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Direction (1-15): Read each of the following sentences

to find out if there is any grammatical error in it. The
error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The
number (A, B, C or D) of this part is your answer. If
there is no error in the statement, then mark option
(E) as your answer choice.
1. The initial trends has shown (A)/that AAP is set to
repeat for (B)/the third time with Chief (C)/Minister
Arvind Kejriwal heading the government. (D)
A) B
B) A
C) C
D) D
E) No correction required
2. The World Health Organization convened outside
experts to fast-track promising tests,(A)/ drugs and
vaccines to helping slow the outbreak of a new (B)/virus

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that emerged in China that has killed more (C)/ than

1,000 people and spread to two dozen other countries.
A) A
B) C
C) B
D) D
E) No correction required
3. One of the four death row convict in (A)/ the Nirbhaya
gang rape and murder case, Vinay Sharma,(B)/
approached the Supreme Court on Tuesday challenging
(C)/ the rejection of his mercy petition by the President.
A) D
B) A
C) B
D) C

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E) No correction required
4. The BBC did help at least (A)/ four generations of
Indians to (B)/ meet their goals, improve their (C)/ live,
and find their place in the world. (D)
A) C
B) D
C) B
D) A
E) No correction required
5. Online copyright theft is a criminal (A)/enterprise
which also affect consumers (B)/, and is susceptible to
(C)/ malware, identity theft and ransomware. (D)
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No correction required

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6. Former IAF chief B S Dhanoa warn (A)/that the

Indian government could hit (B)/cross-border terrorists
harder if they launched a (C)/strike similar to the one in
Pulwama on February 14, 2019. (D)
A) A
B) D
C) C
D) B
E) No correction required
7. Millions of people across the (A)/ globe come together
to bring about positive (B)/ changes online, raise
awareness (C)/ and took part in events and activities. (D)
A) B
B) D
C) C
D) A
E) No correction required

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8. The fact is that the state of J&K would not (A)/ have

come into existence had it not been for (B)/ the
formidable combination of diplomacy and valour shown
(C)/ by the Dogras under Maharaja Gulab Singh (1792-
1858). (D)
A) A
B) C
C) D
D) B
E) No correction required
9. While technology offers several solutions to (A)/
authenticates the original product, the same (B)/
technological tools, particularly artificial (C)/
intelligence, help create clones. (D)
A) A
B) B
C) C

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D) D
E) No correction required
10. The trademark owners should be given (A)/ the
option to register with an e-commerce platform (B)/ so
that wherever a trademark product is uploaded for sale
on the (C)/ platform, it should notified the respective
trademark owner. (D)
A) D
B) C
C) B
D) A
E) No correction required
11. Unlike the problem of (A)/ physical piracy and
counterfeiting, (B)/ the piracy of content (C)/ is easy and
damaging. (D)
A) B
B) D

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C) A
D) C
E) No correction required
12. With the ruling BJP issuing a whip to their members
in both (A)/ houses of Parliament, there is a huge buzz
on social (B)/ media that a bill on the controversial (C)/
Uniform Civil Code (UCC) will be introduced on
Tuesday. (D)
A) C
B) A
C) D
D) B
E) No correction required
13. A statement from the White House said that the (A)/
trip will ‗further strengthen the United States-India
strategic (B)/ partnership and highlight the strong and
(C)/ enduring bonds at the American and Indian people‘.

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A) C
B) B
C) D
D) A
E) No correction required
14. The woman alleged that Chopra commercialized the
entire issue (A)/ of Kashmiri Pandit exodus of the 1990s
and did not portrayed (B)/ the actual suffering of the
community including the genocide, (C)/ mass rapes and
mass murders committed by Islamic radical groups in his
film. (D)
A) D
B) A
C) B
D) C
E) No correction required

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15. Chennai is the second-worst record of vehicular

pollution in India (A)/ after Delhi, generating 3,200
tonnes of carbon dioxide (B)/ (CO2) per day, a primary
greenhouse gas, (C)/ according to Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE). (D)
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No correction required
16. As the Centre announced that singer Adnan Sami,
who was born in (A)/ Pakistan but later took Indian
citizenship, has been awarding (B)/ Padma Shri this year,
Union Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said that he
hoped (C)/ protestors at Shaheen Bagh were "listening".
A) A

