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Scientific Knowledge and Scientific temper
Article 51A in The Constitution Of India 1949

"To develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform" is one of the
fundamental duties of the people of the Republic of India, according to the Constitution of India.

The Government of India, through the National Council for Science and Technology Communication,
dedicated the 28 February as National Science to the theme "Fostering Scientific Temper" to spread
Nehru's vision. From 2010

Scientific temper is a way of thinking and acting which uses a method, including

▪ observing physical reality,

▪ questioning, testing
▪ hypothesizing
▪ analysing
▪ Communicating – using logic.

Jawaharlal Nehru was one of the first persons to use and advocate this term, in Discovery of India.

According to him, “[What is needed] is the scientific approach, the adventurous and yet critical temper
of science, the search for truth and new knowledge, the refusal to accept anything without testing and
trial, the capacity to change previous conclusions in the face of new evidence, the reliance on observed
fact and not on pre-conceived theory, the hard discipline of the mind—all this is necessary, not merely
for the application of science but for life itself and the solution of its many problems.” —Jawaharlal
Nehru (1946) in the book The Discovery of India.

Discussion, argument and analysis are its vital parts.

Why Scientific Temperament is Important

1. 2010 – 20 is the “Decade of Innovation” with stress to synergize science, technology and innovation.
Government has established the National Innovation Council to find new mechanisms and models to
address the pressing challenges of energy, environment, food, nutrition, water, sanitation, habitat,
affordable health care, skill building and unemployment. Inclusive growth implies access, availability and
affordability of solutions to maximum people. Fostering scientific temper is fundamental to all such

2. Scientific temper promotes tolerance among people for conflicting ideas and thoughts. This results in
constructive debates on critical issues of concern, leading to progressive ideas and general advancement
of society in thought and action.

3. Recent examples of promotion of religious/mythological ideas along with science demonstrate the
lack of scientific temper and its decline.
4. Public understanding of science is an important dimension of introducing and reaching the benefits of
modern science and technology to people.

5. The scientific temper goes beyond objectivity and fosters creativity and progress.

6. Scientific temper needs to be promoted across all sections of the society systematically, using tools
like National Knowledge Network. Public and political understanding of science should be based on
evidence and debate with open mind.

Model Questions :

1. Who was the first person to use the term "Scientific Temper" in India ? JAWAHARLAL NEHRU

2. When is the "Nation Scientific Temper Day" ? AUGUST 20

3. The Indian Parliament adopted the Scientific Policy resolution in which year ? 1958

4. Jawaharlal Nehru articulated the concept of scientific temper in which year? 1946

5. Nehru articulated the concept of scientific temper in which of his book ? The Discovery of India

6. Which is the best anti-dote to superstitious beliefs ? Scientific temperament

7. Which article of the Indian Constitution mentions about the development of scientific temper ?
Article 51A

8. Which part of the Indian Constitution specify the duty of every citizen is to develop the scientific
temper , humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform? Part IV A

9. What is a Scientific temper ? An attitude of logical and rational thinking

10. What can be spread in verbal and non verbal areas ? Power of reasoning

11. What is the method of memorizing usually by continuous repetition called as ? Rote Learning

12. What is the method of meaningful or learning with understanding called as ? Conceptual Learning

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