OGL 320 Project Plan Products

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Agreement to Adhere to the Academic Integrity Rules

Course Structure Conversation Contributions

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in Wiefling (2007) Kickoff, Ch. 1 & Ch. 2

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Conversation with a PM – Part 1 Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in O’Connell (2011) intro, Ch. 1 & Ch. 2

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Project Management Terminology Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Baseline Assessment Video Quiz
Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts
in Baseline Assessment Video Quiz

Baseline Assessment*

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in Wiefling (2007) Chapters 10 and 11

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Rubrics Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in What is Quality Assurance?

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Product Specifications and Quality Criteria Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in De Reyck (2010) – Effective Project Planning
Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the
concepts in De Reyck (2010) – Effective Project Planning

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Planning for Contingencies Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Project Planning Video Quiz

Products, Tasks, and Subtasks*

Submissions that demonstrate with the concepts in Work

Break Down Structure (WBS)

Initial Project Plan *

Peer Reviews of Colleagues’ Project Plans *

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of the

concepts in the Feedback Video Quiz

Planning for Contingencies

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Habits Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in Halvorson and Rock (2015) and with Desjardins

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Biases Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in Cottrell (2011) – Critical Thinking
Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the
concepts in Cottrell (2011) – Critical Thinking

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Critical Thinking Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with concepts

in Wiefling (2007) Ch. 7 & 8

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in PMBOK 6th edition (2017) – PM Overview and
PM Processes

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in PM Processes in Case Study – 1 Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in PM Processes in Case Study – 2 Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in PM Processes in Case Study – 3 Video Quiz
Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts
in PM Processes in Case Study – 3 Video Quiz

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in O’Connell (2011) Ch. 4, 5, & 6

Pre Peer Feedback on UPDATED Project Plans

Updated and Improved Project Plan *

Peer Reviews of Colleagues’ Updated Project Plans *

Submissions that demonstrate engagement with the

concepts in Why People Fail to Recognize their own

Submissions that demonstrate understanding of concepts

in Conversation with a PM – Part 2 Video Quiz

Culminating Project Management Performance Review *

Additional Learning from Podcasts

Additional Learning from Podcasts

Locating and Reporting Typos and Mistakes

Other Extra Credit Opportunities
PM Proposed Products for Extra Credit

Read the ASU Student Academic Policy

Read each question and choose which answer best supports the question
Submit Assignment

Read the "Course Structure Conversation" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 6 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Read "Chapter 1 and 2 of Scrappy Project Management" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Conversation with a PM - Part 1"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read Chapter 1 and 2 of "What You Need to Know about Project Management"
in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Project Management Terminology"

Answer questions throughout the video

Watch the video "Baseline Assessment Video"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read and reread every prompt to ensure knowledge of the criteria

Write my answers to each question

Film my baseline assessment

Watch fellow classmate's baseline assessments

Read Chapters 10 and 11 of "Scrappy Project Management" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Baseline Assessment Video"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read "What is Quality Assurance?" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 3 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Product Specifications and Quality Criteria"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read "De Reyck" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Planning for Contingencies"

Answer questions throughout the video

Watch the video "Planning for Contingencies"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read and reread every criteria to ensure understanding

Write down what product I would like to create

Write down the tasks and subtasks for the product

Ensure submission in Canvas

Read "The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management - Chapter 6" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Review quality criteria and ruberics for Project Plan

Research previous project plans

Decide which format to use

Fill each product

Fill in tasks and subtasks

Fill in contingency plans

Fill in planned dates to complete

Submit Project Plan into Canvas

Review quality criteria and ruberics for Project Plan Peer Reviews
Follow checklist to ensure all criteria is present

Sbumit peer reviews into Canvas

Watch the video "Feedback"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read "Trump team failed to follow NSC pandemic playbook" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Habits"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read "Beyond Biases" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Biases"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read "Critical Thinking Palgrave" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Critical Thinking"

Answer questions throughout the video

Read "Scrappy Project Management - Chapter 7 and 8" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Read "PMBOK - 6th ed - section 1 and 3" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "PM Processes in Case Study - Video 1"

Answer questions throughout the video

Watch the video "PM Processes in Case Study - Video 2"

Answer questions throughout the video

Watch the video "PM Processes in Case Study - Video 3"

Answer questions throughout the video

Answer questions throughout the video

Read "What You Need to Know about Project Management" Ch. 4, 5, and 6

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Update project plan

Post updated project plan into discussion board in Canvas

Comment on classmates project plans and give detailed feedback
Read the quality criteria of the updated project plan
Conduct a quality control evaluation using the rubric of initial project plan