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B) D
C) C
D) B
E) No correction required
17. A leader from Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's
party, (A)/ who put up banners with a slogan offensive to
the minority (B)/ Hindus in the country, have apologised
(C)/ after he came under fire from netizens as well as the
party. (D)
A) C
B) D
C) B
D) A
E) No correction required
18. Actor Margot Robbie's latest anti-hero ensemble (A)/
feature "Birds of Prey" has reportedly being (B)/
marketed by Warner Bros with a new title (C)/ in the

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waked of dismal opening weekend score. (D)

A) A
B) D
C) C
D) B
E) No correction required
19. Despite of that the fires from the CAA and NRC are
still burning (A)/ across the country, the BJP is choosing
to become (B)/ more combative by pushing through
another contentious (C)/ issue which is a sensitive issue
for the minority community. (D)
A) A
B) C
C) B
D) D
E) No correction required
20. A three-judge bench, headed by Justice R Banumathi,

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comprises justices (A)/ Ashok Bhushan and A S

Bopanna, said the pendency of the appeal filed by the
(B)/ Centre and the Delhi government before it would
not be an impediment (D)/ for the trial court in issuing
fresh date for execution of the convicts. (D)
A) A
B) B
C) D
D) C
E) No correction required
21. Amid the lockdown and travel bans triggered (A)/ by
the 2019 novel corona virus outbreak in China, (B)/ fears
have been expressed about their impact on the (C)/
health of the global economy as a whole. (D)
A) A
B) B
C) C

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D) D
E) No correction required
22. The scheme was conceptualize with an aim to
identify the most (A)/ promising startups via a
competitive format, (B)/ reward them and create an
assured path for success by (C)/ eliminating hurdles and
challenges typically faced by most founders. (D)
A) A
B) B
C) D
D) C
E) No correction required
23. A single page in a normal text book will (A)/
amounts to 4 pages in Braille script (B)/ and the
advanced machine is fed (C)/ with Baden Software to
print the books. (D)
A) A

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B) C
C) D
D) B
E) No correction required
24. The Press, functioning under Directorate for the
Welfare of Disabled (A)/ and Senior Citizens, prints and
distributes Braille books (B)/ on general knowledge,
music, (C)/ Kannada and English grammar apart of a
calendar. (D)
A) B
B) C
C) D
D) A
E) No correction required
25. On the overall coal scenario in the country, (A)/ the
production this year will exceeding that of last year, (B)/
though there was some impact due to rains, (C)/ by the

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end of the current fiscal it will be covered up. (D)

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No correction required
26. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has pledging to
the (A)/ public that the State government (B)/ will prove
the crime of the accused as soon (C)/ as possible and the
accused will be hanged soon. (D)
A) A
B) D
C) C
D) B
E) No correction required
27. The Opposition Congress demanding that the Union
Government either (B)/ file a review petition in the apex

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court or amend the (C)/ Constitution to make reservation

a fundamental right. (D)
A) A
B) D
C) B
D) C
E) No correction required
28. This is a constitutional matter that (A)/ should have
heard by the full (B)/ Constitution Bench and not just a
(C)/ two-judge Bench of the apex court. (D)
A) D
B) C
C) A
D) B
E) No correction required
29. While the quotas have been politicised over the
years, (A)/ the apex court has merely tried to make them

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practical (B)/, choosing to separated educational quotas

from (C)/ jobs, where efficiencies depend on merit and
performance. (D)
A) D
B) C
C) A
D) B
E) No correction required
30. A Mumbai court had on February 5 rejects the
anticipatory (A)/ bail application filed by Chudawala,
who was recently booked (B)/ in a sedition case for
allegedly raising "anti-national (C)/ slogans" in support
of JNU student Sharjeel Imam. (D)
A) B
B) C
C) D
D) A

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E) No correction required
31. The 24-year-old woman lecturer succumbed to (A)/
injuries a week after he was set (B)/ ablaze by a jilted
lover near the Hinganghat area in (C)/ Maharashtra's
Wardha district, on February 3. (D)
A) B
B) D
C) A
D) C
E) No correction required
32. Once Hanumanji has decided that the dal fry, (A)/
which was destined for you is ready, (B)/ he will pour it
to onto a small stainless steel bowl – filled (C)/ to the
brim and a bit more. (D)
A) A
B) C
C) D

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D) B
E) No correction required
33. Both DDT and new income (A)/ tax proposals will
not (B)/ have any adverse impact (C)/ from the mutual
fund industry (D)
A) A
B) D
C) C
D) B
E) No correction required
34. Being a voracious reader, she sat down for studying
(A)/ whenever she got time but it was her family (B)/
which helped her stay focused as they went (C)/out of
their way to make me comfortable. (D)
A) C
B) D
C) A

