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When we think about depression, we think about a whimsical

person who only thinks about himself. But the real person involved
in depression is a lonely person who only needs attention, love, and

Depression is a serious problem that has many causes. The

development of depression starts mainly whitin the family or close
friends, but one thing carries another, for example, when somebody
has family problems s/he rarely has a good relationship with other
people, that is a cause of loneliness.

The person with depression starts putting himself farther away

going down into a dangerous circle of sadness. Sick people lose the
value of simple things in the daily life, to them everything is so
stupid to do because they cannot see the result of their effort, they
feel an absence into themselves, their behaviors change to attract
people's attntion.

Nevertheless, nowadays there are many treatments, that can

help depress people to go out of this sickness. The firstable to cure
it is that sick people recognize that they are sick and need
professional help. The fist treatment is psychhological therapy, to
identify how sick the person is, sometimes it works, but other times
the sick person has to start with psychotherapy and medicine that
together are more effective.

During these treatments it is very important that the sick person

has a close relationship with his relatives and friends, because it is
a stage in which their support is very important to get ahead of this
depression. Because this kind of treatments show results very
slowly, and the sick person can get into dpression again.

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