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Bangladesh: Market and Transit of Illegal arms

South Asia is regarded as the most dangerous place in the world. Numerous intractable threats
and challenges, particularly those emerge from Militancy, Insurgency, Arms race, Anti regime
movement, Terrorism, Religious extremism, inter state disputes etc threats and challenges make
the region one of the most dangerous regions of the world. The large-scale proliferation and easy
availability of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in this region make the situation worst.
All the states of this region are facing the challenges from the illegal proliferation of Small Arms
and Light Weapons (SALW). South Asian region has now turned into a large illegal arms trading
centre due to the conflict between India and Pakistan, as well as internal violence in Sri Lanka,
Kashmir, Nepal, and Myanmar and due to other type of criminal activities 1. Bangladesh in not
free from this threat, illegal proliferation of SALW is not only threatening national rather it
affects all other aspects of the country. Illegal arms proliferation is causing and fueling
extremism, crime and other organized criminal offences in Bangladesh.
In south Asia the proliferation of SALW is linked to insurgency, ethnic and sectarian violence,
organized crimes, political movement and private militias, terrorist activities, inter state war
guerrilla war and many other violence related activities 2. Bangladesh, use both as a market and
as a route of smuggling of illegal arms in south Asia.
As market For the criminal syndicates operating in Bangladesh, organized crimes, political
movement and private militias, terrorist activities there have been a huge demand for small arms
in Bangladesh. So arms smugglers target Bangladesh as a market. In Bangladesh arms mainly
imported through the country's south and south-east regions, especially Chittagong,
Khagrachhari, Bandarban, Sandwip, Haluaghat and emerging char islands are often used for
transportation of illegal small arms, and it encourages the use of illegal small arms and violence
across the country.3Dispite these the coxsbazar and other spots of the bay of Bengal. According
to Major General Syed Muhammad Ibrahim (Retd), as many as 128 crime syndicates in
Bangladesh were using 400,000 illegal SALW.4
Source: The illicit proliferation of small arms in Bangladesh play vital role in increasing crime
rate. The external sources are mainly of three types: (a) a foreign government that gives arms to
friendly insurgents, (b) International arms dealers (c) Individuals/insurgents who sympathize
with insurgents of another country.
Illegal arms mainly smuggled in Bangladesh from China, India, Pakistan, and Myanmar.
Illegal arms for whom: according to Syed Muhammad Ibrahim (Retd), as many as 128 crime
syndicates in Bangladesh these groups are mainly the buyer of illegal arms in Bangladesh. These
groups use SALW for crime. On an average the killer bullets are taking 4 lives and
making 10 wounded everyday in our country. Insurgency in the Chittagong Hill Tracts has
also added demand for small arms.

1. The Daily Star. May 30, 2006

2. Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons: Case Study of South Asia by Malik Qasim Mustafa
3. The Daily Star. May 30, 2006
4. Small Arms Proliferation in South Asia: A Major Challenge for National Security by Gurmeet Kanwal and Monika
Use and Users of Small Arms

Organized Crime Unorganized Crime

Extortion theft

Politically backed criminal groups land violence

Campus Violence drug addicted youth
Underworld Crime gender violence
Terrorist Groups homicide

Insurgency in CHT

As Transit

Bangladesh experiences a tremendous amount of illegal smuggling of arms, explosives and

ammunition. Its open-ended import and export laws, along with its extensive coastline and
shared borders with many conflict-ridden areas, make it an ideal transshipment point for
weaponry. In south asia more than 250 militant and insurgency movements is going on in al
most all south asian countries. SALW are very important to run these movements. And for easy
and open border Bangladesh is used a route of arms smuggling in south Asia.

Militant and insurgent outfits in South Asian region are now using Bangladesh as a transit route
for smuggling weapons. Militants and insurgent outfits of neighbouring countries have chosen
the country's south and south-eastern region as a transit route for arms smuggling business
because Bangladesh government and its law enforcers are yet to be aware about these illegal

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