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Welcome to STM 101 Introduction to DoD Science & Technology


This course focuses on the processes, techniques, policies, and best

practices related to the management of Science and Technology (S&T).

The course is designed to help the S&T community ensure that the DoD
invests in appropriate technologies; that those technologies are refined and
matured so they are ready for use in a timely manner; and that the
investments are leveraged into programs of record or other paths to provide
warfighters with the technological edge they need to accomplish their

Target Audience: The target audience for the course includes those who
develop program goals for S&T funds and who acquire the services of
scientists, engineers, and technical support personnel to perform S&T
research for the DoD. The course is also recommended for those who fund
and oversee the work of S&T performers and expedite the transit on of
technology to users.

Seat Time: The estimated seat time for this course is four hours .

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Course Obj ectives

When you have completed STM 101, you will be able to :

• Recognize the importance of Science and Technology to the Defense

Acquisition System .
• Identify DoD policy and guidance that impact Science and Technology
programs .
• Describe the factors that facilitate successful technology transition .
• Recognize the business- related considerations that need to be
addressed in Science and Technology planning .
• Describe the stage- gate process and its associated tools used during
execution of Science and Technology programs .

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Course Structure

STM 10 1 consists of the following modules and lessons :

Module 1 : Introduction

• Lesson 1.1: Introduction to DoD Science & T echnology

• Lesson 1.2: Policy and Guidance Impacting S&T

Module 2: Technology Transition Planning

• Lesson 2.1: Planning for T echnology Transition

• Lesson 2.2: Business Aspects of S&T Planning

Module 3: Executing Technology Transition

• Lesson 3 .1: The Stage-Gate Process

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

System Requirements

In order to access all features of this course, your computer must meet specific system requirements

and have the necessary software applications .

Select each requirement to learn more.

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

System Requirements

In order to access all features of this course, your computer must meet specific system requirements
and have the necessary software applications .

Select each requirement to learn more.

Flash Adobe
.A ~
Resolution Playe r Reader

C ~ ..


Bro•Nsers Computer Internet Additional
Specifications Connection Support

Int ernet Connection

A minimum Internet Connection Speed of 56 kbps is required .

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

System Requirements

In order to access all features of this course, your computer must meet specific system requirements
and have the necessary software applications .

Select each requirement to learn more.

Flash Adobe
.A ~
Resolution Playe r Reader

C ~ ..


Bro•Nsers Computer Internet Additional
Specifications Connection Support

Addit iona l S upport

If you experience any issues with the course or require additional assistance to make the necessary
system changes, contact or call the Help Desk at ( 703 ) 805-3459 ( Option #1 ), 1-866­
568-6924 ( Option #1 ), or DSN 655-3459 ( Option #1 ) .

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP


Links in the form of text, graphic hot spots, and

buttons embedded throughout the course provide
you with access to additional information.

Hyperlinked text is always underlined and appears htt p://www .

in blue .

__ ____ __....__
Clicking a hyperlink may:

• Display a Q.QJ21!Q ,,,_.., ., - =:::~­ .

• Open a PDF document ------·---·-----­

--· ...--...-........
... ·---­
:::::=..----.... - -..- · - - ­
• Access an external website

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP


Links in the form of text, graphic hot spots, and

buttons embedded throughout the course provide

you with access to additional information .

Hyperlinked text is always underlined and appears

htt p://www .

in blue .

__ ____ __....__
Clicking a hyperlink may:

• Display a Q.QJ21!Q ,,,_.., ., - =:::~­ .

Pop up
--· ...--...-........
... ·---­
:::::=..----.... - -..- · - - ­
This is a sample popup window . Close it by either
reselecting the hyperlink or by selecting the open
Popup window .

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP


Navigat ing bet ween Lessons

The Atlas table of contents column to the left lists

the lessons in each module . To access each lesson,

select its title in the list. The circles next to each

lesson title, called Harvey balls, track your progress

toward completion . Depending on the version you

are using, when you complete a lesson, either

a circle will be filled with orange, or a green check

mark will display .

In cases where the circle does not fill or a check

mark does not display immediately after you

complete the lesson, it should fill after you access

another lesson or the next time you log into the

module .

Navigat ing wit hin Lessons

The "Back" and "Next" buttons, located in the

bottom center of the page, are the primary lesson

navigation tools . Select these buttons with your

mouse cursor or use the Left and Right arrow keys

of your keyboard to either advance or return to a

previous page .

