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What are emotions?

They are psychophysiological reactions that represent a form of

adaptation to certain stimuli.

Biological emotions. They are the most basic emotions we have. It is a physiological process
that produces specific chemical substances in our body that react to the information that a
specific experience has given us. What are these biological emotions?

Joy. It is one of the most basic emotions, it allows us to repeat everything that makes us feel

- Afraid. It is one of the main emotions that has allowed us to survive, since it is an emotion
that allows us to protect ourselves from different dangers.

- Disgust. It is the emotion that allows us to get away from dangers. Formerly it was one that
allowed us to get away from foods that were toxic and even today it continues to keep us alert
to certain dangers.

- Anger. It is what allows us to stay on guard and face danger. Either through oral expression or
through kinesia, it makes us face a certain situation.

- Sadness. It normally occurs when we feel loss. It allows us to isolate ourselves to assimilate
this loss.

Social emotions. They are those that originate in relationships with others, therefore to
understand them it is necessary to base ourselves on others. That is to say, they are emotions
that are formed through others and that to understand we must base ourselves on the context
in which they have arisen. Social emotions are:

- Infatuation. We all know that feeling of romantic love towards another person. It is about the
attraction to a person (whether on a physical or intellectual / emotional level) that unites us to
her and makes us idolize her.

- Jealousy. It is an emotion that normally tends to occur in romantic relationships and is

nothing more than the fear of losing a person due to the threat either real or imagined from a
third person.

- Envy. It occurs when we compare the physical or moral belongings of another person with
our own. It is one of the emotions with a more negative connotation, so it is difficult for
someone to describe themselves as an envious person.

- Empathy. It is the ability to put ourselves in the shoes of another person and to feel how they
should feel in a certain situation and act accordingly.

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