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Network monitoring is necessary in every organisation with huge range of software

and tools. We should be choose the right network for our environment and budget . It is
very /difficult to choose the network monitoring software. The market offers many software
solutions, commercial and open source also for open network monitoring. It can track the
performance of computer network. It detects problem in a network against an expected
performance baseline. It also measures response time, availability, consistency, reliability and
traffic of a network. If your network is secure and safe from all nuisances then you don’t get
any technical glitches that can hamper you. The components like servers, firewalls, switches,
routers, etc are monitored to process is called network monitoring.

The software which are used to monitor all those components are called network
monitoring software. The tools collect all information of network and helps to control and
manage the network. The software send signals to different system ports to examine your
network. It will help to find the solution of network problem to prevent any type of glitches
and network failure, if network monitoring is proactive. The best type of network monitoring
tools are depends on the size of the operation, the configuration of the elements, the size of
budget, size of admin team. You start with an architecture to draw, design and analyse. After
that choose the hardware that meets your requirements to build the network.

With so many consideration, there is a very wide range of tools that qualify as
“Network Management Tools”.

Here is our list of the best network monitoring tools:-

1. Zabbix

This was created by Alexei Vladishev, and is actively developed and

supported by Zabbix SIA. Zabbix is an open class sources distributed
monitoring solution.It is a software which measures parameters like health and
integrity of servers. It supports both polling and trapping. The network and
health of your servers can be assessed from any location. It monitor IT
infrastructure. It is free of cost and written and distributed under the GPL
(General Public License version 2).
Features- Data gathering, Flexible threshold definition, Highly configurable
alerting, Real time graphing, Web monitoring capabilities, visualisation
options, Historical data storage, Easy configuration, Network discovery, Fast
web interface.

Zabbix can be difficult to operate at initial stage but it can be reduced by use
of automatic detection and various templates.

2. WhatsUp Gold
This was created by Michael Grossi in 1991. MSP Edition gives managed
service providers which monitor customers remote networks from a central
location. WhatsUp Gold ranked 1st or 2nd in ease of implementation and
customization, usability, product improvements, data integration, and business
value, Out of 16 network monitoring solutions.
It is easy to use for monitoring of applications, networks and system. It uses
new visualization and interaction method. It has network analysis module that
gives the information network traffic. It detects state change like router goes
down. It has no free version but has a free trial.
3. Nagios
It is one of the best networking tool available in the market. It is powerful
network monitoring tool that has been in active development identify IT
infrastructure problem before they affect critical business processes. It
increases server, services, process and application availability. It detects
network and detects failed servers, services, processes and batch jobs fastly
System admin can quickly collect high level data regarding the network
4. Solarwinds server and application monitor
SolarWinds is a popular name in the industry. It helps to identify the resources
draining your bandwidth and other network traffic. It monitors our server
security, databases, infrastructure and applications. The main advantage that it
allows getting started within minutes thanks to their vast number of pre-
defined templates for many types of server and cloud services.It get started in
minutes. It monitor Azure and AWS, IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. The technology
makes it easy to install to meet the growing demands of your infrastructure.
5. Ntopng
Ntopng is next version of ntop. It produces network metric reports including
app protocols, senders and recievers.You can geolocate hosts on a map and
explore app protocols with ntop Deep Packet Inspection (nDPI) technology.
This version is free to use. It was a C-based app embedding a web server able
to capture traffic and analyse it.
6. Capsa
Capsa is a portable tool to monitor and analyse the network issues. It is very
simple for both novice and veteran users. It is suitable for both WLAN and
Features- Multiple ways to get notified, Graph for bandwidth, Analysis daily,
weekly or once at a time. It is designed for small business and enterprise users.
It can analyse both wired and wireless networks.
Features- Auto rum packet capture, Powerful TCP flow analysis, Multiple
network behaviour monitoring, VoIP analysis, Quick & Intuitive report.


Network monitoring tools are crucial for the business. Don’t get overhelmed with
options of lots of networking tools. Use whichever is useful for your business and then make
your final decision.

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