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age © ON Bay MmOMDNEL LIN G MAGAZINE woo‘eurzeBewyBiysaoe mmm AS THE BLUE HUNTER PFALZ DMNA THE UNLUCKY GERMAN P-SIB "MUSTANG" THE "WILD HORSE" FROM "ZIRIKUS ROSARIUS" MIG-21 F-13 "FISHBED" JAMES BOND" MIG 007 JU 87 D-3 "STUKKA" UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT..AND A |.OT MORE# N TAMIYA 1748, PAGE 6 PFALZ.D.lll A THE UNLUCKY GERMAI We continue this iste of Aces High, with the Pfalz by Michel Gruson, a great model with the always problematic “lozenge” ‘camouflage as star. Michel adds ' fantastic finish to a plane that despite carrying a “swastika” as ‘talisman, had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the British WINGNUTS WINGS 1732 PAGE 18) JU 87 0-3 “STUKA" UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT Kamil Feliks Sztarbata has modeled for this issue another classic the famous *stuka’, but [] with markings of their new owners, British this time, operating in the Egyptian desert. ‘Another fantastic work on the always special yellow, with spectacular results. And a nice touch; the squadron matkings of “our” Stuka were, curiously, “AK” HASEGAWA I-48 PAGE 28 MIG-21 F-13 “FISHBED” YAMES BOND MIG 007 Girolamo Lorusso returns to our pages with a spectacular airplane with a spies story behind it, because this was the first MIG 21 which fell into the hands of Western powers, via srael, after an operation worthy of a “James Bond” movie. And that’s the reason for its number, “007”. A perfect work ‘with the always complicated natural metal finish and with striking markings that make this aircraft a historical piece. TRUMPETER 1/48, PAGE 36 pt FW-I80 AS THE BLUE HUNTER: ‘We enter into WWII with a clasic- the German FW-190 with a very colorful livery thanks to Marek Novacek, which offers us the decoration carried by this aircraft in service with the 325 Fighter Group in taly. Do not miss. the phenomenal wear and tear work he's performed on this model, really s instructive. ‘ PAGE 48, EDUARD 1748 SUKHO! SU-25, THE GULF WAR ESCAPE The master Juan Villegas makes this issue the SU-25 captured by the Iranians, ina spectacular way, once more, one of those fe places that atracts attention in each of its full technical parts. PAGE 58 KP-MASTERLINE 1/48 VW TYPE 186, SCHWIMMWAGEN, THE-$WIMMING BEETLE Vehicles section returns to our magazine, this time with a classic like the Schwimmwagen, again by Francisco Javier Martinez Rodriguez. It was one of the favorite German vehicles of ‘American troops in the WWII, here in USAAF service at an airfield somewhere in northern France it 1944, An example of how to make th base for any US fightogmodel at ‘Nammandy campaign more gorgeous and attractivé with vefylittle effort, PAGE 76 {| TAMIYAI748 INDEX Farniya, VA ‘ anding in German Tewrned to fight * i aieratts cha, ate ed. 2 Hawker TPROONS tured, repaired on 1 p-3es Lightning | vprercan Stes Musa etal and 2 wadron equiped wh a eal fires: were 1 ses, because HE ted without probes ‘and can be co his article ve, ix quite como oi jats sounone yous enloy the cockits POPS rics about MUStaNS 2 norder to improve the inside ofthe model, quite basic, | use the resin cockpit from Aires that offers a good fit Anyway le must retouch some zones fr a better fitting, specially an the cockpit fuselage sides joints. Another point we must be careful with isthe fit of low surface of cockpit fleor and the upper side of landing gear bays, 11 Betore starting the assembly of the model, and using good scale blueprints made ofthe vets nes with arveting tol The propeller cone and exhaust pipes ae very well resin made aftermarket parts from Canacian company Uktracast. After some test tobe sure that Aires resin cockpit fis perfectly, the glueing of both halves ofthe fuselage is done to perfection. Once the fuselage & glued, the azzembiy of wings avery easy task et —* 3B __ The cockpit painted olve green Tamiya XF-58), with shadows made ‘with oll paint "Brown Oil” color and highlights Using a mixture of base green colour and yelowareensh