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 Are words that quickly explain a term and are included within the same sentence as the
word being defined.
A. Parenthetical Definition C. Sentence Definition
B. Expanded Definition D. Operational Definition

2. These are types of technical definition, except …

A. Parenthetical Definition C. Sentence Definition
B. Expanded Definition D. Operational Definition

3. A definition that is used to introduce the vocabulary which makes communication in a

particular field succinct and unambiguous.
A. Technical Definition C. Sentence Definition
B. Operational Definition D. Expanded Definition

4. A definition that includes information from the real world.

A. Technical Definition C. Sentence Definition
B. Operational Definition D. Expanded Definition

5. The meaning given to terms or concepts that are important in the development and
understanding of the study.
A. Definition of terms C. Expanded Definition
B. Operational Definition D. Sentence Definition

6. While reading a piece of technical writing, you come across a sentence that defines a term.
How can you tell whether this is a sentence definition or part of an extended definition?
A. If the next few sentences continue to expand on the word’s meaning, then it’s part of an
extended definition.
B. If it’s in the glossary, then it’s part of an extended definition.
C. If it’s followed by more sentences, then it’s part of an extended definition.
D. A sentence definition cannot be a part of an extended definition.

7. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate place to include a definition of a technical

A. In the body of the document C. On the title page
B. In a glossary D. In a footnote

8. When should a definition be used in technical writing?

A. To give all possible meanings for various technical terms.
B. To explain the meaning of a word as it relates to the subject being discussed.
C. To provide examples of how a term is used in the workplace.
D. To answer any questions the reader might have about a subject.

9. What kind of definition is used to explain words that need clarification but are not the main
focus of the document?
A. Operational Definition C. Parenthetical Definition
B. Sentence Definition D. Extended Definition

10. Which among the kinds of definitions uses the word-class-distinguishing feature format?
A. Operational Definition C. Parenthetical Definition
B. Sentence Definition D. Extended Definition

11. When NOT to use an Extended definition?

A. When explaining a certain complex technical terminology
B. In determining the nature of an item or phenomenon and its properties
C. When the term can be defined either by using its synonym and antonym
D. When the term is used only in a specific context

12. What are the primary structure of a Sentence definition?

A. Class – General Characteristics – Criterion
B. Word – Class – Distinguishing Feature
C. Root word – Part of Speech – General Characteristics
D. Word – Origin – Feature

13. Listed below are the purpose of Technical Definition. Which one is NOT?
A. to introduce a particular vocabulary
B. to make the communication in a particular field brief and definite 
C. to give concrete and measurable definitions from operationalization
D. to cater the audience’s needs

14. Listed below are the characteristics of a Technical Definition. Which one is NOT?
A. It is clear and straight forward
B. The language is very direct and straight to the point
C. It is exclusive for specific group of people
D. It is very structured

15. 10. Listed below are the characteristics of an Operational Definition. Which one is NOT?
A. It is a clear, concise detailed definition of a measure
B. It makes the information understandable to others
C. Establishes a consistent procedure to follow
D. It creates another jargon which needs a further explanation

Directions: Identify the type of Technical Definition used to define each term. Choose your
answer from the given choices below:

A. Sentence Definition B. Extended Definition C. Parenthetical Definition

1. Scissors are an instrument that is used to cut items, such as paper.

2. Blight resistance in chick peas has been identified in both Kabuli (white seeded) and Desi
(small, dark seeded).
3. In mathematics, an abelian group is a group which is commutative.
4. A hoyden is a girl who is boisterous and bold.
5. Winter dormancy in black bears (Ursus americanus) is likely an adaptation to predictable
seasonable food shortages.
6. A kickshaw is food served as an appetizer and is usually a delicacy.
7. The required gravel equivalent (GE) for the estimated traffic loading and sub grade
conditions are 575 millimeters
8. An elephant is a large mammal with a prehensile trunk, long ivory tusks, and large ears.
9. The leaching field (sieve-like drainage areas) requires crushed stones.
10. Sickle cell anemia is a congenital hemolytic anemia that occurs primarily but not exclusively
in African-Americans.The condition results from a defective hemoglobin
molecule (hemoglobin S) which causes red blood cells (RBCs) to roughen and become sickle-
shaped. Such cells impair circulation, resulting in chronic ill health (fatigue, dyspnea on
exertion, and swollen joints), periodic crises, long-term complications, and premature death.
At present, only symptomatic treatment is available. Half of such patients die by their early
20s; few live to middle age.

1. A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5.
Performance Task
Using the title: Effects of Mobile Gaming in the Study Habits of the Learners of Buenavista National High
School, give the technical and operational definitions of the following and write your answers on your paper.

1. Mobile gaming
Technical definition: 

Operational definition:

2. Study habits
Technical definition: 

Operational definition:

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