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Pola Danica Grace B.


Carl Nicolo Guiang


Initial Database

I. Family Structure, Characteristics, and Dynamics

1. Demographic Data

Members Age Sex Civil Positio Relation Educati Occup Sto.

Status n in ship to onal ation Nino,
the the attainm Rabah
family family ent an,
head Crossi

Rogelio 54 Male Married Grandf Head Element Garba Sto.

Candare ather ary ge Nino,
Collect Graba
or han,

Mary jane 53 Female Married Grand Head Element None Sto.

Ebajan mother ary Nino,

June 27 Male Married Father Head 3RD year Truck Sto.

Adlao highsch driver Nino,
ool Graba

Mariel 23 Female Married Mother Head 3RD year House Sto.

Ebajan highsch wife/ Nino,
ool Thrift Graba
clothes han,
seller Crossi

Marjun 5 Male Single Eldest Son None None Sto.

Ebajan years Nino,
old Graba

Junmar 2 Male Single Younge Son None None Sto.

Ebajan years st Nino,
old Graba

The table above lists the members of the Ebajan family, with their age, sex, and civil
status. It shows that everyone in the Ebajan family resides in the same place, that
their family is composed of six, namely June Adlao of the age 27 years old, and
Mariel Ebajan at the age of 23, both being married to each other and the head of the
family as well as Ms. Mariel’s parents, and their 5-year-old son, Marjun Ebajan, and
their 2-year-old son Junmar Ebajan. The table also shows each member’s position in
the family, their relationship to the head of the family, their educational attainment,
their occupation, and place of residence.

A. Type of Family

The Ebajan Family is an extended type of family. An extended type of family is

an expansion of the nuclear family (parents and dependent children) (Britannica,
2007). Their family is composed of Mr. J (June Adlao), Mrs. M (Mariel Ebajan),
Mrs. MJ (Mary Jane Ebajan), and Mr. R (Rogelio Candare).They had their first
child, Child M, in 2016, and their second child, Child J, in 2019 who are both
raised in their current house.

B. Place of Residence

The family currently lives in Sto. Nino, Grabahan, Crossing bayabas Toril, Davao
City. Mr. J originally lived at Sirwan area and Mrs. M lived in the same area
where they are both currently living. The land that they live in is owned by the
father of Mrs. M, Mr. R.

C. General Family Relationships/ Dynamics

Each fulfills their responsibilities as a member of the family and seems quite
affectionate of one another. Mrs. M spends much time together with her two
children and parents, but Mr. J cannot due to his work of being a driver. Mrs. M’s
parents are most likely in home for safety and to avoid going in and out from the
house. Mrs. M would rather stay at home and sometimes sell her thrift clothes
due to the pandemic. When asked to describe each other they both speak highly
to each other and show affection to both of their children.

A. Dominant Family Member

In terms of authority, the Ebajan family is an egalitarian type of family. An

egalitarian family type is defined as the type of family that is based on authority,
where both partners and Mrs. M’s parents have the authority to decide on
matters. (Leahey, 2015). With this, it means that both Mr. J and Mrs. M and her
parents have the authority to make decisions. They both consider each other’s
opinion first before coming up with a final decision in any situation due to the
current situation that all people are facing which is the pandemic and which
includes decisions involving health care and financial expenses.
II. Socio-economic and Cultural Characteristics

A. Income and Expenses

Both Mr.J and Mr. R are the breadwinners of the family. Mr. J works as a
truck driver where he earns Php 3,500.00 per month. Mr. R works for the
Barangay, garbage collector and earns Php 5,000.00 per month Both
breadwinners and the head of the family said they would spend their financial
budget on food and other necessities. Mr. J , Mrs. M and Mr. R are the ones
who will decide on how to spend their budget on electricity, food, medicines.
They spend Php 600.00 for the electricity, and Php 400.00 per day and Php
700.00 for other things such as medicine that are bought from the market.