yelow. The details ae brush painted with AK-interacive paints Last detall to place before gluing the ‘tareparent cupola parts isthe combat sight, made of very thin clear acetate use high grt white carpenter glue because once dry its absolutely clear 8 / ACES HIGHM) GB _ | use the cockpit same technique for main landing gear bays 7 The aircraft full assembled with perfect fi of allthe parts, ‘There are resin sets form these parts, bt as planned to close ‘even the four parts of the clear cuppola. The model offers the ‘the central zone ofthe bays the detail ofthe kit © good ‘option of "4 peces apenfone piece closed " cockpit. The kit ‘Wheels were deleted and used a very high quality resin made aftermarket set from US company Barracuda Studios, enough and we need no aftermarket sets 3 | apply the fist colour, the interior olve green, on outside zone of clear parts ‘This way when we take off the masking we ould see the same interior cockpit colour on the Inside part ofthe frame of the cuppola, Alter masking the lear parts with Eduard pre-cut adhesive masks and ‘covering all holes with Mask quid mask ‘rom Humbrol ange, the models ready for painting stage YO _Betore starting the painting process we must clear very carefull the model surfaces and add a primer coat with AK Xtreme Metal Black Primer by airbrush with an fairpressure of 1,5 stm, We must lt the primer dying for half an hour 'S HIGH MAGAZINE / CAPTURED! / 9 TI Now we paint the whole model with Xtreme Metal Aluminum, | applied the color for lower surfaces and tal Ak-interactve Standard Yelow HIGH MAGAZINE / CAPTURED! ‘T2_ Now it'stime to mask the lower surfaces in order fo apply the yellow color We must take care around radiator zone because the “frontier” between bright and dark colors looks lke an °° that we must make with avery thin piece of masking tape for a better repying of such a special contour 14 Next very carefully take off the masking, boecause if we doit quickly we could cho the paint AS Now we star with detal panting, ike te red nose band. apply the masks and paint the band with standard AK Red paint 16 ‘The anti reflective panel spainted with an Olive Drab color. We must take care with the ‘masking ofthe joint zone of fuselage: windscreen. | start the fet weathering phase by chipping the screws, joints and ‘overs onthe green zone with a ‘ver watercolour pencil YS Then, make litle scratches on the green paint with a greenish yellow color (the chipping was ‘made in the previous step) 7 General view ofthe airplane afterall the processes catried out soft. (On the ted zone | make small chips (not deep enough to show the siver colour below) with an orange-red colo. ACES HIGH MAGAZINE / CAPTURED! / 11 ‘Now it time to arnich the model with a gloss protective coat ‘Once the varnish fully dried, mask ‘2g2i some zones that being of another kin of metal should be painted in another metalle tone BIB | use as secondary metalic colour AK Xtreme Metal Dak Aluminium paint in order to achieve more contrat between metalic shades, 2a ‘Two metalic tones are enough for this model .. More shades of metal would be excessive and would give a strange look to the model All crosses, swastikas, letters and numbers ‘were painted by arorush witha set of Adhesive stencils from Koster brand, so ‘there is no decals on the model this tne 2S Low surtaces look with cosses and digits painted on. 27 _Atter marking the plane, | apply a new coat of gloss varnish and when dried, a rovin wash to all panel and rivets ines ofthe airplane BE After ten minutes, | clean the excess of brown ‘wash witha clean cloth or a paper napkin so the predurtctaye only ineide panels and te nee in the yellow zone of In order to ach ne lower nght il" ol paint in ‘After some minutes, Iblend the ol paint creating a shadow effect that ges both a lat af volume to the metal paint and 2 dirty look. We can clean out the oil paint if we are not happy withthe effect and start again. ‘The gloss varnish [have used inal he previous steps is Ak-Interactve Green GAUZY. Ths product makes