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Private Sector Development

Organisation Date Reporting Period

Sustainable Economic Development (DDE) 25 June 2015 2014

Activity 2014 Implemented by Rio marker Gender marker

Number Name Actual expenditure Name Organisation channel mitigation/adaptation significant/principal significant/principal

Investment Climate Facility for Africa 0 ICF Investment Climate Not applicable
Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable
14603 Facility for Africa

17068 Bio Trade Faciltation II 0 IFC International Finance Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

17931 STDF - Standards Trade Development 0 WTO World Trade Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Facility Organization

20370 CODEX Trust Fund 0 WTO World Trade Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

23406 Solidaridad Farmer Support Programme 9.740.684 Solidaridad Not applicable

PPP or network Not applicable Not applicable
Activity 2014 Implemented by Rio marker Gender marker

Number Name Actual expenditure Name Organisation channel mitigation/adaptation significant/principal significant/principal

24571 WB Trade Facilitation Facility 0 World Bank Group Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

24676 MDTF Trade & Development 1.628.452 World Bank Group

Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

25403 CBI 36.173.001 Centre for Promotion of

Government Not applicable Not applicable Significant
Imports from Developing Co

25740 Regional markets / agro logistics 388.112 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
the Netherlands

25850 Trade Mark East Africa 1.900.000 TMEA Trade Mark East
NGO Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

26138 ILO / Better Work 0 ILO International Labour

Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

26342 IDH 15.721.008 IDH The Sustainable

PPP or network Mitigation Significant Not applicable
Trade Initiative

26991 Living Wages-work in progress 76.000 Fair Wear Foundation

PPP or network Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

27229 UNCTAD Cap. Build. in Invest for Dev. 0 UNCTAD UN Conference

Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
on Trade and Development

24317 Strengthening Tax Systems 200.000 Ministry of Finance

Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
the Netherlands

25405 TA Belastingen 303.129 IBFD Int. Bureau of Fiscal

Research institute and companies
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

25707 Support to ACET 285.000 ACET African Center for

NGO Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Economic Transformation

25889 OXFAM-NOVIB CRAFT NGO support 165.000 OXFAM-NOVIB NGO Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

26808 ATAF 0 ATAF African Tax PPP or network Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Administration Forum

26398 DECP 2014-2017 1.883.516 DECP Dutch Employers NGO Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Cooperation Programme

21262 DCED 98.800 IFC International Finance Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

23347 PUM Programma 9.882.000 PUM Netherlands Senior NGO Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

24467 CNV Internationaal 2013-2016 0 CNV Christelijk Nationaal NGO Not applicable Not applicable Significant

24470 FNV Mondiaal 2013-2016 0 FNV Federatie Nederlandse NGO

Not applicable Not applicable Significant

24774 Decent Workcheck East Africa 256.880 Wageindicator Foundation NGO Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

26067 PSD Apps 9.552.441 RVO Rijksdienst voor Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ondernemend Nederland
Activity 2014 Implemented by Rio marker Gender marker

Number Name Actual expenditure Name Organisation channel mitigation/adaptation significant/principal significant/principal

26370 Base of the Pyramid (BoP) Business 2.032.117 BoP Innovation Center PPP or network Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

3278 IDF - Infrastructure Development Fund 0 FMO Netherlands Develop.

Government Mitigation Significant Not applicable
Finance Company

8848 PIDG 621.536 PIDG Private Infrastructure

Multilateral organization Mitigation and Adaptation Significant Not applicable
Development Group

15556 ORET 13.168.000 PwC Pricewaterhouse

Not applicable
Research institute and companies Not applicable Not applicable

17249 EU Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund 0 EIB European Investment

Government Mitigation Significant Not applicable

19390 ORIO 12.891.252 RVO Rijksdienst voor

Government Not applicable Not applicable Significant
Ondernemend Nederland

23280 PPIAF 0 IBRD International Bank for Principal

Multilateral organization Mitigation and Adaptation Not applicable
Reconstruc. and Develop.

