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02․ What is the mechanical power developed by a DC series motor is

Back emf is equal to half the applied voltage.
Back emf is equal to applied voltage.
Back emf is equal to zero.
None of above.

03․ What is the shunt resistance component equivalent circuit obtained by no

load test of an induction motor representative of ?
windage and friction loss
core loss only
both 1 and 2
Copper loss

No load loss consists of core loss, friction and windage loss and no load
copper loss. But shunt branch resistance Rc in the induction motor equivalent
circuit does not represent the no load losses, it represents only the core loss of
the induction motor.

04․ In Ward-Leonard system, the lower limit of the speed imposed by

Field resistance.
Armature resistance.
Residual magnetism of the generator.
None of above.
In Ward-Leonard method of speed control, the lower limit of speed is
imposed by residual magnetism of the generator.

05․ Ward-Leonard control is basically a ___________ control method.

Field control.
Armature resistance control.
Armature voltage control.
Field diverter control.

Ward-Leonard speed control method consists a motor with a constant

excitation and applying a variable voltage to its armature to provide the
required speed. Hence it is armature voltage control method.

06․ For very sensitive and wide speed control, the preferable control method
Armature control.
Ward-Leonard control.
Multiple voltage control.
Field control.

In ward-Leonard method, very fine speed control over the whole range from
zero to normal speed in both directions can be obtained. The motor-generator
set can provide speed both below and above the rated speed and in both

07․ Eddy current loss will depends on

Flux density
All of the above

. So eddy current loss will depend upon

frequency, flux density and the area of the eddy current loop.
08․ Hysteresis loss will depend on


So, hysteresis loss will depend on frequency.

09․ Thin laminations are used in a machine in order to reduce

Eddy current losses
Hysteresis losses
Both 1 and 2
Copper losses

Thin laminations are used in order to reduce the eddy current losses only.
Due to laminations the area of the eddy currents loops are minimized and the
losses due to eddy current losses are minimized.

01․ Commutator pitches of duplex and simplex lap windings are respectively
4 and 2
2 and 1
4 ang 1
2 and 2

Commutator pitches of duplex winding is 2 and Commutator pitches of

simplex winding is 1. It is defined as the distance between two ends of same
armature coil are connected. So, difference in duplex winding are 2 as there
are two turns in the duplex winding.
02․ The emf induced in the dc generator armature winding is
AC and DC
None of the above

The emf induced in the dc generator armature winding is AC, but we need
DC current from DC generator, so to convert this AC current to DC current
mechanical rectifier called as commutator is used.

03․ Commutator in DC generator is used for

collecting of current
reduce losses
increase efficiency
convert AC armature current in to DC

Commutator is used as mechanical rectifier in DC machines. It converts AC

armature current in to DC current.

05․ In DC machine yoke offers

mechanical protection to the machine
flux path completion
produce working flux
both A and B

In case of DC machines yoke is used to

1. Mechanical protection to the machine
2. Flux path completion.
Poles will produce working flux.
06․ In a dc machine 72 number of coils are used. Find the number of
commutator segments required?

In DC machines, Number of coils = Number of commutator segments

07․ In DC generators brushes are used for

collecting of current without any sparkings
collecting of voltage
reduce eddy current loss
convert ac armature current in to dc

In case of DC generator the brushes need to collect current with minimum

sparking, which is known as successful commutation.

08․ which of the following type of brush and their application is/are correct
carbon brush → normal ratings
electro graphite → large ratings
copper graphite → low voltage high current density
all of the above

These are the different applications for different types of brushes in DC

09․ Which of the following bearings and their uses are correct
ball bearings → small machines
roller bearings → large machines
neither 1 nor 2
both A and B

These are different applications of different bearings. Since the ball is a

sphere, it only contacts the inner and outer race at a very small point, as
contact area is very small, so if the ball bearing is overloaded, the balls can
deform or squish the running bearing. So it has to be used for small rating
machines. Since the roller is a cylinder, so the contact between the inner and
outer race is not a point but a line. This spreads the load over more area,
allowing the bearing to handle much greater loads than ball bearings. Hence it
is used for large machines.