the Xtreme Metal paints very strong to resist the effects of masking and weathering, The varnish dries in a very shert time and is very easy to clean by using AK servi thinner . i s Look of the model so far. All the previous work i, again, sealed with 2 ew coat of GAUZY varnish | apply 10 some yellow colored zones a bit of orange oll paint. Then By using the same ol paint technique we applied before | add some try blend it for creating “volume” in those areas, ust lke we didon the _brush stokes of achre yellow on the anti-reflective panel, and I blur them fueaoe Bey = Or » 14 | ACES HIGH MAGAZINE / CAPTURED! Again protect al the ol pants ‘work witha new coat of GAUZY. 38 Final, and taking advantage of GAUZY's gloss finish that doesnt reduce the metalic shine of Xtreme Metal paints, mask again the green anti-reflective panel | dedicate this article to my good fiend and fellow Roberto Ramirez Gutiere 37 General view ofthe model after al ‘the steps taken so far ‘Then Ifinsh this zone witha sight coat Of AK Ultra Matte varnish remove the masking and glue the rest of pieces lke wheels, is, landing gear, propeller and antennas and the model = finshed. You can see the outstanding contrast between the anti-glare area uitr-matte finish and the glossy fnh of ‘GAUZY vamiched zones GH MAGAZI CrP ure! / 15 16 | ACES HIGH MAGAZINE / CAPTURED! Wingnut Wings 1/32 ‘The 30th May 1918, Jakob Pollinger. flying his Pfalz D.lla with ablue tailplane, ‘uns out of fuel and is forced to land behind British lines where he is taken prisoner. Having fallen into the hands of the British, this Pfalz Dla will undergo a good number of tests in order to be assessed, but beforehand it [is repainted with the colors ofits new owners. Not a great deal is changed. infact, as the only changes involve the Balkenkreuz on the fuselage and the Eisernes Kreuz on the wings that are partially covered by the red, white and. blue cockards of the Royal lying Cotps. The Swastika (regarded as a symbol ‘of good luck tthe time), as well as the nose and the tal plane painted in blue ‘will remain untouched. In the few lines above you have a presentation of the aircraft that | Have ‘chosen for the theme of “captured planes”. As far as documents on the plane are concerned, the only photo of this aircraft isin Windsock Datafile N-21 devoted to the Pfalz Dla. CConceming the kit: not exactly original, i's Wingnut Wings! I's got all the necessary ingredients to make a beautiful model, which you can always count ‘on fromthis manufacturer. For the markings of our aircraft| used the Wingnut ‘Wings set: 30019 Pfalz DANA Flying Circus 1 ‘The cockpit, being complete and accurate, makes the construction and panting pleasurable Lets Bagin by panting the framework and the fuzelage sides that ae painte pale green before being abundantly weathered with pigments and diverse acrylic ink washes. All the wooden parts ofthe cockpit andthe interior of the fuselage ate then painted. To gve them ‘2 wooden appearance ist spray @ coat of Gunae H318,foloed by Bumnt Umber and Raw Sienna, applied with a flat brush to give the effect of fibers and grains. coat of gloss, varnish i finaly sprayed on the whole thing to protect The console, joysticks and other deal are painted with oe ee Aug ~ = _—— he instrument panels painted before ‘applying the decal ofthe different cals To dd 2 realtc touch, a drop of white glue i put in each dial to look lke alas. The pilot's seat is painted brown and the cushion i 2M inelation ty tape The photo etched harnesses are pai _2ciykc paints of beige and brown shad ‘hich are blended together to create realetc gradient, To fine detal the rudder and other contr cables are made with EZ Line elastane thread and stretched plastic wire. The ammunition magazines and the reservorr are painted a metalic color They ae abundantly weathered ard made dirty with dar pigments and sepia acryic washes. Then, to finish ths stage, sepia acrylic washes are applied with the aim of increasing the contrast and adding depth W's time to fit the engine into