25761 WB MDTF Sustainable Logistics 0 World Bank Group

Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

26643 COST 124.997 COST Construction Sector Not applicable Not applicable
NGO Not applicable
Transparency Initiative

26765 Rehabalitation road wind park 10.000.000 AfDB African Development Mitigation
Multilateral organization Principal Not applicable
Lake Turkana Bank

14330 Agricultural Risk Management 567.487 IBRD International Bank for Adaptation Significant Not applicable
Multilateral organization
Reconstruc. and Develop.

16629 FIRST II Financial Sector 0 IBRD International Bank for Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Multilateral organization
Reform and Strengthening Initiative Reconstruc. and Develop.

17949 CGAP IV 0 World Bank Group Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor

19296 EARS Schokland 32.281 EARS Earth Environment PPP or network Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Monitoring BV

23502 SME-challenge (FMO) 350.000 FMO Netherlands Develop. Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Finance Company

24186 SME-challenge (IFC) 570.000 IFC International Finance Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

24187 DHAN pilot micropension 240.000 St. Duurzame pensioenen Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
PPP or network
in ontwikkelingslanden

24457 Making Finance Work for Africa 200.000 AfDB African Development Multilateral organization Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Partnership Bank

24680 FIRST III Financial Sector Reform and 1.801.200 IBRD International Bank for Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Multilateral organization
Strengthening Initiative Reconstruc. and Develop.

24936 EFAS/IMF 424.281 IMF International Monetary Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Multilateral organization

24949 FMO MASSIF+ 2.393.437 FMO Netherlands Develop. Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Finance Company
Activity 2014 Implemented by Rio marker Gender marker

Number Name Actual expenditure Name Organisation channel mitigation/adaptation significant/principal significant/principal

25226 NPM 2013-2014 122.000 NpM Platform for Inclusive

PPP or network Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

25387 WB A2F (Financial Inclusion Framework) 4.750.000 World Bank Group Multilateral organization Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable

25430 HIF 2006-2015 (14586) 12.000.000 HIF Health Insurance Fund PPP or network Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable

25453 Core funding Consultative Group to 0 World Bank Group Multilateral organization Not applicable
Not applicable Not applicable
Assist the Poor

25940 RABO-PP 3.000.000 RABO Rabobank PPP or network Not applicable

Not applicable Not applicable

26583 Access to Insurance 500.000 GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
fur Int. Zusammenarbeit

26652 Global Index Insurance Facility 3.800.000 IFC International Finance Multilateral organization Significant Not applicable

26664 Dutch Good Growth Fund spoor 2 18.409.175 PwC Pricewaterhouse Not applicable
Research institute and companies Not applicable Significant

26854 Dutch Good Growth Fund TA spoor 2 0 PwC Pricewaterhouse Not applicable
Research institute and companies Not applicable Significant

20378 RSM Resource Center 0 Erasmus University PPP or network Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable

22041 Business Call to Action 318.440 UNDP UN Development Multilateral organization Not applicable
Programme Not applicable Not applicable

23188 Transition Facility supporting countries 8.898.802 RVO Rijksdienst voor Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
from aid to trade Ondernemend Nederland

23310 2g@there 1.197.629 RVO Rijksdienst voor Government Not applicable

Not applicable Not applicable
Ondernemend Nederland

23408 Private Sector Investment / Cooperation 35.251.925 RVO Rijksdienst voor Not applicable Not applicable
Government Significant
with Emerging Markets Programme Ondernemend Nederland

23878 FDOV 11.905.267 RVO Rijksdienst voor Mitigation and Adaptation Significant
Government Significant
Ondernemend Nederland

24016 PSI Arabische regio (non-ODA) 3.603.713 RVO Rijksdienst voor Not applicable Not applicable
Government Not applicable
Ondernemend Nederland

24850 Paraplu commit. samenwerking 390.146 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
bedrijfsleven the Netherlands

25166 Scaling up Heineken 93.484 Heineken Not applicable Not applicable

PPP or network Not applicable

26660 RSM Partnership Resource Center PPP’s 1.514.086 Erasmus University Not applicable Not applicable
PPP or network Not applicable

