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Zadankai June 2020

Welcome address

Good evening to all present in the meet,

Behalf of our organization .I welcome you one and all for the Discussion meeting this month of June
2020. ( clapping)

I further welcome new guests ……………………………………………………………………….

……………………………………………………………………………………………( clapping)
I further welcome the leaders….Mr. Saravanan sir, Mr. Egambaram sir, Mr.Kumaran sir, Mr. Sudahar
Mr. Divagar may all us know who are all connected from your side sir. Please unmute yourself spell
And finally I welcome all the bodhisatthuvas of TR Pattinam Dist
Thank you all.
Let us start the meeting with the song of “BSG ” let us come forward to sing the song by mute your
phone please ……..
Thank you…. Thank you…Thank you…. ……………………( clapping)

Let me invite Mr. Divagar to read out the significance of this month june…

Thank you Divagar…

The sharing of experiences is the measure of faith of the followers of lotus sutra .Let us here the
experience of our members. Let us invite them happily…….
Thank You ………… ( Clapping)
VC thought
Dear member let me invite sharing of messages from value creation book or any gosho from
trailblazers bsg. Org…

Question and answer

This is the time for raising your doubts and getting answers for the same………please come out with

Thank you ( clapping)

Guidance :
I request Chapter Head Mr. Saravanan Sir to give his valuable guidance.
I request Men’s division Leader Mr. Egambaram Sir to give his valuable guidance.
Thank you…..
Let us conclude this meeting with three long daimoku….
Thank you all….

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