundary Conditions
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Go to Grid/Boundary Conditions…
or click directly on .
• Set the face type to EXT for the top patch.
• Close the dialog box.

Only SOL, MIR, and EXT conditions are allowed for FINETM/Marine projects.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Generate Mesh
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Save the project in the “_mesh”

folder as “Driven_Cavity”.
• In the Mesh Wizard, tick the Initial mesh,
Adaptation and Snapping steps (by left
clicking on the yellow square).
• Press the Start button to launch the
mesh generation using default settings.
• Switch back to the FINETM/Marine GUI by
clicking on Go back to project set-up and
Yes to save the generated mesh.
• The Mesh properties pop up showing
information about the mesh will appear.
Click on Ok to close this window.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (1/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• In the Project parameters area, go to the General

Parameters menu under Physical configuration
and keep Steady active.
• Click on Ok to confirm.

• Double-click on Fluid model

and switch off Multi-fluid.
• Set the properties for Fluid-1:
• Fluid name: AIR
• Dynamic viscosity: 1.85e-5 Pa.s
• Density: 1.2 kg/m3
• Click on Ok to confirm. A warning will remind you
that probes are not compatible with steady mono-
fluid computations. Click Yes to confirm.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (2/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Double-click on Flow model.

• Keep the turbulence model k-omega (SST-Menter).
• Keep the Reference parameters to 1.0 for the length and the velocity.
• Click Ok to confirm.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (3/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Double-click on Boundary conditions.

• Go to the Solid page and keep all patches set to Wall-function.

• Go to the External page.

• Keep Far field for the patch.
• Set Vx to <1> m/s.
• Click on Ok to confirm.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (4/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Go to Body definition and

select all the SOLID patches together.
• Click on Create body, give the name
“Driven_Cavity” <Enter> .
• Click on Ok.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (5/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Open the Initial solution menu and set Vx to <1> m/s and click Ok.
• Open the Numerical schemes menu under Numerical parameters and
keep the defaults.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Computation Control
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Double-click on Computation control and then on Control variables.

• Define the following computation settings:
• Maximum number of iterations: 70.
• Convergence criteria: 5 orders.
• Save solution every 50 iterations.

• Click Ok to close the window.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Save/Start Computation
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Save the project and save the SIM file .

• Start the computation .
• Keep Serial and click on Ok  The FINE TaskManager window will appear
to follow the computation status.

• It is also possible to open the Monitor to follow the convergence history

(residuals, motions, forces, moments) by clicking on .
Copyright © NUMECA International
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

Menu Bar

Surfaces Selection Area

Graphics Area

Quantities Selection Area

Representation Area Viewing Buttons

Keyboard Input Area

Information Area
Copyright © NUMECA International
Results in CFViewTM (1/3)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Once the computation is finished, a pop up will appear to inform you

whether the computation went well or not. You can close it.
• Click on and then on OK to open the results with CFViewTM.
• By default the solid patches are selected. Click on Gouraud in the menu
Render/Shading to display them rendered in the graphics area or directly
click on the button .
• Reduce the opacity to 0.5 in the Representations panel.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Results in CFViewTM (2/3)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

• Create a cutting plane at y constant by clicking

on Cut in the Surfaces panel:
• Activate Geometry
• Click on
• Click on Apply
• Click on Save
• Click on Close
• Select the surface (called “CUT1”) in the Surfaces list by first left-clicking on
it and then right-clicking on it and releasing on Select.
• Select the Velocity in the Quantities menu and go to
Representation/Vector line/Parameters… or click on in the Quick
Access Pad under Representations/Vector Lines section.
• Under General, select Direction: both, Mode: surface and Color: Velocity.
• Under Line Type, increase Thickness to 2.
• Click on Apply and Close the dialog box.
• Click on Representation/Vector Line/Local or on under Vector Lines
section and draw some streamlines by clicking-left on the CUT1 in the
Copyright © NUMECA International
graphics area.
Results within CFViewTM (3/3)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project set-up – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

FINETM/Marine v7

Tutorial 2
DTMB Combatant

Last update: 05-01-2018

REF MARINE-002_rev_13



• Project Set-up

• Start Computation

• CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International


• Start FINE™/Marine v7.
• For LINUX and UNIX systems, you can access the FINE™/Marine v7.1rc
graphical user interface with the following command line:
finemarine71rc -print
• For WINDOWS systems (WINDOWS 7 and older), you can access the
FINE™/Marine v71rc graphical user interface from the Start menu by going to
/Programs/NUMECA software/FineMarine71rc/FINE. In WINDOWS 8 you can
access it by going to the Start menu and clicking on Search. Under Apps, there
will be a section called Numeca software. Click on FINE(#-bits) in order to open
the FINE™/Marine v71rc graphical user interface.

Copyright © NUMECA International

FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

Load Existing Domain
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Create a new project by selecting Creating a mesh and

click on Ok.
• Enter the name of the new FINETM/Marine project: “DTMB” and click on Ok/Save
and Yes to start HEXPRESSTM.
• Click on Import computation domain and import the “dtmb.dom” file (no
need to review the faceting problem).

Copyright © NUMECA International

Add Internal Surface to Existing Domain
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Create an internal surface at Z=0 in order to refine the mesh

at the free surface. To do this:

• In the Plugins menu, select the Internal surface creation

plugin with Z=0 to create and internal surface

Copyright © NUMECA International

Define Boundary Conditions(1/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Go to Grid/Boundary Conditions…
• Or directly click on .
• Set the names and face types as in the figure below.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Define Boundary Conditions(2/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

Define Boundary Conditions(3/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

Define Boundary Conditions(4/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

Define Boundary Conditions(5/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mesh Settings (1/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM
• Keep the default Initial mesh settings.
• Go to the Adaptation menu (by activating Adapt to geometry and clicking on it).
• Under Global, set the Maximum number of refinements to 7.
Remark: the refinement diffusion in the advanced parameters is normally set to 4
in order to improve the free surface capturing. However, this is not done in this tutorial
to keep a small amount of points.
• In the Surface refinement page, impose the following settings:
• Deck: no refinement (the viscous effects are neglected in the air part)
• Transom + Dome:
• Max nb of refinements: 7
• Target cell sizes: 0 0 0
• Hull:
• Max nb of refinements: 6 • Target cell sizes (X,Y) < Initial cell size
• Target cell sizes: 0 0 0 • Target cell size (Z) = reference length / 1000
• ISurface_Z=0.0: • Maximum aspect ratio =
• Max nb of refinements: 7 Target cell size (X,Y) / Target cell size (Z)
• Target cell sizes: 0.9 0.9 0.00572
• Maximum Aspect ratio: 200 Copyright © NUMECA International
Mesh Settings (2/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

How to select the number of refinements?

Let’s call:
• D = the size of initial cell in the direction of interest
• di = the minimum cell size desired (to capture smallest geometrical elements in i-direction)
Then, the number of refinements in i-direction (ni) can be estimated using

Example (2D):
• D = 1.0 (chord length = 1.0, 1 cell only)
• dx = 1/50 = 0.02 (50 cells desired) 1.0
→ Resulting nx = 5.64
• D = 1.0 (chord length = 1.0, 1 cell only)
• dy = 0.1/15 = 0.0067 (15 cells desired) → Resulting ny = 7.23
→ Number of refinements N = max(nx, ny) = 7.23 ~ 8

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mesh Settings (3/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• In the Trimming tab keep all the surfaces to Not used for trimming.

• Click on Ok.
• Keep the default Snapping and Optimization settings.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mesh Settings (4/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Go to the Viscous layers menu.

• Activate the inflation with a fixed number of layers and change the following
settings for the “Transom”, “Dome” and “Hull” patches (in the Surface page):
• Fixed first layer thickness: 0.000572
• Fixed stretching ratio: 1.2
• Number of layers: 10

The first layer thickness is chosen according to the formula below:

The number of viscous layers are defined to cover the first cell size and in order to activate
the inflation method.

• Press Ok and Save the project in the “_mesh” folder as “DTMB”. Launch the
complete mesh generation by pressing the Start button in the Mesh Wizard.

FINETM/Marine is using SI units. Hence, it is recommended to define the mesh in meters.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mesh Settings (5/5)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mesh Quality Check (1/2)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Click on the icon, to check the mesh quality.

• Verify that there are no negative, concave or twisted cells.
• Select the Expansion ratio criterion and change the range
to see all the cells in the histogram.
• Click on the bar of the highest expansion ratio.
• Activate Show markers to locate them more easily.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mesh Quality Check (2/2)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mesh Saving
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Save the mesh under the name “DTMB_scaled” in the “_mesh” folder and go
back to the FINETM/Marine interface by clicking on the Go back to project set-up
• Click on Yes to link the project to the new mesh (information about the mesh
linked to the project can be found in the Mesh/Properties… menu).

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (1/6)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Go to the General parameters menu under

Physical configuration and keep Steady active.
• Click on Ok.

• Double-click on Fluid model

and keep Multi-Fluid active.
• Click on Ok.

The time-marching method will be applied for this computation.

Copyright © NUMECA International
Physical Configuration (2/6)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Double-click on Flow model.

• Keep the turbulence model k-omega (SST-Menter) and the gravity
• Change the Reference parameters as presented below.
• Click on Ok to confirm.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (3/6)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Double-click on Boundary conditions.

• In the SOLID page, change the “Deck’”
patch to Slip (viscous effects are neglected).
• Keep the other patches to Wall-function.

• In the EXTERNAL page, change the “top” and

“bottom” patches to Prescribed pressure.

• Keep the other patches to

Far field velocity (V=0m/s).
• Click on Ok to confirm.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (4/6)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Go to Body definition.
• Select all patches.
• Click on Create body.
• Give the name “DTMB” and pres <Enter>.
• Click on Ok.

FINETM/Marine computes the forces and momentum of each body created and stores them
in the “eff_*.dat” files. The motions are stored in “Mvt_Bodyname.dat”.
It is also possible to create sub-bodies within a body and to compute the forces only on this
sub-body. They will also be stored in the “eff_*.dat” files.
Copyright © NUMECA International
Physical Configuration (5/6)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Go to Body motion, deactivate the Activate Cardan Angle button and change
the motion law for the degree of freedom Tx0 to Imposed and 1/2 sinusoidal
• Click on Edit…, define the settings of the law as presented below and click twice
on Ok to confirm.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Physical Configuration (6/6)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Keep the default Initial solution parameters.

• Keep the default Numerical schemes parameters.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Computation Control
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Double-click on Computation control and

then on Control variables.
• Impose the following settings:
• Maximum number of non-linear
iterations: 5
• 2 orders of convergence
• Save solution every 100 time steps
• Maximum number of time steps: 1000
• Uniform time step law (0.0373612s)
• Click Ok to close the window.

• Double-click on Computation control and then

on Outputs. For this case, keep Tx0, Vx0 and Ax0
active to follow the body’s advance.
• Click Ok to close the window.
• Save the project and save the simulation file . Copyright © NUMECA International
Option 1: Start Computation in Serial
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Start the computation by clicking on and then on Ok (Serial is selected by

default)  The FINE TaskManager window will appear in order to follow the
computation status.

• It is possible to open the Monitor to follow the convergence history (residuals,

forces, momentum, motions variables) by clicking on .

Copyright © NUMECA International

Option 2: Start Computation in Parallel (1/2)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM
Parallel computations are launched through the Task Manager. To do so, follow
the steps below:
1. Click on , select Parallel and click on Ok.

2. The Tasks definition page is loaded, a task is created and the

corresponding simulation file is automatically selected. Enter the number of
partitions to be used.

3.Select the machines on which to run the computation by clicking on Machines

selection & balancing.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Option 2: Start Computation in Parallel (2/2)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

4. Click on the Start button to run the selected computation.

Info when computation is finished

Copyright © NUMECA International

Open Results
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• During the computation or when the computation is over, click on , keep

DTMB as active body, activate Tx0 and click Ok to start CFViewTM. The
results will be reconstructed relatively to the DTMB body.

To save time, the conversion of the outputs to CFViewTM format is only done at the end
of the computation. To check the results during the computation, please open CFViewTM
from the GUI (it will launch the conversion on actual saved results).

Copyright © NUMECA International

Graphical User Interface
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

Menu Bar

Graphics Area
Surfaces Selection Area

Quantities Selection Area

Representation Area

Keyboard Input Area Viewing Buttons

Information Area
Copyright © NUMECA International
Y+ visualization
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

How to visualize the Y+ on walls?

•By default, the solid patches are selected. Select the Y+ quantity from the
Quantities list.
• Click on the smooth color contour icon in the Representations panel.
• Duplicate the geometry around the mirror by clicking on Geometry/Repetition

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mass fraction check (1/2)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

How to visualize the mass fraction?

• Select the mirror patch in the Surfaces panel.

• Select Mass fraction in the Quantities list.
• Click on the smooth color contour icon in the Representations panel.
• Click on the button to view the DTMB from the side
• Click on the button to show the grid on the mirror plane.
• Check whether the free surface stays in the refinement zone.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Mass fraction check (2/2)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

How to visualize the mass fraction?

Copyright © NUMECA International

Wave Surface Elevation (1/3)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

How to visualize the wave surface elevation ?

• By default, the solid patches are selected. Click on Gouraud in the menu
Render/Shading to display them rendered in the graphics area or directly click
on the button .
• Remove the boundaries of all solid patches by clicking on the icon .
• Select the Mass Fraction from the Quantities list.
• Click on the Iso Surface icon or click on Representation/Iso-Surface
and enter the value <0.5><Enter> in the keyboard input area.
• Click again on the Iso Surface icon to save it or on Representation/Isosurface.
• Select the surface (called “ISO Mass Fraction=0.5.D1”) in the Surfaces list by
right-clicking and Select. Then toggle the grid by clicking on the following icon.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Wave Surface Elevation (2/3)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Click on the icon New under the Quantities list to create a new

• Enter the name for the scalar

quantity (for instance: “elevation”).
• Enter the definition: “z” (i.e. vertical
• Click on Apply to generate the new
• Click on Close.

• Click on smooth color contour in the Representations panel.

• Optimize the range of the colormap in the Menu bar panel.

Under the Macros menu, the macro Represent_Free_Surface will perform the
previous actions in one go and allows to visualize the wave surface elevation directly.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Wave Surface Elevation (3/3)
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

• Reduce the opacity to a value of 0.65 in the

Representations panel.
• Duplicate the geometry around the mirror by clicking on
Geometry/Repetition on/off.
• Rotate the view with the button in the viewing buttons area.
• Go to the File/Print… menu in order to save the picture of the current view.
• Click on Ok to save the active view under a convenient name.

Copyright © NUMECA International

Plot Streamlines
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

How to make streamlines on the free surface?

• Select the Relative Velocity in the Quantities menu and go to

Representation/Vector line/Parameters… or click on in the Quick Access
Pad under the Representations/Vector Lines section.
• Increase the number of points per line to 20000, select both direction and
the surface mode.
• Click on Apply and Close the dialog box.
• Select only the iso-surface in the Surfaces list.
• Click on Representation/Vector Line/Local.
or on under Vector Lines section and draw
some streamlines.
• You can go to View/Parameters/Perspective
to change the current view perspective.
Copyright © NUMECA International
Compute Wetted Area
FINETM GUI – HEXPRESSTM – Project Set-up – Start Computation – CFViewTM

How to compute the wetted surface area?

• Select all the solid patches in the Surfaces

selection area.
• Select the Mass fraction in the Quantities area.
• Select Representation/Surface Integral/Scalar
Integral to get the wetted surface area. It is
displayed in the information area.

Under Macros menu, the predefined macro Compute_Wetted_Area also computes the
wetted surface area.

Copyright © NUMECA International


3.1.1 NUMECA Software

The resolution of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps:
l spatial discretization of the flow equations,
l flow computation,
l visualization of the results.
To perform these steps, three software systems have been created:
l HEXPRESS™ (developed by NUMECA), is an automated all-hexahedral unstructured grid
generation system
l ISIS-CFD, the flow solver (developed by the CNRS and the Ecole Centrale de Nantes), is a
3D unstructured flow solver able to simulate Euler or Navier-Stokes (laminar or turbulent)
l CFView™ (developed by NUMECA), is a highly interactive Computational Field
Visualization system.
In this tutorial it is possible to learn how to:
l use the computation wizard mode integrated into the FINE™/Marine interface: C-Wizard
l set up the resistance computation with extra conditions: actuator disk and additional external
l generate a computational mesh in automatic mode.
Tutorial consists of detailed information about physical and numerical parameters imposed during
the setup procedures. User is invited to check the full information, although to save time it would
be useful to check the shell/bash window since all the important information while performing the
C-Wizard procedures will be displayed interactively in there.

66 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.1.2 Prerequisites

l 3GB of RAM (4GB strongly recommended)

l 5GB of disk space available to store all files
l 64bits machine with at least 8 cores strongly recommended
Estimated time:
l C-Wizard setup: 7 minutes
l Computation time: 8 hours (no user interaction required)
l Post-processing: 30 minutes

3.1.3 Problem Description

Ship hull performance calculations become a classical procedure for marine CFD computations.
Decreasing the time of the complete simulation setup would simplify the procedure for
computations and provide quick and easy hull performance estimation as well as the resistance
curve for a particular hull. C-Wizard mode is introduced into FINE™/Marine software for these
The goal of this tutorial is to provide step-by-step instructions for the C-Wizard mode resistance
calculation setup including additional numerical and flow parameters: Adaptive grid refinement,
actuator disk and external forces. The widely investigated full scale container ship (KCS) hull is
employed here for computation performance. The tutorial gives guidelines/best practices on the C-
Wizard mode computation and mesh setup, giving the flow and mesh settings details information.
Indeed, parameters are imposed automatically by the C-Wizard where the minimal user input is
required. Geometry patches merging recommendations are developed to support best practices for
the challenging geometrical features.
A full scale resistance computation for the KCS model is performed with the following settings:
l Reference length ( Lpp) = 245.509 m;
l Velocity = 3.0 m/s; Froude number = 0.06133;
l Draft of 9 m in the full scale ship frame of reference;
l Water density = 998.5986 kg/m³;
l Kinematic viscosity = 1.05 e-6m²/s.

67 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.1.4 Preparation

1. Locate and copy the file "KCS_ hull_ SVA_ cf_ withnames_ cf2.x_ t" into your working
directory (download Beginner tutorial archive).
2. Start FINE™/Marine v7.1rc.

How to launch FINE™/Marine

l For Linux systems, you can access the FINE™/Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface with the
following command line:
finemarine71rc -print
l For Windows systems (Windows 7 and older), you can access the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc
graphical user interface from the Start menu by going to /Programs/NUMECA
software/FineMarine71rc/FINE. In Windows 8 you can access it by going to the Start menu
and clicking on Search. Under Apps, there will be a section called Numeca software. Click on
FINE(#-bits) in order to open the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface.
Click here to start the C-Wizard setup...

3.1.5 Part I - Project Setup

A. Start C-Wizard

Launching the first part of the C-Wizard plugin is performed from the FINE™/Marine interface.
1.1. Open FINE™/Marine software.
1.2. C-Wizard plugin creates its own project as a step of the project setup procedure. Click on
Using the C-Wizard button to launch the wizard.

When starting the C-Wizard when there is a project already opened in the FINE™/Marine interface,

68 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

a warning window will appear asking for the action to execute.

To save the ongoing project settings select No, then save the project and start from the Plugins menu
to launch the C-Wizard again.
It is recommended to start the C- Wizard mode computation from the empty FINE™/Marine
interface since there will be a full-chain project setup provided. Selecting Yes in the warning will
close the opened project without saving and a new setup procedure will be started.

B. C-Wizard Part l: Create & Set up Project

Create Project

2.1.1. First change the units of the speed to m/s. Then create a project by clicking the Create
project button. In a browser define the project name in the directory of your choice.

69 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.1.2. Select Resistance in the Application section and click on the Next>> button to move to
the following step of the setup. In the appearing C-Wizard window, the project setup will be
available first.

70 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Set up Project: General Parameters

2.2.1. Under Input geometry : select Parasolid/CATPart and click on the Import
Parasolid/CATPart file button ('*.x_t' and '*.CATPart' formats are available here).

71 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

This tutorial suggests the KCS bare hull for the simulation performance, to download geometry file
go to the \Tutorials\_Marine\_advanced\Tutorial_3\.

2.2.2. Import the previously downloaded Parasolid file KCS_hull_SVA_cf_withnames_cf2.x_t.

When the geometry is imported, impose the following settings: Select Yes under section Is the input half of the body?.

The body configuration here is symmetric thus the half of the body is used. It is also possible to work
with the entire body geometries and create the half-body domain of computation. This is used for
speed up of the computation time. Under section Body orientation, activate Positive-X axis for CoG to bow and Positive-
Y axis for CoG to side.

The orientation of the X-axis is required to avoid defining negative speeds in the following entries;
Y-axis direction will help to define the domain configuration. Select Yes under section Is the body aligned with Cartesian axis?

This question sets the Cardan angles. When Yes is selected, Cardan angles are automatically set to
zero. Select Automatic (=LOA) under section Body reference length. The reference length
will be automatically set to the Length Over All. Select User defined and set the Z-coordinate to <9.0> under section Initial free surface

72 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The initial free surface position is the ship draught respecting the coordinate system positioning. Select Automatic (based on initial free surface) under section Body mass. The body
mass will be automatically calculated based on the equilibrium position. Select Automatic (based on initial free surface) under section Center of gravity. The
center of gravity position will be automatically calculated based on the equilibrium position. Keep the Trim and Sink in a Body motion(s) to solve active.