Update project plan based off QC and classmates feedback

Conduct a quality control evaluation using the rubric of updated project plan

Create 3 full paragraphs describing my planning process

Read submission requirements to ensure submission is sent

Discover which classmate's project plans I am required to review
Read quality criteria

Complete evaluation

Read "Why people fail to recognize their own incompetence" in Perusall

Analyze the Reading

Create at least 7 annotations within the reading

Ensure 100% score in Perusall

Watch the video "Converstaions with a PM - Part 2"

Answer questions throughout the video

Conduct performance review

Watch PM podcast
Watch PM podcast

Write a summary/reflection

Email professor when mistakes are found through course

Look for announcements or emails stating extra credit
Reread any topics I do not understand
Contact ASU with any questions or concerns I have
Utilize my reading comprehension skills to choose the answer most applicable
Read directions on how to submit assignment to ensure I understand to receive credit
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Take notes of each question asked
Research how many words are in a 4 minute speech
Compile my answers to each question to form a 4 minute speech
Schedule a time where I can have the living room to myself to film myself giving my baseline assessment
Research how to film a video using a MacBook laptop
Follow uploading instructions to ensure successful upload of video into Canvas
Analyze classmate's videos finding similarities or differences in our PM point of views
Comment on Canvas to fellow classmate's videos
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Reflect on past products I have have created
Pick the product in which I am both able to analyze and am most comfortable sharing with fellow classmates
Reflect on the procedures needed to create the product
Subcategorize each task and subtask appropriately
Ensure subtasks include strenghs
Read the submission requirements thoroughly
Check in "Grades" in Canvas that submission has gone through
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Read and reread each requirement of the project plan
Create a checklist to ensure all requirements are present in plan
Google other project plans to learn more about formatting and layouts
Try Excel, Word, and other project planning domains
Pick which is easiest for me to use and stick with it
Create a table and include products in first column
List each assignment due under the products column
Double check that each assignment is listed
Reflect and list the tasks and subtasks for each product that needs to be complete
Ensure tasks and subtasks start with a verb and include strengths
List possible contingencies that could occur during each task
List plans to combat each contingency
Look at work schedule schedule and due dates for each product
Schedule a time prior to the due date for each product to be complete
Review submission requirements
Check in "Grades" in Canvas that submission has gone through
Read and reread each requirement of the project plan
Check the box best suitted for each criteria
Review submission requirements
Check in "Grades" in Canvas that submission has gone through
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Revise my project plan based off of classmates feedback
Enter actual start/end dates and time used
Check to ensure revised plan was properly submited
Check the ruberics to ensure proper feedback is given
Ensure I understand what is required for this product
Create a checklist to ensure all requirements are present in plan
Insert all requirements not checked off into project plan
Revise any aspects of the product that are not of quality standards
Utilize the checklist to ensure all requirements are now present in plan
Revise any aspects of the product that are not of quality standards following second checklist
Take notes throughout my planning process to remember the details
Reread and edit 3 paragraphs as needed
Check twice in Canvas to ensure submission was received
Follow instructions on finding which classmate's I have been assigned
Ensure I understand what is required for this product
Analyze the options for each criteria
Select which option I feel is most appropriate for the project plan
Utilize time management to schedule a time to fully read in one sitting
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Pay extra attention to the client's comments and respond when necessary
Quiz myself on the material through the reading to ensure comprehension
Decide which areas of the reading I can relate to or find interesting
Respond to fellow classmate's comments and questions
Check next day to ensure submission also transferred into Canvas
Connect with the video and take notes throughout
Discover any areas I am having trouble comprehending and communicate this with client
Open a word document to answer any comment-style questions
Analyze each answer and select the one which I believe to be correct
Reanswer any questions missed
Read through fellow-classmates comment-style answers to gain a better comprehension of the subject matter
Watch previous baseline assessment
Analyze what I have learned throughout the class
Complete essay
Select which podcast(s) I would like to listen to
Take notes during the podcast to ensure understanding
Analyze which parts of the podcast stood out to me and summarize into paper
Reflect on which parts I can relate to and add it to paper
Submit paper into canvas
Complete extra credit assingmnets
OGL 320 Project Plan

Planned time to invest Actual Time Invested Actual Vs. Planned Due Date
30 minutes 10 minutes
2 minutes N/A
28% 10/13/2020
10 minutes 1 minute
2 minutes 1 minute
30 minutes 30 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minute 100% 10/15/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
30 minutes 30 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minute 100% 10/15/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
100% 10/15/2020
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
30 minutes 45 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minute 132% 10/17/2020
10 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
100% 10/17/2020
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
30 minutes 10 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes

