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Trường Đại học Duy Tân ĐỀ THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN Đề số: 1

Khoa: Tiếng Anh Môn: Reading Level 4

Bộ môn:AVTQ Khối lớp:
Học kỳ: 2 Năm học 2020-2021
Thời gian làm bài: 55 phút

1. (0.200 Point)
We’re wondering _________ our teacher will come to the party or not.
A. if
B. that
C. why
D. whether
2. (0.200 Point)
_________ she is living now is not known to anybody.
A. If
B. When
C. Where
D. Why
3. (0.200 Point)
The company’s lawyer will know _______ to do in this situation, so let’s make an appointment to
see him.
A. A. what
B. that
C. which
D. where
4. (0.200 Point)
The supervisor reminded us that ________ needed a certificate of employment for personal
reasons should ask for Ms. Simon’s assistance.
A. who
B. whenever
C. C. whoever
D. whomever
5. (0.200 Point)
Implementers understand _______ they cannot use company funds earmarked for project
expenses on rest and recreation.
A. about
B. it
C. what
D. D. that
6. (0.200 Point)
Next week’s workshop will focus on _________ to be an effective and trustworthy leader in the
corporate world.
A. which
B. B. how
C. what
D. that
7. (0.200 Point)
______ Doctor William will give a speech at the Remond Hotel remains undecided.
A. about
B. before
C. C. whether
D. it
8. (0.200 Point)
________ happens during the first year is an important indicator of how successful the company
will be.
A. That
B. As
C. C. What
D. How
9. (0.200 Point)
We all know the truth _________ there are air, water and sunlight there are living things.
A. where
B. wherever
C. that
D. D. that wherever
10. (0.200 Point)
_________ he says in his report is a very interesting question.
A. A. What
B. What all
C. What that
D. Why
11. (0.200 Point)
Attendees to the product demonstration are under no __________ to make any purchase.
A. requirement
B. guarantee
C. C. obligation
D. reservation
12. (0.200 Point)
The museum director has full confidence __________ the new curator's ability to organize and
display the exhibits.
A. by
B. with
C. on
D. D. in
13. (0.200 Point)
Recent studies showed customers’ preference __________ booking air tickets online.
A. A. for
B. to
C. with
D. in
14. (0.200 Point)
Please respond by fax __________ your earliest convenience.
A. A. at
B. on
C. to
D. by
15. (0.200 Point)
Staff members are requested to send in reports on equipment malfunctions at their earliest
A. requirement
B. decision
C. explanation
D. D. convenience
16. (0.200 Point)
All prices listed on the company website are effective until further _________
A. A. notice
B. mark
C. bulletin
D. statement
17. (0.200 Point)
Payment for internet services provided by Westcom can be paid for with the credit card of your
A. election
B. B. choice
C. referral
D. option
18. (0.200 Point)
Because of time ________________ , Mr. Pelham scheduled a second meeting to discuss items
that were not taken up on the agenda.
A. inhibitions
B. necessities
C. obstacles
D. D. constraints
19. (0.200 Point)
The store's website charges local sales tax __________ all items purchased by individuals living
in the state of Indiana.
A. A. on
B. by
C. at
D. in
20. (0.200 Point)
Next week’s workshop will focus on _________ to be an effective and trustworthy leader in the
corporate world.
A. which
B. B. how
C. what
D. that
21. (0.200 Point)
______ Doctor William will give a speech at the Remond Hotel remains undecided.
A. about
B. before
C. C. whether
D. it
22. (0.200 Point)
________________snow, our flight is put off until
A. as to
B. due
C. owing to
D. in place of
23. (0.200 Point)
_____________you encounter any problems, you can leave right
A. despite
B. as
C. so
D. unless
24. (0.200 Point)
We are sorry for
A. conveniently
B. convenience
C. inconvenience
D. inconvenient
25. (0.200 Point)
The food industry has undergone________ changes,…
A. considerate
B. radical
C. consideration
D. recently
26. (0.200 Point)
………………x………., and the agency believes that it is now time to revisit these regulations to
determine whether they are ensuring____________ food
A. safe
B. preventive
C. continuous
D. prevailing
27. (0.200 Point)
The meeting___________ at the FDA headquarters from 10a.m to
A. were held
B. have been held
C. to hold
D. will be organized
28. (0.200 Point)
You mentioned that your monitor often does not turn on correctly and when it does come on,
it .................. an error
A. display
B. displays
C. displaying
D. to display
29. (0.200 Point)
We have received your letter .................. your current problems with your new
A. about
B. while
C. since
D. as
30. (0.200 Point)
Please contact our nearest .................. center in Woodland
A. recruiting
B. repair
C. advertising
D. security
31. (0.400 Point)
According to the memorandum, when did the most recent power failure occur?
32. (0.400 Point)
23_4972_FD5E2_052934.pngWhich part of the campus has back-up generators?
33. (0.400 Point)
Who will handle power failures at the university after normal working hours?
34. (0.400 Point)
In what kind of magazine did Margaret Dawson’s article appear?
35. (0.400 Point)
What does Mark Greenbaum say happened to the letter Lisa Heller sent?
36. (0.400 Point)
What does Mark Greenbaum invite Lisa Heller to do?
37. (0.400 Point)
Why does the writer want to go to Italy?
38. (0.400 Point)
What was probably wrong with Michael?
39. (0.400 Point)
How will the writer next contact her mother?
40. (0.400 Point)
Where did Sally’s mother first meet Sally’s father?