73 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Click on Next>>. In the section Speed definition: activate Single speed and set the reference velocity to
<3> [m/s].

74 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

It is also possible to obtain the resistance vs. speed dependence curve. Settings can be done by
activating the Resistance curve . Imposing the V min [m/s] and V max [m/s] will set up the range of
speeds, while the Speed Increment will define number of computations. A list of speeds will be
generated automatically. By defining the computation profile as Successive restarts or
Independent computations it is possible to Restart from the previous computation ( Initial
solution menu of the FINE™/Marine interface) or have independent computations starting from
initial value each time.

75 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials Keep deactivated the Scale input data (Froude number similarity).

Scaling option supports the speed values and position of the free surface automated update to ensure
the Froude's similarity for the model and the full scale ship forces. Here the calculation is performed
for the full scale ship and recalculation is not required. In Fluid model section: keep default properties for Air and click on the Water
properties database button to change the water properties to Fresh water at 18 °C. Click on OK
to validate the new properties.

2.2.3. Click on Next>> to proceed to the additional input setup.

Set up Project: Extra Parameters

A new window with additional parameters is available here:

76 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.3.1 Activate the Actuator Disk and enter the following parameters:
l Set Thrust to <100.5> [N],
l Set Thickness to <1.5> [m],
l Set Inner/ Outer radius respectively to <0.5> and <2.5> [m],
l Set the center coordinates to <5.11 0.0 4.0> [m] for Xcenter, Ycenter, Zcenter,
l Set the normal to <-1.0 0 0> [m] for Xdir, Ydir, Zdir
l Set Activate body self update active:
l Set Frequency of update to <5> Time steps.

When Activate body self update is active, the thrust of the actuator disk is automatically updated
during the computation such as Thrust = Drag at a prescribed interval. The interval corresponds to the
frequency value.

77 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.3.2. Activate the Adaptive grid refinement on free surface.
2.3.3. Click on the Next>> to proceed to the domain creation and mesh setup.

At this step, the file wizard.input is created and saved into the computation folder next to the .iec
project file. It consists of all the inputs recorded and computed by the wizard. The switch to
HEXPRESS™ interface is performed here: C-Wizard will generate domain and mesh automatically
respecting the geometry and input parameters (body configuration, orientation, free surface position
and etc.).

Click here for the domain and meshing details...

3.1.6 Part I - Domain & Mesh Setup

A. C-Wizard Part I: Domain Constructor & Mesh Setup

After pushing the Start mesh set-up button, HEXPRESS™ interface will become available and a
new window of C-Wizard activated. The interface has the following view:

78 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.1. Set Mesh density to Medium.

Refinements on patches are applied accordingly to their names and to the mesh density level. Number
of cells per maximum length of the ship ( Loa) is fixed regardless the type of the ship. For example,
number of cells per Loa for the initial mesh size is set to 3 if coarse, 4 if medium and 5 if fine.

1.2. Set Extra refinement of the wave field to No.

Thanks to this option, additional areas for refinement can be defined, such as the bow wave region for
instance. For the current Froude number additional refinement of the bow wave is not necessary to
have, thus this parameter is deactivated.

1.3. For the current computational project, geometry is checked and proper names are defined in
the CADfix software, thus:

79 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

For the C-Wizard projects Merging by name is the priority . The reason behind is that the ship
hull, by experience, can be generally represented by several common parts like: bow, stern, deck, hull,
appendages and etc. It is up to the user to define how many parts will be present in the computation
and by defining patch names inside the CAD software (such as CADfix for eg.) user will ensure that
groups of patches with the same name will be correctly defined depending on the computation
specifics. Once names are defined, C-Wizard will perform merging and apply mesh parameters

The sensitive part of the computational project here is merging. The way merging is done can
influence the computational process and results as follows.
Two options are available from the C- Wizard mode: Merge faces with the same name and/or
Merge tangential faces.

l Set Merge faces with the same name to Yes.

C-Wizard reads the name of every patch and merges the ones that are adjacent and with the same
names in a manner: " Bow_1", " bow23", "bow_01" will be merged to one patch and named " bow".

l Keep Merge tangential faces to No.

This option is exactly the same as for the HEXPRESS™ ( Domain Manipulation ) and when
activated it checks if the neighbor patch has a tangent angle greater than a specified one and merge if
it is greater. This method is especially helpful when the geometry imported is a Parasolid file with
big number of patches.

Each time two faces are merged, the new face gets an ID (ID's are incremented one by one). It
assigns specific values for the future mesh refinement strategy according to the name of the patch.
By default, the name will be the one which leads to the higher refinement. Keywords and more
details can be found in the HEXPRESS™ documentation in the Marine Plugins description for
Domain and mesh setup (only for 3D).

Existing Domain_and_mesh_setup_only_3D plugin has been improved and modified towards the
new C-Wizard functionality, but also left available as the part of the HEXPRESS™ Plugins > Marine

80 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.4. Click on the Advanced>>> button to check the additional parameters.

1.5. Keep the default domain settings: User-defined domain size not active.

When not active, the default domain is set to 5Loa x 2Loa x 2Loa (but it depends on the Froude
number). Hence, these parameters can be recommended for the resistance computations with low
Froude number under 0.5.

1.6. Set Triangulation density to Fine.

1.7.Under section Y+ value select User defined and set Y+ to <218.7>.
1.8 Click on Start mesh set-up button to start the domain creation and the mesh setup. One can
check the shell to see the process in action.

81 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

An information window reporting that the first part of the C-wizard has been successfully finished
will appear. It also gives information about the computed Froude number and suggest the
following actions. Click Manually check the mesh first to activate the HEXPRESS™ interface
without immediately starting the mesh generation.

1.9. In HEXPRESS™ , the following parameters based on the previous inputs are imposed:
l Domain with the internal free surface is created, merging by name is performed according to
the names of patches.

82 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l External boundary conditions (Grid/ Boundary Conditions) of the domain are automatically
named and defined as follows.

83 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l The mesh setup is done automatically in accordance to the previously imposed settings
(Medium density mesh). The parameters can be checked through the HEXPRESS™ Mesh
Wizard menu:

Initial mesh
1280 cells

84 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Adapt to geometry
Maximum number of refinement:12
Curve refinement:
Curve 158: 9
Target Cell Size (0,0,0)
Surface refinement:
Deck*: 4
Target Cell Size (0,0,0)
Ref Diff: Global
*automatically grouped "Deck1_b1", "Deck2_b1", "Deck3_b1"
Shaft*: 8
Target Cell Size (0,0,0)
Ref Diff: Global
*automatically grouped "Shaft_end_b1", "Shaft_b1"
Hull_b1: 6
Target Cell Size (0,0,0)
Ref Diff: Global
Transom_b1: 8
Target Cell Size (0,0,0)
Ref Diff: Global
Bow_b1: 8
Target Cell Size (0,0,0)
Ref Diff: Global
Global_FS: 8
Target cell size:
X: 37.7698
Y: 37.7698
Z: 0.295077
Aspect Ratio 128 - Ref Diff: 4
Free surface has anisotropic refinement in Z-direction, to provide the sufficient wave elevation region
mesh resolution
Box refinement:
Sector #0: for the wake of the actuator disk
Refinement: 9

85 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Target cell size: X=Y=Z=0.125
Ref Diff: 2
Sector #1: for the actuator disk
Refinement: 10
Target cell size: X=Y=Z=0.09
Ref Diff: 1

All SOL patches are Used for trimming
MIR and EXT patches are Not used for trimming
Snap to geometry
Buffer insertion of Type II for all edges on the Mirror plane and External boundaries edges
Max nb of orthogonality optimization iterations: 5
Minimal orthogonality threshold: 5.0
Viscous layer
Viscous layers are defined and computed for Solid boundaries only and if the face name does not contain
the word "deck" since there is usually no need to insert viscous layers (viscous effects from the air part
are negligible).
Fixed first layer thickness Method
Floating number of layers:
Minimum number of layers: 11
Maximum number of layers: 22
Active with First layer thickness <0.00539377>
Shaft: 13 layers
Hull_b1: 20 layers
Transom_b1: 13 layers
Bow_b1: 13 layers

B. Mesh Generation

2.1. Click the Start button in the Mesh Wizard to generate the mesh.

86 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The generated mesh has the following properties:
Total number of cells: 1369118
Negative, concave, twisted cells: 0
Minimum orthogonality: 14.31 degrees

87 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The quality of the mesh can be improved here by generating the Fine mesh. For the current sample
study it is considered to be sufficient.

2.2. Once the mesh is generated, click the Go back to the project set- up button to start
FINE™/Marine GUI.

2.3. Click on Yes to save the generated mesh.

Click here to finish the setup...

88 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.1.7 Part II - Flow Settings & Post Processing

A. C-Wizard Part II: Flow Settings

Estimate Hydrostatic Values

1.1.1. Check the computed values.

This part of the C-Wizard will provide the Estimation of hydrostatic values for the present
study vessel: the Displacement and Coordinates of the Center of Gravity. This part refers to
the domhydro calculations (see the FINE™/Marine user guide for more explanations on the
domhydro tool).

1.1.2. Keep default settings and click on Confirm to finalize flow settings setup.

Flow Settings

Automated C-Wizard setup will create the following settings. It can be checked through the
FINE™/Marine interface.
Time configuration:
Fluid model:
Fresh water at 18°C/Air
Flow model:
Reference length: 245.897423501 m
Reference velocity:3.0 m/s
Boundary conditions:

89 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l Deck: SLIP
l all the rest SOLID: WALL FUNCTION
l Zmax, Zmin: PRESCRIBED PRESSURE, updated hydrostatic pressure
l Xmin, Xmax, Ymax: FAR FIELD
Body definition:
All the solid patches are grouped together and called "Vessel" for the body
Body motion:
Motion definition:
l Tz0,Ry1 Solved: Free trim and sink DOF's
l Tx is imposed as ½ sinusoidal ramp profile: acceleration speed from 0 to final value of 3.0 m/s
Cardan Angles activated
Quasi-Static (QS) approach activated

This method is applied to relax the condition of small time step required by the coupling of the flow
motion and the Newton's law. The QS method decreases the CPU time and remain stable even for the
larger time step, enabling the use of the sub- cycling acceleration method for the fraction volume
equation. This method is based on a succession of predicted body attitudes.

Dynamic parameters:
This part will respect the data computed by the C-Wizard_ Part_ ll and imposed in the C-
Wizard_Part_l ( external forces, etc.).
Mesh management: default
Initial solution:
Uniform values
Interface position (free surface) at 9.0 m
Additional models:
Actuator disc activated with settings imposed in the C-Wizard_Part_l
Numerical parameters: Adaptive grid refinement

90 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l Refinement criterion type: Free surface (directional)
l Target grid spacing normal to free surface: 0.31967
l Criterion diffusion: 0 layers copying full criterion value
l Boundary layer protection: Longitudinal direction only
l Restrict all refinements to a box (around the ship area)
l Control
l 200 steps before first call of the refinement procedures
l 25 steps between calls of the refinements procedure
l Base free surface criterion on smoothed mass fraction
Control variables:
When dealing with simulation to reach an equilibrium position (steady-state solution), the first
method is to use a fully unsteady approach, i.e. to couple at each time step the flow motion and
the Newton's law. To be stable, the required time step should be small enough. To relax this
condition and decrease the CPU time, the quasi-static (QS) method has been developed. It is
based on a succession of predicted body attitudes. This procedure remains stable even for larger
time steps, enabling the use of the sub-cycling acceleration method for the fraction volume
Motion & force variables:
l Translation variables: Tx0, Tz0
l Velocity variables: Vx0, Vz0
l Acceleration variables: Ax0, Az0
l Force decomposition: Global frame
l Rotation variables: Rotation, Ry1
l Angular velocity variables: dRy1
l Angular acceleration variables: d2Ry1

91 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

92 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
93 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
94 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
B. Launch & Control Computation

2.1. Click on Save Project icon to save the project.

2.2. Select Solver/Start to start the computation.

2.3. Activate Parallel in Launching mode to select parallel computation. Click on Ok.
2.4 When the Task Manager is active, adapt the task setup: set number of partitions to <8>.

It is not obligatory to set this number of partitions. When set to 7, the computation will take
approximately 10,5 hours on Linux 64-bit OS, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3370 CPU @ (3.4 GHz, 8 cores,
16 GB RAM)

2.5. Click on Save Batch File for Linux OS and on Start button to start the computation.

95 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

When the solver will finish the computation, Task Manager will display the computation status it
in the TASK MANAGER INFO window.

2.6. It is also possible to check the results history through the Monitor during the run or
when the computation is finished.
In the Quantities to display menu, it is possible to select the quantities (residuals, forces,
momentum, motions variables) for which one you would like to follow the convergence history or
check the computed values. Multiple components or quantities from different runs can be
displayed together as presented below.

96 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Convergence history

Velocity of the ship (Vx) reached and transition distance in the X direction (Tx)

97 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Force [Fx] components

98 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Moment [M] components

C. Post Processing

3.1. To start the Post-processing, click on the CFView icon of FINE™/Marine toolbar.
3.2. In the appearing selection menu, keep the Traveling shot based on Vessel and activate Tz0,
Rx2, Ry1, Rz0 to open. Click the Ok button.

99 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

In the current tutorial, the hydrodynamic pressure together with the wake flow parameters are
chosen for the visualization.
3.3. To represent the hydrodynamic pressure, the steps to perform are:
l keep the default selection in the Surfaces menu,
l switch on repetition in the Geometry > Repetition on/off menu,
l select Hydrodynamic pressure in Quantities,

l click on in the Contours & Iso Values.

3.4. The actuator disk though the wake flow tool is available in the current tutorial. To activate it,
select the Macros > Wake_flow_tool.

Thanks to the C-Wizard automated setup, all the imposed parameters for the Actuator disk during
the C-Wizard_Part_l. will be reflected in the Wake_flow_tool window.

3.5. Click on the Go button and flow parameters will be present in three additional views: Va, Vr
and Vtheta.

100 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

101 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.1.1 Introduction

A. Problem Description

A propeller open water simulation is a classical marine application of CFD. Simplifying and
automating its complete simulation setup would decrease the required engineering time, allowing
the user to easily and quickly obtain the open water performance curve. For these purposes the C-
Wizard mode is introduced into FINE™/Marine software.
The model scale propeller DTMB 4119 is employed here to calculate its performance:
l Propeller diameter = 0.3048 m;
l Propeller revolution rate = 600 rpm;
l Water inflow velocity = 2.54 m/s;
l Water density = 1,026 kg/m³;
l Water kinematic viscosity = 1.189 e-6 m²/s.
Water properties correspond to salt water at 15 degrees Celsius of the ITTC standards. Even
though only the computation corresponding to the operating point is performed, it is also
explained how to set up the computation to obtain the open water performance curve.

B. Objectives

The goal of this tutorial is to provide guidelines/ best practices for an open water calculation
through step-by-step instructions for the C-Wizard mode. Through its realization, the user will
learn how to:
l Use the wizard mode integrated into the FINE™/Marine interface called the C-Wizard;
l Set up an open water simulation;
l Generate a computational mesh in an automatic mode.

102 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

C. Methodology

The present tutorial follows the general work flow of the C- Wizard mode, stressing and
highlighting the particularities of an open water application.
It is structured in five main sections:
l Part I describes the complete automatic project, mesh and flow solver setup.
l Part II and Part III describe in detail the mesh and flow solver setup respectively. These steps
are optional because they intend to enlarge user's knowledge about the work- flow in
HEXPRESS™ and FINE™/Marine but they are not strictly necessary for a smooth
experience while doing this tutorial.
l Part IV deals with launching the computation with the Task Manager tool and monitoring its
evolution with the Monitor tool.
l Part V is entirely devoted to the post-processing of the results, both global quantities with the
Result Analysis tool and field quantities with CFView™.
Since this tutorial consists of detailed information about physical and numerical parameters
automatically imposed during the setup procedures, the user is invited to check the shell/ bash
window since relevant information will be displayed there during the process.

D. CPU Prerequisites

In order to ensure a smooth FINE™/Marine experience, it is advised to use a computer with the
following resources:
l 4 GB of RAM (minimum 3GB);
l 7GB of disk space available to store all files;
l 64 bits machine with 48 cores (minimum 24 cores).

E. Estimated Engineering and Computing Time

Engineering time (user interaction required):

l C-Wizard automatic setup: 5 minutes;
l Post-processing: 30 minutes.
Computing time (no user interaction required): 3 hours for 5 physical seconds of simulation but
convergence is reached after 75 minutes of computation.

103 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

F. Preparation

1. Locate and copy the file Acoustic_DTMB4119_cf.x_t into your working directory (download
Basic tutorial archive).
2. Start FINE™/Marine v7.1rc

How to launch FINE™/Marine

l For Linux systems, you can access the FINE™/Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface with the
following command line:
finemarine71rc -print
l For Windows systems (Windows 7 and older), you can access the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc
graphical user interface from the Start menu by going to /Programs/NUMECA
software/FineMarine71rc/FINE. In Windows 8 you can access it by going to the Start menu
and clicking on Search. Under Apps, there will be a section called Numeca software. Click on
FINE(#-bits) in order to open the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface.

4.1.2 Part I: Automatic Setup (Project, Mesh and Flow


1. Click on Using the C-Wizard button to launch the wizard and then on Ok to confirm.
The C-Wizard plugin creates its own project as a step of the project setup procedure.

C-Wizard can also be launched by going to Plugins, then to Predefined and selecting the first
part of the wizard by clicking on C-Wizard_Part_l.
This first part of the wizard provides the user with a menu for the input parameters, extra
numerical models conditions, the domain creation and the mesh configuration setup.

If the C- Wizard is started when there is a project already opened in FINE™/Marine, a warning

104 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

window will appear asking for the action to execute.

To save the ongoing project settings select No, then save the project and return to the Plugins menu
to relaunch the C-Wizard_Part_l.
It is recommended to start the C-Wizard mode computation from the empty FINE™/Marine interface
since there will be a full-chain project setup provided. Selecting Yes in the warning window will
close the opened project without saving it and a new setup procedure will be started.

A. Project Management

2. Create a project by clicking on Create project button in the Project management section. In
a browser define the project name in the directory of your choice.

105 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3. In the Application section, select Open Water .
4. In the Wizard units section select <deg>, <m>, <m/s>, <rpm>.
5. Click on the Next>> button to move to the Body configuration menu.

B. Body Configuration

6. In the Input geometry section, select Parasolid/CATPart and click on the Import
Parasolid/CATPart file button ('*.x_t' and '*.CATPart' formats are available here). Download
the Basic Tutorial Archive.
Import the downloaded Parasolid file Acoustic_DTMB4119_cf.x_t.
7. In the Fluid orientation section, select Negative X-axis.
8. In the Sense of rotation of the propeller section, select Y -> Z.

106 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The DTMB 4119 is a right handed propeller.

9. In the Center of the propeller (propeller frame) section, select User-defined and keep the
coordinates (0,0,0).
10. In the Is the body aligned with the X-axis? section, select Yes.
11. In the Reference length definition section, select Automatic (=Radius).
After the previous settings, the Body configuration menu should look as shown in the next

12. Click on the Next>> button to move to the Flow definition menu.

107 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

C. Flow Definition

13. In the Rotational Speed definition (positive value(s) ) section, select Single speed and set
the speed to <600> [rpm].

It is also possible to obtain the open water performance curve. This can be done by activating the
Performance curve . Imposing Vmin [rpm] and Vmax [rpm] will set up the range of rotational
speeds, while the Speed Increment will define the number of computations. The list of speeds will
be generated automatically by pressing Enter after the Speed Increment definition.

By defining the computation profile as Successive restarts or Independent computations it is

possible to restart from the previous computation (in the Initial solution menu of the FINE™/Marine
interface) or to have independent computations starting from initial value each time. If Successive
restarts is chosen, the CPU time will be decreased since the computation "i" will be initialized with
the converged solution of the computation "i-1".

14. In the Flow speed definition (positive value, from the inlet) section, set the flow speed to
<2.54> [m/s].
15. In the Scale Input data (Froude number similarity) section, do not activate the Scaling
16. In the Fluid model section, click on Water properties database button and choose salt
water at 15 degrees Celsius. Click on Ok button to validate these new properties.
After the previous settings, the Flow definition menu should look as shown in the next figure.

108 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

17. Click on the Next>> button to move to the Additional inputs menu.

D. Additional Inputs

For an open water application there are no additional parameters to be defined.

109 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

18. Click on the Next>> button to move to the Mesh setup menu.

E. Mesh Setup

19. In the Mesh density section, select Medium

Refinements on patches are applied according to their names and to the mesh density level. Indeed,
names and mesh density level are defined in the Refinement dictionary.

20. In the Extra refinement of the wake field section, select Yes.
Thanks to this option, an additional cylindrical sector with isotropic refinements is defined to
accurately capture the wake field and vortical structures such as the tip and hub vortices.
21. In the Merge faces with the same name section, select Yes.

Here the sensitive part of the computational project is merging. The way merging is done can
influence the computational process and results. Two options are available in the C- Wizard mode:
Merge faces with the same name and/ or Merge tangential faces.
For C-Wizard projects, the priority is Merge faces with the same name . The reason is that the
propeller, by experience, can be generally represented by several common parts like: shaft, hub, cap,
tip, trailing edge, leading edge, pressure side and suction side. It is up to the user to define how many
parts will be present in the model. By defining patch names inside a CAD software, such as CADfix,
the user will ensure that groups of patches with the same name will be correctly defined depending on
the computation specifics. Once names are defined, the C-Wizard will automatically perform merging
and apply mesh parameters.

