Women For Hire 2011 Magazine

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com 2011

LET’S HUSTLE.” -Tory Johnson

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Asking for a Raise Right
Few things come sprout and grow. I wanted to create a
easily—whether venue where current or aspiring women
you’re trying to entrepreneurs could listen to other
rise in the work- women who have walked the walk, who
place or build know what it takes to sell products,
something on your market their services and meet a payroll.
own. Very often Women who are passionate about what
we spend the bulk they do.
of our time fanta-
sizing about what Our first three-day Spark & Hustle con-
could be, and ference in Atlanta last July was a fantas-
lamenting what is. tic event that drew 200 women with a
wide variety of businesses and interests.
Stop dreaming and begin doing. Suc- Everyone left saying they couldn’t wait
cess rarely occurs in a vacuum. You’ve for the next Spark & Hustle.
got to commit to making it happen.
Besides, it feels good to set a goal and Their feedback inspired me to dream
achieve it. I did that 12 years ago when I even bigger—and the result is this
took a spark of an idea—career expos for spring’s Spark & Hustle national tour in
women—and then made it a reality. To- eight cities, with a one-year reunion set
day, Women For Hire is a trusted brand for Atlanta from July 21 to 23.
in the women’s career advancement
community. I went from a dream (the idea of Spark &
I created it out of thin air, but my suc- Hustle) to a decision (a commitment to
cess didn’t appear out of nowhere. It creating this conference series) to doing
took—and continues to take—plenty of (we’re in the trenches now).
serious hustle. While my commitment to
Women For Hire remains as strong as Dreaming is good. But doing is better.
ever, last year I began to hear from more Will you commit to taking action now?
women who dreamed of starting their Whether it’s finding a job or starting your
own businesses. own business, you’ll be glad you made it
When, they asked, would I cater to
them—women who own small business- I’m rooting for your success.
es or want to? Obviously, their request
resonated with me since I had left the
corporate world to go out on my own.

I wanted to experience that high again—

the one that comes from seeing an idea Tory Johnson
I keep a bulletin board by my desk that’s covered with assorted photos of happy
moments. It serves just one simple purpose: to make me smile. Who doesn’t feel
good when looking at images of people we adore and memories we want to sa-
vor forever? Here’s a recreation of tidbits from the last 12 months that I hope will
inspire you to create your own happy collage. It reminds us why we work as hard as
we do for the experiences we love.—Tory Johnson


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Look in the dictionary under mentor: a side is perfectly acceptable, don’t rule
wise and trusted counselor or teacher. out men.
Now check out champion: one that de-
fends, fights for or supports a cause or A 2009 Catalyst study found that many
another person. men like helping women colleagues
because they enjoy defying certain
Obviously, it’s always smart to iden- masculine norms. Others simply feel that
tify workplace mentors and seek their helping women advance in the work-
advice. With age comes wisdom and it place is the right thing to do.
often pays to listen to people who have
been there and have battle scars to A few tips on choosing a champion:
prove it.
Don’t assume you’ll have the ability
But in today’s competitive climate, find- to simply anoint a champion, especially
ing a champion—someone who’ll not only since you should be seeking someone
take you by the hand, but, more impor- more senior—not your equal. These
tantly, speak up for your advancement— relationships take time to develop and
may prove more valuable. involve chemistry and trust.

While a mentor answers questions and

dispenses advice, workplace champions Be upfront about your goals. You can’t
encourage you—even force you—to rise expect someone to help you advance
to your highest potential. They use their unless he or she knows your specific
clout to help make it happen because game plan.
they’re secure enough to take someone
under their wing. Make sure whomever you’re aligned
with is truly committed to your success.
Many times, when it comes to seeking Effective champions are willing to meet
a mentor, we look to the familiar: other regularly to assess where you are and to
women. While having a female on your plot to get you where you want to go.
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Asking IN
a Raise Right
With millions of Americans going on that you’re worth it—and can clearly ex-
months or years without work while plain how your boss has benefited.
entire industries have been downsized, is
this really anytime to ask for a raise? Yes This isn’t personal. It’s not about paying
and no. your rent or having money to buy more
clothes. You must present a business
Obviously if your employer has a hir- case, not a personal plea.
ing freeze in place, continues to lay off
staff or is mandating furloughs, those Make a list of specific accomplishments
are clear signs that times remain tough that helped your company such as in-
and that all hands may be lucky to have creasing sales, coming in under budget,
a deck to stand on. As such, asking for retaining key clients, improving systems
a raise can make you look hopelessly and delivering assignments ahead of
out of touch—never a good thing for any time.
Compare your salary to others in your
Yet managers are increasingly con- field using websites such as Salary.com
cerned about turnover. Many employees or PayScale.com. You don’t want to ask
feel they were mistreated during the for $100,000 if your position typically
downturn and are looking around. The pays $40,000. But if the industry norm
specter of sorting through thousands of is $50,000 and you’re making $30,000,
resumes–with a cost of replacing some- you might have a good chance of getting
one ranging from $5,000 to $18,000 a bump if you’re a strong asset.
depending on the industry and position— Unless you are doing more than what’s
is not something employers care to face. expected of you, don’t bother asking for
a raise. You’re already being paid to do
That may leave you in a better bargaining a good job; what makes you worthy of
position than you think when it comes to a raise is that you’ve taken on additional
squeezing a few more dollars from your responsibilities and delivered great
boss. Besides, talking about compensa- results while still exceeding your core
tion—instead of just sucking it up and duties.
keeping mum—is a conversation that
every employee should have from time to If you’re not successful on your first at-
time to maintain career momentum. tempt, ask what specifically you might do
or what must happen to get an increase
There’s never any harm in asking for a in pay. Put it in writing and revisit the
raise when you can confidently argue plan often.

