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**Crisis of Nationhood and Diaspora in Amitav Ghoshis The Shadow Lines***

**Two  key words that is Nationhood and Diaspora.**

**What is Diaspora??

Diaspora is not only the forceful migration rather it means the migration or dusperson or
displacement  but in post colonial perspective. 

In post colonial study  diaspora is the voluntary or forcible movements of people  from their
homelands into new reason.

According Amitav ura Diaspora is the result if power exercise. Diaspora is hppenedbdue to the

You will see the several types of diaspora. Voluntair migration or duaspora,social or economic 
diaspora,forceedful migration or the diaspora that is happened due ti the colonization. These are
the form if duaspora but post colonial studies talks about the forceful migration. 

When people leave their house they actvally try to settle in a forign land from their birth
place.where they try to settle there.

But they can't do it beacuse  they had a emotional attachment with their homaland.In forign place
they feel alinated and treated like a guest.Their culture  is best for them.

It is common to physiciological truma mental disorder.

ডানা ভেঙ্গে পড়লাম আমি কলকাতায় এই লাইনটার মতই তার ডানা ভাইঙ্গা আর একটা দেশে পড়ছে।
 Ellar টা ছিল social migration.
Diasporic people  as rohinga.
They aare third peraon gues if thry go back to their homeland they will treatef as they are gauest.
They will fell as last that will be "Culture sock".

The culture of our country utterly different from their native culture. 

Shadowlines is not a family  saga stories here we will find the history  indian partition of 1947.
This book is narrated within the historical. 

We will find the historical incident.Befor partition tgen during partition then after partition.

How narion is under the nationhood that means diaspora femal characters are subject of diaspora.
They are facing the crisis of diaspora.

Shadiw lines is not a family  of saga here we will find the indian partition of 1947. 

So this book narretef within the backdrut of historical partition/moment BEFORE/During/after.

****Crisis of Identity in the Shadowline****

We are talking about the existential crisis or the crisis of identity in the Shadow Lines.

We have discuss about nationhood or nationalism or the crisis and diaspora the relationship
between nationhood and diaspora.

We have already known that one of the leading character is the victim of tjis so call nationalism
or the is called diaspora. 

Thamma- she is in her identity crisis.she moves one place to another place.

Diaspora is not only the forceful migration rather it means the migration or displacement.But in
post colonial perspective diaspora is the voluntary or forcible movements of people from their
homelands into new reson.

There are voluntair migration or sicial or economic diaspora. Diaspora is happened due to the

When people leave their house they try to settle in a foreign land from their birthplace. But they
can't do it because of their emotional attachment with their homeland.

The Shadow Lines ***

The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh was written in 1988.This novel is not a family  saga stories.
Through this novel we find the history of Indian partition of 1947.
Female character are the subject of diaspora in this novel.They are facing the crisis of
diaspora.The another novel is also facing the crisis of diaspora which is jasmine written by
Bharati Mukerjec.

This novel also shoes the protagonist is trying to who is jasmin and Indian girl. She to adapt to
the American way of life in order to be able to survive. She changes her identities in several
times.As she become Jasmine fron joty.

In Shadow lines the writer comes about the topic if narions and diaspora.He is a versatile writer
because ge writes about local and global issues. The novel is focuses on nationalism and the
characters search for their own identity. One's identity has become a broad area of discussion in
postmodern studies.

Characters are not the only ones straggling with their identity. According to Gosh, a location's
identity is established by the stories and beliefs associated with that place. 
In this novel,narrator's grandmother  Thamma has to bear the effects of partition in an extreme

Partition makes her identity  and this partition has an influence on her for a lifetime.

She thinks that borders control  everyone's life and this border has been controling her as well.

She considers that countries are separated by bold lines,these bold lines then demarcate the
boundary of each country. She believes that both the sides of the border are the same and her
travel would just be like befor  when they travelled fron Dhaka to Calcutta via train. 
..    "If there isn't something in Between"
She shocked to see that there is no line in Between the two countries which can separates
them.Then she question the need if partition and the mass killing if there isn't anything that had
been done.This partition had a negative impact on tge grandmother because it made her posiyion
          Befor the retirment if Thamma she feels that
       "One should not keep.....building a future"

She doesn't like to be sentimental.But after her retiremen she fells to go back her old home which
is in Dhaka.

A bit later she comest to the realization that " Displaced" People  do not have any home to go

On arriving at Dhaka she feels that this place is no longer the seem as she knew it before.

When she comes into Dhaka she has no place to call "home" because she doesn’t  belig to this
place anymore.She loses Trudip and her Uncle. 
She understand that Borders are drawn in people’s mind and cosciens and tge idea of home only
exsts in one's memory.The psychological  confluct of her home and nationality causes her some

This trauma leads to her not being able to distinguish between   

      .  "coming home" "going away"

Partition gives rise to a confluct of identity in one's mind in return for riots,bloodshed and
terror.This separation if countries  defines the identity of a person.

According to Neogy, the partition is a

     .     "narrative of displace ment and dispossesion" people are forced to accept their new

IIa Is the another female character of this novel who is in the Social  diasporic crisis. She is
totally opposed from Thamma.
IIa's dislocation from dispora sets her free from her iwn idea of home
   .  .  "Diaspor doesn’t  mean jus geographical dispersal"

IIa doesn’t posess the sensibility of a struggling  migrant who needs to find shelters rather she
beam the personality of a person cut off from her roots and who is carelessly living.

She doesn’t represent the idea of homelessness and doesn't even want to get  into the struggle of
fubding one fir herself.Tridib explain  in his statement  about IIa that 
         " She has definitely not felt what travelling feels like"
He use this statment to exolain IIa's instability at one place.

IIa's concept of freedom is totally different  from the Thamma.Both of them have the nation of
freedom intact in their minds and personality but act as if they are poles apart.
For Thamma freedom meant the liberation of her nation from colonization. Violence is
considered fine for her when assiciated with freedom and liberty.Freedom for IIa is ti ve free
from her Culture and free from all the restrictions when someone belongs to one culture. IIA
takes the responsiblits of representing the post-modern woman who lines an independent life in
London.She is away from every kind of conservative appoach patriachal norms and restrietstion
of the society of calctta.She doesn’t want her past to keep lingering behind her. She rejects her
native culture  and in return the migrant culture  rejects her as kike "Jasmin"
They are facing the crisis of diaspora we see in this novel in a different way.

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