22. In the Merge tangential faces section, select No.

This option is exactly the same as the one in HEXPRESS™ (Domain Manipulation) and when
activated it checks if the neighboring patch has a tangent angle greater than a specified one and
merge if it is greater. This method is especially helpful when the imported geometry contains a big
number of patches.
23. Click on the Advanced>> button to check the additional parameters.
24. In the User-defined domain size section, do not activate it.
When not active, the default domain is set to a cylinder of total length 8D and a diameter of 6D.
The center of the propeller is located at 2D from the inflow boundary and 3D from the lateral
surface of the cylinder.
25. In the Triangulation density section, select Fine.

110 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

26. In the Y+ value section, select Automatic and <Y+=30> will be considered, which
corresponds to a wall-function computation.
27. In the Refinement dictionary file (*.csv) section, select Default (installation directory).

Refinement dictionary summary for open water applications

The refinement dictionary file contains the mesh setup for an open water computation. The next
table summarizes from the refinement dictionary the refinement parameters of the main patches of
an open water application. Criteria, the number of refinements and the diffusion level are provided
for each mesh density level (Coarse/ Medium/ Fine).

111 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Patch name Criteria Number of Diffusion
'Shaft', 'Hub' Target (0,0,0) / Target (0,0,0) 5 / 6 / 7 Global / Global
/ Target (0,0,0) / Global
'Blade', 'Suction_side', 'Ss', Target (0,0,0) / Target (0,0,0) 5 / 6 / 7 Global / Global
'Pressure_side' and 'Ps' / Target (0,0,0) / Global
'Tip' Target (0,0,0) / Target (0,0,0) 8 / 9 / 10 Global / 3 / 4
/ Target (0,0,0)
'Cap' Target (0,0,0) / Target (0,0,0) 6 / 7 / 8 Global / Global
/ Target (0,0,0) / Global
'Leading_edge', 'Trailing_edge' and Target (0,0,0) / Target (0,0,0) 7 / 8 / 9 3/4/4
'Anti_singing_edge' / Target (0,0,0)

Note: the global diffusion level is equal to 2.

After the previous settings, the Mesh setup menu should look as shown in the next figure.

112 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

28. Click on Start mesh set-up button to start the domain creation and the mesh setup. The user
can check the shell to see the process in action.
An information window will appear reporting that the first part of the C- wizard has been
successfully finished.

From this moment the user can either manually check the mesh definition and then manually
generate it, or continue with the C-wizard work-flow that will automatically generate the mesh.
The user is kindly invited to manually check the mesh to better understand the HEXPRESS™
work-flow and the parameters involved in the mesh setup.
29. Click on the Manually check the mesh first button to activate the HEXPRESS™ interface
(see image below) without immediately starting the mesh generation.

4.1.3 Part II: Manual Mesh Generation (optional)

Based on all the previous input, HEXPRESS™ will take the following actions:

113 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Domain creation, with merging by name performed according to the
names of the patches

The next figure illustrates the computational domain with the propeller inside.

Since Merge faces with the same name was selected, all the patches with the same name were

114 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Boundary conditions definition

Clicking on the Boundary conditions button the user can check how the external boundary
conditions of the domain were automatically defined and named: xmin, cylinder_side and xmax
correspond to the outlet, lateral and inlet boundaries respectively.

115 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Mesh setup

The mesh settings can be accessed through the Mesh Wizard menu of HEXPRESS™.
The next tables summarize the information and parameters contained in each section of the Mesh
Wizard menu.

Menu Submenu Geometry Parameters

Initial 18,432 cells

116 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Menu Submenu Geometry Parameters
Adapt to Global Maximum number of refinements: 12
Curve Blade_ Maximum number of refinements: 8
refinement edges* Target cell size: (0,0,0)
Refinement diffusion: 4
*automatically grouped 'Curve 6', 'Curve 22' and 'Curve 31'
Surface Shaft* Maximum number of refinements: 6
refinement Target cell size: (0,0,0)
Refinement diffusion: Global
*automatically grouped 'shaft_end' and 'shaft'
Tip* Maximum number of refinements: 9
Target cell size: (0,0,0)
Refinement diffusion: 3
*automatically grouped 3 x 'tip'
Blade* Maximum number of refinements: 6
Target cell size: (0,0,0)
Refinement diffusion: Global
*automatically grouped 3 x 'pressure_side' and 3 x 'suction_side'
Trailing_ Maximum number of refinements: 8
edge* Target cell size: (0,0,0)
Refinement diffusion: 4
*automatically grouped 3 x 'trailing_edge'
Box Sector #0 Maximum number of refinements: 8
refinement Target cell size: (7.607e-03,7.607e-03,7.607e-03)
Volumic (activated)
Refinement diffusion: 2
Trimming xmin (inlet) and xmax (outlet) not used for trimming
Snap to Buffer insertion of Type II for all edges resulting from the
geometry intersection of the blades with the hub and for the edges on the
outlet and inlet boundaries. For all the rest, Type I is assigned.
Optimize Max nb of orthogonality optimization iterations: 5 Minimal
orthogonality threshold: 5.0

117 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Menu Submenu Geometry Parameters
Viscous Viscous layers are defined and computed for Solid boundaries
layer only and are deactivated for tip and trailing edge.
Fixed first layer thickness Method
Floating number of layers: Minimum number of layers = 4 |
Maximum number of layers = 8
Active with First layer thickness <1.523e-04>
Shaft: 6 layers
Blade: 6 layers

Mesh generation

Click on the Start button in the Mesh Wizard menu to generate the mesh.

The mesh has a total number of cells of 7,516,260 including the viscous layer insertion.
Click on the Grid button in the HEXPRESS™ toolbar, select Mesh Quality ... and then use the
drop-down list of the Criterion section to check the value of each quality criterion. The next table
summarizes the most relevant criterion to be analyzed.

118 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

TABLE 4.1 Mesh quality summary for the Medium mesh density level.

Criterion Value
Negative / Concave / Twisted cells 0/0/0
Minimum orthogonality 8.89 deg
Maximum cell non-orthogonality 18.52 (only one cell, else 13.8) deg
Maximum aspect ratio 9.56
Maximum expansion ratio 6.90

By generating the Fine mesh (41,944,521 cells) the quality of the grid can be improved but with a
larger computational effort. This improvement is reflected on these new values for the selected

TABLE 4.2 Mesh quality summary for Fine mesh density level.
Criterion Value
Negative / Concave / Twisted cells 0/0/0

Minimum orthogonality 19.20 deg

Maximum cell non-orthogonality 4.38 deg

Maximum aspect ratio 4.48

Maximum expansion ratio 5.51

Before computing the whole performance curve, it is advisable to perform a mesh convergence study
with at least three geometrically embedded grids (Coarse, Medium and Fine) for a given operating

Click on Go back to project set-up button to start FINE™/Marine GUI.

Click on Yes button to save the generated mesh.

4.1.4 Part III: Manual Flow Solver Setup (optional)

Based on all the previous input, FINE™/Marine will set up the flow solver. The parameters
automatically defined during Part I can be checked through the Parameters section.

119 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Detailed flow solver input parameters

Physical Sub- Geometry Parameters

configuration menu
General Time configuration: Unsteady
Fluid model Salt water at 15 degrees Celsius
Flow model Regime/ Turbulence model: EASM
Reference length: 0.152m
Reference velocity: 7.16 m/s
Boundary Solid All: Wall-function
External xmin Prescribed pressure, Frozen pressure
cylinder_ Far field
side, xmax Velocity Vx = -2.54 m/s
Body All solid patches are grouped together and called 'Propeller'
definition for the body.
Body motion Motion Rx0 is imposed as 1/2 sinusoidal ramp. Acceleration from
definition 0 to 62.83 rad/s in 200 time steps.

120 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

121 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
Physical (continuation)
Mesh Domain mesh
management management
Source of Propeller
domain rigid
Mesh Rigid motion: Rx0
Rotating Activate rotating frame method
Initial solution General Uniform values
Initial velocity (Vx, Vy, Vz) = (-2.54, 0, 0) m/s
Additional No additional models are used

122 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Physical (continuation)
Numerical Default values
Computation Control When dealing with a simulation to reach a steady-state solution, it is
control variables enough to keep 2 non-linear iterations as well as a convergence
criteria of 2 orders.
When using the rotating frame approach, it is advisable to use 20
time steps per revolution.

123 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Computation control (continuation)
Output Motion and force variables Rotation variables: Rx0
Angular velocity variables dRx0
Angular acceleration variables d2Rx0
Force decomposition Global frame
Optional output variables Viscous stress (fluid to wall)
Second invariant
Turbulent dissipation

124 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.1.5 Part IV: Computation Launch & Control

30. Click on the Save Project button to save the project.

31. Click on Solver/Start button to start the computation, activate Parallel in Launching
mode section to select parallel computation and then click on Ok to go the Task Manager tool.

A. Task Manager tool

32. In the Task Arguments & Characteristics section, increase the Number of partitions up to
33. For Linux , click on the Save Batch File button and then on the Start button to start the

For a job submission on a cluster see Parallel Computations.

125 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Once the solver has finished the computation, theTask Manager displays the computation status
in the TASK MANAGER INFO window, where the status is "finished" for pre-processing,
solver and post-processing.

B. Monitor tool

34. It is also possible to check the results history through the Monitor tool during the run or when
the computation is finished by clicking on the Start Monitor button .
In the Quantities to display section, the user can select the quantities (residuals, forces,
momentum and motions variables) for which one would like to check the convergence history or
the computed values. Multiple components or quantities from different runs can be displayed
together as presented below.

Propeller thrust

126 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Propeller torque

The time span of the plots of the propeller thrust and torque starts at 0.5 s to exclude the large
initial transients which preclude the analyst from observing the details of the time evolution of
these global quantities.

4.1.6 Part V: Post-Processing

In this last section of the tutorial, the post-processing of the computation is presented. First with
the Result Analysis tool integrated into FINE™/Marine for studying the convergence of quantities
such as forces, moments, motions etc. Secondly with CFView™ to analyze in depth field
quantities such as the pressure, the velocity and its second invariant.

127 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

A. Result Analysis tool

35. Click on the Result Analysis button in the FINE™/Marine toolbar.

36. In the Quantities selection section, select only Fx and Mx to analyze the thrust and torque

128 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

37. In the Analysis options section, select Average efforts. Set the parameters Average values
over the last to <10>% and Convergence criterion to <1>%. The former means that the
averaging will be performed over the 10% of the simulation starting from the end. The latter is
used to compute the CPU time, physical time and iteration number at which the convergence was
reached according to the Convergence criterion . A more detailed explanation on the
convergence criterion and filters can be found in FINE™/Marine documentation (see Criterion
for average calculations and convergence).

38. Click on the Perform button to start the analysis. Within the computation folder one new
folder named Convergence_report_date_time is created containing a file named convergence_ and another folder named as the computation itself. The *.info file is a text file
summarizing the inputs introduced in the Result Analysis tool.

Content of the *.info file

Convergence report parameters

Selected computations:
Efforts: Fx Mx
Average efforts.
Average over the last 10% of time steps.
Convergence criterion: 1%.

129 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The folder named as the computation contains plots of the selected quantities and a text file called
computed_ data.dat that summarizes the average values of each quantity, the CPU time and
convergence analysis as well as a table of the quantity values taken from each eff_*.dat files
stored in the computation folder.

The Convergence report (computed_data.dat file)

The section devoted to the table of quantity values shown in this convergence report has been cut
(...) for illustrative purposes.
Convergence report
Project: /OW_CWizard_Tutorial/OW_CWizard_Medium_Grid/OW_CWizard_Medium_
Computation: computation_600.0rpm
Mesh: /OW_CWizard_Tutorial/OW_CWizard_Medium_Grid/_mesh/Acoustic_DTMB4119_
Average values

Quantity Average Min Max Std. deviation

Fx(Propeller) 1.2151909e+02 1.2148790e+02 1.2154650e+02 1.7294656e-02
Mx(Propeller) -7.8110407e+00 -7.8131470e+00 -7.8085930e+00 1.3429001e-03

CPU time and convergence

Quantity CPU_Time Physical_Time Iteration

Fx(Propeller) 1:12 1.7950000e+00 359
Mx(Propeller) 0:59 1.4700000e+00 294

Table of quantity values (filtered quantities are marked by *)

Common quantities

T Fx(Propeller) Mx(Propeller)
5.000000e-03 -4.227552e+03 2.107556e+02
1.000000e-02 -7.815498e+02 3.899476e+01
1.500000e-02 5.076460e+02 -2.566269e+01

130 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.990000e+00 1.215453e+02 -7.813071e+00
4.995000e+00 1.215459e+02 -7.813109e+00
5.000000e+00 1.215465e+02 -7.813147e+00

Looking at the CPU time and convergence section of the convergence report, it is noticeable that
convergence was reached at:

TABLE 4.3 Convergence analysis.

Quantity CPU time # Time step Physical time

Thrust 72 min 359 1.795 s
Torque 59 min 294 1.470 s

Once the solution is converged, it is compared with the experimental data. The next table
summarizes the most relevant global quantities and compares experimental measurements with the
numerical simulation. The good agreement between the computation and the measurements can
be noted.

TABLE 4.4 Comparison between experiments and CFD.

Quantity Experiments FINE™/Marine Comparison error

Kt 0.1426 0.1372 3.76%
10Kq 0.2948 0.2895 1.86%
Efficiency 0.6444 0.6288 2.41%

If the option Performance curve had been chosen in the Flow Definition section with a rotational
speed ranging from 600 rpm to 800 rpm and a speed increment of 50 rpm, the illustration of Kt,
10Kq and Efficiency for theses speeds would have led to the next plot. Once more, the good
agreement between FINE™/Marine and experimental measurements is remarkable.

131 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

B. CFView™

39. In the FINE™/Marine toolbar, click on the CFView™ button to start the post-processing
of the flow field.
40. In the appearing menu Select result to open in CFView keep the Traveling shot based on
Propeller and do not activate Rx0, Ry0 and Rz0 to open. Click on the Ok button.
In the current tutorial pressure distribution, axial velocity and its second invariant colored by the
helicity are chosen for visualization.
41. In the CFView™ toolbar, click on the Macros menu and then select Group_patches_by_
type in order to ease the organization of the surfaces inside the Surfaces section.
The next pictures show the organization of the surfaces before and after the execution of the

132 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Before macro execution

After macro execution

42. Visualization of the pressure (normal stress) distribution on the propeller. The steps to perform
a. Keep the default selection in the Surfaces menu;
b. Select Pressure (normal stress) in Quantities menu;

c. Click on the Smooth contour button in Contours & Iso Values section;

133 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

d. Click on the Colormap Set Range button and enter the values -6000 4000 to adjust the
colormap range.

43. Visualization of the pressure (normal stress) distribution in the fluid. The steps to perform are:
l Keep the default selection in the Surfaces menu;
l Select Pressure (normal stress) in Quantities menu;

l Click on the Smooth contour button in Contours & Iso Values section;

l Click on the Colormap Set Range button and enter the values -6000 1000 to adjust the
colormap range;
l Choose Create Cutting Plane from the Geometry menu;
l Define the cutting plane:
l Point: (0,0,0);
l Normal: (0,1,0);
l Choose Quantity for the cutting plane.
l Click on the Apply button and Save if you would like to save the cutting plane as a surface.

134 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

44. Visualization of the axial velocity distribution in the fluid field. The steps to perform are:
l Keep the default selection in the Surfaces menu;
l Click on Quantity, Field Data, Vector Components, Velocity and Velocity_X;

l Click on the Smooth contour button in the Contours & Iso Values section;

l Click on the Colormap Set Range button and enter the values -4.0 0.5 to adjust the
colormap range.

135 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

45. Visualization of the distribution in the fluid of the second invariant of the velocity colored by
the helicity. The steps to perform are:
l In the Surfaces menu, right click on the cut plane and remove it from selection;
l Click on Quantity, Field Data, Vortex Detection, Q Invariant and Velocity;

l Click on the Iso Surface button in the Contours & Iso Values section, enter a positive
value of the second invariant, <50> for the present tutorial, to define the iso-surface and click
again on the same button to save it. This iso-surface will appear in the Surfaces menu;
l Select Helicity in the Quantities menu;

l Click on the Smooth contour button in Contours & Iso Values section.

136 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

137 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.1.1 Introduction

A. Problem Description

A high Froude number simulation is a complex marine application of CFD, as it requires accurate
meshing and settings to compute correctly the high velocity flows. Simplifying and automating its
complete simulation setup would decrease the required engineering time, allowing the user to
easily and quickly setup and launch those cases. For these purposes the C-Wizard in Planing
regime mode is introduced into FINE™/Marine software. This is the dedicated mode for high
Froude number computations. It has the particularity to automatically place the boat close to its
final position using the Savitsky prediction method, to accelerate the convergence.
The Naples Systematic Series C1 model is employed here to calculate its performances:
l Reference length = 2.611 m;
l Velocity = 7.0 m/s; Froude number = 1.38;
l Mass = 106.7 kg;
l Maximum beam at waterline = 0.743 m;
l Mean deadrise angle = 14.0 deg;
l Thrust line to CoG distance = 0.193 m;
l Thrust line to keel line angle = 0.0 deg
l Water density = 999.1026 kg/m³;
l Water dynamic viscosity = 0.001138 Pa.s.
Water properties correspond to fresh water at 15 degrees Celsius of the ITTC standards.


The Naples warped hard chine hulls systematic series, F. De Luca, C. Pensa
Towards CFD guidelines for planing hull simulations based on the Naples Systematic Series, S.
Mancini et A. Ramolini, ECCOMAS Marine 2017

138 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

B. Objectives

The goal of this tutorial is to provide guidelines/ best practices for high Froude number calculation
through step-by-step instructions for the C-Wizard mode. Through its realization, the user will
learn how to:
l Use the wizard mode integrated into the FINE™/Marine interface called the C-Wizard;
l Set up a planing regime simulation;
l Generate a computational mesh in an automatic mode;
l Visualize the solutions.

C. Methodology

The present tutorial follows the general work flow of the C- Wizard mode, stressing and
highlighting the particularities of a Planing regime application.
It is structured in five main sections:
l Part I describes the complete automatic project, mesh and flow solver setup.
l Part II and Part III describe in detail the mesh and flow solver setup respectively. These steps
are optional because they intend to enlarge user's knowledge about the work- flow in
HEXPRESS™ and FINE™/Marine but they are not strictly necessary for a smooth
experience while doing this tutorial.
l Part IV deals with launching the computation with the Task Manager tool and monitoring its
evolution with the Monitor tool.
l Part V is entirely devoted to the post-processing of the results, both global quantities with the
Result Analysis tool and field quantities with CFView™.
Since this tutorial consists of detailed information about physical and numerical parameters
automatically imposed during the setup procedures, the user is invited to check the shell/ bash
window since relevant information will be displayed there during the process.

D. CPU Prerequisites

In order to ensure a smooth FINE™/Marine experience, it is advised to use a computer with the
following resources:
l 4 GB of RAM (minimum 3GB);
l 7GB of disk space available to store all files;
l 64 bits machine with 48 cores (minimum 24 cores).

139 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

E. Estimated Engineering and Computing Time

Engineering time (user interaction required):

l C-Wizard automatic setup: 5 minutes;
l Post-processing: 30 minutes.
Computing time (no user interaction required): 8h50 to finish on 24 cores, but the convergence
within 1% was reached after 5h.

F. Preparation

1. Locate and copy the file C1_ssa_cf.x_t into your working directory (download Basic tutorial
2. Start FINE™/Marine v7.1rc

How to launch FINE™/Marine

l For Linux systems, you can access the FINE™/Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface with the
following command line:
finemarine71rc -print
l For Windows systems (Windows 7 and older), you can access the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc
graphical user interface from the Start menu by going to /Programs/NUMECA
software/FineMarine71rc/FINE. In Windows 8 you can access it by going to the Start menu
and clicking on Search. Under Apps, there will be a section called Numeca software. Click on
FINE(#-bits) in order to open the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface.

5.1.2 Part I: Automatic Setup (Project, Mesh and Flow


1. Click on Using the C-Wizard button to launch the wizard and then on Ok to confirm.
The C-Wizard plugin creates its own project as a step of the project setup procedure.

140 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

C-Wizard can also be launched by going to Plugins, then to Predefined and selecting the first
part of the wizard by clicking on C-Wizard_Part_l.
This first part of the wizard provides the user with a menu for the input parameters, extra
numerical models conditions, the domain creation and the mesh configuration setup.

If the C- Wizard is started when there is a project already opened in FINE™/Marine, a warning
window will appear asking for the action to execute.

To save the ongoing project settings select No, then save the project and return to the Plugins menu
to relaunch the C-Wizard_Part_l.
It is recommended to start the C-Wizard mode computation from the empty FINE™/Marine interface
since there will be a full-chain project setup provided. Selecting Yes in the warning window will
close the opened project without saving it and a new setup procedure will be started.

A. Project Management

2. Create a project by clicking on Create project button in the Project management section. In
a browser define the project name in the directory of your choice.

141 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3. In the Application section, select Planing Regime .
4. In the Wizard units section select <deg>, <m>, <m/s>.
5. Click on the Next >> button to move to the Body configuration menu.

B. Body Configuration

6. In the Input geometry section, select Parasolid/CATPart and click on the Import
Parasolid/CATPart file button ('*.x_t' and '*.CATPart' formats are available here). Download
the Basic Tutorial Archive.
Import the downloaded Parasolid file C1_ssa_cf.x_t.
7. In the Is the input half of the body? section, select No.
8. In the Body configuration section, select Cut body in two (with mirror plane).
9. In the Initial free surface position section, enter the value <0.1676899> [m].
10. In the Body mass section, enter the value <106.7> [kg].