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Glassdoor.com, a free online career site where anyone can find and anonymously
share information about companies, recently asked readers how soon they’d look for
a new job if the economy strengthened. A whopping 60 percent said they’d need
only a slight improvement to jump in the next year.

If you’re itching for a change, adopt a stealth job search strategy right now. This is a
discreet operation and you will want to keep it that way.

Don’t look for work at work. Doing so on someone else’s dime borders on unethical,
possible grounds for firing and is a turn-off to a potential employer who might notice,
for example, that you mailed your resume during business hours. Search on your

Never use your employer-provided email for your search. Give out your cell not office

Look for work through networking and industry specific channels, not by posting your
resume on job sites where your current employer might stumble on it. Beef up your
LinkedIn profile. If anyone challenges this, say you’re there for professional network-
ing just as millions of others are. Don’t share openly on facebook or twitter that you
are itching to jump ship. You are bound to get busted.

Watch what you wear. If your office is casual, but the job you seek is more formal,
showing up in a nice suit may raise some eyebrows.
“The backbone of our business is our people – their talent,
their passion and their commitment. When we cultivate a
diverse and inclusive environment, we live up to our
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Apply online today at:
Your unemployment benefits have run Get yourself assessed. Find sev-
out. You have no drive left in you to get eral sets of expert eyes to review your
up in the morning, let alone find the en- resume. Many libraries and community
ergy to shower. You spend your days in colleges offer free programs. Have your
front of the TV—waiting for that magical interview style critiqued too.
email or call offering you a job. It never
arrives. Think of your resume as secondary.
Don’t wait for someone to find it on a job
In today’s stressed economy, gaps on board, or to respond to you after you’ve
resumes are very common. The key to applied online. They won’t. It’s your mis-
making those gaps less noticeable is to sion, through your informational conver-
take a few steps to set yourself apart sations, online branding and networking,
from others who bear the stigma of be- to get as many touch points as possible
ing out of work. to your application, ideally even before
someone reads your resume.
Start over. One of the dangers of
searching for an extended period is that Volunteer. Giving your time and talent
it’s easy to assume you’ve done it all to a worthy cause boosts your confi-
and nothing works. That’s not true; it just dence and builds your resume. Connect
hasn’t worked yet. Wipe the slate clean your charitable work with what you’d like
and begin fresh. to get paid for.
Rise and shine. Set your alarm as if
you were going to work. Eat a healthy Attend industry events. Job fairs and
breakfast and get into a regular exercise professional programs allow you to meet
routine. A healthier, happier you will people who can get you in the door.
project new confidence. Get out of your Don’t turn down the chance to make
home and interact with other people new introductions.
Memorize your spiel. Everyone will
Read the paper. Read newspapers, ask what you’ve been up to and these
industry magazines and blogs to stay activities provide a response. Your goal
current. Contact people you read about is to show that you’re staying active and
to congratulate them on coverage or to keeping sharp. Never say: “I’ve been
pitch yourself as an asset. looking for a job for two years. It’s really
tough out there.” Always smile.
Rethink end goal. Are you going after
the best possible position for you? If you
had to rethink your approach, is there Eugenia Liakaris a career advisor at Ba-
another role you’d go for instead? It may ruch College’s Zicklin School of Busi-
be time to switch gears. ness in New York.

There are strong opinions when it comes ing relationship between the employer
to staffing agencies and they’re not and the agency before agreeing to be
always positive. That’s because staffing presented for a position. This ensures no
agency horror stories abound and they surprises at the end of the interview pro-
sound something like a disastrous first cess where the staffing agency hasn’t
date: one party—the jobseeker—falls hard. been properly vetted and therefore can-
The other—the staffing agent—didn’t. not be used.