09․ Which of the following bearings and their uses are correct
ball bearings → small machines
roller bearings → large machines
neither 1 nor 2
both A and B

These are different applications of different bearings. Since the ball is a

sphere, it only contacts the inner and outer race at a very small point, as
contact area is very small, so if the ball bearing is overloaded, the balls can
deform or squish the running bearing. So it has to be used for small rating
machines. Since the roller is a cylinder, so the contact between the inner and
outer race is not a point but a line. This spreads the load over more area,
allowing the bearing to handle much greater loads than ball bearings. Hence it
is used for large machines.
10․ Which of the following windings are necessary in case of all dc machines?
closed winding
lap winding
wave winding
open type winding

In case of all DC machines we must use closed winding. Lap and wave
windings are used based on the requirement of voltage and current levels, but
winding of all DC machines is closed winding. It is never short pitched.

02․ Which of the following represents the commutator pitch?

Number of conductors spanned by one coil at the back end of the
Number of conductors spanned by one coil at the front end of the
The distance between the staring of first coil and its next successive coil
Number of commutator segments between two successive coils.

The definitions of different types of pitches are

1. Back pitch: Number of conductors spanned by one coil at the back end
of the armature.
2. Front pitch: Number of conductors spanned by one coil at the front end
of the armature.
3. Resultant pitch: The distance between the staring of first coil and its
next successive coil.
4. Commutator pitch: Number of commutator segments between two
successive coils.

03․ In a dc machine 4 pole lap winding is used. The number of parallel paths
are ?
In lap winding number of parallel paths = number of poles = 4. For Wave
winding it will be equal to 2.

04․ In a dc machine 6 pole wave winding is used. The number of parallel

paths are?

In wave winding / simplex wave winding number of parallel paths = always 2

(irrespective of number of poles).

05․ Inter pole winding is connected in-------------------------- ?

series with armature
series with main poles
parallel with armature
parallel with main poles

Interpolars are small narrow commutating poles connected in series with

armature. It produce an extra flux to neutralize the reactance m.m.f. produced
at the time of commutation process.

07․ Lap winding is prefered for which type of machines?

low current and low voltage
high current and high voltage
high current and low voltage
low current and high voltage

Number of parallel paths are more in case of lap winding than wave winding.
So summation of currents at the output is more. Therefore it is preferred for
high current and low voltage rated machines.
08․ Wave winding is prefered for which of the following rating?
low current and low voltage
high current and high voltage
high current and low voltage
low current and high voltage

Number of parallel paths in wave winding is only 2. Therefore is used for low
current and high voltage rated machines. Summation of currents in parallel
paths is less than wave winding.

09․ Equalizer rings are used in which of the followings?

lap winding
wave winding
both 1 and 2
none of the above

Equalizer rings are essential in lap winding than wave winding because of
more no of parallel paths in lap winding. As in lap winding no of parallel
path is more, there would be severe sparking at brushes due to difference in
currents in different parallel paths. But in wave winding no of parallel paths
is two and the sparking at commutation is less. So, equalizer rings are used in
lap winding to avoid any unequal distribution.

02․ A 4 pole lap wound dc generator has 4 brushes, if one of the brush is
damaged, what will be the change in V, I and P ratings
V, I and P
V/2, I/2 and P/4
V/2, I and P/2
V, I/2 and P/2

If one brush is damaged then two parallel paths will be damaged. So only two
parallel paths will provide the I/2 current and voltage is same for parallel
paths. As the current is halved, delivered power is also halved for same
terminal voltage.
01․ Dummy coils are used for
increasing efficiency.
reducing armature reaction.
mechanical balancing.
all of the above

Dummy coils are required under wave winding only to make the machine
mechanically balanced.

03․ For a dc machine shunt resistance and armature resistance values are
high and high
high and low
low and low
low and high

For a DC machine the values of armature resistance is very low and shunt
resistance is high. The power delivered by the DC Machine depends upon the
armature current Ia. Ia should be high to deliver maximum power. The Shunt
field is parallel to the armature field, so its resistance must be high for
minimum value of shunt field current. If its value will be low then armature
current will be lower and power delivered will be less. The series field is
connected in series. So if series resistance is more then there would
considerable series drop and again armature current will be lower.

04․ Shunt field of DC generators consists of--------number of turns and ----------

conductors respectively
large and thick
large and thin
less and thick
less and thin

To deliver maximum power armature current must be high and the shunt
field current is minimum. So, shunt field resistance of DC Machine is very
high value around 50Ω to 500 Ω. , it can be concluded that for high
resistance length of the coil is to be large and area to be small. So shunt field
must have large no of turns and thinner wire than the series field.