142 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

11. In the Center of gravity section, enter the coordinates (0.943, 0.0, 0.235).
12. In the Specific inputs for planing regime prediction (Savitsky) section, enter the following
l b = <0.743> [m]
l beta = <14.0> [deg]
l f = <0.193> [m]
l epsilon = <0.0> [deg]
13. Click on the Advanced >>> button and enter the value <-10> [%].

This value is a correction applied to the predicted pitch value. Indeed, the Savitsky prediction method
has shown the tendency to over predict the pitch. Hence, one propose to apply by default a - 30%
correction on the predicted pitch, which is accurate in most cases. In this case, the default value would
have required few extra time steps, hence the value of -10% is taken instead.

After the previous settings, the Body configuration menu should look as shown in the next

143 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

14. Click on the Next >> button to move to the Flow definition menu.

C. Flow Definition

15. In the Speed definition (positive value(s) ) section, set the Single speed to <7.0> [m/s].

144 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Since the speed of the planing boat can significantly influence the final hull position, the user has to
create one project per speed with the C-Wizard mode since the automatic mesh generation process
will be affected. According to this, the Resistance curve feature is not available in the menu.

16. In the Scale Input data (Froude number similarity) section, do not activate the Scaling
17. In the Fluid model section, leave the default values.
After the previous settings, the Flow definition menu should look as shown in the next figure.

18. Click on the Next >> button to move to the Additional inputs menu.

145 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

D. Additional Input

This menu allows to activate an Actuator disk and/or a Drag based external force. This could
be used to pull the boat by its exact propulsion point. It is also possible to activate the Adaptive
grid refinement on free surface to improve the mesh quality around the free surface
automatically during the computation, and hence obtain a better definition of the wave pattern.
In this tutorial none of the option is used, to accelerate the computation time.

19. Click on the Next >> button to move to the Mesh setup menu.

E. Mesh Setup

20. In the Mesh density section, select Medium

Refinements on patches are applied according to their names and to the mesh density level. Indeed,
names and mesh density level are defined in the Refinement dictionary.

21. In the Extra refinement of wave field section, leave No.

146 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Thanks to this option, an additional refinement sector (using the Kelvin angles) is defined to
accurately capture the wave system generated by the boat.

22. In the Merge faces with the same name? section, leave No.

Here the sensitive part of the computational project is merging. The way merging is done can
influence the computational process and results. Two options are available in the C- Wizard mode:
Merge faces with the same name and/ or Merge tangential faces.

23. In the Merge tangential faces? section, select Yesand enter the value <170.0> [deg]

This option is exactly the same as the one in HEXPRESS™ (Domain Manipulation) and when
activated it checks if the neighboring patch has a tangent angle greater than a specified one and merge
if it is greater. This method is especially helpful when the imported geometry contains a big number
of patches.

24. Click on the Advanced >>> button to check the additional parameters.
25. In the User-defined domain size section, do not activate it.

When not active, the default domain is set to a box with 1.5 LOA before the boat, 1.5 LOA below, 1.5
LOA on the side, 1 LOA above. The number of LOA behind the boat (in the wake) depends on the
Froude number: 3 LOA for Fr ≤ 1, 4 LOA for 1 < Fr < 1.5 and 5 LOA for Fr ≥ 1.5.

26. In the Triangulation density section, select Fine.

27. In the Y+ value section, select Automatic and Y+ will be automatically computed for a
computation with wall-functions.
28. In the Refinement dictionary file (*.csv) section, select Default (installation directory).
After the previous settings, the Mesh setup menu should look as shown in the next figure.

147 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

29. Click on Start mesh set-up button to start the domain creation and the mesh setup. The user
can check the shell to see the process in action.
An information window will appear reporting that the first part of the C- wizard has been
successfully finished. The Froude number is also given.

148 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

From this moment the user can either manually check the mesh definition and then manually
generate it, or continue with the C-wizard work-flow that will automatically generate the mesh.
The user is kindly invited to manually check the mesh to better understand the HEXPRESS™
work-flow and the parameters involved in the mesh setup.
30. Click on the Manually check the mesh first button to activate the HEXPRESS™ interface
(see image below) without immediately starting the mesh generation.

From the file savitsky.output stored in the project folder, one can retrieve the values of the Savitsky
prediction method.

149 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.1.3 Part II: Manual Mesh Generation (optional)

Based on all the previous input, HEXPRESS™ will take the following actions:

Domain creation, with merging by tangency performed

The next figure illustrates the computational domain with the half boat inside.

Since Merge tangential faces was selected with the value <170.0> [deg], all the adjacent patches
with an angle between 170 and 180 degrees were merged.

150 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Boundary conditions definition

Clicking on the Boundary conditions button the user can check how the external boundary
conditions of the domain were automatically defined and named in accordance with the global
reference frame: ymin_SYM, zmax, xmin, ymax, zmin and xmax.

151 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Mesh setup

The mesh settings can be accessed through the Mesh Wizard menu of HEXPRESS™.
The next tables summarize the information and parameters contained in each section of the Mesh
Wizard menu.

Menu Submenu Geometry Parameters

Initial 2,688 cells

152 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Menu Submenu Geometry Parameters
Adapt to Global Maximum number of refinements: 12
Curve Curve 24, Maximum number of refinements: 9
refinement Curve 27* Target cell size: (0, 0, 0)
Refinement diffusion: Global
*edges between Hull and Transom: to ensure a good definition
of the flow detachment expected at the dry transom
Surface Hull* Maximum number of refinements: 6
refinement Target cell size: (0, 0, 0)
Refinement diffusion: Global
*automatically grouped 'HULL_LOWER' and 'HULL_UPPER'
CHINE Maximum number of refinements: 9
Target cell size: (0, 0, 0)
Refinement diffusion: Global
DECK Maximum number of refinements: 4
Target cell size: (0, 0, 0)
Refinement diffusion: Global
TRANSOM Maximum number of refinements: 8
Target cell size: (0, 0, 0)
Refinement diffusion: Global
Global_FS* Maximum number of refinements: 8
Target cell size: (0.4089, 0.4089, 0.00319)
Maximum aspect ratio: 128.0
Refinement diffusion: 4
*automatically grouped 3 x 'trailing_edge'
Box Box #0 Maximum number of refinements: 8
refinement Target cell size: (0.40890, 0.40890, 0.00319)
Volumic (activated)
Refinement diffusion: 3
Trimming All external boundaries are not used for trimming
Snap to Buffer insertion of Type II for all edges resulting from the
geometry intersection of the boat with the mirror plane ymin_SYM and for
the edges of the domain box. For all the rest, Type I is

153 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Menu Submenu Geometry Parameters
Optimize Max nb of orthogonality optimization iterations: 5 Minimal
orthogonality threshold: 5.0
Viscous Viscous layers are defined and computed for all Solid boundaries
layer and are deactivated for the DECK.
Fixed first layer thickness Method
Floating number of layers: Minimum number of layers = 3 |
Maximum number of layers = 15
Active with First layer thickness <2.4254e-04>
Hull: 13 layers
CHINE: 5 layers
TRANSOM: 7 layers

Mesh generation

Click on the Start button in the Mesh Wizard menu to generate the mesh.

The mesh has a total number of cells of 2,782,880 including the viscous layer insertion.

154 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Click on the Grid button in the HEXPRESS™ toolbar, select Mesh Quality ... and then use the
drop-down list of the Criterion section to check the value of each quality criterion. The next table
summarizes the most relevant criterion to be analyzed.

TABLE 5.1 Mesh quality summary for the Medium mesh density level.

Criterion Value
Negative / Concave / Twisted cells 0/0/0
Minimum orthogonality 21.39 deg
Maximum cell non-orthogonality 32 deg
Maximum expansion ratio 12.8

Click on Go back to project set-up button to start FINE™/Marine GUI.

Click on Yes button to save the generated mesh.
The following window appears, showing a summary of the values computed by the C-Wizard.

5.1.4 Part III: Manual Flow Solver Setup (optional)

Based on all the previous input, FINE™/Marine will set up the flow solver. The parameters
automatically defined during Part I can be checked through the Parameters section.

155 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Detailed flow solver input parameters

Physical Sub-menu Geometry Parameters

General Time configuration: Steady
Fluid model Fresh water at 15 degrees Celsius
Flow model Regime/ Turbulence model: k-omega (SST-Menter)
Reference length: 2.6057m
Reference velocity: 7.0 m/s
Boundary Solid All except DECK: Wall-function
conditions DECK: Slip (zero shear stress)
External zmax, zmin Prescribed pressure: Updated hydrostatic pressure
xmin, Far field
Mirror ymin_SYM
Body All solid patches are grouped together and called 'Vessel'
definition for the body.
Body motion Motion Activated
definition Pitch : Ry1 = -0.067380 Rad, corresponds to the dynamic
angle computed with Savitsky
Tx0 is imposed as Constant with a speed of 7.0 m/s
Tz0 and Ry1 are Solved
Other degrees of freedom are Fixed
Dynamic Inertial data:
parameters Half body
Center of gravity (0.943, 0, 0.29273) m, Z-coordinate
updated with the dynamic heave computed with Savitsky
Mass 106.7 kg
Inertia matrix shown in the following pictures.

156 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

157 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
Physical configuration (continuation)
Mesh management Domain mesh management
Source of domain rigid motion Vessel
Mesh displacement definition Rigid motion: Tx0
Weighted deformation: Tz0, Ry0
Initial solution General settings Uniform values
Initial velocity (Vx, Vy, Vz) = (0, 0, 0) m/s
Multi-Fluid Interface position (z) = 0.1676899 m
Additional models No additional models are used
Numerical parameters Default values

Computation General As this computation is made to reach a steady state computation and the
control boat is placed in a position closed to the final one, those parameters are
variables appropriate.
Maximum number of non-linear iterations: 5
Convergence criteria 2 orders
Number of time steps: 2000
General > Solver method: Dynamic switch
Advanced The solver will automatically switch between PCGSTAB_MB and
BoomerAMG to use the most efficient pressure solver.
PCGSTAB_MB: 2 orders, maximum of 300 iterations
BoomerAMG: 3 orders, maximum of 60 iterations
Expert The goal here is to kill the potential numerical ventilation that could
parameters appear. The weighted deformation coefficient are also modified to allow
more deformation.
CIStreakCorrection_ : YES
CIAggressiveStreakCorrection_ : YES
WeightCoefModifLaw_ : 3.0 0.85

158 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

159 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
Computation control (continuation)
Output Motion and force variables Translation variables: Tx0, Tz0
Rotation variables: Ry1
Angular velocity variables Vx0, Vz0
Angular acceleration variables Ax0, Az0
Force decomposition Global frame
Optional output variables Hydrodynamic pressure
Viscous stress (fluid to wall)
Turbulent dissipation

160 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.1.5 Part IV: Computation Launch & Control

31. Click on the Save Project button to save the project.

32. Click on Solver/Start button to start the computation, activate Parallel in Launching
mode section to select parallel computation and then click on Ok to go the Task Manager tool.

A. Task Manager tool

33. In the Task Arguments & Characteristics section, increase the Number of partitions up to
34. For Linux , click on the Save Batch File button and then on the Start button to start the

For a job submission on a cluster see Parallel Computations.

Once the solver has finished the computation, theTask Manager displays the computation status
in the TASK MANAGER INFO window, where the status is "finished" for pre-processing,
solver and post-processing.

B. Monitor tool

35. It is also possible to check the results history through the Monitor tool during the run or when
the computation is finished by clicking on the Start Monitor button .
In the Quantities to display section, the user can select the quantities (residuals, forces,
momentum and motions variables) for which one would like to check the convergence history or
the computed values. Multiple components or quantities from different runs can be displayed
together as presented below.

161 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Vessel drag - Fx

162 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Vessel lift - Fz

163 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Vessel heave - Tz

164 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Vessel pitch - Ry

For the forces Fx and Fz, the time span of the plot starts at 0.012 s to exclude the initial peak which
preclude the analyst from observing the details of the time evolution of these quantities.

The computation has been made in Half body , hence the forces values need to be multiplied by a
factor 2.

165 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.1.6 Part V: Post-Processing

In this last section of the tutorial, the post-processing of the computation is presented. First with
the Result Analysis tool integrated into FINE™/Marine for studying the convergence of quantities
such as forces, moments, motions etc. Secondly with CFView™ to analyze in depth field
quantities such as the pressure, the velocity and its second invariant.

A. Result Analysis tool

36. Click on the Result Analysis button in the FINE™/Marine toolbar.

37. In the Quantities selection section, select Fx, Fz, Tz0 and Ry1 to analyze the drag, the lift
(that should compensate the weight), the heave and the pitch respectively.

166 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

167 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
38. In the Analysis options section, select Average efforts. Set the parameters Average values
over the last to <10>% and Convergence criterion to <1>%. The former means that the
averaging will be performed over the 10% of the simulation starting from the end. The latter is
used to compute the CPU time, physical time and iteration number at which the convergence was
reached according to the Convergence criterion . A more detailed explanation on the
convergence criterion and filters can be found in FINE™/Marine documentation (see Criterion
for average calculations and convergence).

39. In the Plot options section, select the Double the drag Fx for a half body simulation
option. This option will double the drag value, to obtain the full body drag.

40. Click on the Perform button to start the analysis. Within the computation folder one new
folder named Convergence_report_date_time is created containing a file named convergence_ and another folder named as the computation itself. The *.info file is a text file
summarizing the inputs introduced in the Result Analysis tool.

168 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Content of the *.info file

Convergence report parameters

Selected computations:
Efforts: Fx Fz
Motions: Tz0 Ry1
Average efforts.
Average over the last 10% of time steps.
Convergence criterion: 1%.
Double the drag Fx for a half body simulation.
Self-propulsion analysis: not requested.
The folder named after the computation contains plots of the selected quantities and a text file
called computed_data.dat that summarizes the average values of each quantity, the CPU time and
convergence analysis as well as a table of the quantity values taken from each eff_*.dat and the
Mvt_Vessel.dat files stored in the computation folder.

The Convergence report (computed_data.dat file)

The section devoted to the table of quantity values shown in this convergence report has been cut
(...) for illustrative purposes.
Convergence report
Project: /Tutorial5_CW_Planing_regime/Tutorial5_CW_Planing_regime.iec
Computation: computation_7.0ms
Mesh: /Tutorial5_CW_Planing_regime/_mesh/C1_ssa_cf.igg
Average values

Quantity Average Min Max Std. deviation

Fx(Vessel) -1.8164421e+02 -1.8200090e+02 -1.8135388e+02 1.2686644e-01
Fz(Vessel) 5.2281668e+02 5.2235280e+02 5.2338290e+02 2.3595031e-01

CPU time and convergence

169 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Quantity CPU_Time Physical_Time Iteration
Fx(Vessel) 3:44 1.5634200e+00 840
Fz(Vessel) 3:48 1.5931994e+00 856
Tz0(Vessel) 2:16 9.3991321e-01 505
Ry1(Vessel) 5:06 2.1422576e+00 1151

Table of quantity values (filtered quantities are marked by *)

Common quantities

T Fx(Vessel) Fz(Vessel) Tz0(Vessel) Ry1(Vessel)

1.861214e-03 -1.108137e+04 5.719900e+03 2.930732e-01 -6.732609e-02
3.722429e-03 4.876980e+02 1.563649e+03 2.934374e-01 -6.726849e-02
3.722429e+00 -1.820009e+02 5.233703e+02 3.040431e-01 -6.642123e-02

B. CFView™

41. In the FINE™/Marine toolbar, click on the CFView™ button to start the post-processing
of the flow field.
42. In the appearing menu Select result to open in CFView keep the Traveling shot based on
Vessel and only activate Tx. Click on the Ok button.

170 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

In the current tutorial, free surface colored by its elevation, as well as the mass fraction on the hull
are chosen for visualization.
43. In the left bar, in the menu Representations, select Render Gouraud to render the geometry.
Then, in the CFView™ toolbar, click on the Geometry menu and then select Repetition on/off
to mirror the geometry with the Ymin mirror plane.

171 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

44. In the menu Macros, select Represent_free_surface to render the free surface colored by its

45. Visualization of the mass fraction on the hull. The steps to perform are:

172 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

a. In the menu Update, select Delete > All;
b. In the Surfaces menu of the left bar select all the solid patches with Ctrl+Click, then Right-
Click > Select to select only the solid patches;
c. In the Quantities menu of the left bar, double click on the Mass Fraction quantity and then
on the Smooth contour button in the Contours & Iso Values section;
d. Use the visualization buttons on the lower bar to visualize the mass fraction representation on
the hull.

173 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

General information on the use of the tutorials:

Where to Find the Files Used in the Tutorials?

The appropriate files (and any other relevant files used in the tutorial) can be downloaded from
the corresponding link: download Advanced level files. In addition they are available from the
Products page of the Customer Area (
Some of the project files (mesh and project, excluding solution files) can also be found in the
demo cases package dedicated to ready-to-run demonstration cases and presented in the Demo
Cases section. This allows to quickly start a calculation and observe the behavior of
FINE™/Marine, without necessarily going through all the steps of the tutorials.

Conventions Used in the Tutorials

Several conventions are used in the tutorials to facilitate your learning process.
Following a short introduction, each tutorial is divided into 3 sections respectively related to mesh
generation, settings and calculation, and post-treatment.
Inputs required to execute the tutorials are most often restricted to the geometry, either in a ".dom"
or CAD related format, and profiles of boundary conditions.
The sequence of actions to be executed are described through a step-by-step approach, in the form
of Arabic numbers.
Additional insight about some specific actions and/ or features is frequently added to illustrate the
tutorial further. This information is proposed for the purpose of clarity and completeness, and
should not be executed. It appears as a note with a light blue background.
The calculations executed to illustrate the behavior of the flow solver include a "reasonable"
number of grid points, so as to limit the computational resources required to complete the tutorials.
As a consequence, most of the underlying flow solutions must be considered as qualitative.
Additional mesh refinement may be required in some circumstances so as to obtain a more
quantitative picture.

Contact NUMECA local sales or support office for any question or information you may require. To
allow NUMECA local sales or support office to help you out within the shortest delays, please
provide a detailed description of the observed behavior and performed analysis.

174 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

NUMECA Software

The resolution of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps:
l spatial discretization of the flow equations,
l flow computation,
l visualization of the results.
In order to perform these steps, three software systems have been created:
l HEXPRESS™ (developed by NUMECA), is an automated all-hexahedral unstructured mesh
l ISIS-CFD (developed by the CNRS and the Ecole Centrale de Nantes), is a 3D unstructured
flow solver able to simulate Euler or Navier-Stokes (laminar or turbulent) flows.
l CFView™ (developed by NUMECA), is a highly interactive Computational Field
Visualization system.
These three software systems have been integrated in a unique and user-friendly Graphical User
Interface (GUI), called FINE™/Marine, allowing the solution of complete simulations of 3D
internal and external flows from the grid generation to visualization, without any file
manipulation, through the concept of a project. Moreover, multitasking capabilities are
incorporated, allowing the simultaneous treatment of multiple computations.
Tutorials shows how to:
l use the HEXPRESS™ user interface,
l generate a mesh with HEXPRESS™ ,
l progress in the mesh wizard to generate the mesh and multi-domain mesh,
l visualize a mesh,
l control the quality of the mesh,
l set up a computation in the FINE™/Marine interface,
l start/ stop the computation,
l visualize the results with CFView™, making an animation.
l import an external geometry.

175 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials


1.1.1 Prerequisites

It is strongly recommended to perform basic tutorials 1 and 2 before starting this advanced

l 3GB of RAM (4GB strongly recommended)

l 1.5GB of disk space available to store all files
l 64bits machine with 10 cores strongly recommended
Estimated time:
l Meshing: 3 hours
l Computation setup: 30 minutes
l Computation time: 1 day (no user interaction required)
l Post-processing: 1 hour

1.1.2 Problem Description

Appended DTMB 5415

176 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The goal of this tutorial is to provide step-by-step instructions of the simulation of a typical marine
case in order to aid in the learning process of FINE™/Marine. The tutorial gives guidelines/best
practices on the complete mesh set-up, flow settings and post-processing, also applicable to other
marine cases. The geometry at hand is the fully appended case DTMB 5415 Combatant. Some
geometrical features make this a challenging and representative case to mesh. Upon completion of
this tutorial, the user should have covered the most relevant features present in FINE™/Marine.
The simulation settings have an impact on the meshing methodology (mainly viscous layer
settings). Viscous layers insertion should custom fit each individual test conditions. To provide
such a context, in the following section (Flow Settings), a scale model resistance computation will
be initialized with the following settings:
l Reference length( Lpp) of 5.72m;
l Velocity of 2.1m/s - Froude number 0.28;
l Draft of 0.248m in the model frame of reference;
l Water density 998.4 kg/m³;
l Kinematic viscosity 1e-6m²/s.
Since the flow settings are symmetric, only half of the geometry will be meshed.

1.1.3 Preparation

1. Locate and copy the file "DTMB5415_ Appended.X_ T" into your working directory
(download Advanced tutorial archive).
2. Start FINE™/Marine v7.1rc.