Know what I’m talking about? That big Make sure you have open lines of com-
rush of attention where the agency calls munication. Every hour wasted pursuing
and needs you right now, making you a dead lead translates to a loss of future
feel on top of the world, and then, noth- revenue.
Only work with agencies that are prompt
Turns out you actually weren’t a good fit with their follow up—good or bad. Simi-
for the position, yet instead of explain- larly, if you’re about to accept another
ing this, the agent never called back offer, let them know.
or refused to pick up when you called
desperate for information. Work with multiple staffing agencies.
Not all agencies are equal and not all
The good news is that not all agencies agencies have the same clients. Be
are like this. There are plenty that value open as to which employers are consid-
jobseekers as highly as employers. My ering you.
company recognizes that the hiring
process requires three participants: the Become a valued partner. If you aren’t a
employer, the staffing partner, and the perfect fit for a current position, are you
job seeker. Each plays a uniquely valu- for others? Be willing to share the oppor-
able role and all deserve equal consider- tunity with others in your network. Good
ation and respect. deeds get attention. You will be remem-
bered for future opportunities.
Look for an agency that caters to your
specific industry. You are a consumer Trust your gut. If you don’t like the feel
and you have options. The American of the relationship that is being fostered
Staffing Association offers a searchable with any given agency, you owe it to your
database. career to find another one.

Work with agencies that have sound Gretchen Gunn owns MGD Services,
relationships with their hiring clients. Inc. a New Jersey-based staffing firm.
Respectfully inquire about the work- www.mgdservices.com 15
follow a career path?
or blaze your own.

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If you’re looking to get hired in an econ- Follow-up. Most jobseekers send a
omy where there are still six seekers for short email or note with the usual “thank
every job available, you must stand out. you for meeting me…I look forward to
hearing from you” verbiage. It’s better
Get social and get noticed. I’m
than nothing, but what a wasted oppor-
amazed at the number of jobseekers
tunity. Assuming you asked great ques-
who still don’t take advantage of social
tions during the interview, you should
networking. Every day, there are com-
have a clear sense of what the employer
panies recruiting on these sites, particu-
wants and how you’re a fit. This is your
larly Twitter and LinkedIn. If you’re not
chance to showcase that by outlining
engaged in the discussion, you’ll lose
your superior qualifications in a clear,
opportunities to people who are. Create
straightforward way. Stand out from the
a list of Top 10 dream employers. Look
99.9 percent of candidates who write
them up on Twitter and, if they have a
the standard follow-up note.
presence, follow them, re-tweet them
and begin to engage with them. Search
Keep the job you land. You certainly
each of your companies on LinkedIn
don’t want to go to all the trouble of
and follow their profile. CareerBuilder
finding a great job only to fumble out of
estimates that half of companies screen
the gate. Make sure that others view you
candidates online prior to making a hir-
as punctual, dependable, likeable, ac-
ing decision. Make sure your profiles are
countable and humble. First impressions
complete, project an image of profes-
are critical when you’re new to a job, so
sionalism and clearly state what you’re
make sure yours are above reproach.

Ace the interview. I’ve been in doz- Consider sending a quick Friday
ens of interviews and frankly most are update to your boss at the end of each
pretty perfunctory. Typically, the person week. It’s a short, bulleted email over-
being interviewed is eager to please, view of your accomplishments, areas
appropriately formal and will probably do where you need input and goals for the
just fine. As a recruiter, though, I don’t week ahead. These updates don’t take
want fine. I want great. What makes the a lot of time, but they keep your boss
difference? Research. Companies have informed on the status of your work.
put themselves out there so much on the
web that there’s really no excuse for not
knowing basic information such as core Emily Bennington is coauthor of Effec-
service areas and key players. Also, if tive Immediately: How to Fit In, Stand
you know who will be interviewing you, Out, and Move Up at Your First Real
look them up on LinkedIn and Twitter for Job. She is the founder of Professional
some ice-breaker topics such as favorite Studio 365, which serves new grads
books or an alma mater. and employers.

Morrison (left) with

her Mompreneur pals

We’re fans of job clubs—groups of six no rivalry, no tit-for-tat,” Morrison says.

or more jobseekers who meet weekly “We have nominated each other for local
to help one another plot strategies for awards, cheered each other at events
finding work. The concept works just as and will be there at the drop of a hat.”
well in conventional workplace settings
or for entrepreneurs to share ideas to Morrison says her group can easily be
help peers succeed. copied in just five steps:

Time matters. It has to be worth every-

That’s what Cindy W. Morrison, a former one’s time. This is not just a gab session.
TV anchor in Tulsa, Okla., started when
she contacted three business owners to Don’t pick your friends. Stay away
form such a group. “I decided to stretch from girlfriends whom you’re already call-
myself as a new entrepreneur by con- ing for support in other areas of your life.
tacting people I didn’t know,” she says. Group members may evolve into close
“I’m not sure what they thought when I friends, but for starters you want women
called out of the blue, but they listened who’ll give you their unbiased opinion.
to my idea and seemed to like it.” Hold everyone accountable for show-
ing up at each meeting, offering advice
The result was a group called Master- to help their careers grow and bringing
mind Mompreneurs. Their groundrules: relevant topics to the table. Don’t com-
mit if you can’t be accountable.
1. A two-hour time limit no more than
once a month. Keep it small. The group works best
when there are four to six women. More
2. All meetings have an agenda with at will lose focus and less will not allow for
least one issue everyone wants to tackle. enough varying opinions.
3. What happens at the table stays at
the table. Get out if it’s not working. You are
all in it for the same reasons: to grow
“No topic is too small to tackle. No topic your careers. If you don’t feel connected,
was too personal. There’s no jealousy, drop out.