26663 Dutch Good Growth Fund spoor 1 45.808.760 RVO Rijksdienst voor Government Not applicable Not applicable Significant
Ondernemend Nederland

26665 Dutch Good Growth Fund spoor 3 17.620.445 Atradius Dutch State Not applicable Not applicable
Government Significant
Activity 2014 Implemented by Rio marker Gender marker

Number Name Actual expenditure Name Organisation channel mitigation/adaptation significant/principal significant/principal

26742 DHK 3.348.757 RVO Rijksdienst voor

Government Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ondernemend Nederland

26844 Dutch Good Growth Fund TA spoor 1 1.872.951 RVO Rijksdienst voor Government Significant
Ondernemend Nederland Not applicable Not applicable

26857 Dutch Good Growth Fund TA spoor 3 30.976 Atradius Dutch State Government Not applicable Not applicable Significant

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Result Area 1 Market access and sustainable trade

Result Question 1a: Did market access and sustainable trade increase?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Average time to import (African region) 39,1 days (2009) 34,3 days 34,0 days WB Trade Facilitation Facility,
World Bank Cost of Doing Business

Average time to export (African region) 32,5 days (2009) 28,5 days 28,3 days WB Trade Facilitation Facility,
World Bank Cost of Doing Business

Number of farmers trained in sustainable agriculture practices 994.439 Solidaridad Farmer Support Programme
The Sustainable Trade Initiative

Number of land- and factory workers with labour circumstances 339.167 Solidaridad Farmer Support Programme
according to international agreements The Sustainable Trade Initiative

Result Question 1b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Average time to import from port (Kenya, Mombasa) 2,3 days 6,1 days Trade Mark East Africa

Average time to import from port (Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam) 5,5 days 10,2 days Trade Mark East Africa

Number of farmers trained in sustainable agriculture practices 304.210 Solidaridad Farmer Support Programme
690.029 The Sustainable Trade Initiative

Number of land- and factory workers with labour circumstances 42.900 Solidaridad Farmer Support Programme
according to international agreements 296.267 The Sustainable Trade Initiative
Result Area 1 (remaining indicators) Market access and sustainable trade

Result Question1a: Did market access and sustainable trade increase ?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of hectares of sustainably managed land 4.803.948 Solidaridad Farmer Support Programme
The Sustainable Trade Initiative

Result Question1b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of hectares of sustainably managed land 858.687 Solidaridad Farmer Support Programme
3.945.261 The Sustainable Trade Initiative

Average additional export realised per company Centre for Promotion of Imports from Developing
- to European Union/EFTA 49.594 euro Countries
207.499 euro
- to rest of the world
Jobs created 4.519 Centre for Promotion of Imports from Developing
Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result area 1 Market access and sustainable trade

B. Results achieved as planned

Reasons for result achieved:

Implications for planning: None

Result Area 2 Laws, regulations and policy plans

Result Question 2a: What laws, regulations or policy plans were improved
and adopted? (narrative, refer to question 2b)

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Average country score on Business Regulations - Dutch aid relations June 2014 50,7 (baseline) 51,4 World Bank / Doing Business June 2015
Afghanistan, Burundi, Mali, Yemen, Rwanda, South Sudan, Palestinian - Distance to Frontier Index (0-100 = lowest to best
Territories performance by an economy on business regulation)

Average country score on Business Regulations - transition countries June 2014 53,5 (baseline) 55,2 World Bank / Doing Business June 2015
(aid-to-trade) Bangladesh, Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, - Distance to Frontier Index (0-100 = lowest to best
Mozambique, Uganda performance by an economy on business regulation)