How to launch FINE™/Marine

l For Linux systems, you can access the FINE™/Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface with the
following command line:
finemarine71rc -print
l For Windows systems (Windows 7 and older), you can access the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc
graphical user interface from the Start menu by going to /Programs/NUMECA
software/FineMarine71rc/FINE. In Windows 8 you can access it by going to the Start menu
and clicking on Search. Under Apps, there will be a section called Numeca software. Click on
FINE(#-bits) in order to open the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface.

177 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.1.4 Graphical User Interfaces


178 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials


179 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials


Click here to start the mesh generation...

1.1.5 Mesh Generation

A. Import Geometry

1.1. Open FINE™/Marine, select Create a new project/ Creating a mesh and press OK.

1.2. Select a working directory, enter the project name Full_Appended_DTMB and press OK.

180 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.3. Press Yes to start HEXPRESS™ .

1.4. Click on Import Parasolid model.

181 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.5. Select the tutorial file "˜DTMB5415_Appended.X_T" from the folder "_advanced/Tutorial_
1/_geom/", and confirm your choice. Nine Parasolid™ bodies are loaded.

182 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Imported Parasolid™ models might be unclean (gaps, intersecting geometries, etc.). To verify this, a
checking algorithm is included in HEXPRESS™ .

1.6. Select all bodies: left-click on the first body, hold the <Shift> button and left-click on the last
item (<Ctrl> + left-click also works to make multiple selections).
1.7. Right-click and hold on any highlighted item in the list to access the options menu and release
on Check. Wait a few seconds to have confirmation that the bodies are clean.

1.8. Press OK to continue.

When the imported bodies are not clean, one needs to resort to for example CADfix.

183 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

B. Define Domain

The computational domain is usually defined as a box around the body.Standard domain sizes in
terms of Lpp or Loa are:
l Longitudinal (commonly X-axis) 5Lpp
l Lateral (commonly Y-axis) 1.5Lpp
l Normal (commonly Z-axis) 2Lpp
l Volume in space 15Lpp³

2.1. Click on Create Box under the CAD Manipulation menu in the Quick Access Pad (QAP).
2.2. For the first corner enter <-5.72,0,-8.33>.
2.3. Click on Apply.
2.4. For the second corner enter <22.88,8.58,3.11>.
2.5. Click on Apply.
2.6. Click on Accept.

2.7. A box called 'B1' is added to the list.

184 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The domain that will be meshed is the bounding box minus the ship'sgeometry. To obtain this, a
boolean operator Subtract is used.

2.8. Click on Subtract.

2.9. Select the target body 'B1' (body from which you will subtract).
2.10. Press Accept.
2.11. Select the tool bodies: all other bodies in the list (bodies that will be subtracted).
2.12. Left-click on the first body in the list. Hold <Shift> and left-click on the last body in the list.
2.13. Press Perform.

All actions can be undone with Undo.

185 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

To verify that the resulting body is indeed as expected, select the body in the list and right-click hold
and release on Show as solid.To return, repeat above steps but release on Show as wireframe .

2.14. Check that the body 'B1' is selected in the CAD Manipulation/ Visualization/Selection list
in the QAP.
2.15. Click on Create Domain under CAD Manipulation/Create/Edit and a rough initial
domain will be generated.

186 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Recommendations on faceting settings:
l Compromise between facet count (file size) and description of the model.
l Recommendations in terms of LPP (from lower to higher quality):
l Minimum length = LPP x 1e-3 to LPP x 1e-4;
l Maximum length = LPP;
l Curve and surface plane chordal tolerance = from 1e-3 to 1e-4;
l Curve and surface resolution = from 5 to 1.

2.16. Set the faceting settings as in the following figure.

187 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.17. Click on Apply to see the effect of the faceting settings in the graphics window.

188 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

A visual check of the triangulation quality, especially in the high curvature areas, is highly
recommended before saving the domain. If the geometry is not accurately respected, the faceting
settings parameters should be improved.

2.18. When satisfied, click on Create to save the domain file under the name "FA_DTMB_
domain" in the "/_mesh" subfolder of the project directory.

189 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.19. Click Yes for the question if you want to import the successfully generated domain.

The resulting imported domain is presented in the following figure.

2.20. Use the Solid Toggle button to view the domain as wire-frame or solid.

190 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

C. Manipulate Domain

Meshing actions in HEXPRESS™ are mainly done at the level of edge or face entities. To reduce
the engineering time spent during the mesh set-up, the number of edges and faces should be kept
to a minimum (process called domain simplification).This section will illustrate
l Manual merging of faces and edges
l Automatic merging of faces and edges
Click on Domain Manipulation in the QAP to expand the options.The following philosophy is
usually followed when merging edges and faces. By default, HEXPRESS™ captures all vertices
and edges in the domain. This means:
l Edges which represent a real geometrical feature or of great interest (possible cavitation,
separation, etc) should be kept.
l Edges not representing a feature can be merged together;
l Try to avoid vertices with a connectivity equal or larger than 4 (connected to 4 edges).
Typical workflow:
l First automatic face merge with high feature angle;
l Manual face merge;
l Automatic edge merge.

191 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

A feature angle of:
l 0 deg allows merging of all edges/faces;
l 180 deg only allows the merging of parallel aligned edges/faces.
By default, it is set to 140 deg.

Automatic Face Merge

As a first step, the Automatic Face Merge option with large feature angle is used to merge faces
that are well aligned.
3.1.1. Click on Domain Manipulation in the QAP to expand the options.

3.1.2. Click on the Automatic Face Merge icon .

3.1.3. Set feature angle (degrees) to <175> <Enter>.
3.1.4. Press Ok.
3.1.5. Press Merge All or Merge for a step-by-step merging.

192 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Manual Face Merge

3.2.1. Manual face merging follows to merge the remaining faces of interest. First, the feature
angle needs to be reset.

3.2.2. Click on the settings icon under Domain Manipulation in the QAP.
3.2.3. Set feature angle (degrees) to <0><Enter> (hence no restriction in merging operations).
3.2.4. Press Apply.

When manually merging, the edges/faces that will be merged are highlighted in green. If they do not
highlight, it is likely that the feature angle is set too high.

Focus on the bow surface and merge faces as depicted below.

3.2.5. Press on the Face Merge icon and click on the edges in the figures below to merge the
neighboring faces:

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194 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.2.6. Focus on the shaft root and merge the faces as depicted below:

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3.2.7. Shaft cone merging (6 actions, keep the vertical edges):

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198 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.2.8. Merge the A-brackets trailing edge area (4 actions, keep the dividing edge between the fore
and aft areas - possible separation of the boundary layer):

199 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

And obtain:

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3.2.9. Merge the rudder edges as depicted, keeping just the leading and trailing edges (2 actions):

201 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

And results:

Automatic Edge Merge

After the face merging, the original vertices still remain (which will be captured during the mesh

3.3.1. Click on the display vertex icon under View/Display Options in the QAP to visualize
them (white dots in the display area).

202 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.3.2. Click on the Automatic Edge Merge icon under Domain Manipulation in the QAP.
3.3.3. Set feature angle (degrees) to <140><Enter>.
3.3.4. Press OK.

3.3.5. Press Merge All.

3.3.6. Refresh the display by clicking twice on the vertex icon under View/Display Options
in the QAP to obtain the same result as in the following figure.

203 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.3.7. Click again on to hide the vertices.

Edge Splitting

To prevent a low quality of the future mesh in difficult areas as intersections of sharp edges with the
body, it is recommended to split edges or faces in that vicinity for a further refinement during the
mesh generation, thus avoiding a high discretization of a large area and therefore the generation of
unnecessary cells.

3.4.1. Press on the Split Edges button under Domain Manipulation in the QAP.

3.4.2. Zoom in on the brackets and move the cursor near one of the trailing edges. The curve will
be highlighted in green and a white circle will indicate the splitting point.
3.4.3. Left-click at approximately 10% of the trailing edge length from the bracket's root, as
shown in the following figure. Repeat for the second bracket.

204 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.4.4. Click on to verify the result:

205 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

At the end of the domain simplification step, always check the domain validity.
3.4.5. Click on the Domain Check icon under Domain Manipulation in the QAP. A Pop-up
appears indicating that the "Domain topology is valid".
3.4.6. Click on OK.
3.4.7. Select Project/Save to save the project under the name 'Full_Appended_DTMB.igg' in the
"/_mesh" subfolder.

Starting from this step, user can continue with his own project files or use the domain file
called "Full_Appended_DTMB.dom" that is provided in the documentation package (stored
under Tutorials/_advanced/Tutorial_1/_dom/). For this purpose, click on Project/New and
import the domain (".dom").

D. Boundary Conditions

Before proceeding with the actual mesh generation, it is recommended to set the boundary
conditions. This section explains how to:
l Assign names to surfaces;
l Assign boundary condition types to surfaces.

206 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

For practical reasons, rename all the surfaces accordingly and set the BC at the same time.

4.1. Click on the icon or select Grid/ Boundary Conditions... menu.

4.2.a. Click on the surface name in the list (and see it highlighted in the view area)
4.2.b. Select directly in the graphics area by clicking-left on the surface (click-middle to scroll
through surfaces hidden after each other).Use <Ctrl> or <Shift> to make multiple selections both
in the list or interactively, in the graphics area.
4.3. Click-right on the selected surface(s) and release on Set Name and rename all surfaces as
presented in the figures below (multiple surfaces may receive the same name).

4.4. First set the names and BC type for the bounding box as presented below:

207 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

After renaming the boundaries of the domain, they can be blanked in order to ease the selection of
the other parts of the domain. This is done by selecting the faces and selecting "blank" upon right-

This can be done every time a face is renamed correctly in order to ease the selection process.

208 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Due to symmetry, the ymin plane will be set as MIR. All the other 5 surfaces of the bounding box
will be set as EXT. All the ship's surfaces will be set as SOL.

4.5. Now rename and set the BC type for all the remaining surfaces as presented below:

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213 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
4.6. Select all bounding box patches except 'ymin'.
4.7. Click on Set face type to define boundary condition type and release on EXT.
4.8. Set the mirror plane (ymin) as MIR.
4.9. Check that all other patches are set as SOL.

214 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.10. Press Close.
4.11. Select Project/Save to save project.

215 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

E. Mesh Wizard

Initial Mesh

The first step consists of making an initial isotropic Cartesian mesh.

5.1.1. Select the Initial mesh step by ticking the yellow box.
5.1.2. Left-click on Initial mesh in order to view/edit the settings.
5.1.3. Keep the default settings.

5.1.4. Click Ok.

5.1.5. Click Step or Start.

A typical meshing strategy for marine applications is:

l About 1,000 isotropic initial Cartesian cells for symmetric computations
l The normal to the free surface cell size (Lpp/500 or Lpp/1000) should be an integer division of
the initial cell size
Assume Lpp/500 corresponds to 7 refinements of the initial Cartesian mesh and Lpp/1000
corresponds to 8 refinements, for the domain size described before, this initial grid will ensure the
closest match (symmetric mesh):

216 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l Division X: 20;
l Division Y: 6;
l Division Z: 8;
l Total cells: 960.

5.1.6. Switch between wire-frame and shading view by clicking on under View/Display
Options in the QAP and show or hide the mesh using the mesh toggle button .

Free Surface

In FINE™/Marine, the free surface should be captured correctly. For this purpose, a refinement zone
should be created as an internal surface. Various ways of creating it are possible, but for the purpose
of this tutorial, a lofted surface between two polylines will be exemplified.

5.2.1. Expand the Internal Surface pad in the QAP.

5.2.2. Click on Polyline under Curve.

217 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.2.3. Enter the first coordinate <-5.72 0 0.248> in the input keyboard area and press <Enter>.

5.2.4. Enter the second coordinate <-5.72 8.58 0.248> in the input keyboard area and press

5.2.5. Click-right in the graphics window to create the first polyline.

5.2.6. Click again on Polyline.
5.2.7. Enter the first coordinate <22.88 0 0.248> in the input keyboard area and press <Enter>.
5.2.8. Enter the second coordinate <22.88 8.58 0.248> in the input keyboard area and press
5.2.9. Click-right in the graphics window to create the second polyline.
The two polylines are selected by default (highlighted in yellow).

218 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.2.10. Click on Lofted under Surface to create the internal surface.

5.2.11. The free surface will be displayed in magenta.

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Note that the curve orientation (begin point to end point) needs to be the same for both polylines to
avoid a twisted lofted surface.

Note that an internal surface can also be created using a plug-in. In the interface Plugins -> Marine
-> Internal surface creation. This will give an option to specify the height at which the internal
surface is located. Give <0.248> as the z constant surface value to get the internal surface as shown
in the above figure.

220 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials


This step is probably the most important in terms of user interaction in HEXPRESS™ . Indeed, the
selected parameters directly dictate the computed mesh obtained with HEXPRESS™ . The adaptation
step consists of two successive actions: the refinement and the trimming. During the first one,
HEXPRESS™ adapts the initial mesh such that the cell sizes satisfy geometry dependent criteria.
With the second step, it removes cells intersecting the geometry or located outside the computational

Global Refinement Select and open the Adapt to geometry menu in the Mesh Wizard. Under the Global parameters tab, set the Maximum number of refinements to

221 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

In this action, cells are successively subdivided such that specific geometrical criteria are satisfied.

In order to limit the number of cells created during refinement, HEXPRESS™ subdivides cells
anisotropically as often as possible. A cell can thus be subdivided in 2, 4 or 8 cells.

The adaptation process successively bisects the cells flagged for refinement in one or several different
directions. The sizes of the initial mesh cells are therefore divided by a factor 2 N after N successive
refinements. This may result in an exponential growth of the total number of cells in the mesh, even
though the refinement may be confined to some areas of the computational domain. To bound the
number of cells, the user should set the maximum number of refinements to a reasonable
limit.Several global expert parameters are available when clicking on Advanced >>> button to
finely tune the mesh adaptation process. Since HEXPRESS™ is optimized for these defaults, any
modification may therefore alter the success of the meshing process. More details are available in the
User Manual.

The adaptation process is defined by three classes of criteria: curve, surface and volume criteria.
Surface criterion considers cells intersecting solid surfaces as candidates for refinement. Three criteria
are implemented and are respectively based on:
l a proximity between surfaces (Distance),
l a surface curvature measurement (Curvature),
l a specification of cell target sizes on the surfaces (Target cell sizes).
Volume criterion (found in Box Adaptation tab) is considering cells which are intersecting or
located inside a three-dimensional volume as candidates for refinement if their cell size is larger than
some user prescribed target size.

222 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Surface Refinement - Group Creation Left-click on the Surface refinement tab.

To save engineering time, surfaces belonging to a certain component of the ship or with similar
characteristics, can be grouped together so that the refinement parameters have to be set just once, for
the entire group. Note that the group names have to be unique.

To make a group: Select the patches of interest in the list (multi selection with <Shift> or <Ctrl> key) or
interactively from the graphical window (<Ctrl> key for multiple selection), selected surfaces are
highlighted in yellow (click again on a surface to deselect it). Click the middle mouse button to
scroll through surfaces hidden after each other. Click on Group. Give a name to the group and press <Enter>. A "˜+"™ sign appears in front of the group.

Group properties can be edited by right-clicking on the group name.

To delete a group:

223 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l Select the group;
l Click on Ungroup;
l The surfaces are listed again (at the end of the list).
Add a surface to an existing group:
l Select the group and surface (multi-selection);
l Click on Group.
Remove a surface from a group:
l Expand the group by clicking on the "+" sign;
l Select the surface to be removed;
l Click on Ungroup. Create the groups as presented in the following figure, by selecting the surfaces from the
list or interactively from the graphic area:

224 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

225 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
Surface Refinement - Parameters

The refinement settings for the group 'bracket_ LE' will be given as example, complete the
parameters of all other groups as presented in the following table. Click on Active. Set Max nb. of refinements to <11> <Enter>. Activate Curvature and Target cell sizes criteria. Enter target cell sizes along X, Y and Z axis as <0.0017> <Enter>.

The Maximum number of refinements per surface ultimately controls the refinement of cells

226 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

intersecting that surface (if it is presenting a value lower than the Global maximum number of
refinements from the Global parameters tab). This parameter supersedes any other selected
adaptation criteria. Fine tuning of this parameter is useful when it may be difficult to determine the
appropriate Target cell size , or if the Distance and Curvature criteria yield a prohibitive number
of cells. The default value (10000) is an arbitrary large number such that the criteria are controlled by
the Global maximum number of refinements.
The aim of the Distance criterion is to allow enough refinements of the cells in order to fill any gaps
between very close surfaces with a sufficient amount of cells.
The aim of the Curvature criterion is to automatically compute a target cell size suitable for
resolving curved surfaces. Smaller cells are expected where the geometry has high curvature.
The aim of the Target cell size criterion is to enforce a user- defined target cell sizes for each
geometrical surface. The size of a cell intersecting a geometrical surface are compared to the
prescribed user target and the cell is refined until its actual size is lower than the target. Click on Advanced>>> button to access the advanced parameters. Set Refinement diffusion to <1> <Enter> to reduce the growing of cells inside the

227 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Surface Group Max nb of Adaptation Criteria Maximum Refinement
refinements aspect ratio Diffusion
Distance Curvature Target cell
hull 7 000 2 Global
bilge_keel 8 000 2 3
rudder 8 000 2 Global
bracket 10 000 2 1
bracket_LE 11 x 0.0017 2 1
shaft (connected 12 x x 0.003 0.003 2 3
to hull) 0.003

228 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Surface Group Max nb of Adaptation Criteria Maximum Refinement
refinements aspect ratio Diffusion
Distance Curvature Target cell
shaft (x3) 10 x x 0.0035 2 1
rudder_middle 12 1 1 0.0005 8 1
ends 9 000 2 1
shaft_middle 12 0.0005 1 1 8 1
small_patches 9 000 2 1
deck 4 000 2 Global
INTERNAL_ 8 0.9 0.9 128 4
surface 0.00572

The part of the shaft that is connected to the hull is displayed in the following figure.

The other parts of the shaft can be seen in the following figure.

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Free surface refinement comments:
l Maximum aspect ratio is set to 128 to ensure a highly anisotropic mesh. the goal is to split the
initial cells once in x and y directions.
The increased maximum aspect ratio is to avoid a further refinement in x and y directions to meet the
default constraint of 2.
The refinement in z direction equals Lpp/1000.

Curve Refinement

Curve refinements could be useful in the following situations:

l Local refinement near leading and trailing edges;
l Intersection curves near appendages to ensure local high quality mesh. Click on the Curve refinement tab. All the curves to be refined are highlighted in the
following figure, but individual parameters should be completed as presented in the following

230 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The shaft-hull intersection is given as an example: Click on Active. Set Max nb. of refinements to <10> <Enter>. Activate Curvature and Target Cell sizes criteria and leave the default value. Click on Advanced>>> button to access advanced parameters. Set the Refinement diffusion to <4> <Enter>.

Curve Max Nb of Adaptation Refinement

Refinements Criteria Diffusion
Target cell size
2 x Rudder Leading Edge 9 000 2
2 x Rudder-Hull Intersections 9 000 1
Transom-Hull Intersection 9 000 Global
6 x Brackets-Hull Intersections 10 000 Global
Shaft-Hull Intersection 10 000 5
2 x Bilge keel "" Hull 10 000 Global
2 x Brackets_TE 10% Split 12 000 1

231 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Box Refinement

The last option to impose refinement is using user-defined boxes. Click on the Box refinement tab. In this tutorial, a refinement box will be used to prepare a zone of refinement for the
actuator disk model, if such is applied. Click on New. Press <c> to place the first corner. Left-click in the input keyboard area. Enter the first coordinate <5.38 0.065 0.14> in the input keyboard area (values separated
with a space). Press <Enter>. Left-click in the input keyboard area. Enter the second coordinate <5.43 0.265 -0.06> in the input keyboard area. Press <Enter>. Left-click in the graphics area to accept the box. A yellow box appears in the window.
Refinement settings for the box: Keep Active selected.

232 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials Set target cell sizes along X, Y and Z to <0.007> <Enter>. Activate Volumic. Click on Advanced>>> button to access advanced parameters. Set the Refinement diffusion to <1> <Enter> Click on Ok.

The option Volumic means the box volume will be refined. When not active, only the solid surfaces
inside the box will be refined


The trimming step removes all the cells intersecting or located outside of the geometry. Click on the Trimming tab.

A general rule to set the trimming parameters:

l On patches of the bounding box : not used for trimming
l On all other patches : used for trimming

233 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials Check that all bounding box patches have a trimming flag set to Not used for trimming.
If not: Select all bounding box patches (with <Shift> key or drag the mouse across the names of
the surfaces in the list). From the drop down list, select Not used for trimming. Click on Ok to leave the dialog box.

Note that not all surfaces appear in the list: only all EXT, MIR and SOL surfaces which are planar.

The trimming step removes all the cells intersecting or located outside of the geometry.

234 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The trimming parameters allow modifying the default selected surfaces for the trimming operation.
Only planar surfaces parallel to Cartesian axis are present. Surfaces which are set as Not used for
trimming will keep a Cartesian mesh close to them. Click on Ok. Click on the icon to save the project. Click on Step under Mesh Wizard in the QAP. Result after adaptation to geometry (activate/hide the mesh on the domain scope using
and set solid/wireframe view using ).

235 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

After the mesh adaptation, one wants to inspect if the applied refinement settings are sufficient. One

way is to make cutting planes in the domain by clicking on the icon in the viewing buttons or
press <F5>:
Press <x> to make a x-constant cutting plane.
Holding the middle mouse button slides the plane.
Pressing <F1> access the dynamic view options to reorient the camera position.
Pressing <Esc > returns to the cutting plane options.
Pressing <Esc > once more removes the cutting plane.