05․ Series field consists of--------number of turns and ---------- conductors

large and thick
large and thin
less and thick
less and thin

The power delivered by a DC machine depends upon armature current. The

series field is in series with the armature so they are carrying same current
through them. Series field are kept at low resistance for minimum drop.

we can conclude that area should be high and no of turns should be less.

07․ No load saturation characteristics are plotted between

no load voltage and field current
no load voltage and armature current
short circuit current and field current
short circuit current and armature current

This operating characteristics is also known as saturation curve or open circuit

characteristics or magnetization curve or no load magnetizing curve of DC
Generator. This curve is drawn between no-load armature generated voltage
with the field or exciting current, keeping the speed constant by prime mover.
This curve starts slightly above the zero due to residual magnetism. It also
determines the design of flux per pole under linear magnetization or
saturation curve.
08․ The effect of ------------------ on main field flux is armature reaction?
armature mmf
armature current
armature flux
all of the above

On no load armature flux is negligible as armature current is small but with

load the rotating armature produces a flux due to sufficient armature current
or load current. The effect of this armature flux on the main field flux is
known as armature reaction. Due to armature reaction the main field flux
distribution is weakened and distorted.

09․ Armature flux is.............with respect to main field flux or main field poles?
rotates opposite direction
rotates same direction
none of the above

The rotating armature produce a rotating armature flux with respect to

armature and there is a working flux which is also under the pole distributed
uniformly. Therefore armature flux is stationary with respect to main filed
flux. Armature mmf is stationary w.r.t. field poles but rotating w.r.t. the

10․ Cross magnetization effects which of the following?

reduction in main field flux
reduces the terminal voltage
both 2 and 3

Cross magnetizing is one of the effect of armature reaction. By vector addition

it is found that it distorts the main field flux. As a result it shifts the MNA
(magnetic neutral axis). There would be sparking at the time of commutation
if the brushes are not shifted to the MNA.
• The main field in a DC generator is produced by field coils.
• In both the generating and motoring modes, the armature carries current and a
magnetic field is established, which is called the armature flux.
• The effect of this armature flux on the main field is called the armature reaction.
• Armature reaction has two undesirable effects, either it distorts the main field, or
it reduces the main field flux (or both).
• When the main field gets distorted, it is known as a cross magnetizing effect.
• And when the main field flux gets reduced, it is known as the demagnetizing effect.

01․ Demagnetization effects which of the following?

reduction in main field flux
reduces the terminal voltage
both B and C

Demagnetization is one of the effect of armature reaction. By vector addition

it is found that it reduces or weakens the main field flux. So it reduces the
induced emf or terminal voltage in case of generator because Eg is directly
proportional to the flux (φ). In case of a motor it reduces the torque and
increases the speed because Te is proportional to flux and speed(N) is
inversely proportional to the flux.

02․ Brushes are always placed on--------------- , in order to achieve sparkles

either GNA or MNA
none of the above

Brushes should be placed where the direction of current are changes or

production of zero e.m.f., under no load condition MNA and GNA coincides
with each other. At this axis current direction is reversed or no emf is
produced. But due to armature flux the main field flux gets distorted and
MNA does not coincides with GNA under loaded condition. That means
neutral zone is shifted. In order to achieve sparkless commutation brushes is
placed on MNA. So, brushes are always placed in MNA in loaded or
unloaded condition.

03․ Flux density under trailing pole tips in case of generator will
either increase or decrease
none of the above

The pole tip towards which the armature conductor leaves the influence of
pole is called trailing pole tips (symbol by dot sign). In a generator the main
field flux and armature flux are aiding each other under trailing pole tips
region. Therefore total flux density will increase under trailing pole tips.

04․ Flux density under leading pole tips in case of generator will
either increase or decrease
none of the above

The pole tip towards which the armature conductor enters into the influence
of pole is called leading pole tips (symbol by cross sign ). In a generator the
main field flux and armature flux are opposing each other under leading pole
tips region. Therefore total flux density will decrease under leading pole tips.

05․ Which of the following is/are effects of armature reaction?

increase the iron loss
increase the maintenance and repair
increases the design cost
all of the above

Due to armature reaction flux density is increased under one half of the pole,
so iron loss increases. The commutation process deteriorate and severe
sparking in brushes. To improve commutation inter-polar and compensating
winding are placed. So the design and maintenance cost increases. These are
all the effects of armature reaction.