Better. Together. SM

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Look what we’re doing with our Spark nize us or we invest all of our time trying
& Hustle conferences for current and to figure out how to get Oprah to say our
aspiring entrepreneurs. The 200 women name. That’s the wrong approach.
who attended our first event in Atlanta
last summer are solely responsible for My peanut gallery is filled with women
our 2011 national tour that runs through who benefit from my programs–women
July. who attend my events, follow me online
or even read this magazine–and then tell
How? They talked about Spark & Hustle their friends about why they like me or
a lot–and they continue to talk about how one of my businesses has helped
it just about every day. They talk about them. That kind of influence is just as
our philosophies and their experiences powerful as Oprah’s. More importantly,
on blogs, Facebook and Twitter and in that’s the kind of influence that you have
their speeches. They talk to their fam- the ability to cultivate right now.
ily, friends, colleagues and just about
everyone else. Those people listened, After sharing my theory on a recent
checked us out and asked, “How can I coaching call, I got this email from
get involved?” one listener: “I have a small chocolate
business that is starting to take off. I
The gabbing from our very own peanut daydreamed of getting just one piece
gallery led us to take Spark & Hustle of chocolate into a celebrity’s hands,
from an idea to a full-fledged business. but after your call it really hit home that
And you can create the same demand I don’t need to do that. I have enough
for you and your services by developing people who already know me and love
your peanut gallery. Your champions are my chocolate and I just need to reach
the folks who will influence others to talk out to them and have them promote me
about you and what you’re up to. to everyone they know.”

Yet too often we aim to get noticed by Score! That’s the kind of chatter and
someone who’s unreachable. We think influence I’m talking about. Make your list
we need the corporate CEO to recog- and get your gang talking about you.

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THINK 80/20
I started Women For Hire with a dial-up ness owners with their challenges and
connection and an AOL email address. It share information that both groups find
was 1999, but it could’ve been 1899. I interesting. I also celebrate and promote
had no Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, so my clients, solicit feedback for story
I can only imagine how much faster my ideas for TV segments and offer relevant
company would have grown if I had the tidbits about my life.
power of social media behind me from
the beginning. That’s where my 80/20 rule comes in:
80 percent of my activity is all about
Today, whether you’re on the employ- serving other people, while just 20
ment track or the entrepreneurial path, percent is directly selling and promoting
the power of social media is at your business. Because of that, I’ve attracted
fingertips as long as you have a strategic a receptive audience.
goal. I’m online to encourage jobseekers
to attend Women For Hire expos and to First, determine your strategic goal,
generate registrations for Spark & Hustle whether it’s finding a job or building your
conferences for current and aspiring personal brand. Maybe you want to
entrepreneurs. secure more clients or sell your products
and services.
Notice I didn’t say anything about recon-
necting with high school classmates, Second, what do you want to be
making new friends or other things we known for? This is important in person
typically associate with online network- and in cyberspace because there is so
ing. I’m there for business. little time to capture attention and con-
vince someone to want to learn more.
But if all I did online was say attend this, Are you the electrical engineer who
register now or buy that, you can be makes the complicated simple? A career
sure that my fans and followers would coach who helps women make their 50s
flee fast. To meet my goals, I must give fabulous? A jewelry designer known
to get, which I do happily and with total for radiant rubies? Everything you do
transparency—a social media must. online should support and enhance that
personal brand.
I give in a variety of ways: I answer
jobseeker questions, help small busi- continued on page 25
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Third, how will you measure suc- Make a list of people you want to get to
cess? While you may be tempted to know, the 50 companies you’d want to
say your goal is to use social networks work for and the rock stars in your field.
to generate $50,000 in business, what Then, use the simple search functions
must happen online in order to achieve to find, follow, friend and connect with
that end result? these people

Perhaps you’ll use Facebook and Twitter

as a forum for fielding customer ques- (By the way, while you’re at it, I hope
tions or as a means to build awareness you’ll take a moment to connect
of your product or service. Maybe it’s with me at Facebook.com/Tory and
about using the online networks for Twitter.com/ToryJohnson.)
research and focus groups.

In other cases, the ultimate success may It’s useless to have thousands of random
be best defined as landing an interview contacts with no real connection to you.
and securing a job offer. It doesn’t Similarly, it’s just as weak to speak only
make sense to start until you know how to a very small handful of people. Think
you’ll define success so you’ll be able to quality and quantity. Now determine
develop and execute the right strategy to what exactly you’ll share.
make it happen.