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After grid adaptation, a volumic mesh is created, meaning it is not projected or snapped onto the
actual model. The snapping step takes care of this process. By default, no user input is required.

The aim of this fully automated mesh generation step is to project the staircase mesh obtained after
the mesh adaptation on the surface to obtain a good quality body conforming mesh. In addition to a
simple projection on the geometry, this action involves sophisticated algorithms to recover lower
dimensional geometric features such as corners and curves in the mesh. These algorithms guarantee
that, when the mesh is projected onto the surface geometry, a mesh vertex is attached to each corner
of the geometry and that a path of mesh edges is attached to the curve.
Layers of additional cells (buffer insertion) are introduced into the mesh to create a body conforming
Finally, the mesh is smoothed by moving points on the surface and in the volume.

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For advanced users, the Advanced>>> button in the editing menu opened by clicking-left on Snap
to geometry after ticking the upfront yellow box in QAP gives access to Global parameters, Curve
snapping and Buffer insertion.
Curve snapping tab allows for some edges to be ignored depending on the specific case of interest.
Each edge can be set with one of the following feature:
l "Must be captured"(default);
l "Must be skipped"
l "Can be skipped"
Buffer insertion tab allows to control the type of buffer insertion when HEXPRESS™ is
introducing layers of additional cells during the snapping step. Two types related to the viscous layers
are available:
l Type 1 - usually used for fillets;
l Type 2 - e.g. hull-keel junction, symmetry plane (see figure and also check on your geometry by
clicking the highlighted curves in the picture).

5.4.1. Select the Snap to geometry step by ticking the yellow box in the Mesh Wizard.
5.4.2. Click on Step under Mesh Wizard in the QAP to proceed with the snapping step.

5.4.3. Display mesh and shading by clicking on the icons and under View/Display
Options in the QAP.

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239 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
The mesh obtained after the snapping step may involve poor quality cells which usually located close
to corners and curves. Some of these cells are concave or may even present a negative volume.
HEXPRESS™ provides specific algorithms to convert concave cells to convex ones by slight
displacing their vertices ( Optimization step).

5.4.4. Left-click on Mesh quality icon in the toolbar to check the mesh quality.
5.4.5. Select successively the Negative, Concave, and Twisted Cells criteria.


By default, the optimization step needs no user input.

5.5.1. Left-click on the yellow box in front of Optimize in the Mesh Wizard (QAP).
5.5.2. Click on Step under Mesh Wizard in the QAP to continue with the default settings.

5.5.3. Display mesh and shading by clicking on the icons and under View/Display
Options in the QAP.

240 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

241 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
Before adding viscous layers, it is recommended to check the quality of the mesh.

5.5.4. Left-click on the Mesh quality icon in the toolbar to check the mesh quality.
5.5.5. Select successively the Negative cells, Concave cells, Twisted Cells, and Orthogonality
as Criterion.

An important check of the mesh quality is to detect the presence of negative cells, i.e. cells with a
negative volume. Negative cells are not allowed in the final mesh to be used for the computation.
Concave or twisted cells are less likely to present robustness or stability issues for solvers, however
they should be prohibited.
When negative, concave or twisted cells are detected, they should be usually removed by changing
mesh adaptation settings. Please refer to the user manual for more details.
In case the optimizer cannot make the mesh valid then use relaxation, as a last resort to relax from
geometry. It is rarely used in marine applications.

Furthermore, the cell orthogonality, aspect ratio and expansion ratio can be controlled. There are
presented through histograms. Each bar represents the number of cells whose criterion value is
included in the bar interval. By left-clicking on one of the bars, the corresponding cells are displayed

242 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

in the graphics area. Cells are displayed in a color varying depending on the value of the quality
criterion. The Show markers check button activates the display of circle markers for each vertex of
the displayed cells, which facilitates the localization of the selected cells.

In case the optimization step was unsuccessful, meaning negative, concave or twisted cells
remained, the box in front of the step would be red.

Viscous Layers Insertion

5.6.1. Select the Viscous layers step by ticking the yellow box.
5.6.2. Left-click on Viscous layers in order to view/edit the settings.

In the Global tab, the user can select two viscous layers insertion methods: with or without inflation.
By default, inflation with a floating number of layers is selected.

When inflation technique with floating number of layers is applied:

243 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l the floating number of layers relates to the number of viscous layers added.
l inflation is an iterative technique (5 cycles) where the Euler mesh is gradually pushed away from
the boundaries as a function of the specified first layer thickness, growth ratio and number of
viscous layers (next steps will illustrate how to impose them). After each iteration of the inflation
process, the algorithm checks the volume transition of the last viscous layer and the Euler mesh.
When the ideal volume transition is reached during the 5 cycles, the process halts and will insert the
number of layers specified by the user. When this is not reached during those 5 cycles with the
floating number approach, the algorithm can update the user number of layers (specified in the tab
<Surface>) to ensure a better volume transition. The number of layers is then free to vary in the
range specified in the global menu (by default: min 5 "" max 30).

5.6.3. Select Fixed number of layers.

5.6.4. Click on the Surface tab.

5.6.5. Click on Group As Adapt to create the same groups as in the adaptation menu (Viscous
layer settings are common for groups with identical refinement settings).

244 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.6.6. Set the first layer thickness for all surfaces:

The width of the first cell close to the wall must be selected with care since the quality of the flow
solution will often depend upon the capture of the flow phenomena inside the boundary layers which
develop along the solid walls. Depending upon the turbulence model selected, NUMECA recommends
to locate the nearest grid point along the wall, at a distance that corresponds to parietal coordinate y+
ranging from 1-5 (low Reynolds number models) or 20-50 (high Reynolds number models). Besides,
FINE™/Marine proposes extended wall function models as well, which allows to use y+ range of 20-
50 for low Froude numbers and 50-300 for high Froude numbers.
The relation between the parietal coordinate y+ and width of the first cell close to the wall y is driven
by the Blasius equation, expressed as follows for turbulent flows:


245 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l Ywall is the distance of the nearest grid point to the wall (in meter);
l Vref is a reference velocity of the flow, for instance the inlet velocity (in m/s);
l ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (in m²/s), i.e. the dynamic viscosity divided by the density;
l Lref is a reference length of the test case (in meter);
l Y1+ is a non-dimensional value.

5.6.7. The viscous layer settings are first layer thickness, growth ratio and number of layers.
Commonly, the first layer thickness and growth ratio are the same for all surfaces.
5.6.8. Select all groups except the deck (use <Shift> key or drag the cursor over the groups names
in the list).
5.6.9. Click on Active.
5.6.10. Click on Compute to define the first layer thickness:

Note that the first layer thickness & stretching ratio can be set independently per surface.

246 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

HEXPRESS™ contains a tool to estimate the first layer thickness as a function of y +, reference
length, reference velocity and kinematic viscosity.
5.6.11. Set y+ to <50><Enter>;
5.6.12. Set reference length to <5.72><Enter>;
5.6.13. Activate reference velocity and Kinematic viscosity;
5.6.14. Set reference velocity to <2.1><Enter>;
5.6.15. Set Kinematic viscosity to <1e-6><Enter> (for water).
5.6.16. The tool suggests a first layer thickness of about 1e-3m (ywall).
5.6.17. Click on Apply to impose it on all selected surfaces.

Impose number of layers per surface or surface group example:

5.6.18. Select each surface (group) and impose the number of layers.
5.6.19. The growth ratio can remain as default (1.2).
5.6.20. Select only the group 'Hull'.
5.6.21. Based on the grid obtained after the optimization step, HEXPRESS™ suggests 7 layers.

HEXPRESS™ gives an indication about the appropriate number of viscous layers to insert. This
number is computed based on the current mesh after optimization (this indication is not available if
the optimization step is not performed yet). This value will be the minimum to activate the inflation

5.6.22. Click on Apply to impose this number.

5.6.23. Repeat the previous steps for the other groups.

247 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Note that for the group 'RudderMiddle', HEXPRESS™ indicates one layer to insert. This is the
minimum value and means that the Euler mesh already matches the first layer thickness.
5.6.24. Therefore, deactivate the viscous layer insertion on these surfaces by deselecting Active.

5.6.25. Click on Ok.

5.6.26. Click on Step under Mesh Wizard in the QAP to start the viscous layer insertion process.

5.6.27. Make a cutting plane by clicking on the icon or shortcut <F5>.

5.6.28. Impose it to be a x-constant plane by pressing <x>.
5.6.29. Slide the cutting plane at a place of interest "" zoom-in or project the view
5.6.30. Right- click on the icon Face under View/Display Options/Scope in the QAP and
deselect the surfaces of the bounding box to visualize the final mesh on the solid surfaces only.

248 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.6.31. Press <Esc> to leave the cutting plane tool.

5.6.32. Click on the icon to check mesh quality.

5.6.33. Verify that there are no negative, concave or twisted cells.
5.6.34. Look at the orthogonality criterion.

249 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.6.35. Click on the left bar (lowest orthogonality) to visualize the cells with orthogonality from 0
to 10 degrees as they are the once that could compromise the quality of the future computation.
5.6.36. Activate Show markers to locate them more easily. Low orthogonality cells are
pinpointed in the following figure.

250 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

One can change the range of the bar chart as well as the number of intervals below the chart by
changing the From, To and Number of Steps values.

The mesh statistics are contained in the ".qualityReport" file, but also retrieved in the
HEXPRESS™ GUI as described before.

Due to the complexity of this tutorial, the numerous number of steps which must be performed
and the small differences between software versions, slight variation of the mesh quality may
occur, but it should be in the range of the following values :
Number of cells : 3,100,000
No negative, concave and twisted cells
Minimal orthogonality 5 [deg]
Average orthogonality 80 [deg]
Maximal aspect ratio 150
Average aspect ratio 5
Maximal expansion ratio 12
Average expansion ratio 1.5

F. Save Project

6.1. Go to Project/Save or click on the Save icon and save the project under the '_mesh'

The mesh folder contains the mesh topology, geometry, grid points and the boundary condition types
among others:
l '.bcs': boundary conditions file,
l '.dom': geometry file,
l '.igg': topology file,
l '.hex': grid points file,
l '.rep': report file,
l '.dist': distance file,
l '.fnmb': FNMB connections,

251 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l '.qualityReport': quality report file.
In addition a subdirectory named "cache" contains resulting mesh files after each step of the mesh
generation (for example "_snap.hex" as resulting mesh after snapping process). It allows some steps to
be deleted and coming back to a previous one without generating the necessary steps again. Click on
the Go back to project set-up button to impose flow settings into FINE™/Marine GUI.

6.2. Click on the Go back to project set- up button to impose the flow settings in the
FINE™/Marine GUI.
6.3. The Mesh properties menu appears. Check that the information is correct (Grid units set to
Meters) and click on Ok.
You are now back to the FINE™/Marine interface and ready to click on the link and proceed
with the computation setup!

1.1.6 Flow Settings

A. Physical Configuration

General Properties

1.1.1. In the Physical configuration menu, double click on General parameters and keep
Steady active.
1.1.2. Click on Ok to confirm.

Fluid Model

1.2.1. Double click on Fluid model and keep Multi-fluid active and the default fluid settings.

252 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.2.2. Click on Ok to confirm.

Flow Model

1.3.1. Double click on Flow model.

1.3.2. Keep k-omega (SST-Menter) as Turbulence model and the gravity intensity set as -9.81
1.3.3. Set reference length to <5.72><Enter>.
1.3.4. Set reference velocity to <2.1><Enter>.

The reference variables (length and velocity) are required to estimate the Reynolds and Froude
numbers. These numbers are used by the flow solver, in particular in the damping functions related to
the modeling of turbulence down the walls. The impact of the characteristic variables on the flow
solution is very limited, but it is advised to select values in accordance with reference values of the
geometrical domain and flow conditions. As an example, the reference length may be defined as the
length between perpendiculars. The reference velocity may be set to the average ship velocity.

253 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.3.5. Click on Ok to confirm.

B. Boundary Conditions & Body Definition

2.1. Double click on Boundary conditions.

2.2. In the SOLID page, change the 'deck' patch to Slip (viscous effects are neglected). Keep the
other patches to Wall-function.

254 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.3. Go to the EXTERNAL page and change the top ('zmax') and bottom ('zmin') patches to
Prescribed pressure/Updated hydrostatic pressure.
2.4. Change the other patches to Far field and keep the far field velocity set to
2.5. Go to MIRROR page and check that 'ymin' is automatically selected.

255 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

256 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
257 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
2.6. Click on Ok to confirm.
2.7. Double click on Body definition and select all patches of the body (with the click-left +
<Shift> key).
2.8. Click on Create body, set the name to <DTMB><Enter> and click on Ok.

258 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

ISIS-CFD computes forces and moments on the created body and stores them in the 'eff_*.dat' files. It
is also possible to create sub-bodies within the body on which the forces are computed separately.
They will be also stored in the 'eff_*.dat' files.

C. Body Motion

3.1. Double click on Body motion.

3.2. Keep Activate Cardan Angles active.
3.3. Make Activate Quasi-Static (QS) approach active.
3.4. Change the motion type for the degree of freedom Tx0 to Imposed and select 1/2 sinusoidal
ramp as motion law.
3.5. Change the motion type for the degrees of freedom Tz0 and Ry1(Pitch) to Solved.

259 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.6. For the degree of freedom Tx0, click on Edit"¦ to define the settings of the motion law.
3.7. Set final time (t1) to <5.4><Enter>.
3.8. Set final velocity (V1) to <-2.1><Enter>.
3.9. Click on Ok to confirm.

260 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.10. Click on the Edit button for QS Parameters and adapt the values as presented in the
following figure, then press Ok to confirm.

261 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

When dealing with simulations that aim for a steady-state solution and the fully unsteady approach is
not desirable (due to the small time step required to maintain stability and therefore high
computational expense), the quasi-static (QS) method can be engaged. It is based on a succession of
predicted body attitudes. These attitudes are evaluated using an ad-hoc quasi-static approach.
This procedure remains stable even for larger time steps, enabling the use of the sub- cycling
acceleration method (see the Control Variable section) for the fraction volume equation. Please
refer the User Guide for more information on the Quasi-Static Approach.

3.11. Click on the Dynamic parameters tab, activate the Half Body option, and complete the
longitudinal and vertical position of gravity center and the mass:
l Set X_CG and Z_CG to <2.9><Enter> [m] and <0.15><Enter> [m] respectively;
l Set the Mass to <558><Enter> [kg].

262 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

These values should be available from a naval architecture analysis or can be approximated using the
domhydro external executable available with the FINE™/Marine package. For more information,
please see the User Guide for more information on domhydro.

3.12. Click on Ok to confirm.

D. Mesh Management

4.1. Double click on Mesh management.

4.2. Click on the Domain mesh management tab and check that Tx0 is active for the Rigid
motion and Tz0 and Ry0 for the Weighted deformation.
4.3. Click on Ok to proceed.

263 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

E. Initial Solution

5.1. Double click on Initial solution.

5.2. Set the Interface position (z) (internal surface created earlier in HEXPRESS™ ) to
<0.248><Enter> [m].
5.3. Press Ok to confirm.

264 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

F. Numerical Parameters

6.1. In the Numerical parameters menu, double click on Numerical schemes and keep the
default settings.
6.2. Press Ok to confirm.

265 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

G. Computation Control

Control Variables

7.1.1. In the Computation control menu, double click on the Control variables menu.
Impose the following computation settings under the General/Parameters menu:
l Maximum number of non-linear iterations: <4> <Enter>;
l Convergence criteria: <2> <Enter> orders;
l Save solution every: <25><Enter> time steps;
7.1.2. Under Time step parameters, set the Number of time steps to: <800> <Enter>.
7.1.3. Select (from the cascade list) the UNIFORM Time step law.
7.1.4. Tick the Activate sub-cycling acceleration box.
7.1.5. Set the Maximum number of sub-cycles to <5> <Enter>.
7.1.6. Set the Global time step value to <0.05> <Enter>.
7.1.7. Set the Target Courant number to <5><Enter>.

266 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

To reach a steady state flow in computations with an interface capturing methodology, an unsteady
approach is mandatory. The discretization of the volume fraction transport equation needs specific
compressive schemes to accurately preserve the sharpness of the interface. As a consequence, it is
required to use very small time steps, even if the CFL (Courant-Friedrich-Lewy) constraint comes
only from the resolution of the fraction volume.
The idea of the sub-cycling acceleration method of the volume fraction equation is to reduce that CFL
condition, by using a specific time step for the volume fraction which is a multiple of the time step
associated with the global simulation. In other words, the global time step is split into a sequence of
smaller ones leading naturally to smaller Courant number (see the figure bellow). As a consequence,
the volume fraction equation is solved several times during a single global time step. As the CPU
time related with the volume fraction equation is not high compared with other parts of the solver,
the global CPU time of the simulation is strongly reduced. Please refer to the User Guide for more
details on Sub-cycling Acceleration.

Depending upon the quality of the initial solution, the density of the mesh (number of nodes) and the
complexity of the underlying flow field, from a few hundred to a few thousand iterations are
typically required to reach convergence. The iterative process is stopped once the convergence criteria
is reached over the entire domain or the maximum number of iterations is executed on the finest grid

7.1.8. Click on Ok to close the window.


7.2.1. In the Computation control menu, double click on Outputs to select the output that will
be given.
7.2.2. In the Motion & force variables page, keep the default selected outputs as presented in the
following figure.

267 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

7.2.3. In the Optional output variables page, add the outputs 'Residuals' and 'Grid quality: non-
orthogonality' by left-clicking on them.

7.2.4. Click on Ok to close the window.

268 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

H. Launch & Control Computation

Save Project and Computation

8.1. Click on the Save Project icon in order to save the project.

Start Computation

8.2. Start the computation by clicking on .

Parallel Computation

Parallel computations are launched through the Task manager. To do so, follow the steps below:
8.3.1. After clicking on the Start computation icon, select Parallel and click on Ok.

It is recommended to assign a maximum of 300.000 cells per partition, for each GByte of RAM

The Task manager is loaded, a task is created and the corresponding simulation file is
automatically selected.
8.3.2. Enter the number of partitions (see the recommendation above).
8.3.3. Select the machines on which to run the computation by clicking on Machines selection &

269 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

8.3.4. Click on the Start button to run the selected computation.

The pop up Task Manager window allows following the convergence history of the computation.

To save and stop a computation while running, theSuspend Solver icon should be pressed.

However, to stop the computation without saving, theKill Solver icon should be used.


8.4.1. Click on the Close button to go back to the FINE™/Marine GUI.

8.4.2. Click on in the FINE™/Marine GUI and on OK to open the monitor.

In the Quantities to display menu, it is possible to follow the convergence history for a variety of
quantities (residuals, motions, forces and moments). Multiple components or quantities from
different computations can be displayed together as presented below.

270 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

271 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
272 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
273 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
When the computation is finished or still running, the results can be visualized in CFView™ . To
access CFView™ from the FINE™/Marine graphical user interface, press the CFView™ icon
Click on the link to start the CFView™ interface and proceed with the post-treatment of
the results!

274 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.1.7 Post Processing

Representation is typically executed in the form of color contours (smoothed or stripped) and/or
isolines. CFView™ also includes the possibility to interrogate the flow field locally ("local value")
and create 1D Cartesian plots. Advanced capabilities involving curve and/or surface integration can
also be accessed.

A. Visualize Free Surface (Color Contour)

1.1. Click on the Render icon to view the shaded body (by default only the solid patches are
selected when loading a solution) and then on the Fit the View button.

1.2. Double click on Mass Fraction from the Quantities in QAP to select it (the quantity will be
marked by a green tick when active)
1.3. In the Representations area, click on the Contours & Iso-Values section to expand it.

275 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.4. Click on the Iso-Surface icon and enter the value <0.5><Enter> in the keyboard input
area, then click again on the Iso-surface icon to add the iso-surface in the list of available surfaces.

The value of 0.5 of the mass fraction representing the contact surface between the two fluid - water
and air.

1.5. A new surface called "ISO Mass Fraction=0.5.D1" has been added in the Surfaces list and it
is displayed as a grid as presented below.

1.6. Click on it in the list, then right-click and release Select.

1.7. Press on the New button to create a new quantity:
l set name as <Elevation>,
l set definition as <z> (vertical position).

276 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.8. Select Apply and Close. By default the new quantity Elevation will be active.

1.9. Click on the Smooth Contour icon in Representations/Contours & Iso Values to
visualize the colormap.
1.10. The pallet of colors can be optimized to the selected surface by clicking on the Colormap
Optimum Range icon in the toolbar.

1.11. Switch off the grid by clicking on the Toggle Grid icon in Representations/Grid.
1.12. Click on Opacity in Representations and decrease the value to about 0.65 by dragging the
cursor (by default set to 1).

1.13. Click on Toggle Light Contour icon under Representations/Lighting & shadows
menu, to activate the lighting effects.
1.14. To hide the ship's edges, select only the solid patches in the Surfaces list (use Type filter in
Surfaces/Filter, unselect All and select SOL patches) then press on the Toggle Boundary icon
1.15. To visualize the full domain, go to Geometry menu and select Repetition on/off. Use the
viewing buttons to show the final free surface elevation as presented in the following figure.

277 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

CFView™ gives the possibility to superpose representation modes, like isolines with uniform color
can be overlaid on the free surface elevation. The number and/or increment of the isolines can be
controlled, and the range of application can be modified.

