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What are the three examples of cultural misunderstanding shared by the woman in the
video? How do the examples impact the future connection between countries she was
referring to?
-the different pronunciation and the meaning of Benz among the customer in China
-the different perception of milk brand in Spanish language that making confusion among its
potential buyer in South America
-the sensitivity of bare feet among Asian and Arabs

2. Why does she mention the hardship or background culture of Asian and African
countries to relate to her topic of marketing the product?
She mentioned how the Asian and African manage to survive despite the hardship that they
faced to relate the difference between her culture and theirs where she claimed that Asian and
African struggle to live their life off the electricity problem and so on.

3.What did you think when he said that she can understand herself when she went out of her
country? What does it mean do you think?
In my opinion, we can understand ourselves when we go out of our country means
that we can realize our real personalities when we try to think about what other people think
and feel about us. It is because when we met others people in the world, we will find a lot of
differences among us which can make us realize that we are not same like others people. By
discovering the different cultures around the world, we will realize how unique we are in
different aspects of language and culture.

4. How does the role of understanding other people's culture in building relationships with
one another?
The role of understanding other people’s culture in building relationships is that we
would be able to connect with each other without feeling offended, feel disrespected or even
fear each other. As a result, people will respect and understand us well in making
relationships. we also can prevent ourselves from misunderstanding our own culture or vice

5. What are interesting points you learn from her talk? Why or why not?
The interesting points that we can learn from her talk is the importance of cross culture
understanding in order to help us to understand each other. Besides, cross culture
understanding is also crucial for everyone all around the world to collaborate in order to
move forward through a promising future and possibility.

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