Finally, dive in and do it. In this ongo- If you’re stuck on this, visit www.spar-
ing phase, it’s about connections and kandhustle.com/report to download my
content. Start with people you know: list of 50 ideas for stuff to share online.
friends, family, school contacts, co-work- The benefits of the online networks as a
ers, former colleagues, clients, custom- platform to grow your career are yours to
ers and neighbors. grab, so go for it.
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When Girlfriends 2.0 came out, I had
no money to promote it, so I used social
media to create demand. I did 32 book
signings in a month, selling more copies
in that period than most first-time authors
ever sell.
I appeared successful, but the truth was
I was exhausted and broke. So I took the
BFF idea of a step further and began to
search out BBFs (business best friends).
Through Twitter, I connected with Tory
Johnson and spoke last summer at Spark
& Hustle. It was there that I realized I
needed to hustle in a way that would
make money. Some tips:

Create revenue streams. I had a

successful book, but that and speaking
engagements weren’t enough to pay the
Just 18 months ago, I heard the words, bills. I added other ways to make money
“We can’t afford to renew your contract.” such as consulting on social media
strategy, commercial work and teaching
I was devastated because I didn’t think people how to self-publish.
I knew how to do anything except to be
a TV news anchor. I couldn’t imagine life It’s OK to make money. When you
without corporate America depositing a go out on your own you have to believe
check into my account every two weeks. deep down that the service you are
providing is worth money. What a relief
Fast forward to today: I run my social it was to figure out it’s perfectly accept-
media consulting business and I control able to leverage my knowledge and
my own destiny, not some dude in a suit. make a profit.

I turned my mess of a layoff into a mes- Do it now. Adopting a sense of urgency

sage. Writing my book was great therapy is an important business tool. You can’t
and I was able to help others reinvent sit around and wait for the “right time”
themselves. It was empowering to admit because that time may never feel right.
the scarlet “L” of my layoff and encour-
age others to surround themselves with Cindy W. Morrison teaches social media
people who will help no matter what life and speaks frequently about career rein-
throws in their way. vention. www.cindywmorrison.com
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I’ll never forget the day my last paycheck public workshop, and concluded that the
arrived. It was only a partial check, sent local newspapers would help me reach
after I quit my job to realize my dream of my prospective clients. I researched
being a fulltime mom. press release templates online, created
my own and sent it out.
Of course, dreams are one thing and
reality is quite different. My reality was I got no response. In a fit of despera-
this: My public school teacher husband tion, and perhaps even a bit of indignity,
and I had $213 in savings and I had to I started calling editors. I wanted to
immediately replace my previous income know why this information wasn‘t being
fast if we wanted to keep our lights on published. What I discovered was how
and a roof over our head. completely ineffective blanket press
releases are, and that almost all media
I instantly discovered a simple, no-cash- exposure is secured via personal con-
required truth: your business income nection, conversation or relationship.
and success come down to hustle, not
budget. When you can’t outspend your So, while it’s a good idea to have a
competitors, you can always out-serve press release template, tweak it for every
them, out-think them and out-hustle outlet you pursue. Then call to follow up.
Ask for the sale. Too many business
Start with people you know. I sent owners remain pregnant with potential
out 100 printed letters to people who without giving birth to profit because
knew my name to announce my com- they allow interested potential clients to
mitment to working from home. I gave walk away without asking for the sale.
a few suggestions of the work I could Create a sales script that is authentic for
do well and encouraged readers to refer you, so that when people compliment
friends or family who I could help. But I your product or acknowledge a need for
would have been homeless if I stopped your services you are ready to cultivate
there. I also followed up by phone to that interest into cash.
apply my skills and abilities to their world
and circle of influence.

Be your own publicist. I decided to Michelle Pippin is a small business

launch my coaching business with a free coach. www.bmichellepippin.com



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Imagine raising small amounts of money If your answer is powerful enough, it will
from lots of people instead of fretting resonate with others.
over an inability to secure funding from a
single source. Build a team. Success requires help
from your friends, family and wider net-
Crowdfunding may be the answer to work. Make a list of your teammates, in-
gather support for entrepreneurial en- cluding direct collaborators, high impact
deavors. With modern social networking, financial contributors and broadcasters
we’re more connected to our extended (press contacts and social leaders) who
network of supporters than ever before. can spread your project to wider circles.
Crowdfunding platforms can offer the Prime the pump. No one wants to be
credibility and infrastructure necessary first on the dance floor–it’s equally true
to harness the financial power of the in junior high and crowdfunding. Your
crowd, but because it’s a new thing, first wave of contributions will demon-
many people misunderstand how to ef- strate that your project has the momen-
fectively leverage the tools available. tum necessary to reach your fundraising
goal. Before your project goes live, ask
When undertaking a crowdfunding proj- close friends to contribute early.
ect, avoid two common pitfalls:
Spiral outward. After securing your
s 3ETTING AN UNREALISTIC FUNDRAISING GOAL first wave of contributions, reach out
“Internet angels” (wealthy strangers to wider circles of friends. Thank sup-
trolling the internet looking to give away porters publicly via social media and
large sums of money) are the exception, celebrate the milestones you pass. Keep
not the rule. your connections talking about your
progress and encourage them to spread
s 5NDERESTIMATING THE IMPORTANCE OF MAR- the news through their networks.
keting your project: The assumption that
“If You Build It, They Will Come” (simply Meet the press. Once your project has
posting to a crowdfunding platform and momentum, follow up with broadcasters.
expecting contributions) is a conviction With the social proof of your network’s
best left to Kevin Costner movies. support, your project is ready to meet a
larger audience.
Focus on five steps to make your fund-
raising campaign a success:
Jed Cohen is co-founder of RocketHub.
Create a great project. Make sure com, a crowdfunding platform. Also
your project is worthy of other people’s explore www.kickstarter.com and www.
attention. Why is your project important? indiegogo.com. 33

