Bondage Clinic

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This story was one of the many done in my really busy

years, specifically in 2000, when one story was followed by another
and my dreams and hopes were in a quick publication, the
“discovery” and career in a regular publishing house. But life, of
course, had another plans… Who knows if this comic or the rest
that followed it would ever see the light if that happened? Of
course, you would knew my name and art perhaps from another kind
of pages, maybe in a superhero title, or… But enough speculation!
After 19 years this story finally will get a chance, let’s hope is a
good one, and the readers, the new fathers of this child, like it and
cherish it as much as I did and do… Thank you for giving the
chance to a very unusual story, perhaps a little crazy, but not less
entertaining; full of some of the elements that people look in my art
and pages: latex, bondage, gags, high heels, gorgeous damsels and
lovely but evil villainesses, exotic gadgets and well, lots of fun!
My main intention, as cartoonist, have been the same: give you, the
reader, a good, fun time, a peek of a fantastic world full of fetishes,
bondage, adventure, thrills and fantasies; a ticket for a couple of
hours, or a good moment, if you are a fast reader, for a exotic
The main idea behind this story is a classic: one discovery or
gadget very advanced and revolutionary and the villain that wants it
for her own profit. In this case, a latex membrane that keeps you in
shape. Perhaps not a great “mc guffin”, but one my readers really

In those days stories came and go inside my head, usually it was one
after another, with the story and pencils going quite fast, with some
limitations in style and surely lots of mistakes; I didn’t correct them
too much in the benefit of the historical value.
If this book gets some success you will see how my very early
stories were done in a cartoonish style instead of one more
“realistic”. But some of those really still look good, if I didn’t
publish them is for one main reason: in those days the stories were
done in my native language, spanish.
Drawing is one thing, but lettering… My real weak point!
However, thanks to the wonders of technology this is done today
with a program… but you need someone to do it, or spend a good
time doing it. I know, is part of the job, but… okay, if you insist I
can do the sacrifice!

I enclosed a few sketches, one of the few survivors, done for the
story; actually in those days, as it was quick work, I didn’t spent too
much time doing sketches, it was “from the hand to the paper”!
And, to be sincere, even today I wonder about some pages, how in
heavens I wrote some of the things… Nevermind, if it works, it
works! Of course, the character sheets looks similar, but it was just
to gave me an idea of the characters. My favorite? Clarissa, of
course, the evil nurse, that have a key presence in the story. With a
couple of pages shown in Deviantart, she was a protagonist of a
commissioned comic, of course, as the villain!
Bettina, of course, is another classic character, regular in other
comics. Based in a real person and one of my first crushes in my
early teen days, and also one of the girls that made me discover the
joy of the female body, the fetish and bondage fantasies (well, those
came from earlier, but in 1980 all the mix really took shape and the
first bondage comics saw the light), even if in this particular comic
she’s more a passive element, our guide to get into this clinic and it
delicious secret. You will find out a lot of ex-girlfriends or just
crushes from the TV or cinema in my comics, along with classic pin
ups. The rest of the characters, sadly, have no real life alter egos,
unless you find out one!

About the membranes, it was just an idea to have a complete

bondage element, a second skin glued to the real skin and very
revealing; the girls are naked and totally covered. In the beginning I
didn’t thought in the swim caps, as you will notice in the sketch file,
but I guess that, fetishes aside, it was just a lazy cartoonist that didn’t
want to draw hair! Jokes aside, it was more the idea of the virtually
total enclosure, so only a small part of the face is free of rubber. And
you love that as much as I do, yes!

All right, enough for the moment, I know you are more interested
in the comic than in reading all this babbling. So, I want to thank
you for purchasing this book and I want to thank specially to the
ones that help me in one way or another, working in some aspects,
helping me to find out the best way to make the book or just keeping
me in the track to finish it. Thank you, from the deep of my heart.

Now, time to see what’s next, right? See you in the next book!

Osvaldo A. Greco, December 2019

Doctor Deussy, the main villain of the story
The infamous (but gorgeous) Clarissa
Dr Beanie, the owner of the Bondage Clinic; her name is a model of
gag created by John Willie
Christina, the “heroine” nurse; or nurse in distress…
Bettina, or main damsel; sadly I don’t have Jimena’s file, if I did one
A detail of the membrane, how they act like a good gag! Here they
are without the swim caps.
One of the original drawings for the cover, this one in pencil and
ink; There are several versions that are just pencil sketches.

Here is one of the sheets with possible ideas to add to the story;
sadly you will not see those two in the comic, so don’t look for them!
The tape cleave gag over the latex membrane and the white latex
membrane, however, looks quite good to remain in the limbo;
perhaps they would appear in a possible “Bondage Clinic 2”? Who
Sketches for the infamous “chloroform gag”; from a femenine pad
to a bondage fantasy element...

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