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D) B
E) No correction required
35. There is an urgent need to galvanise the (A)/
concerned departments into action before the price (B)/
for inaction became too much to bear and (C)/ takes the
form of a public health emergency. (D)
A) A
B) C
C) D
D) B
E) No correction required
36. The ―Health at your Doorstep‖ initiative of the
Government will (A)/ go a long way in restoring (B)/
faith of the people and help it (C)/ understand the
importance of health parameters. (D)
A) A
B) B

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C) C
D) D
E) No correction required
37. Once a corporation know its value — which can be
(A)/ obtained through a reputed valuation service — it
(B)/ can negotiate with the buyer and can reject the (C)/
deal, if the offer made is less than what is required. (D)
A) D
B) B
C) C
D) A
E) No correction required
38. Many corporations measure economic value creation
for (A)/ the company as a whole, periodically, using
different (B)/ technique to measure performance against
planned (C)/ targets and suitably reward managers on
achieving the same. (D)

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A) B
B) C
C) D
D) A
E) No correction required
39. India has asked Vietnam to open its pharmaceutical
(A)/ market for the Indian generic drugs and sought
better market (B)/ access for several other products
during (C)/ the delegation level talks between India or
Vietnam. (D)
A) A
B) D
C) C
D) B
E) No correction required
40. Liquor baron Vijay Mallya arrived at the Royal
Courts (A)/ of Justice in London of (B)/ his appeal

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against being extradited to India to face (C)/ fraud and

money laundering charges amounting to Rs 9,000 crores.
A) A
B) D
C) C
D) B
E) No correction required
41. In any election campaign, the media (A)/ plays an
important role in dissemination (B)/ of information and,
thus, enabled the (C)/ people to make a well-informed
choice. (D)
A) B
B) C
C) D
D) A
E) No correction required

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42. While we do not have concrete data on complications

and deaths (A)/ caused by malfunctioning equipment, it
is not (B)/ hard to imagine a scenario where treatment
are prescribed based (C)/ on faulty readings, leading to
catastrophic consequences. (D)
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No correction required
43. At present, the country imports over 80 per cent of its
(A)/ medical devices and the Government have made its
(B)/ intention clear to make India one of the global (C)/
hubs for medical devices, both in manufacturing and
distribution/ (D)
A) C
B) D

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C) A
D) B
E) No correction required
44. Ahead of US President Donald Trump‘s maiden visit
from India, the (A)/ two countries are eyeing to finalise a
raft of mega defence deals (B)/ including procurement of
a batch of military helicopters by (C)/ Indian Navy from
American defence major Lockheed Martin at a cost of
USD 2.6 billion. (D)
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No correction required
45. The requirement comes as governments around the
world (A)/ are trying to hold social media companies
more accountable for (B)/ the content that circulates on

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their platforms, weather its (C)/ fake news, child porn,

racist invective or terrorism-related content. (D)
A) D
B) C
C) B
D) A
E) No correction required
46. Market benchmark Sensex rallied over 300 points
(A)/ in opening session on Wednesday driven by (B)/
gains in HDFC twins, RIL, ICICI Bank and HUL ahead
(C)/ of the release of inflation and factory output data.
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No correction required

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47. The BJP on Monday staunchly defended its decision

to conferring (A)/ Padma award to singer Adnan Sami by
claiming (B)/ that Sonia Gandhi too should be subject of
(C)/ discussion if everyone has to be judged by his or her
parents‘ deeds. (D)
A) A
B) D
C) C
D) B
E) No correction required
48. Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit out at the
Congress in (A)/ Lok Sabha over its opposition to the
CAA and asked if (B)/ first premier Jawaharlal Nehru
could be describe as "communal" (C)/ for seeking
citizenship for religious minorities from Pakistan. (D)
A) D
B) B

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C) C
D) A
E) No correction required
49. The verdict of putting Hafiz Saeed in jail for 7 years
came (A)/ four days before the Financial Action Task
Force‘s (FATF) plenary meeting in Paris to (B)/ assess
action took by Pakistan to (C)/ counter terror financing
and money laundering. (D)
A) A
B) B
C) D
D) C
E) No correction required
50. The Hummer, which was first marketed in 1992 and
then pulled out (A)/ in the market in 2008 following
questions over (B)/ its viability after the economic
slowdown, is making a (C)/ comeback, albeit with some

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'thunderous' modifications. (D)

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No correction required

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