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How your shop or product looks can be as important as
the service you provide. On a recent trip to Los Angeles we
found two businesses that really stood out.

Healthy Spot
Healthy Spot, an upscale pet store a few blocks from the beach in Santa Monica,
features a floor-to-ceiling window to the daycare section that allows clients and
passersby to see how dogs are being treated. From our vantage point, the answer
was quite well.
It’s the brainchild of two dog lovers Andrew Kim, who worked at a hedge fund, and
Mark Boonnark, a former advertising executive. The daycare caters to small dogs,
most of whose owners are women, and the window “is the jewel of the store,” Kim
“It literally stops traffic,” he says. “We wanted to have a daycare enclosed in glass
because the transparency of our facility gives owners a strong sense of trust. Every-
one can see what is going on. Healthy Spot’s version of the traditional dog in the
window is our trademark.”
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Polkatots Cupcakes
Since cupcake businesses are a dime a dozen, you must standout to succeed, says
Alma Tarriba, who in 2008 founded Polkatots Cupcakes in Pasadena with Melany

Their answer: cupcake cakes—cupcakes iced together to make a giant cake. That set
them apart and created a new niche. But before they even dreamed about opening
the business, the women paid their dues by attending culinary school and becoming
chefs where presentation and taste have always been equally important. It paid off,
Tarriba says, because a common reaction to their cupcakes is, “Wow, they are so
pretty, I don’t want to eat them.”

Planning the right “look” of their storefront was key. With no money to hire a decora-
tor, they designed a spotless, playful store with pink walls and glass candy jars on
bookshelves. “Everything we do reflects who we are,” Petrosian says.
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Meet the buyer. Buyers are over-

whelmed by sales reps introducing
products, so be creative to stand out
from other samples being offered. There
is something unique about walking in as
a small business owner and dropping
off product personally. I recommend
hand-delivering samples and following
up within 10 days.
Find packaging. Search the web for
packaging ideas. Walk store aisles to
see what others are using. If you find
something that would work, check the
packaging for the manufacturer and
contact them directly.
Create bar codes. Each product
A belief that everything is possible requires its own barcode. This is not an
helped Vivian Tenorio overcome chal- area that you want to shortcut. If you
lenges as a teen mom and high school hope to put your product on the shelves
dropout. Then in 2009, worried that of any big chains, make sure you pur-
her software installation job might chase uniform product codes for your
be in jeopardy because of the shaky company. For information in barcodes,
economy, Tenorio had an idea to sell her go to www.gs1us.org.
family’s artisan flan. She whipped up a
batch and delivered samples to a buyer Create samples. Talk to customers and
at Whole Foods. Within 24 hours, the build buzz. Why? So customers ask for
company placed an order and Signature your product to be on shelves for them
Flan is now in more than 165 gourmet to take off those shelves. Talk up your
markets. This no-limits attitude inspired experience to anyone who will listen by
a book to be published this year. We using social media to create buzz and
asked Tenorio for a preview. get attention. I used this method at the
Atlanta Spark & Hustle conference last
Test your product. Find a laboratory summer. After the event, my new Face-
accredited by the International Organiza- book and Twitter followers raved about
tion for Standardization that can provide my product. Retailers took note: within
shelf-life studies and nutritional labeling. a few months Signature Flan was rolled
Most will require samples of your prod- out to an additional five states—largely
uct, but some allow you to provide your thanks to women from those areas who
recipe to determine nutritional value. said they loved it.
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A career in the military and nursing certainly isn’t the most logical beginning for a
professional organizing business, but that’s how Amy Volk of Simplified Living be-
gan. While she had a natural penchant for organizing spaces, she lacked the sales
and marketing training that the success of her business would ultimately depend on.
Green, and without a specific plan of action, she began networking, serving people
and learning a lot about her industry.