B. Add Isolines on Free Surface

2.1. Click-left on "ISO Mass Fraction=0.5.D1" in the Surfaces list, then right-click and release

2.2. Press on the Isolines icon in Representations/Contours & Iso Values.

2.3. In the dialog box, select Uniform to get black iso-lines (or Contour for colored iso-lines).

278 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.4. Click Apply to obtain the following figure.
2.5. Close the dialog box.

The above representation of color contour and isolines on free surface can also be obtained by
clicking on the Macros and selecting Represent_Free_Surface option. This will automatically
perform all the operations mentioned in the above steps and will give the representation of color
contour and isolines as shown in the figure above.

279 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

C. Generate Streamlines on Free Surface

3.1. Delete the Iso-lines by selecting Update/Delete/Isoline.

3.2. Select the Relative Velocity (double- click) in the Quantities menu and go to
Representation/Vector line / Parameters... or click on Vector Lines Parameters under
Representations/Vector Lines in QAP.
3.3. In General tab, increase the number of points per line to <20000><Enter>, select both as
Direction and surface as Mode.
3.4. Click on Apply and Close the window.

3.5. Check that only the "ISO Mass Fraction=0.5.D1" in the Surfaces list is selected.

3.6. Select Representation/Vector Line/Local menu or click on under

Representations/Vector Lines in QAP and draw some streamlines by clicking on the free
surface (not on the mirrored side, otherwise nothing will be displayed).

280 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

For a more realistic view, go to View/Parameters/Perspective menu to activate the perspective

D. Compute Wetted Surface Area

4.1. Update the view by deleting the streamlines. Go to Update/Delete/Vector Lines.

4.2. Check that all the solid patches are selected in the Surfaces list.
4.3. Select the Mass fraction in the Quantities area.
4.4. Compute the wetted surface value of the quantity by clicking on Scalar Integral icon under
Representations/Integrals in QAP.

281 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.5. Read the result in the information bar:

4.6. Visualize it by pressing on the Smooth Contour icon in Representations/Contours &

Iso Values to activate the colormap.

282 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The above representation and calculation of the wetted area can also be obtained by clicking on the
Macros and selecting Computed_Wetted_Area. This will automatically perform all the operations
mentioned in the above steps.

E. Visualize Pressure on Ship's Hull

5.1. Select all the solid patches only, in the Surfaces list, if not yet done.
5.2. From the Quantities list, select Pressure (normal stress).

5.3. Click on under Representations/Contours & Iso Values in the QAP then on in the
toolbar to optimize the color range.

5.4. Focus on an area of interest as the link between the shaft and the hull.

283 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The pressure appears rather constant, so a new color range optimization is required.

5.5. Press on Colormap Set Range icon in the toolbar and set range in the keyboard input
area as <-100 2500><Enter>.

284 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

To optimize the mapping pallet, observe the limits in the graphic window (the coolest and the hottest
spots), read their values from the color chart and use them as input in the Colormap Set Range.
Areas containing values outside the new range will be displayed as transparent.

F. Draw Volume Streamlines

6.1. Clear the pressure by selecting Update/Delete/All.

6.2. From the Quantities list, select Relative Velocity.

6.3. Keep all solid patches selected in the Surfaces list, press the Render Gouraud icon to
visualize the shaded body.
6.4. Press on the Y Projection button of the viewing buttons to see the ship from aside.
6.5. Go to Geometry/Create Cutting Plane.. or press <L>.
6.6. Press on the X button from the Create Cutting Plane window to generate a Y-Z plane.
6.7. Use the left-write arrows from the Step Scrolling to move the cutting plane just before the
ship's bow. Decrease the Step value for more accurate translations, if needed.

6.8. Press Save and Close when the cutting plane is similar as in the following figure.

285 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The cutting plane has been added in the Surfaces list as "CUT1".
6.9. Press on X Projection button of the viewing buttons for a frontal view and zoom in.

6.10. Click on the Vector Lines Parameters icon under Representations/Vector Lines in
QAP. Under the General tab, increase the number of points per line to <20000><Enter>, set
both as direction, tube as representation, volume as mode and velocity as color.
6.11. Click on Apply.

286 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

6.12. Go to the Ribbon & Tube Type tab and decrease the tube radius r0 to <0.03><Enter>.
6.13. Click Apply and Close.

287 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

6.14. Select only the cutting plane "CUT1" in the Surfaces list.

6.15. Press the Vector Lines icon under Representations/Vector Lines in QAP and then
click on the cutting plane where you want to draw the 3D streamlines from. The resulting
streamlines are presented in the following figure.

288 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

289 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.1.1 Prerequisites

It is strongly recommended to perform tutorial 1 (advanced) before starting this advanced

tutorial. The meshing details will not be explained.

l 3GB of RAM (4GB strongly recommended)

l 5GB of disk space available to store all files
l 64bits machine with 24 cores strongly recommended
Estimated time:
l Meshing: 3 hours
l Computation setup: 30 minutes
l Computation time: 1 day (no user interaction required)
l Post-processing: 1 hour

2.1.2 Problem Description

The MOERI container ship (KCS) has been experimented by the Korean Institute for Ships and
Ocean Engineering (now MOERI) and conceived to provide data for both explication of flow
physics and CFD validation for a modern container ship. The present tutorial corresponds to a self
propulsion case at model scale corresponding to the case 2.3a, Hino (2005), used for the last
Gothenburg workshop.
The goal of this tutorial is to provide step-by-step instructions of the simulation of a typical self-
propulsion case to aid in the learning process of FINE™/Marine. The tutorial gives guidelines/
best practices on the complete mesh set- up, flow settings and post- processing, including
explanations for sliding grids for projects containing a ship and its propeller. Some geometrical
features make this a challenging and representative case to mesh. Upon completion of this tutorial,
the user should have covered the most relevant features present in FINE™/Marine and be
conversant with meshing techniques and simulation setup involving multiple domains.
A scale model resistance computation for the KCS model will be performed with the following

290 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l Reference length (Lpp) of 7.2786m;
l Velocity of 2.196m/s - Froude number 0.25988;
l Draft of 0.341772m in the model frame of reference;
l Water density 998.4 kg/m³;
l Kinematic viscosity 1e-6m²/s.

2.1.3 Preparation

1. Locate and copy the file kcs.dom into your working directory (download Advanced tutorial
2. Start FINE™/Marine v7.1rc.

How to launch FINE™/Marine

l For Linux systems, you can access the FINE™/Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface with the
following command line:
finemarine71rc -print
l For Windows systems (Windows 7 and older), you can access the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc
graphical user interface from the Start menu by going to /Programs/NUMECA
software/FineMarine71rc/FINE. In Windows 8 you can access it by going to the Start menu
and clicking on Search. Under Apps, there will be a section called Numeca software. Click on
FINE(#-bits) in order to open the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface.
Click here to start the mesh generation...

2.1.4 Mesh Generation

A. Import Domain

1.1. Open FINE™/Marine, select Create a new project/Creating a mesh and press Ok.

291 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.2. Save the project under the name selfpropulsion in a directory of choice.
1.3. In HEXPRESS™ , import the previously downloaded domain file kcs.dom.

B. Boundary Conditions

Before proceeding with the actual mesh generation, it is recommended to set the boundary
conditions. For practical reasons, rename all the surfaces accordingly and set boundary condition
type at the same time.

2.1. Click on the icon or select the Grid/ Boundary Conditions... menu.
2.2.a. Click on the surface name in the list (and see it highlighted in the view area)
2.2.b. Select directly in the graphics area by left-clicking on the surface (middle-click to scroll
through surfaces hidden after each other). Use <Ctrl> or <Shift> to make multiple selections both
in the list or interactively, in the graphics area.
2.3. Set EXT type for the bounding box (Ymin, Bottom, Top, Out, In) as presented below.

292 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.4. Press Close.
2.5. Select Project/Save to save project.

C. Mesh Wizard - Boat Domain

The following steps illustrate the mesh generation for the two domains:

293 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l the sliding grid around the propeller ("prop");
l the grid consisting of the rest of the model ("boat").
The domain to be meshed can be chosen from the drop down box present in the interface (Active
domain). First, select boat from the drop-down menu.

Initial Mesh

The first step consists of making an initial isotropic Cartesian mesh.

3.1.1. Select the Initial mesh step by ticking the yellow box.
3.1.2. Left-click on Initial mesh in order to view/edit the settings.
3.1.3. Set the values for the initial mesh as shown in the following figure.

3.1.4. Click Ok.

3.1.5. Click Step or Start.

Internal Surface

3.2.1. Expand the pad Internal Surface in the QAP.

3.2.2. Click on Polyline under Curve.

294 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.2.3. Enter the first coordinate <-22.0458 -11.4279 0.341772> in the input keyboard area and
press <Enter>.
3.2.4. Enter the second coordinate <-22.0458 11.4279 0.341772> in the input keyboard area and
press <Enter>.
3.2.5. Right-click in the graphics window to create the first polyline.
3.2.6. Click again on Polyline.
3.2.7. Enter the first coordinate <16 -11.4279 0.341772> in the input keyboard area and press
3.2.8. Enter the second coordinate <16 11.4279 0.341772> in the input keyboard area and press
3.2.9. Right-click in the graphics window to create the second polyline.
The two polylines are selected by default (highlighted in yellow).
3.2.10. Click on Lofted under Surface to create the internal surface.

3.2.11. The internal surface will be displayed in magenta.

295 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Note that an internal surface can also be created using a plug-in. In the interface click Plugins ->
Marine -> Internal surface creation. This will give an option to specify the height at which the
internal surface is located. Give <0.341772> as the z constant surface value to get the internal
surface as shown in the above figure.


Applying Surface Refinements Select the Adapt to geometry step by ticking the yellow box. Left-click on Adapt to geometry in order to view/edit the settings. Under Global, set the Maximum number of refinements to <10>. Click on the Surface refinement tab to activate it and apply the following refinements to
the respective surfaces.

296 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Surface Max Nb of Criteria Max Aspect Refinement
Group Refinements Target Cell Ratio Diffusion

SG_Out 9 000 2.0 Global

SG_In 9 000 2.0 Global

SG_ext 9 000 2.0 Global

Hull 7 000 2.0 Global

Transom 7 000 2.0 Global

Deck 3 000 2.0 Global

Shaft_boat 9 000 2.0 Global

10000 1.87 1.87 0.013 1000 Global

Applying Box Refinements

Refinements can be imposed using user-defined boxes. Click on the Box refinement tab. In this tutorial, refinement boxes will be used to prepare zones of refinement around the
propeller, hull and shaft region in the model. Click on New box to create the first box encompassing the sliding grid, propeller and the
hull. Press <c> to place the first corner. Left-click in the input keyboard area. Enter the first coordinate <-0.20 -0.55 -0.08> in the input keyboard area (values separated
with a space). Press <Enter>. Left-click in the input keyboard area. Enter the second coordinate <1.50 0.55 0.38> in the input keyboard area. Press <Enter>. Left-click in the graphics area to accept the box. A yellow box appears in the window.

297 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials Repeat the above process for the other two boxes with the following coordinates for the
second and third box respectively. Enter the first coordinate <6.56 -0.43 -0.08> in the input keyboard area and <7.58 0.40
0.44> as the second coordinate for the second box. Enter the first coordinate <0.17 -0.16 0.025> in the input keyboard area and <0.38 0.16
0.24> as the second coordinate for the third box.

298 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials Keep Active selected. Set target cell sizes along X, Y and Z to <0.01><Enter> for the first two boxes and
<0.005><Enter> for the third box. Set diffusion depth to Global and type <Enter>.
3.3.3. Click Ok.
3.3.4. Click Step or Start.

Snapping & Optimization

3.4. Activate the steps, keep the default settings and launch the mesh generation clicking on the
Start button in the wizard.

Viscous Layers Insertion

3.5.1. Select the Viscous layers step by ticking the yellow box.
3.5.2. Left-click on Viscous layers in order to view/edit the settings.
In the Global tab, the user can select one of the two viscous layer insertion methods available:
with or without inflation. By default, inflation with a floating number of layers is selected, this
default setting will be used in this tutorial.
3.5.3. Click on the Surface tab and apply the following viscous layer settings for the surfaces.

Surface Group First Layer Thickness Nb of Layers

Hull 0.000922 8

Transom 0.000922 8

299 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.5.4. Click Ok.
3.5.5. Click Step or Start.

D. Mesh Wizard - Prop Domain

To mesh the region around the propeller choose prop from the Active domain drop-down menu
in the interface. The meshing procedure is the same as mentioned above.

Initial Mesh

4.1.1. The initial isotropic mesh for the propeller has 486 cells with 6 divisions in <x> axis and 9
divisions in <y> & <z> axes.
4.1.2. Click Ok.
4.1.3. Click Step or Start.


Applying Edge Refinements Select the Adapt to geometry step by ticking the yellow box. Left-click on Adapt to geometry in order to view/edit the settings. Under Global, set the Maximum number of refinements to <6>. Left-click on the Curve refinement tab and select the 10 curves pertaining to the edges
of the blades (as presented in below figure) and group them under edge.

300 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials Select Active and choose < 6 > as the maximum number of refinements. Activate
Target Cell Sizes and keep <0.0> in all directions.

Applying Surface Refinements

4.2.2. Click on the Surface refinement tab and apply the following refinements.

Max nb of Adaptation Max Aspect Refinement

Surface Group
Refinements Criteria Ratio Diffusion

SG (in,ext,out) 3 000 2.0 Global

Tip(1,2,3,4,5) 10000 000 2.0 Global

3 000 2.0 Global

Hub 3 000 2.0 Global

4.2.3. Click Ok.

301 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.2.4. Click Step or Start.

Snapping & Optimization

4.3. Activate the steps, keep the default settings and launch the mesh generation by clicking on
the Start button from the wizard.

Viscous Layers Insertion

4.4.1. Follow the same procedure as explained above for boat.

4.4.2. Apply the following viscous layer settings for the surfaces

Surface Group First Layer Thickness Nb of layers

Tip(1,2,3,4,5) 0.00023 7

0.00023 7

4.4.3. Click Ok.

4.4.4. Click Step or Start.

E. Full Non-Matching Connections

Sliding patches are interfaces forming boundaries between two or more domains and referred as
FNMB (Full Non- Matching Boundary conditions) in HEXPRESS™ . In computations involving
multiple domains it is imperative to search and compute FNMB connections.

5.1. Click on Grid from the menu and select Non Matching Connections.

302 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

5.2. Click on Search Connections first.
5.3. Select a connection and click Compute. This has to be done for the first three connections
only (the actual interfaces between the two domains).

After performing Search Connections operation in Non Matching Connections... menu,

information about all defined FNMB's will be stored by HEXPRESS™ in the output files. Due to the
proximity, there are boundaries defined as an FNMB connection, but they should not be considered
as such for the following simulation. Here, these connections are left as Non completed and it is
requested to delete them from the list to clear the output file that will be used latter in
FINE™/Marine GUI.

5.4. Delete from the list of Connections the "Not completed" items. To perform this action select
with the <Shift> key hold and left-click mouse button connection_4 to connection_8 and then
press Delete in the menu.

303 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Now the actual interfaces between the two domains (with three defined FNMB and computed
connections) are presented as follows:

304 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

When deleting the non-computed FNMB connections, the concerned patches will be set automatically
as UND type boundary and should be set manually as SOL type boundary.

5.5. To ensure the correct Solid patches definition for the following computation, go to the
Boundary Conditions menu. Deleted connections will now have the UND boundary condition
Type . Select as it is described in the above "Boundary Conditions" section the UND type
boundary and set them up as SOL type.

305 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

306 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
307 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
F. Save Project

6.1. Go to Project/Save or click on the Save icon and save the project in the '_mesh' folder.
6.2. Click on the Go back to project set- up button to impose the flow settings in the
FINE™/Marine GUI.
6.3. The Mesh properties menu appears. Check that the information is correct (Grid units set to
Meters) and click on Ok.
You are now back to the FINE™/Marine interface and ready to click on the link and
proceed with the computation setup!

2.1.5 Flow Settings

The computation is run in two steps. First, the computation is run for 30s with a large time step of
0.03s and then for two seconds with a small time step value of 0.000526s to stabilize the propeller
thrust. The second computation will be restarted from first computation with input history from the
first computation.

A. Physical Configuration

General Properties

1.1.1. In the Physical configuration menu, double click on General parameters and keep
Steady active.
1.1.2. Click on Ok to confirm.

308 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Fluid Model

1.2.1. In the Physical Configuration menu, double click on Fluid model and keep Multi-fluid
active and default fluid settings.
1.2.2. Click on Ok to confirm.

Flow Model

1.3.1. Double click on Flow model.

1.3.2. Keep k-omega (SST-Menter) as Turbulence model and the gravity intensity set as -9.81
1.3.3. Set reference length to <7.2786><Enter>.
1.3.4. Set reference velocity to <2.196><Enter>.

309 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.3.5. Click on Ok to confirm.

B. Boundary Conditions & Body Definition

2.1. Double click on Boundary conditions.

2.2. In the SOLID page, assign "Slip" condition to "shaft", "cap", "hub" , "deck" and "shaft_
boat" patches as shown below.

310 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.3. Assign "Wall-function" to rest of the patches as shown in the following figure.

2.4. In the "EXTERNAL" page, "Top" and "Bottom" patches are assigned "Prescribed
pressure" condition with "updated hydrostatic pressure" option as shown below. Assign "Far
field" condition to rest of the external patches.

311 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.5. Click on Ok to confirm.
2.6. Double click on Body definition and group the patches as shown below. One can also create
sub-bodies for each blade and the hub to get forces separately but it is not mandatory since it will
not influence the computation. Click on Ok to confirm.

312 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

C. Body Motion

3.1. Double click on Body motion.

3.2. Keep Activate Cardan Angles active.
3.3. Click on prop to assign the motion parameters to the propeller.
3.4. Enable the option attach selected body to and choose boat from the drop down with Pin
3.5. Click on Edit... and enter the connection point <0.12737 0 0.12974> and normal direction <1
0 0>

313 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.6. Change the motion type to Imposed and motion law to 1/4 sinusoidal ramp as shown in the
3.7. Click on Edit"¦ to define the settings of the motion law.
3.8. Set final time (t1) to <6><Enter> and final velocity (V1) to <59.69026><Enter>.
3.9. Click on Ok to confirm.
3.10. Set Reference point to <0.12737 0 0.12974>.

314 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.11. Click on boat to assign the motion parameters to the ship.
3.12. Change the law of motion for the degree of freedom Tx0 to Imposed as motion type and
select 1/4 sinusoidal ramp as motion law.
3.13. For the degree of freedom Tx0, click on Edit"¦ to define the settings of the motion law.
3.14. Set final time (t1) to <6><Enter>.
3.15. Set final velocity (V1) to <2.196><Enter>. Click on Ok to confirm.

315 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.16. Click on Ok to confirm.

D. Mesh Management

The displacement of mesh is defined under Mesh Management depending upon the motion
characteristics defined for the patches. The mesh can have either rigid motion or weighted
deformation based on whether the patches have fixed or solved motion for any of the degrees of

4.1. Double click on Mesh management.

4.2. Click on prop to assign the mesh parameters to the propeller domain.

316 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.3. Under Domain mesh management page, set Copy rigid motion from to prop and select
Rigid motion for all the degrees of freedom.
4.4. Click on boat to assign the mesh parameters to the ship domain.
4.5. Under Domain mesh management page, set Copy rigid motion from to boat and select
Rigid motion as the mesh displacement definition for the motion in X (Tx0). The other degrees
of motion will be disabled since the motion is prescribed only in TX0 and the rest of the degrees
of freedom are fixed.
4.6. Click on Ok to confirm.

317 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

E. Initial Solution

5.1. Double click on Initial solution.

5.2. Set Interface position(z) with the vertical position of the free surface (internal surface created
earlier in HEXPRESS™ ) to <0.341772><Enter> [m].
5.3. Press Ok to confirm.

318 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

F. Computation Control - Control Variables

6.1. In the Computation control menu, double click on Control variables menu.
Define the following computation settings under the General/Parameters menu:
l Maximum number of non-linear iterations: <8> <Enter>;
l Convergence criteria: <2> <Enter> orders;
l Save solution every: <50> <Enter> time steps.
6.2. Under Time step parameters section, set Number of time steps to <1000> <Enter>.
6.3. Select the Time step law as UNIFORM from the cascade list.
6.4. Choose the time step settings as shown in the picture.

319 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

6.5. Click on Ok to close the window.

G. Launch & Control Computation

Save Project & Computation

7.1. Click on Save Project icon to save the project.

Start Computation

7.2. Start the computation by clicking on .

Parallel Computation

Parallel computations can be launched through the Task manager. To do so, follow the steps
7.3.1. After clicking on Start icon, select Parallel and click on Ok.

320 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

It is recommended to assign a maximum of 300.000 cells per partition, per each GByte of RAM

The Task manager is loaded, a task is created and the corresponding simulation file is
automatically selected.
7.3.2. Enter the number of partitions calculating as recommended above.
7.3.3. Select the machines on which to run the computation by clicking on Machines selection &
7.3.4. Click on Start button to run the selected computation.

H. Computational Setup for Second Computation

While the first computation is running, a second computation can be setup. A second computation
has to be run for two extra seconds with a smaller time step to stabilize propeller thrust. All the
settings are kept the same for second computation except for Initial Solution and time step value
in Control Variables.

8.1. Click on Close button to go back to FINE™/Marine GUI

8.2. In the interface, under the Computations menu create a new computation by clicking on

321 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

8.3. Double click on Initial solution and choose Restart from previous computation option
and give the path of the ".sim" file of the previous computation. Import computation history
option must be enabled.