Country performance on business regulation - transition countries June 2014 Bangladesh 46,4 Bangladesh 46,8
(aid-to-trade) according to World Bank / Doing Business June 2015 Benin 46,6 Benin 51,1
Ethiopia 55,9 Ethiopia 56,3
- Distance to Frontier Index (0-100 = lowest to best performance
by any economy on business regulation since 2005) June 2014 Ghana 64,4 Ghana 65,2
Country performance on business regulation - transition countries
Indonesia 58,1 Indonesia 59,2
(aid-to-trade) according to World Bank / Doing Business June 2015 Kenya 55,0
Kenya 54,6
- Distance to Frontier Index (0-100 = lowest to best performance
by any economy on business regulation since 2005)

Result Question 2b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Tax: e.g. number of countries which agreed with the Dutch proposal to 5 (Ethiopia, e.g. Strengthening Tax Systems, International Bureau
Malawi, Kenya, of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) / TA Belastingen
include anti-abuse clauses in their bilateral tax treaty with The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)
Zambia, Ghana)
Trade e.g. customs laws e.g. World Bank Trade Facilitation Facility,
ECOWAS harmo- Trade Mark East Africa, Investment Climate Facility,
nised to WTO TFA African Center for Economic Transformation

Financial sector e.g. credit reporting e.g. FIRST (World Bank & IMF)
system Bank South Financial Inclusion Framework, Access to Insurance
Sudan supported IFC Conflict Affected States Africa

Labour standards e.g. plan for labour Trade union cofinancing programme FNV, CNV
inspectorate Viet- ILO / Better Work Programme
nam developed e.g. Labour Standards Vietnam
Result Area 2 (remaining indicators) Laws, regulations and policy plans

Result Question 2a: What laws, regulations or policy plans were improved and adopted? (narrative, refer to question 2b)

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Country performance on business regulation - transition countries June 2014 Mozambique 52,2 Mozambique 56,9
(aid-to-trade) according to World Bank / Doing Business June 2015 Uganda 49,5 Uganda 51,1
- Distance to Frontier Index (0-100 = lowest to best performance
by any economy on business regulation since 2005)
Country performance on business regulation - aid countries June 2014 Afghanistan 41,2 Afghanistan 41,2
(aid-to-trade) according to World Bank / Doing Business June 2015 Burundi 49,9 Burundi 51,1
Mali 52,1 Mali 52,6
- Distance to Frontier Index (0-100 = lowest to best performance
by any economy on business regulation since 2005)
Country performance on business regulation - aid countries June 2014 Yemen 54,9 Yemen 54,8
Rwanda 69,4 Rwanda 70,5
(aid-to-trade) according to World Bank / Doing Business June 2015 South Sudan 34,2 South Sudan 35,7
- Distance to Frontier Index (0-100 = lowest to best performance
by any economy on business regulation since 2005) June 2014 Palest.Territ. 53,0 Palest.Territ. 53,6
Country performance on business regulation - aid countries
(aid-to-trade) according to World Bank / Doing Business June 2015
- Distance to Frontier Index (0-100 = lowest to best performance
by any economy on business regulation since 2005)

Result Question 2b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Infrastructure regulation 1st competitively e.g. PPIAFF

tendered PPP in (Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility)
Palestinian Territ. EU Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund
Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result area 2 Laws, regulations and policy plans

B. Results achieved as planned

Reasons for result achieved:

Implications for planning: None

Result Area 3 Economic institutions and actors

Result Question 3a: Did economic institutions and actors become stronger?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of supported economic institutions 16 employers org; Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme,
86 trade unions Investment Climate Facility, ACET, Trade union
55 farmer; 56 other cofinancing programme CBI, FFP Agriterra

Average number of members per supported economic institution 2014 employers 9.338 Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme,
trd.unions 134.164 Trade union cofinancing programme,
farmers 158.373 Farmers Fighting Poverty / Agriterra / 22861

Result Question 3b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of supported economic institutions and actors 16 Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme
35 Investment Climate Facility
21 African Center for Economic Transformation

Number of members of supported economic institutions and actors 149.400 Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme
300.000 Investment Climate Facility for Africa
20.000 African Center for Economic Transformation

Number of supported trade unions 70 Trade union cofinancing programme FNV

16 (15 countries) Trade union cofinancing programme CNV

Number of members of supported trade unions 9.703.461 - 38% Trade union cofinancing programme FNV
female leadership
1.834.627 -38% f Trade union cofinancing programme CNV
Result Area 3 (remaining indicators) Economic institutions and actors

Result Question 3a: Did economic institutions and actors become stronger?

