Pros and Cons of The Rizal Law

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Constantino, R. (1991).

The Rizal Law and the Catholic

Hierarchy. In The making of a Filipino: a story of Philippine
colonial politics (pp. 244–246). essay.

The Pros or advantages of R.A 1425 from the The Cons or disadvantages of R.A 1425 from the
excerpts of “The Rizal Law and the Catholic excerpts of “The Rizal Law and the Catholic
Hierarchy. In The making of a Filipino: a story of Hierarchy. In The making of a Filipino: a story of
Philippine colonial politics Philippine colonial politics

These novels is very vital to the enrichment of young Catholic church opposing the R.A 1425 which can lead
Filipino minds, these can re-establish the loss of love and a bad reputation to the Catholic church because
support of young Filipinos who is very distracted to other they are afraid that the students will be introduce to
things around them. the wrong doings of the Spanish priest during Rizal
Laurel, J. P. (1960). The Trials of the Rizal Bill. Historical
Bulletin, 4(2), 130–139.

The Pros or advantages of R.A 1425 from the The Cons or disadvantages of R.A 1425 from the
excerpts of “The Trials of the Rizal Bill. Historical excerpts of “The Trials of the Rizal Bill. Historical
Bulletin Bulletin

Some lines and pages in this novels are indeed As it says to the reading it was really intense
portraying the bad times that happened during especially since many are opposing the law and
Rizal’s era especially the wrongdoings of some friar furiously denying the law because many things are
are mentioned, but Rizal did not intend to write this at stakes.
novel for this purpose, by which he wrote this to
revive the will of power of the Filipinos to fight
against the Spaniards.
Hau, C. S. (2000). Introduction. In Necessary fictions:
Philippine literature and the nation, 1946-1980 (pp. 1–14).
essay, Ateneo de Manila Univ. Press.

The Pros or advantages of R.A 1425 from the The Cons or disadvantages of R.A 1425 from the
excerpts of “Introduction. In Necessary fictions: excerpts of “Introduction. In Necessary fictions:
Philippine literature and the nation Philippine literature and the nation
Though this law’s purpose is to enrich and shape young
Those writings, novels as well as national heroes
Filipino minds, the law did not go according to plan at
indeed contribute and sacrifice their time and effort
first. It started a conflict with Catholic churches.
even devoted their lives to the shaping of this
country which we enjoy as it is now.
Mojares, R. B. (2013). Jose Rizal and the Invention of a
National Literature. In Isabelo's archive (pp. 213–221). essay,

The Pros or advantages of R.A 1425 from the The Cons or disadvantages of R.A 1425 from the
excerpts of “Mojares, R. B. (2013). Jose Rizal and the excerpts of “Mojares, R. B. (2013). Jose Rizal and the
Invention of a National Literature. In Isabelo's Invention of a National Literature. In Isabelo's
archive  archive 
For me, this reading has no downside because the
It is true that that the literature of Rizal and his
purpose of Rizal to educate Indios is fulfilled and until
contemporaries has a vigorously impact on our kind
now we are enjoying the results of the works of Rizal.
of literature today. These works of Rizal have Though this leads the Spaniards to execute Rizal. But yet
impacted the lives of our fellow Filipino during his his intentions have been achieved.
time and until now it has a contribution. Which only
concluded that Rizal Bill is a must mandate law.

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