8.4. Double Click on Control Variables and define the following computation settings under the
General/Parameters menu:
l Maximum number of non-linear iterations: <8> <Enter>;
l Convergence criteria: <2> <Enter> orders;
l Save solution every: <50> <Enter> time steps.
8.5. Under Time step parameters section, set Number of time steps to <4000> <Enter>.
8.6. Select the Time step law as UNIFORM from the cascade list.
8.7. Give the Time step value as <0.000526> [s].
8.8. Save the computation and launch it as explained for the previous case as soon as the first
computation is over.

I. Monitoring

9.1. Click on the Close button to go back to FINE™/Marine GUI.

9.2. Click on in FINE™/Marine GUI and on OK to open the monitor.

In the Quantities to display menu, it is possible to select the quantities (residuals, forces,
momentum, motions variables) for which one would like to follow the convergence history.
Multiple components or quantities from different computations can be displayed together as
presented below.

322 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

323 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
When the iterative process is over or when a solution is saved, as part of the FINE™/Marine
environment, NUMECA proposes the visualization and post-treatment tool CFView™ for that
purpose. CFView™ is entirely integrated within the environment and includes numerous tools.

To access CFView™ from the FINE™ graphical user interface, press the CFView™ icon
and choose Traveling shot based on boat from the pop-up menu.

Click on the link to start the CFView™ interface and proceed with the post-treatment of
the results!

324 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.1.6 Post Processing

Representation is typically executed in the form of color contours (smoothed or stripped) and/or
isolines. CFView™ also includes the possibility to interrogate the flow field locally ("local value")
and create 1D Cartesian plots. Advanced capabilities involving curve and/or surface integration can
also be accessed.

A. Visualize Free Surface (Color Contour)

1.1. Click on the Macros option from the menu bar and select Group_Patches_By_Type. This
option will group the patches according to their type.

1.2. Click on the Render icon to view the shaded body (by default only the solid patches are
selected when loading a solution) and then on the Fit the View button.
1.3. Double click on Mass Fraction from the Quantities in QAP to select it (the quantity will be
marked by a green tick when active)
1.4. In the Representations area, click on the Contours & Iso-Values section to expand it.

1.5. Click on the Iso-Surface icon and enter the value <0.5><Enter> in the keyboard input
area, then click again on the Iso-surface icon to add the iso-surface in the list of available surfaces.
1.6. A new surface called ISO Mass Fraction=0.5.D2 has been added in the Surfaces list and it
is displayed as a grid as presented below.

325 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.7. Click on it in the list, then right-click and release Select
1.8. Press on the New button to create a new quantity:
l set name as <Elevation>,
l set definition as <z> (vertical position).

326 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.9. Select Apply and Close. By default the new quantity Elevation will be active.

1.10. Click on the Smooth Contour icon in Representations/Contours & Iso Values to
visualize the colormap.
1.11. The pallet of colors can be optimized to the selected surface by clicking on the Colormap
Optimum Range icon in the toolbar.

1.12. Switch off the grid by clicking on the Toggle Grid icon in Representations/Grid.
1.13. Click on Opacity in Representations and decrease the value to about 0.65 by dragging the

1.14. Click on the Toggle Light Contour icon under Representations/Lighting &
shadows menu, to activate the lighting effects.
1.15. To hide the ship's edges, select the solid patches in the Surfaces list and press on the Toggle
Boundary icon .

327 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

CFView™ gives the possibility to superpose representation modes, like isolines with uniform color
can be overlaid on the free surface elevation. The number and/or increment of the isolines can be
controlled, and the range of application can be modified.

B. Add Isolines on Free Surface

2.1. Click-left on "ISO Mass Fraction=0.5.D2" in the Surfaces list, then right-click and release

2.2. Click on the Isolines icon in Representations/Contours & Iso Values.

2.3. In the dialog box, select Uniform to get black isolines (or Contour for colored).
2.4. Click Apply to obtain the following figure.
2.5. Close the dialog box.

328 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

The above representation of isolines on free surface can also be obtained by clicking on the Macros
and selecting Represent_Free_Surface option. This will automatically perform all the operations
mentioned in the above steps and will give the representation of isolines as shown in the figure above.

C. Visualize Pressure on the Propeller

3.1. First remove the free surface and the streamlines. Go to Update/Delete All.
3.2. Select all the solid patches only, in the Surfaces list, if not done yet.
3.3. From the Quantities list, select Pressure (normal stress).

3.4. Click on under Representations/Contours & Iso Values in the QAP then on in the
toolbar to optimize the color range.
3.5. Focus on an area of interest as Propeller.

3.6. Click on the Colormap Set Range icon in the toolbar and set range in the keyboard
input area as <-1500 6000><Enter>.

3.7. Click on the Toggle Light Contour icon in the Representations/Lighting & shadows
menu, to activate the lighting effects.

329 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

To optimize the mapping pallet, observe the limits in the graphic window (the coolest and the hottest
spots), read their values from the color chart and use them as input in the Colormap Set Range .
Areas containing values outside the new range will not be displayed.

D. Draw Streamlines on the Ship's Hull

The next steps will enable visualizing streamlines on ship's hull below the free surface.
4.1. Select the Relative Velocity (double-click) in the Quantities menu.
4.2. Click on New under the Quantities menu.
4.3. Select Vector by Components. In the Name field give a name for the quantity as "RV_
Hull" and enter the values for the definitions as shown in the figure.

330 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.4. Click Apply and close the window.
4.5. Double Click "RV_Hull" now from the Quantities menu and go to Representation/Vector
line /Parameters... or click on Vector Lines Parameters under Representations/Vector
Lines in QAP.
4.6. In General tab, increase the number of points per line to <20000><Enter>, select both as
Direction and surface as Mode.

331 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.7. Select Representation/Vector Line/Local menu or click on under
Representations/Vector Lines in QAP and draw some streamlines as shown below.

332 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

333 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.1.1 Prerequisites

It is strongly recommended to perform the beginner level tutorials 1 and 2 before starting this
tutorial. In this advanced tutorial the basic settings for meshing and the simulation will not be

l 1GB of RAM
l 1.5GB of disk space available to store all files
l 64bits machine with at least 1 core
Estimated time:
l Meshing: 20 minutes
l Computation setup: 10 minutes
l Computation time: 9 hours
l Post-processing: 15 minutes

3.1.2 Problem Description

334 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2D falling object

The goal of this tutorial is to provide step-by-step instructions for the simulation of a typical falling
or slamming marine case, in order to aid in the learning process of FINE™/Marine. The tutorial
gives guidelines/ best practices on the complete mesh set-up, flow settings including adaptive grid
refinement settings and post-processing, also applicable to other marine cases. The model is a 2D
falling object of prismatic shape. It reproduces the experimental tests performed to find out the
wave slamming pressure on high speed boats when a bow section of the hull fitted with pressure
sensors is dropped vertically into the water. The object has a base of 610 mm, 320 mm isosceles
edges, and a mass of 100 kilograms. It is falling from a height of 720 mm. Upon completion of
this tutorial, the user should have covered important features such as the adaptive grid refinement
procedure and the creation of an animation.
This simulation is challenging as the flow is fully unsteady with significant free surface
deformation. The falling 2D object is restricted to a downward vertical fall. This means that for
the model the mesh displacement definition will be set to rigid motion in the Y-direction. With
rigid mesh deformation the grid density should be very high throughout the domain to accurately
capture the free surface foam and breaking waves. This also means that the mesh is highly refined
in regions farther away from the impact location where the free surface is still at rest. For these
reasons, a very fine mesh may become an impractical approach. Instead of a domain with a very
high density grid, it is a best practice to start with a coarse mesh and activate the adaptive grid
refinement feature in the solver. Here, since the simulation is symmetric, only half of the model
will be used. This setup will be discussed in detail in the following sections.

3.1.3 Preparation

1. Locate and copy the file 2dprism_ ASCII- 1.stl into your working directory ( download
Advanced tutorial archive).
2. Start FINE™/Marine v7.1rc.

How to launch FINE™/Marine

l For Linux systems, you can access the FINE™/Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface with the
following command line:
finemarine71rc -print
l For Windows systems (Windows 7 and older), you can access the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc
graphical user interface from the Start menu by going to /Programs/NUMECA
software/FineMarine71rc/FINE. In Windows 8 you can access it by going to the Start menu
and clicking on Search. Under Apps, there will be a section called Numeca software. Click on
FINE(#-bits) in order to open the FINE™ /Marine v7.1rc graphical user interface.

335 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.1.4 Graphical User Interfaces


336 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials


337 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials


Click here to start the mesh generation...

3.1.5 Mesh Generation

A. Domain Creation

1.1. Open FINE™/Marine and select Create a new project/Creating a mesh and press Ok.

1.2. Define the project name as 2D_Prism in the directory of your choice.
1.3. Once in HEXPRESS™ , click the Import triangulation <.stl> button to select the STL file
2dprism_ ASCII- 1.stl as previously downloaded. The STL file contains colors which help
HEXPRESS™ to immediately identify the faces.

338 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.4. Click on the group of faces 2dprism_ASCII-1.stl to highlight all the faces in green and click
on the Create Domain button in the Edit sub menu from the STL Manipulation.
1.5. Go to the _mesh directory located inside the project folder previously created and click on Ok
to save it under the name 2d_prism.dom.
1.6. Accept the import of the domain file and in the tools bar, toggle the Grid generation mode
to 2D.

B. Boundary Conditions

Before proceeding with the actual mesh generation, it is recommended to set the boundary

2.1. Click on the icon or click on Grid/ Boundary Conditions...

2.2. Specify all the boundary condition types as illustrated on the following figure:

339 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l create a group called "2d_prism" with the 2 solid patched of the prism
l set all the other patches to EXT (external) except the 2 horizontal faces which are set to MIR
Select "Not used for trimming" when a message pops up about "group 6".
One can notice that "group_ 6" and "group_ 8" should be defined as MIR as well. But
HEXPRESS™ needs exactly 2 mirror faces in order to be able to recognize a 2D case.
Therefore, these 2 boundary conditions will be changed to MIR after the mesh has been

2.3. Click on Close to close the window.

C. Mesh Wizard

Initial Mesh

The first step consists in making an initial isotropic Cartesian mesh.

340 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.1.1 Select the Initial mesh step by ticking the yellow box.
3.1.2 Left-click on Initial mesh in order to view/edit the settings.
The initial isotropic mesh has 300 cells (15 in X-direction, 20 in Y-direction).


3.2.1. Select and open the Adapt to geometry menu in the Mesh Wizard.
3.2.2. Set the maximum number of refinements to 7 in the Global tab and the global diffusion to 4
(under Advanced >>>)
3.2.3. Go to the Surface refinement tab and select the 2 patches defining the prism and group
them under the name "2d_prism".
3.2.4. Set 7 refinements with a Target cell size of 0.005 in X and Y-directions.

341 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.2.5. Go to the Box refinement tab and create a refinement box by pressing on the button New
3.2.6. Press the "c" key to specify the corner of the box instead of the center.
3.2.7. In the input bar area, specify the coordinates for X and Y: -1.04, -0.77 , and then press
"Enter" to validate.
3.2.8. Specify the second corner which is located in: 0 0.15 , and then press "Enter" key to
3.2.9. Left-click to confirm the box creation.
3.2.10. Enter a target cell size of 0.02 and a diffusion of 2. Check the Volumic option. It is
necessary to initialize a first refinement before the adaptive refinement runs during the simulation.

The free surface mesh refinement will be fully driven by the solver during the adaptive grid
refinement cycles. So there is no need to create and refine the mesh at the free surface location.

342 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Snapping & Optimization

3.3 Activate the Snapping and Optimization steps and launch the mesh generation by clicking
on the Start button in the wizard.

343 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

There is no need to add viscous layers on this mesh since the turbulence does not have the time to
develop during the short time of the impact. Hence, the RANS turbulence models are not suitable for
this calculation.

3.4 Go back to the Boundary conditions menu and change the "group_ 6" and "group_ 8"
patches to MIR.

D. Save Project

344 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.1. Go to Project/Save or click on the Save icon and save the project under the '_mesh'

The mesh folder contains the mesh topology, geometry, grid points and the boundary condition types
among others:
l '.bcs': boundary conditions file,
l '.dom': geometry file,
l '.igg': topology file,
l '.hex': grid points file,
l '.rep': report file,
l '.dist': distance file,
l '.fnmb': FNMB connections,
l '.qualityReport': quality report file.
In addition a subdirectory named "cache" contains resulting mesh files after each step of the mesh
generation (for example "_snap.hex" as resulting mesh after snapping process). Hence, the user can
delete a step from the mesh wizard and immediately get the previous mesh step.

4.2. Click on the Go back to project set- up button to impose the flow settings in the
FINE™/Marine GUI.
4.3. The Mesh properties menu appears. Check that the information is correct (Grid units set to
Meters) and click on Ok.
You are now back to the FINE™/Marine interface and ready to click on the link and
proceed with the computation setup!

3.1.6 Flow Settings

A. Physical Configuration

General Flow Properties

1.1. The list below gives all the settings that should be defined for the simulation. These are
standard settings. However, dedicated sections will follow for the body motion and mesh
management parameters.

345 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l General Parameters/Time Configuration : Unsteady
l Fluid model: Fluid-1:Water; Fluid-2: Air (keep default fluid properties)
l Flow model:
l Regime/Turbulence model :Laminar (the turbulence does not have the time to develop
during the short time of the impact so turbulent models are not suitable)
l Gravity intensity : -9.81 m/s²
l Reference Length : 0.305 m
l Reference velocity : 1 m/s
l Boundary conditions:
l SOLID: All patches of the prism are walls set to "No slip"
l Side patches set to "Far field" with Vx = Vy = 0 m/s
l Bottom and skyline patches set to "Prescribed Pressure †' Updated hydrostatic pressure"

l MIRROR: No user input required.

l Body definition: Group the 2 solid surfaces into a single body called "2d_prism"
l Initial Solution:
l Uniform values: Vx=Vy=0 m/s
l Interface position: y = -0.721011 m

Body Motion

1.2.1. In the Motion Definition tab from the Body Motion menu, only the degree of freedom Ty0
must be set to Solved (please click on the picture to enlarge it!)

346 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.2.2. In the Dynamic parameters tab, enter the following data:
l Center of gravity: (0,0)
l Mass: 50kg
l Inertia matrix (C): 0.5 kg.m²

347 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Mesh Management

1.3. Under the Mesh management menu, Ty0 should be set as Rigid. Indeed, the whole domain
including the mesh will move according to the body motion to avoid any weighted mesh
deformation. Hence the free surface will move through the domain which explains the reason
why adaptive grid refinement is mandatory.

B. Numerical Parameters

Numerical Schemes

2.1. In the Numerical parameters menu, adapt the numerical schemes to:

348 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

l AVLSMART for the Turbulence
l HYBRID for the Momentum
l BRICS for the Multi-fluid
It should be noted that the HYBRID scheme is used since AVLSMART is not yet compatible
with the expert parameter that will be activated (Rhonormalisation_) later on in this tutorial.

Adaptive Grid Refinement

2.2.1. Under the Criterion tab of the Adaptive grid refinement menu, select the Free surface
(tensor) criterion type.

This criterion is preferred for unsteady flows, in this case it also helps to generate less refinements (so
minimize the grid density) in the presence of foam and breaking waves.

For the Target grid spacing normal to free surface input, enter the value <0.00165>.

For the target Grid Spacing Normal to the Free Surface dimension, a good practice is to use the
following formula:

T = dz(1+ε)/2

where ε is usually 30%, dz is the commonly recommended cell size normal to the free surface.

2.2.3. In order to ensure that this target is met by the adaptive grid refinement technique, set a low
value for the Minimum size limit for refined cells to <0>.

349 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.2.4. Under the Grid quality tab, the criterion diffusion should be entered as follows:
l Number of layers copying full criterion value: 1;
l Number of layers copying fraction of value: 2;
l Fraction: 0.71.
2.2.5. For the Boundary layer protection, any type of refinement in any cell direction near the
walls can be allowed since there are no viscous layers in the mesh.

350 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.2.6. Under the Box tab, change the minimum X-coordinate to <-1.04> and the maximum to

In order to avoid unnecessary generation of cells it will be necessary to use the

Isotropic/directional refinement box. It allows to adaptively refine the cells in all directions in an
area close to the object so that the breaking waves can be captured only in this area

351 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

2.2.7. Go to the Control tab and set the Number of steps between calls to refinement
procedure to <4> to adapt the mesh very frequently.
2.2.8. Activate the option Reinitialize solution after first refinement. This will allow to "re-
shape" the free surface to finer cells immediately after the first refinement.
2.2.9. Activate the advanced parameter Base free surface criterion on smoothed mass fraction.
The criterion should be activated when the free surface travels fast through the domain. It has
more or less the same effect as adding more layers copying the full criterion value.
2.2.10. Activate Use criterion diffusion by convection. This will refine in the direction of the
flow taking into account the CFL number: the larger the face CFL number, the more buffer layers
are created in the direction of the face; and thus, the buffer layers follow the motion of the fluid.

352 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

C. Computation Control

Control Variables

3.1.1. In the Computation control menu, double click on Control variables.

Define the following computation settings under the General/Parameters menu:
l Maximum number of non-linear iterations: 14;
l Convergence criteria: 2 orders;
l Save solution every: 100 time steps.

353 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

This case is highly unsteady, a simulation where the air- water interface moves rapidly (breaking
waves, splashing, rising bubbles). When compared to a steady flows, increasing the maximum number
of non-linear iterations is necessary.

3.1.2. Under Time step parameters, complete Number of time steps to <10000>.
3.1.3. Select the Time step law ADAPTED TO COURANT NB from the drop down list .
3.1.4. Set the Courant Number to <0.3>.
3.1.5. Insert the Maximum time step value as <0.01>[s].
3.1.6. Set the Tmax to <5>[s].

The chosen time step law is "Adapted to Courant Number Law" . This law is adaptive meaning the
time step is not known in advance and it will be adapted after each time step, computed with the
objective to reach a target Courant number. For this law, the parameters are a target Courant Number,
a maximum value in seconds for the time step, and the maximum simulation time in seconds. For
highly unsteady cases and for a high level of accuracy, the target Courant number is set to 0.3 to use
the compressibility of the numerical scheme. This time step law is well adapted to impact simulations
since the speed of the interface is very important through the domain.

354 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

3.1.7. Go to the Advanced tab and change the following expert parameters as follows:
l CIFarField_ : "YES" (when dealing with free surface simulation of a body moving up or
down with a rigid mesh deformation, one should activate this parameter, which will update the
mass fraction at far field boundaries)
l addUnsteady_ : "NO"
l RhoNormalisation_ : "EQC" (this parameter normalizes the equations to avoid large numbers
and so difficult numerical resolutions. This parameter is not compatible yet with AVLSMART
numerical scheme, as mentioned in Numerical schemes section).


3.2.1. In the Computation control menu, double click on Outputs to select the output to be
3.2.2. In the Motion & force variables page, keep the default selected outputs.
3.2.3. In the Probes variables page, add the Mass Fraction probe from the list of Volume data
and define a frequency of <0.0005> second as presented in the following figure.

D. Launch & Control Computation

Save Project & Computation

4.1. Click on Save Project icon to save the project.

355 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

Start Computation

4.2. Start the computation in sequential by clicking on .


4.3.1. As soon as the computation is started, click on in FINE™/Marine GUI and on OK to

open the monitor.
In the Quantities to display menu, it is possible to select the quantities (residuals, forces,
momentum, motions variables) for which one would like to follow the convergence history.
Multiple components or quantities from different computations can be displayed together.
4.3.2. To access CFView™ from the FINE™/Marine graphical user interface, press the
CFView™ icon and select the Unsteady result (reconstruction required) option.

"Last saved result" allows to post-process the most recent save point (this result cannot be animated).
The "Unsteady result (reconstruction required)" option allows the user to select which solution probes
will be reconstructed. The user can also adjust the reconstruction and time step skipping intervals.

4.3.3. Select <4> as probe skip interval to only reconstruct 1 out of 4 probes.
4.3.4. Deactivate the traveling shot for the degree of freedom Ty0.

The traveling shot section defines the camera behavior in CFView™ : if the traveling shot is
following the body motion (previously defined in the computation setup), the camera will follow the
body along the active DOF. In that case, the user will have access to the relative velocity and if "no
traveling shot" is defined, the camera will remain fixed to an absolute position during the animation.

356 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

4.3.5. Click Ok to execute the reconstruction process. During this process the user can monitor
the reconstruction progress in the FINE™/Marine Task Manager window. The reconstruction
process may take some time. CFView™ will be launched at the end of it.
Click on the link to start the CFView™ interface and proceed with the post-treatment of
the results!

3.1.7 Post Processing

1.1. Once CFView™ is opened, click on Apply to load all time steps.

357 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

1.2. In the Surfaces list, right click and hold on "group_0_Mirror" and release on Select to select
this patch only.
1.3. In the Quantities list, double-click on the MASS FRACTION (this quantity is the only one
available since we have only selected this volume probe in the Output menu in the computation
settings) to select it.

1.4. Show the grid by clicking on the Toggle Grid icon in Representations/Grid.

1.5. Click on the Smooth Contour icon in Representations/Contours & Iso Values to
visualize the scalar field and the colormap.
1.6. Click twice on the Z-icon in the viewing buttons and adapt the view by zooming in or out.
1.7. Go to the Geometry menu and click on Repetition on/off to see a duplicated solution.

1.8. Launch the animation by clicking on the icon Animate .

358 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials

359 FINE™/Marine 7.1rc Tutorials
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