60% 10/20/2020
1 minute 1 minute
60% 10/20/2020
20 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
1 hour 1 hour
5 minutes 5 minutes
100% 10/20/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
2 minutes 2 minutes
1 hour 1 hour
20 minutes 20 minutes
30 minutes 30 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minute 100% 10/22/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
100% 10/22/2020
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
30 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minute 61% 10/24/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
100% 10/24/2020
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
30 minutes 45 minutes
10 minutes 15 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minute 126% 10/27/2020
126% 10/27/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
100% 10/27/2020
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
100% 10/27/2020
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
100% 10/29/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
30 minutes 1 hour
10 minutes 10 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minute 160% 10/29/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
20 minutes 20 minutes
20 minutes 20 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
2 minutes 2 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
100% 10/31/2020
2 hours 2 hours
1 hour 1 hour
2 hours 2 hours
1 hour 1 hour
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 hour 1 hour
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minue 1 minue
20 minutes 5 minutes
20 minutes 15 minutes
51% 11/3/2020
10 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 1 minue
30 minutes 10 minutes
5 minutes 0 minutes
1 minute 3 minutes
35% 11/5/2020
20 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 2 minutes
10 minutes 2 minutes
30 minutes 15 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
15 minutes 5 minutes
1 minute 2 minutes 56% 11/5/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minue
30 minutes 10 minutes
5 minutes 0 minutes
1 minute 5 minutes
29% 11/7/2020
20 minutes 7 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
1 hour 45 minutes
10 minutes 5 minutes
15 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 5 minutes 90% 11/10/2020
10 minutes 15 minutes
10 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minue
30 minutes 10 minutes
5 minutes 0 minutes
1 minute 5 minutes
29% 11/10/2020
20 minutes 7 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
1 hour 45 minutes
10 minutes 5 minutes

90% 11/12/2020
15 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 5 minutes 90% 11/12/2020
10 minutes 15 minutes
10 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minue
30 minutes 15 minutes
5 minutes 0 minutes
1 minute 2 minutes
39% 11/12/2020
20 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 3 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
1 hour 45 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
15 minutes 15 minutes
1 minute 1 minue 86% 11/14/2020
10 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minue
1 hour 1 hour
10 minutes 0 minutes
15 minutes 20 minutes
1 minute 3 minutes 97% 11/14/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
1 minute 1 minue
30 minutes 20 minutes
5 minutes 0 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
61% 11/17/2020
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 5 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 0 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
61% 11/17/2020
20 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 5 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 0 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
70% 11/19/2020
20 minutes 20 minutes
10 minutes 2 minutes
70% 11/19/2020

10 minutes 0 minutes
1 hour 45 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
15 minutes 20 minutes
1 minute 5 minutes 94% 11/21/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 20 minutes
1 minute 1 minue
1 hour 1 hour
30 minutes 30 minutes
69% 11/23/2020
1 hour 5 minutes
30 minutes 30 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
20 minutes 10 minutes
1 hour 1 hour
1 hour 30 minutes
30 minutes 30 minutes 57% 11/24/2020
30 minutes 5 minutes
20 minutes 1 minute
1 hour 20 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
5 minutes TBD
10 minutes TBD
TBD 11/26/2020
1 hour TBD
1 hour TBD
1 hour 30 minutes
10 minutes 0 minutes
15 minutes 20 minutes
1 minute 5 minutes 89% 11/28/2020
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes 20 minutes
1 minute 1 minue
30 minutes 30 minutes
5 minutes 0 minutes
1 minute 1 minute
75% 11/28/2020
20 minutes 15 minutes
10 minutes 2 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes
10 minutes TBD
15 minutes TBD TBD 12/1/2020
1 hour TBD
1 hour TBD

TBD 12/3/2020
20 minutes TBD
20 minutes TBD TBD 12/3/2020
1 hour TBD
1 minute TBD
N/A N/A N/A 12/3/2020
N/A N/A N/A 12/3/2020
N/A N/A N/A 12/3/2020
Planned Start Date Planned End Date Re-Planned Start Date Re-Planned End Date