06․ Which of the following is/are the methods to reduce the armature reaction
and its effects?
pole chamfering
pole stacking
compensating winding
all of the above

Methods to reduce armature reaction in DC machines are

1. Pole chamfering
2. Pole stacking
3. Pole core slotting
4. Compensating winding
5. Interpolar winding

07․ In DC machine torque depends on which of the following?

flux (φ)
armature current (I)
both A and B

08․ Compensating winding is placed in the

pole shoe
armature core
main field
all of the above

Compensating winding is placed in the pole shoe or pole face, cut in to slots
embedded in the pole. They are connected in series with the armature having
same axis as armature but opposite polarity of the pole.
09․ Direction of the current in the compensating winding is________ to the
direction of current in the armature conductors?
exactly opposite
either of these
none of the above

The direction of the current in the compensating winding is exactly opposite

to the direction of current in the armature conductors under respective pole,
this produces an extra flux which neutralize armature flux and thus armature

01․ Which of the following is/are the advantages of carbon brush over the
copper brush?
They are not hard as copper brush
They are self lubricating in nature
In case of any sparking they will be less damaged than copper brushes
All of the above

Advantages of carbon brush over the copper brushes are as follows:

1. They are not hard as copper brushes.
2. They are self lubricating in nature which ensure excellent mechanical
conditions with rotating commutator.
3. In case of any sparking they will be less damaged than copper brushes.
But they have less current density than copper brushes.

02․ The size of inter poles is small as compared to main poles. What is the
In order to not to get saturated.
In order to get saturated.
In order to get more flux.
All of the above.
Inter poles are small poles and they are tapered in shape, intentionally
designed with larger air gap than the main pole, so as not to get saturated
when the load current flows through the inter polar windings.

03․ The functions of inter poles are

nullify reactance voltage and improve the commutation.
reduce cross magnetization effect and improve commutation
both 1 and 2
none of the above

Interpoles serves two functions 1. It produce a counter emf in the coil

undergoing commutation because of its opposite polarity and nullify the
reactance voltage produced during commutation. This will improve the
commutation. 2. It reduces the cross magnetization effect of armature reaction
and impoves commutation.

04․ Which of the following statements is/are correct ?

Inter pole winding will act in interpolar region.
Compensating winding will act under the pole.
Both A and B.
None of the above.

Compensating winding will act under the pole to reduce armature flux and
demagnetizing effect of armature reaction. Inter pole winding will act in inter
polar region to improve commutation where compensating can't work.

05․ In DC machine shape of main field flux distribution is?

flat tapped or trapezoidal
saddle shape
peaky in nature

The main field flux distribution is flat tapped or trapezoidal in shape.

06․ In DC machine shape of armature MMF wave is?
Triangular and directed towards brush axis.
Triangular and directed towards main pole.
Saddle shape.
Peaky in nature.

The shape of armature MMF is triangular in nature and directed towards

brush axis.

07․ In DC machines shape of net flux density is?

sine wave
flat tapped or trapezoidal
saddle shape
peaky in nature

In DC machine the net flux density due to armature reaction is peaky in


08․ In DC machines internal characteristics are plotted between

Eg vs load current
Vt vs Ia
Eg vs Ia
Vt vs load current

To know the application the characteristics should be known. It is basically

variation of terminal voltage with load. Characteristics are divided in to
1. No load
2. load.
Load characteristics are again divided in to
1. Internal characteristics (Eg vs Ia)
2. External characteristics (Vt vs load current)
09․ Series generators are used in which of the following applications?
Air crafts.
Arc welding.
Used as boosters in dc distribution or transmission.
All of the above.

Series generators have rising voltage characteristics, which are not at all
suitable for ordinary power supplies but they are used as boosters in dc
distribution or transmission to compensate the voltage drop.

10․ Which of the following generators are used in arc welding?

shunt generators
series generators
cumulative compound generators
differential compound generators

To limit the welding current which resembles short circuit, DC differential

compound generators are used.

02․ In which of the following generators negative voltage regulation can

shunt generator
series generators
over compound generator
both B and C

Series generators and over compound generators have rising voltage

characteristics. In both cases terminal voltage rises when load increases due to
series field characteristics. Therefore these two have negative voltage
regulation and these are not suitable for ordinary power supplies.

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