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Course Features

Standard features include the Resou rces, Print , and Help menus . These menus are accessed by

selecting the buttons located in the top right of each page . Close these menus by selecting the small X

icon in the top right corner of each menu when visible .

Select each menu button to learn more.

Structure and Maintenance of FAR

Con1plete Answ ers in the FAR

it ,s important to note here that

you will rarely find a "complete"

answer contained within a single

paragraph within the FAR.

Many provisions contained in

each paragraph of the FAR are
dependent on guidelines set forth

in other paragraphs. Therefore,

you must be diligent in your

research of a given topic to

ensure that your conclusions are

both accurate and complete.

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Course Features

Standard features include the Resou rces, Print , and Help menus . These menus are accessed by

selecting the buttons located in the top right of each page . Close these menus by selecting the small X

icon in the top right corner of each menu when visible .

Select each menu button to learn more.

LOG206 Intern

Resou rces

S tructure and Mai The Resources menu contains hyperlinks to supplemental

information. Examples of resources include reference

Complete Answe publications, external web sites, directories, documents, or a

t•""ll l'Pl!"IOl! l'! "!l !l 'P---~!"'"---------------.._,;

It 1s important

glossary. Please note that not all courses include resources .

you will rarely find a "complete"

answer contained within a single

paragraph within the FAR.

Many provisions contained in

each paragraph of the FAR are

dependent on guidelines set forth

in other paragraphs. Therefore,

you must be diltgent in your

research of a given topic to

ensure that your conclusions are

both accurate and complete.

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Course Features

Standard features include the Resou rces, Print , and Help menus . These menus are accessed by

selecting the buttons located in the top right of each page . Close these menus by selecting the small X

icon in the top right corner of each menu when visible .

Select each menu button to learn more.

LOG206 Intern


S tructure and Mai The Print button opens the print menu which contains a

course outline . Each lesson is hyperlinked to a print file

Complete Answe document. Select the hyperlink to open the PDF print file for

that lesson . Print or download the document as needed .

t•""ll l'Pl!"IOl! l'! "!l !l 'P---~!"'"---------------.._,;

It 1s important

you will rarely find a "complete"

answer contained within a single

paragraph within the FAR.

Many provisions contained in

each paragraph of the FAR are

dependent on guidelines set forth

in other paragraphs. Therefore,

you must be diltgent in your

research of a given topic to

ensure that your conclusions are

both accurate and complete.

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Course Features

Standard fea tures include the Resou r ces, Print , and Help menus . These menus are accessed by

selec ting the buttons located in the top right of each page . Close these menus by selec ting the small X

icon in the top right corner of each menu when visible .

Select each menu button to learn more.

LOG206 Intern


S tructure and Mai The Help menu contains information about the course layout

Con1plete Answe
in Atlas, points of contac t for technic al help, and course
version information .

It 1s important t•""ll l'Pl!"IOl! l'! "!l !l 'P---~!"'"---------------.._,;

you will rarely find a "complete"

answer contained within a single

paragraph within the FAR.

Many provisions contained in

each paragraph of the FAR are

dependent on guidelines set forth

in other paragraphs. Therefore,

you must be diligent in your

research of a given topic to
ensure that your conclusions are
both accurate and complete.

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Media Player

Videos and audio narration are used in this course to deliver content and provide amplifying information . A
media player is used to control both types of media . If a page contains either video or audio, the media
player will be displayed near the bottom of the page .

Select each media player control to learn more.

Many prov1st0ns contained in

each paragraph of the FAR are

dependent on guidelines set fotth

in other paragraphs. Therefore,

you must ll&ollillllllllltlil,,,lliM-....aiiiiiiiiii~o&"""-"""iiiiiiiiii.Jll.:.....:...lioi.iaiiiiji,..i

research ~

ensure th

bothaccu,, !ll".,,_.,.""'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!,.!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iol,_,.,...,,_

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Media Player

Videos and audio narration are used in this course to deliver content and provide amplifying information . A
media player is used to control both types of media . If a page contains either video or audio, the media
player will be displayed near the bottom of the page .

Select each m edia player cont r ol to learn m or e.

Play/Pa u se

Select the Play/ Pause button to start, pause, and

replay the media audio .