place, which is done without any problem. Contrary to what speciied in te instructions, the machine guns are not put in at ths stage, which will make the painting a lot easier as you won't have to carryout fasticious masking ACES HIGH MAGAZINE / CAPTURED! / 21 8 The propeller intially painted with Gunze 4-318 befor simulating freehand of whe byes tere 2 fav serra port sed with a paintbrush, witha few ‘races of darker Burnt Umber pit re) or the lozenges on the material, | naturally turned tothe Aviatic decal which let me with good memories when | used them on previous They are both resstant and easy to apply and wil enhance the they give the impression that they aren cof material the manufacturer has managed to create this eal well) and they are in five authentic colors tht were reproduced from actual materi. For the assembly lused the ATTPaz 3201 set de a n Now the blue can be applied to the diferent area, which was obtained rom mixing several shades: Gunze H35 Blue, H-42 blue-gray and H-39, Whit spraying thes mature of paints, | didn't heat blue on the fs that | thought would be more exposed tothe ight #2 break up the even surface colo hed with a mixture of rin quantities state in applying the decal, the model CGunge H334 Pale Gray and Gunge H8 Alun the instructions 6 These tes are sprayed with Gunze Tie Black thats very diluted to ge Each part of the landing gears dealt with before assembly The tres are them a darker appearance The spokes made out of plastic are replaced replaced, after a bit of minor surgery, with rubber ones made by Steven with short sections of metal wie All the landing gear legs are painted Robson ‘tay-areen, Shadows, lighter areas and dity marks ae alo added 22 / ACES HIGH MAGAZINE CAPTURED! ex Indispensable before applying the Avatic decals, CGunze white primer 's sprayed onto all the surfaces to prove their adhesion Don forget certain details that need painting, such as the radiator that painted with AK True Metal Aluminum paint Applying the decals doesn’t pose a problem, but al the same you need 10 use a softening solution from Dacor the decal adapter from AK that works fantastic, The lower surface ofthe wing is covered frst to allow the decals on the upper surface to sightly overlap the lower surface on the leading edges. 7418 The fuselage is painted, the wings ae covered, now it's time to deal with the markings and decal. The crosses, the swastka and the cockards wil be done with stenci allowing me to pay around vith different shades easly. Taces of the previous owners ae stil visble. The crosses nthe wings covered by the large cockard stil stick out. On the fuselage they have been covered with paint but are stil visible as can be seen on the ‘only photo from that time. We start this step with the previous markings W's a delcate operation and demands ala of precaution especially on ‘the wings that ae covered with the Aviatc decals. You should take care to reduce the stickiness of the Oramask betoce applying them. White plied first For ths | used the acrylic Blanc Matt XF-2 which i, 0 my knowledge, the best white acrylic paint avalable. After putting the black s only sprayed on the edges of the stencs, © point in applying too much paint seeing as inthe end these ateas willbe covered with cockares. For the swastika anc! the crosses. on the lower surface, spray black heavily 3-20 ‘The Englch cockards of red, white and le can now be dane: white first, hen le and finally red. Be careful todo ths so ‘thatthe old markings are slightly visible ‘concerning the cockards on the fuselage they are done different. When looking at the photo we suppose that the outline of the cross was fist oughly covered over with a darker shade of paint than the rest ofthe fuselage. therefore started by removing some ofthe back by lightly sanding itbetore spraying the outine ofthe cross with a sightly darker yay pain “The markings on the rudder have ‘also been changed as itis painted ‘with the tree coors of the Union Jack 2a ‘Ta make the model lok alder, | chose to use mainly ol