(remaining indicators)
Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Result Question 3b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of strengthened Business Support Organisations 1 (2014); 5 (2013) Centre for Promotion of Imports from Developing

Number of supported farmer organisations 55 (2014) Farmers Fighting Poverty / Agriterra / 22861

Number of members of supported farmer organisations 6.217.976 8.710.534 Farmers Fighting Poverty / Agriterra / 22861
Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result area 3 Economic institutions and actors

B. Results achieved as planned

Reasons for result achieved:

Implications for planning: None

Result Area 4 Infrastructure development

Result Question 4a: Did access to improved infrastructure increase?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of end users of new or improved infrastructure 4 mln ORET, FMO Infrastructure Development Fund (flow)

Jobs supported 7.000 FMO Infrastructure Development Fund (flow)

Result Question 4b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of end users of new or improved infrastructure 1,5 mln + 2,5 mln ORET (flow, projects closed in 2014), FMO IDF (flow)
88,2 mln (2013) 108 mln (2018) 89,2 mln FMO Infrastructure Development Fund (cum, stock)

Jobs supported 103.300 (2013) 108.100 (2018) 110.272 of which FMO Infrastructure Development Fund
20.495 female (cumulative, stock)
Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result area 4 Infrastructure development

C. Results achieved poorer than planned ORIO was closed in 2014 for new project proposals due to complex implementation procedures, little attention for the non-grant financing component and for the
coherence with other programmes for private sector development. The current 65 ORIO-projects will be completed under the ORIO framework. In May 2015 the
Reasons for result achieved: first phase of a project in Vietnam was realised providing clean drinking water to 1600 rural households.

Implications for planning: ORIO was followed up in June 2015 by DRIVE and Develop2Build. DRIVE (Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle) provides subsidies to
companies that want to actively contribute to the implementation of infrastructure projects in low- and middle income countries. DRIVE is focused on private sector
development, better programmatic coherence, flexibility in the project cycle, active engagement of business and includes the possibility of concessional financing
for the entire project. Develop2Build (D2B) supports governments through technical assistance in the design and tendering of infrastructural projects. The policy
objectives of both programmes overlap, but D2B has a narrower focus: only the least developed countries and other Dutch partner countries qualify for support.
Result Area 5 Financial sector development

Result Question 5a: Did access to finance increase and has the financial
sector become more stable?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

23.228 IFC Conflict Affected States in Africa, SME Challenge

Number of SME with an outstanding loan FMO, MASSIF, Health Insurance Fund (cum. stock)
14.351 Rabobank PPP (flow 2014)

Number of improved or introduced new financial products 50 FIRST, IFC Conflict Affected States in Africa
FMO MASSIF+ , Health Insurance Fund, Global Index
Insurance Fund (flow 2014)

Number of clients with a bank account 121.908 IFC Conflict Affected States in Africa, MASSIF
(cumulative, stock)
239.820 Rabobank PPP (flow)

Jobs supported 22.337 IFC Conflict Affected States in Africa, SME Challenge
FMO, FMO MASSIF+ (cumulative, stock)

Result Question 5b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this

Global Index Insurance Programme aims to scale up index insurance to promote insurance as a risk management and mitigation tool to address challenges
related to climate change
Baseline and
Target food securityResult 2014
2017 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of SME with an outstanding loan 666 (2013, H-1) 11.728 IFC Conflict Affected States in Africa (cum. stock)
244 SME Challenge FMO (cumulative, stock)
10.639 MASSIF (cumulative, stock)

Number of improved or introduced new financial products 6 FIRST (IFC and IMF)
4 IFC Conflict Affected States in Africa

