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201 Wipro Placement Paper at Panimalar Engineering

Hi friends!!
I'm Sathya. I'm a Computer Science engineering student. Here I want to share my experiences in
the campus interview and few qns from the aptitude test. This time Wipro had made the
aptitude test ONLINE!
We had an online aptitude test, a technical interview, and a HR interview. We had the aptitude
test on 4th Jan. Then technical and HR interviews on 5th Jan. Finally, the results are announced
on 7th Jan and 99 students are placed in our college.
1. Aptitude Test:
Totally 50 qns. Math - 20 qns, Verbal - 20 qns, Technical - 10 qns. Each qn carries one mark. No
negative marks. Plus we were askd to write an essay ( Topic: How can India unleash its
innovative and entrepreneurship potentials)
Totally 60 mins. Essay - only 10 mins, remaining 50 mins - those 50 qns
Math - the qns asked to me were from these topics: time & distance, time & work, boats &
streams, ratios & proportions, percentages, sequences & series
Verbal - analogies, synonyms & antonyms, arrange the sentences in the logical order (4
sentences were jumbled and given), assumptions, inferences, relations
Technical - general awareness about computers, output to a given C program (6 out of 10 qns
were of this type)
Few qns that I remember...
1. In 1999, Ram reads 19 books that are either French or English books. In 2000, he reads twice
the no. of French books as English books. If 60% of the books that he read in the two years are
French, how many books did he read in 2000?
a. 48 b. 41 c. 29 d. 37
Soln. How I solved this qn is....
let the no. of French books that Ram reads in 2000 be x.
=> the no. of English books that he reads in 2000 is 2x.
Total no. of books he reads in 2000 = x + 2x = 3x
=> the no. of books he reads in 2000 SHOULD BE A MULTIPLE OF 3
the oly multiple of 3 in the given options is 48. Hence, the ans is a. 48
2. A man travels 5km by train in a 30km/hr speed. Then he travels 10km from there by a bus. If
his total travel time is 30mins, what is the speed of the bus in which he travelled?
a. 60km/hr b. 30km/hr c. 15km/hr d. 45km/hr
Soln. time = distance/speed.
=> travel time in train = 5/30 hrs = 1/6 hrs = 10 mins
total travel time = 30mins
=> travel time in bus = 30 - 10 = 20mins = 20/60 hr = 1/3 hr
=> speed of the bus = distance/time = 10/(1/3) = 30km/hr
The ans is b. 30 km/hr
3. Find the no. which comes in place for ? symbol
5, 8, 15, 24, 45, 72, ?
a. 75 b. 95 c. 135 d. 215
Soln. This is a combination of two series 5, 15, 45,.... and 8, 24, 72,....
The series 5, 15, 45,.. is the a *3 series. i.e., 5, 5*3, (5*3)*3,.....
So the no. in place for ? would be 45 * 3 = 135
4. Preethi: I love
readin story books very much. When I'm absorbed by the story, I don't know what happens
around me! I won't hear anythin when I am reading such books!!
Rani: If so, then how will you know if somebody calls you when you read the story books?
Which of the following could be Rani's assumptions?
a. Somebody will call Preethi when she's not reading story books
b. When Preethi reads books, she's disturbed by someone
c. Preethi knows that somebody calls her only if she hears their voice
d. Preethi is not reading story books always
Soln. I think the ans should be c.
5. Who first found the laptop? (I don't know the ans)
6. What's the binary equivalent of 256?
a. 1111 1100
b. 1111 1010
c. 1110 1000
d. none of these
Soln. 256 is 28. So it should be represented as 1 0000 0000 which is nowhere in the given
The ans is thus... d. none of these
(You can also convert 256 into binary using repeated L divisions by 2..)
7. What's the output of the following?
int i=-1,j=-1,k=1,l=2,m;
m = i++&&j++||k++&&l++;
printf("%d %d %d %d %d",i,j,k,l,m);
a. 0 0 1 3 1
b. 0 0 1 2 1
c. 0 0 2 3 1
d. none of these
Soln. && as well as || have the same priority. So the 2nd line in the given program will get
executed from left to right as the operators appear.