pains. used four colors: Titanium White, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber and Black You need a flat paint brush, and without thinning it you spread the paint as mut possible. They are easy to use as, you can take your time and you can ‘max them and get the right dose of ‘transparency ofthe sha by w with a cotton bud, or even by W ‘off completely. Black applies first 0 the lower part and near tothe raised areas. The Burnt Umber color fl 2 that you obtain a Blend from black tobrown, the effect then obtained accentuates the illusion ofthe raised reas. Moving on to the dirt spatter often present on the parts closest to the ground: | chose the Raw Sienna and Burt Umber cole, applied to the underside of the fuselage, on the wheels and the landing gear Having decided to give depth to the surface ofthe wings, I prayed them with Tamiya Smoke X19 at the base of each wing reinforcement isistng and increasing the surface covered on the traling edge (in this case, on the right side) - the aim being to create the illusion of depth. Ths work i carried aut thanks to Post-It note, that are easy to epositon and are perfect ‘A coat of glos varnish then sprayed al ver the wings, 2s ‘ ‘of id ate added around the engine and the cowling \ 26 rally white i applied to allthe raed areas a2 ‘as over the large areas, in frder to create volume and to break up the even surface o the colors. Before adding the wings ll the type C Turnbuckles from Gaspach are installed To make them mobile and alow them to be in tne naturally when the E2 Line wires are pulled tight, inserted tiny rings of copper at their be which ae glued tothe wing. ll the ngging and aileron cables ate then attached tothe rings on the upper Wing that’ ft i to attach al ‘once the wings ae assembled. Once the upper wing i lued on, the £2 Line wires need to be attached to the respective turnbuckle ‘and brackets Hasegawa 1/48 | must admit, that since | found photos of a Ju 87 0-3 that had been captured intact by Brits in Egypt during the autumn of, 1942, and subsequently used asahack by No.273 Squadron RAF, 1 couldn't wait fora chance to/build a model telling this story ‘The Stuka, which had been without doubt one of thelirtiest craft of WWII, was.a great subject on its own, but the ‘detiaaifcation’ ofthe markings and paint scheme conducted by [ts British conquerors, made this particular example even more, eye-catching, Tek choice was rather obvious, Hasegawa's 484i sstithe only game in town or ulding on ery Ju 87 DIG variant with are etebeL errs te mace eee a as my base kit was the Ju 87 G-2 boing, which included the ended wir tat ete i sa cloriaget thet ko er lle ee Ted including Eduard'sphoto-eted deta, Quickboosts resin exhausts, MASTER trmed metal gun barrel ad a et ofc, ctmasksfrom Montex Finally, decided that daring thiprofet | would test the paints from a relatively new Sfovakcompacy 4 iain which wre supposed to be sikge amy favorita Ircolor paint range rom Me obby. Fi “To insal the pilot segtin the eonrect position, l embedded ts base in the piste cotkpit floor, which had been previously softened with Tamiya Exta Thin Cement | usufly repeat the more ipfense abrasion by scratching the pain ayer in order to revealthe siver undercoat However, this method daes not work Inthe areas where a ota photo-etched parts ‘te installed, 2 scratching them results in damaging the sver undercoat to9, this case | therefore painted the etalie int chips with Valeo 77701 Aluminum 2 Some dirt was added tothe flaor using Tamiya 87087 Weathering Stick Light Earth. | applied the compound with an old brush, that had been slightly dampened ‘with water 3B Atterwards, added the rivet detail 3S Atthistage, could attach the fragile photo-@_ The kt as ready to ave some to the fuselage, using RB Productions ‘etched flap liters without worrying bout paint applied. Some subassemblies Rivet and lengths of masking tapes of damagieg ther and details were lft separate forthe ‘various widths improved the wheel ims with photoetched forthcoming stage. labo