Volk learned that one of the greatest drains on her time was the intake consulta-
tion for a potential new client. After driving to their home or office and revealing the
general plan she would use to organize their space, she found herself waiting far
too long for them to get back to her, which many times they never did. This couldn’t

One of the first really profitable changes she made involved her pricing. Volk de-
cided to buck industry trends and begin charging for her initial consultation. This not
only increased her bottom line, but it allowed Volk to only spend time with serious
potential clients. Another leap in income came when she began appearing on her
local morning news program, giving biweekly advice on organizing. With this regular
exposure, Volk quickly became the go-to expert for organizing in her area. 41
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Elaine Zelker. a mother of three in Easton, Pa., works as a registered nurse. She’s
good at what she does, but can’t afford to lose her steady income and benefits, even
though her real passion is photography, which she wants to do fulltime. To draw at-
tention to her work, Zelker dreamed of a gallery exhibition showcasing her series of
elderly hand portraits, yet such an undertaking costs money for printing, framing and
promotion. So she turned to crowdfunding to raise the cash. Instead of looking for a
single financier such as a bank loan or investor, crowdfunding enabled her to reach
out to a large group of people through social media to contribute smaller amounts.
Zelker used Indiegogo.com, one of several sites that offer all the tools to create a
campaign to raise money. She spread the word about her business idea on Twitter,
Facebook and via e-mail and raised $2,600 to launch her exhibition.

Mother-daughter team Donna and Lauren Johanson run Chivas Skincare on their
goat farm in Fillmore, Calif. They make soap from goat’s milk and sell their wares
online and at farmer’s markets and holiday bazaars. With a cash-only business, cus-
tomers don’t buy as much as they do when they can pay with plastic. So they began
using Square, a small attachment to a mobile phone that allows them to swipe credit
cards to accept payments on the go. The Johanson’s say business has increased by
15 percent. The device is free, with no set-up, cancellation or monthly fees. Square
takes a flat fee of 2.75 percent on every sale. 43



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Adrienne Kallweit and Shannon Wilburn benefit. Don’t recreate the wheel. The
are two Tulsa moms whose businesses steps should be there for you to follow.”
became so successful that they turned
them into national franchise operations. What are the pros and cons of being
Kallweit, a licensed private investigator, a franchisee? You gain the skills to
founded SeekingSitters (www.seeking- become your own boss and run a busi-
sitters.com) an on-demand babysitting ness while getting the tools to effectively
referral service, on a hunch that parents operate an already proven successful
needed sitters who’ve been thoroughly system, says Kallweit. “You can get cre-
screened. SeekingSitters now has 54 ative, but as a franchisee you must follow
franchisees. Wilburn co-founded Just certain guidelines as related to the brand
Between Friends (www.jbfsale.com) a and its systems. Another benefit is that
kids, teens and maternity consignment your franchise is an investment: franchis-
sales business, with the simple hope of es are often more
making a little extra money and clothing valuable than
her kids, too. Now, JBF boasts more individually-owned
than 100 franchisees across the nation. businesses.”
We asked for primer on franchising.
If a business is
What is a franchise? Franchising is a growing, how
right granted by a company to a person do I know if
or a group to market its products or franchising is
services in a specific territory. It’s also an an option? You
awesome road for someone who wants must be able to
to work for themselves, but not by them- duplicate your
current success Adrienne Kallweit
selves, say Wilburn and Kallweit.
and want to teach
What’s the difference between a it to others, says Wilburn. “Are you will-
franchisor and a franchisee? The ing to give up the business you love so
company offering the franchise is the that others can succeed? Training, com-
franchisor. The person investing in the pliance, promotion, working with attor-
license is the franchisee, says Wilburn. neys, keeping ahead of your competitors
“As a franchisee, it’s critical to be able – while making sure your franchisees are
to follow a proven process, one that the profitable—will be your new world.”
franchisor has designed for you, for your continued on page 47
3%#52).' 42!6%, &/2 ! .!4)/.
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Just Between Friends megasale

What are the pros and cons of seen this growth if we hadn’t expanded
becoming a franchisor? Franchising through franchising,” she says. “We
your business allows you to grow nation- have definitely learned better operation
ally rapidly and with less capital, says techniques through the years, but I don’t
Kallweit. “But during the start-up phase, look at failures or challenges as nega-
developing systems, manuals, forms and tives. These moments often teach us
other documents is time-consuming and about the strengths of our business and
costly. You’ve then got to make sure that about ourselves.”
your franchise system runs smoothly, and
that franchisee’s needs are met, which What type of entrepreneur makes a
takes research and development.” good franchisee? Kallweit says people
with sales have worked well with her
Do all franchises work the same “but we have teachers and stay-at-home-
way or are there different models? moms who are rockin’ their business. A
There are more than 2,000 franchised franchise system can provide the spark
concepts, but most models are similar, and continual ideas for the business. But
says Wilburn. “Most franchisors charge to succeed, it’s up to the franchisee to
a franchise fee, typically between provide the hustle.”
$15,000 and $40,000, and royalties. Where can I learn more about fran-
Franchisees pay franchisors a percent- chising? Visit www.franchise.org for
age of their gross revenue, which usually the most valuable and comprehensive
ranges from five to 10 percent. Good information, Kallweit says. A franchisee
franchisors offer a range of services broker such as The Entrepreneur Source
from operations manuals and online or (www.entrepreneurssource.com) can
regional training to support staff and site also guide you to a franchise system that
selection help.” might work for you.