&& works like this:
a && b - if a is 0, the compiler will skip the right operand b, otherwise it checks the right
operand too.
|| works like this:
a || b - if a is 1, the compiler will skip the right operand b, otherwise it checks the right operand
So... i++&&j++ => -1&&-1 then i++, j++=> value of i=0, j=0
1||k++ => compiler skips k++&&l++ since left operand = 1, value of expression = 1 (i.e) k=1,l=2
thus, the ans is b. 0 0 1 2 1
2. Technical Interview:
The interviewers are really so cool and very friendly with the students!! It was actually my first
interview in my life! I was so tensed! But after the interviewer was so friendly, all my fears gone
away :) What happened was... my interviewer was first just askin about whatever I had written
in my resume.. then he started askin technical qns
I: May I come in Sir?
interviewer: yes pls come in
I: Good evenin sir!
int: Good evenin! Pls take ur seat
(I kept my file on the table and took my seat)
int: tel me about urself
I: told
(interviewer askd about my schoolin, industrial visits)
int: what's ur proj all about?
int: how many of u are doin this proj?
int: what's ur role in this proj?
(I had specified French in the languages known section in my resume.... It was my favourite! I
had taken it as my 2nd language in 12th standard. The interviewer asked me to say the
meanings of few French words!! wow! that was very interestin!! I told the ans... and since he
was so friendly, I asked him how he knew French and he explained..... :)) )
int: yo've specified data structures and C/C++ in ur areas of interests. what are the data
structures that u kno?
int: difference between stack and queue
int: what is circular queue? its advantage?
int: can u write a program to print this series? 2, 6, 8, 14, 22,....? take ur own time.....
(in a few mins,... I wrote the program.... It's similar to fibonacci series that I had studied
already... since I wrote the program sooner...... interviewer askd this....)
int: did u ask ur friends who attended the tech interview about the programs askd?
I: wel Sir.. I asked them about wat qns are being askd in the tech interview. They said programs
were asked. But they din't tel wat programs were asked... :)
int: yea they won't :) that's good only right?
I: yes sir :)
( interviewer saw the program.... )
int: suppose stdio.h gets corrupted. you can't use it in ur program. what would u do?
( he asked me n was writin somethn in a paper... he was keepin it below the table that I can't
see it....)
I: I would use iostream.h and write the program in C++
int: if u should write the program only in C.. wat would u do?
(I was thinkin)
int: hav u ever opened the file stdio.h?
I: yes sir. (Idea!!!) I got the ans! I would write the contents of stdio.h in some other file by
myself and include that file in my program :)
int: thats it! quite easy rite? ok so how was the interview?
I: it went off good sir!
int: so wat do u want me to do now?
( he gave me the form and asked me to wait for the HR interview and wished me all the best)
I gave a handshake to him...
said thank you... and came out very happily!
my technical interview went on for around 25 mins. and when I came out. it was 9.45 p.m! I
filled the form, affixed my photo, gave it to them and was waitn for HR interview.
I was feelin very hungry that time! But they'l cal for HR interview sooner. So I could hav jus a
cup of tea that time... I had it and relaxed with frnds who wer also waitn for HR interview.. I
finished the tea.. kept the tea cup.. the very next moment! I was again called!! for the HR
3. HR Interview:
I: May I come in sir?
HR: yes Sathya pls come in!
( he was seein my online aptitude test's results in a laptop that he had in his table )
( he had my filled form.... )
HR: tel me about urself
( I dint tel about my family.. told only about my name, wher am studyin, my interests, so n so)
HR: tel me about ur family
HR: did u join this college thru merit quota?
HR: wats ur cut off in 12th standard?
HR: hav u ever been ur department topper?
HR: thank you sathya! you can leav
I: thank you sir!
My HR interview went of only for 2-3 mins! My seniors had told me that they'll consider
aggregate marks also. If we've got 80+, we're surely selected. Otherwise, they'l select based on
how we ans their qns.. and.... It was 10.15 p.m. when my HR interview was over..
The results were announced a day later! and my name was also there!!!!!
Few interview tips.....
+ Keep smilin
+ the HRs are really very cool and friendly yaar! u can talk to them as u would talk to ur friend!!
+ be relaxed... be cool.. be calm
+ even if u don't kno the ans, jus try somethn
+ if u don't kno the ans, jus tel wat u think, and giv a smile... or say sorry sir/ma'am I don't kno
the ans! but I'm interested in knowing the ans... and they'l surely explain it to u
+ find ur weaknesses, and act in such a way that they won't find that weakness durin the
interview :)
+ u should prep an ans for "tel me abt urself", "ur strengths", "ur weaknesses", "why do u
choose this company", "why should I take u in my company?"
+ be confident that watever is asked, u can answer!
Once u clear the aptitude test, it'll be easy to manage the interviews provided u learnt C and
watever u hav specified in ur areas of interest! all the best guys!!
see u in wipro soon!!
Sathya :)

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