temporary attached the second canopy section using {masking fluid asthe adhesive, in order to protect the pilot's workplace 4B Productions Rwet-R tool was again details, even though these will be barely visble ‘employed fo the riveting proces. in the finished kt 7 The rearward-fring MG 81 2 machine gun was Getaled with photo-etched parts and tuined ‘metal barrel rom the Posh company, MASTER 30 / ACES HIGH MAGAZINE / CAPTURED! $3 Next, primed the entire kt wth a layer of Mr Paint MRP-003 Super Siber, YO The fist camoutiage colour to be applied wa ALM 71 Laibrushed a thin layer of MrPaint MRP-O6t cover those areas that should be painted inthis colour. The highlights were adds with a mixture of base colour and [MrPaint MRP-134 Light Gray. randomly sprayed some ‘meandering ns over the green areas, and emphasized chosen deta WK aw 1 The camouflage demarcation was masked with strips of Tamiya tape, whist the green areas between them were Adaitionally covered with masking fluid \Werking ina similar way as withthe RLM 71 surfaces began bulding up the RLM. 70 colour by applying a transparent layer of ‘irPaint MRP-060 RLM 70 Schwarzgrun. The camouflage demarcation received 3 ightly more intense treatment, in order TB __Inthe end, spent more than an hour ‘on masking, only to spray afew strokes lof white paint. The removal of the masks was ‘aso time-consuming, but this was just the beginning. The only ether decals used at this stage, were the swastika fr the tal f HIGH MAGA 31 1B LIMIT 0S YOUR GW CREATIVITY one Q a CPT emo le tals (=I Tes MTEL Ne eee ‘SCALEMODEL-ONLINESHOPS IN| EUROPE = See etc tE) cn le BR rae aerate - Allways up to fe vz aE visit us at: a] recesses inthe ight blue a Kz YOUR GER GNEIDE HOBBY SHOP! OVER 40,000 PRODUCTS AVAILABLE! WWW.MEGAHOBBY.COM Worldwide Shipping — New Items Everyday! Plastic Model Kits Detail and After-Market Parts Weathering Paints and Powders Complete Paint and Supply Store Se as $5 OFF YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF $50. |iSaunnnnnnGnnnanannnE ENTER COUPON CODE: ACES phone: 856-545-9058 7 DIFFRENT WEATHERING FFFECTS IN THE PLANE FOR A PEFRSONAL FINISH BO As''d mentioned eater, this technique doesn't work for photo-etched part surfaces. In this case, | had to use a siver watercolour pene BT To reproduce some fine, dark discolouration and stains, | dampened the chosen areas with white sit and subsequently applied a Slightly dlited AK-Interactve AKOSS Dark Brown Wash BBE Afterwards, lapectiad the slectad areas with AK-intaractve AKDI7 Earth Etfcts and ‘Axs4062 Light Dust Depost, using a purposely damaged toothbrush 34 ACES HIGH MAGAZINE J CAPTUR, 2B thought thatthe appearance ofthe yellow undersides would benefit from adding a slightly re infence staining | therefore aiforushed a mist of chlutes Ak- Interactive AKOB2 Engh here and there. This was rolled over the surface with acotton bud, ‘that had been dampened with Ak-interactve AKOTI White Spin 224 in order to replicate the dstinctve streaks and stains on the landing gear firings, | dampened them with AK-interactive AKOIT Whit Spirit, anc subsequently applied AK2019 Aircraft Engine Ol and |AK2033 Engine & Turbines Wash, mixed indifferent BS The lst weathering step was to recreate the exhaust staining, I started by aorushing {uit wide, but siahty ragged streaks, using AKInteractive AKO83 Track Wash, diluted with white spirit Trumpeter 1/48 Planes with special. stories {fascinate me and if weadé to this ‘an equally spectacular colorthen the ‘combination is perfect. ‘The history of the MiG, like that of other MiGs in the Middle East region. is rch in anecdotes. We must go back to 1963 ‘when the Israeli air stories re intertwined with those of the Mossad, with ‘alot out of the best James Bond movie of the era. No coincidence there is a photo ‘of actor Sean Connery close to 007. iM In fact, itis the incredible desertion of the Christian iraqi military Captain Munie Redfa of iraqi airforce linked toa frustrating military career, money, lovers, family and betrayal, led Israel into the