(Đề thi không được sử dụng tài liệu, cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm)
p.Tổ trưởng Bộ môn Giảng viên ra đề
(ký và ghi rõ họ tên) (ký và ghi rõ họ tên)

Nguyễn Thị Bảo Yến Võ Thị Phương Thảo

31 last week july 25
32 The Veterinary School
33 the local electrical company.
35 A copy of Lisa Heller letter has been forwarded to the author for her response
36 she hope that lisa heller will continue to read our publication

31. July 18
From Nguyễn Thu Hà to Everyone: 08:24 AM
37. The writer want to go to Italy because Florence has the best art of any city in Europe.
38. The admission fees are much more expensive than he expected, so he can't see everything
that he wanted to see.
From Me to Everyone: 08:25 AM
32 The Veterinary School
33 the local electrical company.
From Lâm Thị Quỳnh Thương to Everyone: 08:26 AM
37. I hear that Florence has the best art of any city in Europe .
From Nguyễn Thu Hà to Everyone: 08:27 AM
39.The writer will contact her mother if she has money.
From Võ Ngọc Kiều Diễm to Everyone: 08:28 AM
34. Margalet Dawson's latest article
From Nguyễn Thu Hà to Everyone: 08:28 AM
38. He is sneezing and coughing
From Me to Everyone: 08:30 AM
35 A copy of Lisa Heller letter has been forwarded to the author for her response
From Nguyễn Thu Hà to Everyone: 08:31 AM
hình như còn 36 với 40
From Võ Ngọc Kiều Diễm to Everyone: 08:32 AM
35 a copy of Lisa Heller's letter has been forwarded to the author for her response
From Nguyễn Đăng Khoa to Everyone: 08:32 AM
40. Sally’s mother first meet Sally’s father in Paris
36. Mark Greenbaum invite Lisa Heller continue to read their publication
From Võ Ngọc Kiều Diễm to Everyone: 08:33 AM
40. In paris

31. The most recent power failure occur of last week

32. The Veterinary School is equipment with back-up generators
33. The local electrical company will handle power failures at the university after normal
working hours
34. The Margaret Dawson’s article appear of magazine World of travel magazine
35. A copy of Lisa Heller letter has been forwarded to the author for her response
36. Mark Greenbaum invite Lisa Heller continue to read their publication
37. Because she hear that Florence has the best art of any city in Europe
38. He just had an allergic reaction to seafood
39. She will call her mother if she have money
40. Sally’s mother first meet Sally’s father in Paris
Võ Ngọc Kiều Diễm
Lê Phan Ngọc Hà
Lâm thị Quỳnh Thương
Nguyễn Đăng Khoa
Nguyễn Xuân Nghĩa
Nguyễn Thu Hà
Nhóm 1
Nguyễn Ngọc Kiều Diễm
Lê Phan Ngọc Hà
Lâm Thị Quỳnh Thương
Nguyễn Đăng Khoa
Nguyễn Xuân Nghĩa
Nguyễn Thu Hà

31. The most recent power failure occur of last week

32. The Veterinary School is equipment with back-up generators
33. The local electrical company will handle power failures at the university after normal
working hours 34. The Margaret Dawson’s article appear of magazine World of travel magazine
35 A copy of Lisa Heller letter has been forwarded to the author for her response
36. Mark Greenbaum invite Lisa Heller continue to read their publication
37. The writer want to go to Italy because Florence has the best art of any city in Europe.
38. He is sneezing and coughing
39. The writer will contact her mother if she has money (maybe Sunday June 20th at 6 p.m)
40. Sally’s mother first meet Sally’s father in Paris

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