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Essay Questions
About the Book
Instructor Resources 1. China
remains an authoritarian state, but some argue
Student Resources that it will eventually
democratize. Consider several
categories of theories about
Chapter 1
modernization, cultural, structural, institutional, and
Chapter 2 actor-centered. What might each say about the case of
Chapter 3 China? Which of
these theories do you think generates
Chapter 4 the most plausible prediction? Why?
Chapter 5
2. This
chapter pointed to two kinds of distinctions about
Chapter 6
democracy: minimal
versus substantive definitions, and
Learning Objectives representative versus direct
democracy. But is there any
Key Concepts relationship between these typologies? Does
the notion
Mutiple Choice Quiz of “minimal” or “procedural” democracy pair with
Essay Questions “representative” democracy in any way? “Substantive”
with “direct”
democracy? In this essay, clarify the nature
Web Activities
of any relationship between
these typologies.
Web Links
Chapter 7 3. Some
argue that there are many democracies and that
Chapter 8 different political systems
are appropriate to different
Chapter 9 countries with different political and
cultural traditions.
First, evaluate this claim, critiquing or supporting
Chapter 10
Second, consider it in relation to several of the theories
Chapter 11 discussed
in this chapter. Could the notion of different
Chapter 12 types of democracies be
reconciled with those theories?
Chapter 13 Are they capable of explaining different
Chapter 14 outcomes in different cases? If so, how?
Chapter 15
4. The United States
has aimed to install democratic
Chapter 16 regimes abroad in many countries. Does
promotion work? Under what conditions? Consider the
of the major theories of democratization in
this chapter for the likely
success of such programs.

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