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Media Player

Videos and audio narration are used in this course to deliver content and provide amplifying information . A
media player is used to control both types of media . If a page contains either video or audio, the media
player will be displayed near the bottom of the page .

Select each m edia player cont r ol to learn m or e.

Close d Capt ion

Select the Closed Caption button to display the text associated

with the audio .

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Media Player

Videos and audio narration are used in this course to deliver content and provide amplifying information . A
media player is used to control both types of media . If a page contains either video or audio, the media
player will be displayed near the bottom of the page .

Select each media player control to learn more.

Progress Bar

The Progress Bar indicates the relative length of the media file,
percentage of buffering, and the amount played . Drag the slider
Many pro, thumb right or left to either advance or rewind the media file .
each para


you must ll&ollillllllllltlilo,,lliM---iiiii~o&"""-"""iiiiiiiiii.Jll.:.....:...lioi.iaiiiiji,..i
ensure th

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Media Player

Videos and audio narration are used in this course to deliver content and provide amplifying information . A
media player is used to control both types of media . If a page contains either video or audio, the media
player will be displayed near the bottom of the page .

Select each m edia player cont r ol to learn m or e.

Vol ume

The media player volume is automatically set to 75% . Drag the

slider either left or right to decrease or increase the volume. This
Many pro, volume control is independent from your computer's volume
each para
dependen controls and may not be available for audio only pages .
in other p
you must ll&ollillllllllltlil,,,llillloll:-----------_.L..___..,.,.j
ensure th

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Media Player

Videos and audio narration are used in this course to deliver content and provide amplifying information . A
media player is used to control both types of media . If a page contains either video or audio, the media
player will be displayed near the bottom of the page .

Select each m edia player cont r ol to learn m or e.


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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP


This course was developed in accordance with the

Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 Section

508 standards for accessibility for persons with

disabilities . To meet these requirements, text

alternatives are provided for all graphics .

The text alternatives can be read aloud by a

screen reader, allowing individuals with visual

impairments to receive information that is

presented graphically .

T wo graphic text formats are used :

• Alt t a gs: Provide a brief description of the

image ( which is read aloud by a screen

reader when activated )

• Lo ng De scrip tio ns, o r D- links: Provide a

detailed text description of an image when a

short description is not sufficient. D- link

descriptions are accessed by clicking the D

located at the bottom right of the page .

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STMlOl Introduction to DoD Science & Technology Management
Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP


This course was developed in accordance with the

Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 Section

508 standards for accessibility for persons with

disabilities . To meet these requirements, text

alternatives are provided for all graphics .

The text alternatives can be read aloud by a

screen reader, allowing in

impairments to receive inf Lo ng De scrip tio n

presented graphically .

T wo graphic text formats

• Alt t a gs: Provide a brief description of the

image ( which is read aloud by a screen

reader when activated )

• Lo ng De scrip tio ns, o r D- links: Provide a

detailed text description of an image when a

short description is not sufficient. D- link

descriptions are accessed by clicking the D

located at the bottom right of the page .

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Knowledge Reviews

Knowledge Review questions of various formats

including True/ False, Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct,

and Fill in the Blank may be included in this course .

The Knowledge Reviews are designed to reinforce

learning and check your understanding of the material.

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

DAU Exam Policy

A DAU Certificate of Completion is generated after

Defense Acquisition University
successful completion of all exams and the course
survey .

You must pass each exam with a 100% score .

You will have three attempts to pass each exam . Tl'III ctn6e1 that
You will only be retested on missed objectives DONNA 0. DAVIS
each time . I f you do not pass any exam, you will "-' a<Jooe ~f\.wy conp.•
be removed from the course . Your record will Fundam-0ntal& of Systems Acquisition Manag'.ment
show unsuccessful completion . You may reenroll
and retake the course from the beginning . Once
you successfully complete the course your record

ACQ101 Section 999


will be updated to show graduation .

You are encouraged to :

• Review all material prior to starting an exam

• Contact your instructor with any questions

prior to second or third attempts

• Contact DAU Help Desk if you believe a

technical problem has affected an exam

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Lesson 0.1 - Course Introduction RESOURCES I PRINT I HELP

Lesson Completion

You have completed the content for this lesson .

To continue, select another lesson from the Table of Contents on the left.

If you have closed or hidden the Table of Contents, click the Show TOC

button at the top in the Atlas navigation bar.

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