If you had to do it all over again,

what would you do differently? Kall- Contact Kallweit at www.seekingsitters.
weit’s franchise system has grown to 54 com and Wilburn at www.jbfsale.com to
locations in 23 states across the nation inquire about purchasing a franchise in
in under 5 years. “We would never have either of their systems.
Blogging has crisis with me. It created a connection
revolutionized so readers knew I was not only a source
business by of information, but I was also a friend.
bringing back
the connection I encourage readers to post their stories
between owner of getting out of debt, comment on
and customer. articles, submit stories and share advice.
Not only can Facebook, Twitter and YouTube allow me
you use blog- to continue the conversation on multiple
ging to build relationships, but you can platforms.
also use it to build a business.
Create multiple revenue streams. A blog
Find a niche and declare yourself an is a virtual storefront where I can offer
expert. I found myself in a financial crisis. products and services with no overhead.
Out of necessity, I began using coupons My revenue streams include banner ad-
to save money. I got so passionate that vertising, integrated content and affiliate
friends and family started turning to me marketing programs paid by advertisers;
to help with their finances. I created speaking engagements paid by corpora-
MoneySavingQueen.com, which teaches tions and meeting planners; merchandise
users how to save up to 80 percent on and workshops paid by users; and syndi-
monthly bills. cated content paid by media outlets.

Readers responded and asked me to

teach workshops. I also published a Blogs do not cost any money to start.
book, The Power of Coupons: 13 Ways Launch using Wordpress.org or
to Save. The media recognizes me Blogger.com and follow easy online
as a money-saving expert and I host a tutorials. Promote your blog by creating
daily segment on local news and write a a Facebook fan page, Twitter account,
monthly column in a magazine. RSS feed and e-newsletter. Partner with
bloggers who aren’t competitors, but
Use your blog as a marketing vehicle who are going after the same audience.
to promote your product or service. My Exchange banner ads, buttons or links.
website has a loyal audience of consum-
ers focused on saving money. The blog The key to a successful blog is not just
is ideal to promote my merchandise. starting one. The key is maintaining it by
engaging your audience with relevant in-
Create personal relationships with cus- formation. As they learn to trust you, they
tomers. Blogging allows me to connect will look to you as the expert in your area.
with readers by sharing my struggles. Not only does this mean an increase in
For example, my husband was laid off business, it also means an increase in
and readers experienced this financial loyal, devoted customers.









Are You Ready to Spark & Hustle
with Us? Let’s work together for
three days to build your small
business dreams.
Los Angeles: February 3-5
Tulsa: February 10-12
New York: March 10-12
Dallas: March 24-26
Chicago: April 7-9
Boston: May 12-14
Orlando: May 19-21
Atlanta: July 21-23

Full conference agenda and speak- TIME WITH TORY JOHNSON

ers, plus videos and photos from
previous events, can be found at We know that women advance the
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leader (not just a coach) whose
JOIN US AT A WOMEN success they want to emulate. The
FOR HIRE CAREER EXPO Spark & Hustle Profit Partner Pro-
TO LAUNCH OR ADVANCE gram delivers that and more because
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New York: March 31 to insider business knowledge and
Chicago: April 6 practices, plus intensive one-on-one
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Atlanta: April 14 business success. By visiting often
Washington DC: April 20 with Tory by email, Skype, phone and
Details at womenforhire.com. in person, you’ll see first-hand how
she’s built her multimillion-dollar com-
pany while she helps you to achieve
TALK TO TORY JOHNSON your desired success. Combine fast,
Get involved with us online for direct feedback on what you’re doing
inspiration, resources, news, with the support needed to make
feedback and fun. gains in exposure, income and influ-
ence. Nothing is off limits.
Twitter.com/ToryJohnson Email info@sparkandhustle.com
LinkedIn group: Tory Johnson for details.
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We encourage you to visit us at upcoming diversity

conferences, which are listed on our career site. Visit
us online at:


52 careers with impact















We are seeking qualified individuals with diverse skills and
backgrounds who are interested in a challenging career with
our federal law enforcement agency.
Now Hiring for Special Agents,
Uniformed Division Officers and
Administrative, Professional
and Technical Positions.
Find out more at

or call us at 866-909-9785

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Work for yourself, not by yourself

Looking for an opportunity where

you can:
2 Build your own business,
but have the backing of a
Fortune 500 financial
services organization?
2 Control your work schedule
and earnings?
2 Spend your day making a
difference in the lives of others?
If so, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
may be for you. We don’t just work;
we Work With Purpose ®.

Work on your own without

being alone
With support for your efforts every
step of the way, you’ll build your
own business centered on helping
others. You’ll build relationships
with our members by helping them
achieve financial security.
For more information, to apply
or to make a referral, visit

26218 N11-10 Thrivent.com/careers

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