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About this Pack:

Anime Into D&D are homebrew packs released by Blaine

Simple every month on Patreon!
You're free to share this pack privately with friends and
family, but please refrain from uploading the materials
publicly online.
Balance Patches and Hotfixes
These packs regularly receive updates! Patrons can join our
public discord server and check out the
#anime-pack-updates channel for frequent balance changes
and format edits. Feel free to download the newest updated
packs as soon as you see an announcement there!
Also, if you're a patron and haven't received your special
Patreon tag on discord, please make a request in the
#claim-your-tags channel.
Thanks everyone, and look forward to the next pack coming
real soon!
The Co-Captain Crew!
wither 19 worstofnoobs VaderTheImpaler MrZobar
D&D_NERD42 Jeremy Sorejian UnigoatJJ Scaratyl Obsidian
Jarrod Turner Noraneko Sparks sol_twitch Icedemon565
Rhokai Zero1503 Barnzinator Chunk Chungus
Nick Child Zero the Cipher TwistedSquidEvil PapiTharpY
Nerano TheodoreBane Shaun Fryer Nicolas Smith
Steven Jolly Elvis Strunk Gerish51 The1woomy
Thestralpony Dwarf of Steel TayabaEllywick Aaron Saddler
Andrew Bracht Hassan AL-Jefairi Matt Thompson Chromatic Eevee
Brambotheninja 9 Kent Kilgore Orange Bandit Zomboneum
Jason Plumley bubeloveone Jordan koontz Alex Jordan
PhoenixSenpai dragoncamper KillMeINC Gabriel L
Jacob Gamer Aramis Riley ZKemi EaranMaleasi
Dranzer Apple Jackson9388 Valravn Felix Argyle
Lotus Moonveil IanYonders Aiko
EllieC15 MikaMika JakeTheSnake
Sasam100 Pockieh Shadow1317
Homebrew Testers for This Pack!
Faolin#2093 tw300#1267 Riley#0666 EAssassinA
Aido#6942 Sin#1806 truehazard#7345 marshalice#1312
Shinrai#9615 Kunhah#0041 AJ El Texicano#4433
Rel#5185 Taiyaki_Timewarp#2901 Kattzempre#1612
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher
Assassin Initiate
You've learned how to carefully study your opponents' weak
spots and attack when they least expect it.
You can select this feat multiple times, unlocking a new
feature based on the amount of times you've selected this feat
(maximum 2).
Precise Strike (1st Time Selected)
Your attacks exploit every opening made by your targets.
Whenever you make an attack roll using Dexterity, you score
a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Once you score a critical hit
by rolling a 19, you must finish a short or long rest before you
can benefit from this feature again.
Exploit Weakness (2nd Time Selected)
You've learned how to take down nearly any foe when the
conditions are right. You can deal an extra 2d6 damage to
one creature you hit with an attack using Dexterity if you
have advantage on the attack roll.

Anti-Alien Weapons

special rubber-like material that will cause the
cellular tissue of aberrations to disintegrate
upon contact. Ironically enough, this material
can only be created through advanced alien
technology, making it a highly sought after
resource for humanity.
Weapons created using this material deal 1d4 damage on a
hit towards non-aberrations. Against aberrations, attacks
with them deal 2d6 extra damage along with the normal
damage dice of the weapon.
The anti-alien version of a melee weapon or of ten pieces of
ammunition costs 1,000gp more than the normal version,
whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the rubber or
coated with it.


being of incredible power fused between a Supporting Others. One of Korosensei's most admirable
human and an extraterrestrial entity. traits is his ability to be an empathic and observing creature.
Korosensei is a failed lab experiment which His main concerns in life are the troubles concerning his
almost caused the world's destruction. companions. Friends of the aberration will always find him
Korosensei's mere existence is rumored to be a willing to help in any way possible.
threat to humanity, and many of the strongest Anger Towards the Reckless. Korosensei is a very
adventurers available are tasked to kill the levelheaded individual, with reckless behavior being the only
aberration before catastrophe strikes. thing someone could do to anger him. Suicide and self-
endangerment are actions that Korosensei cannot stand, and
Absurd and Compassionate. Korosensei deeply cares for his serious emotions on the matter can often leave him in
nearly everyone he meets. Although both his heightened vulnerable positions.
intellect and speed would allow him to achieve almost Master of Science and Assassination. As countless
anything, Korosensei has a deep appreciation for the people have attempted to end the aberration's life in
mundane. Living as if he were a typical human is pleasurable hundreds of different ways, Korosensei has amassed a
for the aberration, and creating bonds with others brings him massive catalog of killers and the ways they kill. His intense
the most joy in life. ability to learn has also given him a near endless knowledge
in the fields of science, math, and history.
Korosensei Hyper Reactions. Korosensei can take one reaction per
turn, rather than only one per round.
Medium aberration, lawful good
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Korosensei fails a
Armor Class 23 (natural armor) saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Hit Points 135(44d8 - 63)
Speed 135 ft., fly 135ft. Multiple Limbs. Korosensei possesses ten tentacles
capable of acting as hands.
Regeneration. Korosensei regains 20 hit points at the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA start of his turn if he has at least 1 hit point. If
3 (-4) 27 (+8) 5 (-3) 20 (+5) 26 (+8) 12 (+1) Korosensei takes damage from an anti-alien weapon or
piece of ammunition, this trait doesn't function at the
Saving Throws Dex +13, Int +10, Wis +13 start of his next turn.
Skills Arcana +15, History +10, Perception +18
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, Actions
radiant, thunder Constrict. Korosensei grapples up to 3 large or smaller
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and targets adjacent to him, requiring at least one tentacle
slashing from weapon attacks that aren't made of free for each. These grapple checks can use Strength or
anti-alien material. Dexterity. Targets grappled are also restrained, and
Senses blindsight 120 ft, passive Perception 28 don't count against Korosensei's carrying capacity.
Languages any six languages
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Superhuman Speed. Korosensei moves at one thousand
times his normal movement speed and automatically
Absolute Defensive Form. When Korosensei drops to 0 succeeds dexterity saving throws until the start of his
hit points, he transforms into a tiny hardened sphere next turn.
instead of falling unconscious, and regains 1 hit point.
If he can't transform, he is killed. Reactions
Catch Missile. Korosensei attempts to deflect or catch a
While Korosensei is in sphere form, he cannot move or missile when he is hit by a ranged weapon attack.
take actions, is impervious to all damage, and can't When he does so, the damage he takes from the attack
revert to his normal form. After twenty-four hours is reduced by 27.
Korosensei regains all of his missing hit points and
returns to his original form, being unable to use this If Korosensei reduces the damage to 0, he can catch
feature again for 1 week. the missile if it is small enough for him to hold in one
Eidetic Memory. Korosensei can accurately recall tentacle and if he has at least one tentacle free.
anything he has seen or heard. Dodge. Korosensei adds 5 to his AC against one melee
Evasion. When Korosensei is subjected to an effect that attack that would hit him. To do so, Korosensei must
would allow him to make a Dexterity saving throw to see the attacker.
take only half damage, he instead takes no damage if
he succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage
if he fails.

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