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Notes on Word Analogy

In answering analogy questions, look carefully at the relationship of the word-pair

presented. Consider the following relationships before making your choice of the correct answer.

1. Synonyms, Homonyms, Antonyms, e.g. miniscule-short ;

joke- A. funny C. trickery
B. lewd D. corny

2. Cause-effect e.g. poison-death ;

medicine- A. sickness C. energy

B. cure D. herbs

3. Part-whole, Part-part. e.g. soldier-battalion ;

star- A. planet C. constellation

B. rocket D. satellite

4. Time-sequence, e.g. tardy-early ;

daybreak- A. sunrise C. midnight

B. twilight D. morning

5. Object-action, e.g. gun-shoot ;

ball- A. round C. rubber

B. throw D. red

6. Tool used by one who does the work, e.g. washing machine-launderer

7. Result-cause, e.g. carelessness-accident

8. Source-By-product, e.g. cocoa-chocolate

9. Type-character, e.g. Goat-Herbivorous

10. User-Thing used, e.g. Saddle- horseback rider

Practice Test: Analogy

Direction: Encircle the letter which corresponds to the correct/best answer.

1. volcano : lahar flow –

A. smile : pout C. ballroom : dancing
B. disagreement : trouble D. dog : bite
2. nebulizer : colds –
A. spygma : blood pressure C. respirator : breathing
B. stethoscope : heartbeat D. syringe : injection
3. vegetarian : carnivorous –
A. careless : meticulous C. orderly : neat
B. late : tardy D. short : plump
4. machine : sewer –
A. weaver : loom C. computer : diskette
B. carpenter : net D. cook : kitchen
5. daybreak : sunset –
A. sarcastic : enthusiastic C. piano : play
B. desert : valley D. night :evening
6. fanaticism – intolerance : bigotry :
A. learn C. educable
B. hatred D. insatiable
7. tardiness : punctuality – twilight :
A. sunrise C. sunset
B. dawn D. sundown
8. phlegmatic : impassive – avenue :
A. Quirino C. Pampanga
B. legislative D. route
9. lunatic : asylum – traveler
A. vendor C. destination
B. teacher D. prison
10. victory : thrill – defeat :
A. joy C. elation
B. agony D. joy
11. student : class – petal :
A. flower C. sepals
B. branch D. bouquet
12. indigent : wealthy –
A. angry : rich C. gauche : graceful
B. native : affluent D. scholarly : erudite
13. rigid :
A. slow C. flexible
B. stiff D. fast
14. homosexual :
A. heterosexual C. asexual
B. bisexual D. multi-sexual
15. judgment :
A. change C. youth
B. verdict D. lawsuit
16. lascivious :
A. cheeky C. cancelled
B. license D. lewd
17. tourniquet : bleeding –
A. resuscitation : drowning C. fatigue : sunshine
B. red-light : traffic D. microbe : disease
18. elevator : shaft
A. electricity : outlet C. escalator : steps
B. water : conduct D. railroad : train
19. sea : shore –
A. ocean : coastline C. bread : butter
B. river : bed D. horse : stable
20. play : acts –
A. opera : arias C. poem : rhymes
B. novel : chapters D. game : athlete
21. extract : tooth
A. dye : hair C. pluck : feather
B. manicure : nails D. chop : wood
22. hour : second
A. head : crown C. top : bottom
B. hand : fat D. far : distance
23. horse : animal –
A. player : uniform C. basketball : court
B. weightlifting : sport D. game : gym
24. BIR : taxes – DPWH :
A. public roads C. traffic
B. houses D. churches
25. Presidential : President – Parliamentary :
A. Prime minister C. House speaker
B. King D. Cardinal

Direction: Encircle the letter which corresponds to the correct/best answer.

1. Tryst means most nearly

A. Trick C. Design
B. Drama D. Meeting
2. “She is a vision of feminine pulchritude.”
A. Beauty C. Ugliness
B. Plain D. Homeliness
3. Coup d’état means most nearly
A. Political campaigns C. Intimidated
B. Military take over D. Favorable act
4. Exacerbate means most nearly
A. Misery C. Aggravate
B. Darker D. Regulate
5. Heterogeneous means most nearly
A. Varied C. Generous
B. Hostile D. Talkative
6. Merger means most nearly
A. Curse C. Combine
B. Screen D. Serve
7. Antidote means most nearly
A. Remedy C. Postdate
B. Theoretical D. Fluctuate
8. Utilitarian means most nearly
A. Useful C. Neglect
B. Laborious D. Equal
9. The employee suffers from xenophobia; she doesn’t talk to people she doesn’t know.
A. Fear of people C. Fear of talking to strangers
B. Fear of the unknown D. Fear of strangers
10. His zealousness is fictitious; thus many people find him weird.
A. Frank C. Unnatural
B. Real D. Loyal
Reading Comprehension

Read the texts below. Answer the items that follow. Choose from the options the one
which best or correctly answers the question. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Paragraph 1

Cutting down on your responsibilities is one way to minimize stress in your life. You can also
relax by breathing deeply, rather than taking light, shallow breaths. Peaceful music is also
soothing if you focus your attention on it and consciously disregard distracting thoughts.
Another good way to release tension is to exercise regularly, which, rather than tiring you out,
builds energy and endurance.