10/12/2020 10/12/2020 N/A N/A

10/13/2020 10/13/2020 N/A N/A

10/14/2020 10/14/2020 N/A N/A

10/14/2020 10/14/2020 N/A N/A

10/15/2020 10/15/2020 N/A N/A

10/15/2020 10/15/2020 N/A N/A

10/18/2020 10/18/2020 N/A N/A

10/18/2020 10/18/2020 N/A N/A

10/18/2020 10/18/2020 N/A N/A

10/20/2020 10/20/2020 N/A N/A

10/20/2020 10/20/2020 N/A N/A

10/22/2020 10/22/2020 N/A N/A

10/22/2020 10/22/2020 N/A N/A

10/23/2020 10/23/2020 N/A N/A

10/23/2020 10/23/2020 N/A N/A

10/23/2020 10/23/2020 N/A N/A

10/23/2020 10/23/2020 N/A N/A

10/24/2020 10/24/2020 N/A N/A

10/24/2020 10/24/2020 N/A N/A

10/25/2020 10/28/2020 N/A N/A

10/30/2020 10/30/2020 N/A N/A

10/30/2020 10/30/2020 N/A N/A

10/30/2020 10/30/2020 11/1/2020 11/1/2020

11/1/2020 11/1/2020 N/A N/A

11/1/2020 11/1/2020 N/A N/A

11/1/2020 11/1/2020 N/A N/A

11/3/2020 11/3/2020 N/A N/A

11/3/2020 11/3/2020 N/A N/A

11/3/2020 11/3/2020 N/A N/A

11/6/2020 11/6/2020 N/A N/A

11/10/2020 11/10/2020 N/A N/A

11/10/2020 11/10/2020 11/13/2020 11/13/2020

11/11/2020 11/11/2020 11/13/2020 11/13/2020

11/12/2020 11/12/2020 11/13/2020 11/13/2020

11/12/2020 11/12/2020 11/13/2020 11/13/2020

11/13/2020 11/13/2020 11/17/2020 11/17/2020

11/16/2020 11/23/2020 11/18/2020 N/A

11/16/2020 11/23/2020 11/17/2020 N/A

11/24/2020 11/25/2020 N/A N/A

11/20/2020 11/20/2020 N/A N/A

11/20/2020 11/20/2020 N/A N/A

11/28/2020 11/28/2020 N/A N/A

11/24/2020 11/24/2020 N/A N/A

11/24/2020 11/24/2020 N/A N/A


Actual Start Date Actual End Date Contingency Used

10/12/2020 10/12/2020 2

10/13/2020 10/13/2020 2

10/14/2020 10/14/2020 2

10/14/2020 10/14/2020 2

10/15/2020 10/15/2020 2

10/15/2020 10/15/2020 2

10/18/2020 10/18/2020 1, 2
10/18/2020 10/18/2020 1, 2

10/18/2020 10/18/2020 8, 9

10/20/2020 10/20/2020 1, 2

10/20/2020 10/20/2020 1, 2

10/22/2020 10/22/2020 2

10/22/2020 10/22/2020 2

10/23/2020 10/23/2020 2
10/23/2020 10/23/2020 2

10/23/2020 10/23/2020 2

10/23/2020 10/23/2020 2

10/24/2020 10/24/2020 2, 8, 9

10/24/2020 10/24/2020 2

10/25/2020 10/28/2020 1, 2, 6, 8, 9
10/30/2020 10/30/2020 2, 6, 8

10/30/2020 10/30/2020 2, 6

11/1/2020 11/1/2020 1, 2, 6, 7

11/1/2020 11/1/2020 1, 2

11/1/2020 11/1/2020 1, 2

11/1/2020 11/1/2020 1, 2

11/3/2020 11/3/2020 2
11/3/2020 11/3/2020 2

11/1/2020 11/1/2020 2

11/12/2020 11/12/2020 2

11/12/2020 11/12/2020 2

11/13/2020 11/13/2020 2

11/13/2020 11/13/2020 2

11/13/2020 11/13/2020 2
11/13/2020 11/13/2020 2

11/17/2020 11/17/2020 2

11/18/2020 TBD 2, 6, 8, 9

11/15/2020 11/21/2020 2, 6, 8, 9

TBD TBD 2, 6, 8

11/17/2020 11/17/2020 2, 6

11/17/2020 11/17/2020 2, 6

TBD TBD 2, 6, 8

TBD TBD 2, 6, 7
TBD TBD 2, 6, 7

N/A N/A 1, 2, 7
N/A N/A 1, 2, 7
N/A N/A 1, 2, 7
1. Loss of internet
2. Increased hours at work
3. Family emergency
4. Loss of laptop
5. Natural disasters (fire, earthquake)
6. Holidays
7. Do not receive all points on assignments
8. Do not understand the assignment
9. Have questions for client
Contingency Plan
Use phone hotspot to connect to laptop
Stay ahead of due dates by at least 1 week
Keep project plan nearby to ensure I know what is due
Complete assignments using work computer
Head back to Kentucky but take laptop to complete assignments
Complete all assignments prior to leaving for Arizona
Utilize extra credit
Utilize Community Forum, Slack, Client
Utilize Zoom calls each Saturday

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