hands of this famous airplane, come down to the present day, with name Operation Yahalom. Meanwhile, the same plane after being tested bby the Israel pilots and later transferred to the US for a further study of the aircraft, seems to be back in the land of srael, with the "star of David”. It seems, because itis not certain, it documented, thatthe plane is really the same. In this time the MiG displayed different colors, from its original with Iraq insignia to those with Israeli rosette suns, only to be colored with ‘the red and black bands and 007 (the subject of this article), up to the dress rosettes of the USA, before returning with the stars of David, but ‘with an even more eye-catching color with showy red friezes, as today is kept inthe open air muse Hatzerim Israel Airforce Museum. Thanks also to the help ofthe decals shoot published by Wingman Decals WMD48007, which lists various information about the history of this aircraft is able tohave a clear idea ofthe evolution of the aircraft and of its operational life with certain dates. Inshort, for modelers ike me, always looking for particular models, this model has been areal challenge for the use of the new AK colors both {or the special livery characterized by bright red that adorns the collin its splendor. It just has to give way to the photos of the installation step by step. Toso aie. aut 36 What’s KitMeet 1.6? +info KitMeet is a novel concept of meeting for modellers enjoy our hobby. With no stress, no competition and no ‘To make things easy for you, we have an inscription of just 25 euros and have arranged accommodation with special i] . prices. Check our website at to have detailed information, clarify your doubts and see how we enjoyed previous editions ;) KitMeet 1.6: 28/29/30 october 2016 Palafrugell (Girona) Spain. Start your engines: we'll be waiting for you! Ree EC 148881736 - Hobbyboss 1:48 - Hawk T MK.127 1298 Flying Bare! curd 1:48-Legion Condor Dual Combo EDK7435 Eduard 1:72- Fw 1908-8 standard wings Fuad 1144- Ava B4tneseres Qustvo Combo cri Shc Fons72000 : . Eckard rassn 1.72 -Shacdston AEW2 wheels EDP73547 Qatar Crue 'RV04920 -Fevell:72- Avro Shackleton AEW2 -RV04983 -evell:100- Bell UH-TH Gunship ‘RVO3955- Revell 172 FU Corsair We Also Stock: Revell Monogram, Easy Model, Meng, Takom, Vallejo and AK Interac Email: UNITS 6-10 HONEYSOME IND. EST., HONEYSOME ROAD, CHATTERIS, CAMBRIDGESHIRE. PE16 6TG Tel: +44 (0)1354 760022 Fax: +44 (0)1354 760037 N a0 r Til at (-) a (=) Col th y Gene. Maecetes, See cy A 8} a} | 35 eee ene ieee oe a (| = m9 I reserled some panel ne on nose cone with Dymo tape and sandend ‘down. With coarse palith | gave the right coat on paste surface Tamiya extra thin cement, and tape are perfect lied fora correct assembly No putty are need. Clean the model with alcoho, t's time to goto the fist staining step using metallic colors For ths article | use the new AK xtreme metal and mr Colo. The Ak have proven exceptional since thelr fist rest They do not need primer and spray with ease, Their pigment is very fine and opaque from the frst color hand, in over-dryng in afew minutes, ACES HIGH MAGAZINE J CAPTURED! / 43 To create my captured MIG, | used 2s the basis the decals sheet from Wingman. This alow realization all the various transitional phases Of the arraft, since he wae fying the ral airforce, up tothe exhibtion of the Same tothe Israeli museum where its located today. | chose the first color o be of high visibility, because | ed this the best. The sheet provides almost all the decals ‘to make the red blocks, ter some test | chose the color red Gunze 423, which proved perfectly ‘compatible withthe red printing the decals brant s The next stp was to create the black colored bands onthe spine in the fuselage. The work of airbrushing always priceless compared tothe best decals ‘We use Mr Mare Setter and Mr Mark Softer, to stick well the decal to the fuselage These products da not harm the metalic coat To achieve maximum brillanee, ie

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