1. Which of the following statements states the main point of the selection?
a. Cutting down on responsibilities lessens stress.
b. You can relax by breathing deeply.
c. Stress has several harmful effects.
d. There are several ways to reduce stress in your life.

2. What does “cutting down” mean in the selection?

a. Put down c. Shorten
b. Maximize d. Lessen

3. What would be the best title for the selection?

a. Ways to minimize stress in your life.
b. Effects of stress in your life.
c. Causes of stress in your life.
d. How to manage stress.

4. How was the text organized?

a. Enumeration-description c. Time sequence
b. Problem-solution d. Cause-effect

Paragraph 2

The essence of many perfumes comes from the oils in the petals of fresh flowers, such as the
rose, carnation, and orange blossom. However, fragrances are not limited to the petal, but can
come from the leaves of plants such as the lavender, peppermint, and geranium. Also, the oils of
cinnamon and balsam are derived from their bark, while the oils of cedar come from its wood.
The fragrance of ginger and sassafras comes from roots, whereas that of orange, lemon, and
nutmeg comes from fruits and seeds. Thus, there are many sources from which to derive
fragrances for perfumes.

5. What is the main point being presented by the author?

a. Essence of many perfumes is derived from flowers.
b. Fragrances are not limited to flowers.
c. Fragrances for perfumes are derived from bark.
d. Fragrances for perfumes can be derived from various sources.

6. What is being emphasized in the passage?

a. Fragrances of perfumes.
b. Limitations of fragrances.
c. Fragrances and perfumes.
d. Sources of fragrances for perfumes.

7. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

a. Fragrances are not limited to flowers.
b. The essence of many perfumes is derived from flowers.
c. Fragrances for some perfumes are derived from plant barks.
d. Fragrances for perfumes are derived only from oils of cedar.

8. How was the text presented?

a. Enumeration-description
b. Problem-solution
c. Time sequence
d. Cause-effect

Paragraph 3

Smoking has been proven dangerous to people’s health, yet many continue to smoke for various
reasons. For young people, smoking often represents maturity and individuality. Many smoke as
a way to reduce tension. In addition, the regular smoker becomes addicted psychologically and
physically to the nicotine in cigarettes.

9. What is the selection about?

a. Dangers of smoking c. Addiction to smoking
b. Reasons for smoking d. Pleasures of smoking

10. What is the author implying in the passage?

a. Smoking is dangerous
b. Smoking is a way of smoking
c. Young people smoke to look mature
d. People smoke even if they know it can kill them.

11. Which of the following statements is not stated in the passage?

a. Smoking makes young people mature and responsible.
b. Smoking is dangerous but still people continue smoking.
c. People smoke to relieve stress.
d. Smoking cigarettes is addictive.

Paragraph 4

Amnesia is loss of memory. Amnesiacs cannot recall their names, where they live, or their
friends and relations. But they do remember their general knowledge and acquired skills, such as
how to add, read, cook, and get dressed. Amnesia has psychological and physiological causes.

12. What is being discussed in the selection?

a. Amnesia c. Causes of amnesia
b. Types of amnesia d. Effects of amnesia

13. What is the rhetorical pattern used in the text?

a. Enumeration-description
b. Problem-solution
c. Time sequence
d. Cause-effect

14. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

a. Amnesiacs are not good friends.
b. Amnesiacs can perform certain tasks.
c. Amnesia is caused psychologically.
d. Amnesia is total memory loss.

Paragraph 5

The “graying” of America will have great effects on the United States’ economy. Fifteen years
ago, there were five workers paying into Social Security for each person receiving benefits. By
2035, however, each worker will have to support two recipients. Social Security taxes will thus
have to rise, and the take-home pay of future workers will decrease.

15. What is being emphasized in the selection?

a. Population trends c. Social Security
b. The “graying” of America d. Economic effects of an aging population
16. How were the ideas in text organized?
a. Cause-effect c. Problem-solution
b. Time sequence d. Enumeration-description

17. What does the word “graying” means in the text?

a. America’s aged citizens.
b. America is getting older.
c. America is getting younger.
d. America’s aged citizen is rising.

Paragraph 6

When you were younger, your mother cautioned you not to act like an animal. What Mother
obviously didn’t realize is that much of the rest of the world holds animals in such high regard
that they use animals’ names for their organizations and products. For instance, many
professional sports teams, such as the Tigers and Rams have chosen animals names to suggest
power. Also, cars are given names to make consumers associate them with speed and grace.
Examples are the Jaguar, the Cougar, and the Bobcat. Even our political parties have adopted
animals to represent them.

18. Which of the following statements is not true according to the selection?
a. Animals are popular among politicians.
b. Wild animals should be left in the wild.
c. Labels of products are named after animals’.
d. Animals’ names are popular among organizations.

19. What can be implied from the selection?

a. Various organizations use names of animals.
b. Animals’ names are popular among politicians.
c. Animals’ names are not as popular as before.
d. Animal’s names are popular worldwide.