B. Ethnic Background and Religious Affiliation

Table 1: Family's Religion, Ethnicity, Occupation and Income per day

Name Religion Ethnicity Occupation Income per

Mr. J Roman Bisaya Truck Driver Php 120.00

Mrs. M Roman Bisaya Housewife/Th Ranges from

Catholic rift clothes php 40.00-
seller 50.00

Mrs. MJ Roman Bisaya None None


Mr. R Roman Bisaya Garbage Php 160.00

Catholic Collector

Child J Roman Bisaya None None


Child M Roman Bisaya None None


The above table shows the religion and ethnicity of each member of the
family. It also shows the occupation and income of each family member. It
reveals that they are all of Bisaya origin, that Mrs. M sells thrift clothes that
earns approximately Php 5.00 per cloth while Mr. J is a truck driver that earns
100 a day. It shows that Mr. J, Mrs. M, Mrs. MJ, Mr. R, Child M and J are
Roman Catholics.

The Ebajan are of bisaya origin. Mr. J and Mrs. M are fluent in the
Visayan language, as well as her parents and children. Mrs. M can
understand and speak some Tagalog, but mainly speaks bisaya. Mr. R also
speaks and understands Bisaya as well as Mrs. MJ, all of them mainly speak
bisaya. All six members of the family are Roman Catholics.
A. Relationships of the Family to the Larger Community

The Ebajan family in relation to their community or neighborhood are quite

reserved. Mr. J and Mrs. M are very friendly and outgoing when approached.
Neighborhoods are also friendly and Mrs. M stated that they don’t have any bad
relationship to the community and the community members, and are pretty much
sociable to other members of the community.

III. Home and Environment

A. Adequacy of Living Space

The family lives in a small cemented house with a wooden roof. It is in

close proximity to the neighboring houses resulting in poor ventilation.
The house includes three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.

B. Food Storage and Cooking Facilities

Mr. R and Mrs. M do their grocery shopping at the local market close to
the highway whenever they want to. They don't have a refrigerator which
is used to store some of the easily perishable food such as meat and
vegetables, instead they buy canned foods. They also have tupperware
for the storage of foods and leftover foods, and a large pot (caldron) that
they utilize to cook and prepare their meals.

C. Water Supply
The only water source that is available for the family is the water
pump/tubig sa poso. They use large buckets for storing and using water
for washing, cooking, and drinking. The family had only one bathroom
with a toilet bowl and one sink, it is where they used to bathe, wash
hands or feet. Kitchen had only one sink which they used to wash dishes
and cook.

D. Presence of Breeding Sites and Accident Hazards

Breeding sites for mosquitoes are present inside and outside the family’s
house due to the presence of stagnant water that accumulated in plant
pots that aren’t properly drained. They are also present outside the house
due to the open canal where they throw their dirty or used water from the
pump and are exposed to the family and members of the community.

D. Garbage Disposal

Environmental sanitation is quite messy and dirty in the area due to mud
and other few littered trashes. Although the family’s sanitation is quite
good, they put their waste in a garbage bin with a sack and deliver it to
the Barangay.

E. Drainage System

House Drainage is not provided with the arrangement of several drain

pipes that collect and convey wastewater to drain into the domestic septic
tank. Instead, they only throw their used water from washing of plates

F. Kind of Neighborhood

The Ebajan Family is a matrilocal family, and lives in Sto. Nino, Rabahan,
Crossing bayabas, Toril, Davao City. There exists a GKK Sto. Nino
chapel and basketball court that often holds volleyball/ basketball
matches and community gatherings, and the people in the neighborhood
are often friendly.

