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Class: 4B0 EDULEAD

I. Indicate if the underlined pronoun is a SUBJECT pronoun or an OBJECT pronoun. Tick √
the correct column.
Subject Object
1. I would like a treehouse.
2. Will you help me with the project?
3. We can get more cheese.
4. Use this rope to lift materials to him.
5. You and I are doing a fine job.
6. They’ll climb up the ladder with us.
7. It will make a great clubhouse.
8. Let’s invite her into our club.
9. She and Jack like eating sandwiches.
10. Pumpkin soup tastes great to them.

II. Choose the correct subject / object 8. This is Tony. Come and meet he / him.
9. This is Sam. I go to school with _____. (he /
1. This is my umbrella. I / It is red. him)
2. This is Peter. She/ He is fourteen. 10._____ are going into town. (Us / We)
3. This is Laura and Rose. They / She are my 11.Why are you looking at _____? (me / I)
12._____ goes to bed at nine o'clock. (Her /
4. This Tom and I’m Steven. Look at us / them. She)
5. This is Rex and Spot. It / They are my dogs. 13.This is Tom's trumpet. _____ plays it every
day. (He / Him)
6. Look at she / her. She’s Kathy.
14.These are my hamsters. Do you like _____?
7. This is my notebook. It / They is blue.
(they / them)
III. Choose the correct subject pronouns or object pronouns to complete the following sentences.
1. What time can I call ___________? (me / you)
2. ___________ (Him / He) never listens to ___________ (Us / We).
3. 'Do you like my new glasses?' 'Yes, ___________ (me / I) love ___________ (them / it / they).
4. Tom loves his rabbits. ___________ (Him / He) plays with ___________ (them / they) in the
garden every day.
5. Please, call ___________ (me / I) soon; ___________ (me / I) am very worried.
6. Look, Sara and Kevin. Can you see ___________ (you / them / they)?
7. Tell John that ___________ ( she / him / he) can meet ___________ ( us / they / we) at the canteen.
8. I like your earrings. Can ___________ (me / I) see ___________(them / they)?
9. Look at that man. Who is ___________ (him / he)?
10. That man over there is David. I work with ___________ (him / he).
IV. Replace the underlined words with the correct subject pronouns or object pronouns.
1. I can't find my keys. ⇒ I can't find ___________.
2. Rachel helps the students. ⇒ ___________ helps.
3. I need to tell John the truth. ⇒ I need to tell ___________the truth.
4. My dad and I love chocolate. ⇒ ___________ love ___________.
5.Suzan and Tom call their daughter every day. ⇒ ___________ call ___________ every day.
6. I like cooking for my children. ⇒ I like cooking for ___________.
7. Give the documents to Carla. ⇒ Give ___________ to ___________.
8. Tom often plays football with my friends and me. ⇒ _______ often plays football with ________.
9.How old is Emma? ⇒ How old is ___________?
10. I need the scissors to cut the paper. ⇒ I need ___________ to cut ________ .
V. Complete the sentences using the correct subject pronouns or object pronouns.
1.I'm not dangerous. Don't be afraid of __________.
2. I don't like this music; __________is boring. Can you stop __________?
3.That's my money. Can you give __________to __________? I need it.
4. Susan is in trouble and __________needs help. We have to help __________.
5. Jack is very special. I think I really like __________.
6. We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with __________?
7. I don't want to eat this cheese. __________smells horrible.
8. Don't eat cookies. __________are very unhealthy.
9. I can't find Sally. Where is __________?
10. __________ need help. Can you help us?

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