20. What does the word “cautioned” mean?

a. Realized
b. Certain
c. Warned
d. Shown

Reviewer: Dr. Nelia G. Prieto

What is Grammar?

Grammar is the system of language. People sometimes describe grammar as the “rules” of a
language; but in fact, no language has rules. If we use the word “rules”, we suggest that
somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages
did not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved into words,
phrases, and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All languages change over time.
What we call “grammar” is simply a reflection of a language at a particular time.

Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The short answer is “no.” Very many people
in the world speak their own, native language without having studied its grammar. Children start
to speak before they even know the word “grammar.” But if you are serious about learning a
foreign language, the long answer is “yes, grammar can help you to learn a language more
quickly and more efficiently.” It’s important to think of grammar as something that can help you,
like a friend. When you understand the grammar (or system) of a language, you can understand
many things yourself, without having to ask a teacher or look in a book.

So think of grammar as something good, something positive, and something that you can use to
find your way—like a signpost or a map.


This is the summary of the 8 parts of speech.

Part of Function or “job” Example words Example sentences

Verb Action or state (to) be, have, do, like, is a website. I
work, sing, can, must like
Noun Thing or person pen, dog, work, music, This is my dog. He lives in my
town, London, teacher, house. We live in London.
Adjective describes a noun a/an, the, 69, some, My dog is big. I like big dogs.
good, big, red, well,
Adverb describes a verb, quickly, silently, well, My dog eats quickly. When he is
adjective or adverb badly, very, really very hungry, he eats really quickly.
Pronoun replaces a noun I, you, he, she, some Tara is Indian. She is beautiful.
Test-Taking Tips to Help you on the Test

1. Read and understand the directions thoroughly.

2. Don’t tarry too long on any question. You can always come back to it if there’s time (if
it’s in the same section).
3. Pace yourself; don’t rush. If you go too fast, you will probably make careless mistakes,
and you will lose even more time trying to correct them. The idea is to get the right
answer the first time.
4. If you still have time, review the questions you think are easy just to make sure you
didn’t make any careless errors.
5. Read all the choices before you choose the best answer.
6. Keep checking the numbers on your answer sheet against the numbers of the questions in
your booklet, especially if you skip a question.
7. Use common sense in checking your answers.
8. Guess, wisely, not wildly. Instead of guessing totally at random, rule out some choices
that are clearly wrong, and then guess among the remaining choices.
9. Expect questions you can’t answer. This is normal, so don’t panic. If you don’t have a
clue about how to answer a question, just move on.
10. There are times when it’s wise to skip a question rather than to work at it and waste a lot
of precious time. You should skip the question if you’re getting upset, if you don’t
understand the problem, or if you don’t have the faintest idea of how to get even started.
Paragraph Development

Direction: Each sentence below, when put together in the correct order, would make a well-
organized paragraph. Decide what should be the correct order of the sentences.

I. A. The first procedure is that the bill passes through three readings on separate days.

B. Otherwise, the bill will go back to the House from where it originated, and it will be
deliberated upon again.

C. If the President approves the bill, then it shall be deemed a law.

D. A bill, before becoming a law, undergoes several procedures.

E. On the third reading, the votes of the lawmakers shall be recorded and if the bill is
approved, it goes to the President for approval or veto.

1. What should be the first sentence?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

2. What should be the fourth sentence?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

If the following sentence is added as sentence F:

It should be noted, however, that the President must communicate his veto within thirty
days from receipt of the bill, otherwise, the bill is considered to have been approved by

3. What would the new order of the sentences be?

a. B-C-D-E-A-F b. D-B-A-F-C-E c. D-A-E-C-B-F

d. A-B-C-D-E-F e. C-B-D-A-E-F

II. A. Learning to listen is one way of keeping friends.

B. Although listening can really be very tiring on the listener, it may, on the other hand,
be comforting to the speaker.
C. So learn how to listen, and gain more friends.

D. We also show that we care about what goes on in their lives.

E. By listening, we show our friends that they are important to us.

4. What should be the third sentence?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

5. What should be the fourth sentence?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

III. A. Hence, it can be said that the President really has a lot of duties and responsibilities.

B. He has control over department secretaries and can override their decisions.

C. Furthermore, the President exercises veto power over bills passed by the Congress.

D. Lastly, he is the Chief Executive, extending the laws and rules of the country.

E. The President in a presidential system is the Head of State and the Head of

6. What should be the second sentence?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

7. What should be the last sentence?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

IV. A. Not only that, paying taxes also means the government will no longer need to acquire
loans to fill the budget deficit.

B. Every citizen should lend a hand in pursuing economic progress.

C. One way to do it is pay one’s taxes correctly.

D. Paying correct taxes results in increased revenues that the government uses for
infrastructure and other projects.

E. So be a good citizen and pay your taxes correctly.

8. What should be the second sentence?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

9. What should be the fourth sentence?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

10. What is the appropriate title for the above paragraph?

a. Economic Progress

b. A Citizen’s Duty

c. Taxing the Economy

d. Taxes and Economic Progress

e. Lend a Hand for Progress

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