G. Health Facilities Available

The Ebajan family are very aware of the health facility, specifically Dr.
Quitos’ clinic, where they would rely on for their medical needs and
services. Mrs. M would often ask for medical information regarding a
family member’s current condition. The Ebajan family often avail in the
health facility for Child M, J and both of her parents to a doctor that will
cater to their health needs whenever one of their member’s health status

IV. Health Status of Each Family Member

A. Medical and Nursing History

-Past health illnesses

Upon interview the family stated that they were all fully immunized. They
claimed that they haven’t had any history of significant illnesses except for the
occasional fever, cough, and colds. Mrs. MJ, had her first menarche at the age of 13
years old, and her last menstruation was at the age of 51 years old indicating that she is
already in menopause. Mrs. M, had her menarche at 14 years old. Upon inquiry of her
delivery of her two sons, she stated that there were no issues or complaints during her
labor, and they both had normal vaginal deliveries.
B. Nutritional Assessment

The usual family breakfast is rice with eggs and corn beef. For lunch they stated
that they would typically eat rice with vegetables or noodles. For dinner, they usually
have meatloaf, tinapa, and rice. They often buy canned food because they do not have a
refrigerator to keep them fresh. Their BMIs cannot be determined since they’re not
aware of their current height and weight, however, during the last visit to the health
center they stated that they were all determined to have a healthy weight.

C. Risk Factors Assessment

The family denies having any unhealthy habits or vices. Mr. R however is a
garbage collector which exposes him to hazardous materials that could otherwise
cause acquisition of diseases.

V. Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance and Disease Prevention

A. Immunizations

The Department of Health (DOH) in 2009 states that an infant who received one
dose of BCG, three doses each of OPV, DPT and Hepatitis B vaccines, and one dose of
measles vaccine before reaching one year of age is considered a fully immunized child
(FIC). Mr. J, Mrs. M, Mr. R and Mrs. MJ were fully vaccinated children. Child J and Child
M were both fully immunized children. As Mrs. M stated they have not yet been
vaccinated against covid, because they don't have time for vaccination. Although the
vaccination program is available in their area they still chose not to due to their
respective work.
B. Use of Promotive-Preventive Health Services

Mrs. M and Mr. J take their family to their respective health center in which they acquire
health services such as vaccinations for their children and treatment for various


Coping Area Definition Rating Justification

Physical Concerned with the 5 Upon inquiry, Mrs. M stated

Independence ability to move about, to that all members of their family
get out of bed, to take are able to move around within
care of daily grooming, their house and conduct
walking,etc. Activities of Daily Life
Therapeutic All the 4 Mrs. M stated that they were
Independence aware of the health care
procedures or
facilities available to them and

treatments prescribed acquired those services when

illness is present among their
for the care of illness, family.

such as giving of

medications, using

appliances, dressings,

exercises and

relaxation, special diets,


Knowledge of The 3 The family can determine when

Health illness is present among them
particular health
Condition and will take initiative to seek

condition that is the help in a health clinic.

occasion for care.

Application of The family action in 3 The family do take preventive
relation measures such as
immunization and medical
to maintaining family
Principles on appraisal, they take adequate

nutrition, securing rest, but home making habits

Personal are not always sanitary such
adequate rest and as their water supply and
disposal of waste.
relaxation for family

members, carrying out

accepted preventive

measures such as

immunizations, and

medical appraisal, safe

home making habits in

relation to storing and

preparing foods.
Health care The way the family feels 4 The family follows through in
health care and trusts the
attitude about health care in
medical recommendations.

general, including

preventive services,

care of illness and public

health measures.

Emotional The maturity and 5 The family is there for one

integrity with which the another and they deal with the
members of the family usual stresses with support
are able to meet the and regard for one another.
usual stresses and
problems of life, and to
plan for happy and
fruitful living.
Family Living Concerned largely with 5 The family goes along well,
the interpersonal or they are affectionate towards
group aspects of family one another and show support
life- how well the family to their family.
members of the family
get along with one
another, the ways in
which they make
decisions affecting the
family as a whole, the
degree to which they
support one another and
do things as a family,
the degree of respect
and affection they show
for one another, the
ways in which they
manage the family
budget, the kind of
discipline that prevails.
Physical Concerned with the 1 The space is poor due to the
home, the community close proximity of the
and the work residence to the neighboring
environment as it affects houses and to the canal. They
family health. live in a small house that
caters to 6 people.

Use of The degree of the 5 The family is well aware of the

family’s use and community facilities available
awareness of the to them and uses it to their

Facilities available community advantage.

facilities for health
education and welfare.

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