Number of clients with a bank account 1.286 (2013, H-1) 32.267 IFC Conflict Affected States in Africa (cum. stock)
89.641 MASSIF (cumulative, stock)
239.820 Rabobank (flow)

Jobs supported 1.064 -297 female IFC Conflict Affected States in Africa (stock)
8.355 SME Challenge FMO (cumulative,stock)
12.918 FMO MASSIF+ (cumulative, stock)
Result Area 5 (remaining indicators) Financial sector development

Result Question 5a: Did access to finance increase and has the financial sector become more stable?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of people enrolled in insurance programs 459.000 Health Insurance Fund; Global Index Insurance Fund
(flow 2014)

Result Question 5b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of SME with an outstanding loan 443 (2013) 617 Health Insurance Fund
0 Dutch Good Growth Fund
14.351 Rabobank PPP

Number of improved or introduced new financial products 1 Health Insurance Fund

34 Global Index Insurance Fund

Number of people enrolled in insurance programs 159.000-57% fem. Health Insurance Fund (flow 2014)
451.000 Health Insurance Fund (cumulative since 2007)
3 mln 300.000 Global Index Insurance Fund (flow 2014)
Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result area 5 Financial sector development

B. Results achieved as planned DGGF (Dutch Good Growth Fund) started in July 2014. Projects in start of implementation phase. First results will be reported in 2015.

Reasons for result achieved:

Implications for planning:

Result Area 6 Internationalisation of Dutch business

Result Question 6a: Did Dutch companies plan to invest in or trade with
developing countries?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of Dutch companies with supported investment plans 459 Transition Facility from aid to trade, 2g@there,
in developing countries PSI including PSOM/15626, FOM-OS/23180, FDOV,
HIF, ORIO, Sustainable Trade Initiative, Solidaridad

Number of local companies with supported investment plans 466 Transition Facility from aid to trade, 2g@there,
PSI including PSOM/15626, FOM-OS/23180, FDOV,
HIF, GlIF, ORIO, Solidaridad

Number of jobs created in local firms with realised investment plans 5.602 direct jobs- PSI Private Sector Investment / PSOM Cooperation
2.708 female with Emerging Markets Programme
(PSI including PSOM/15626), FOM-OS/23180)

Amount of corporate co-finance generated with ODA (mln euro) 135,7 mln Sustainable Trade Initiative, Solidaridad, FDOV,
Transition Facility,2g@there, PSI incl. PSOM/FOM-OS

Result Question 6b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of Dutch companies with supported investment plans 281 + 42 Transition Facility from aid to trade, 2g@there
in developing countries 33 PSI including PSOM/15626, FOM-OS/23180
65 + 8 Sustainable Trade Initiative, Solidaridad FSP

Number of local companies with supported investment plans 25 + 5 Transition Facility from aid to trade, 2g@there
34 PSI including PSOM/15626, FOM-OS/23180
230 Solidaridad Farmer Support Programme

Number of jobs created in local firms with realised investment plans 5.602 direct jobs- Private Sector Investment / Cooperation with
2.708 female Emerging Markets Programme (PSI including
PSOM/15626), FOM-OS/23180

Amount of corporate co-finance generated with ODA (mln euro) 1.9 mln + 1.8 mln Transition Facility from aid to trade, 2g@there
28,4 mln +20,7mln PSI including PSOM/15626, FOM-OS/23180
34,4 mln, 13,5 mln Sustainable Trade Initiative, Solidaridad FSP
Result Area 6 (remaining indicators) Internationalisation of Dutch business

Result Question 6a: Did Dutch companies plan to invest in or trade with developing countries?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of registered requests for Dutch services in 2014 in partner 68 aid countries RVO Achilles
countries of The Netherlands: Afghanistan (6), Bangladesh (23), Benin 554 transition coun
(9), Burundi (7), Ethiopia (50), Ghana (216), Indonesia (130), Yemen
(7), Kenya (76), Mali (11), Mozambique (21) Uganda (29), Palestinian
Number of (2),
supported Dutch 11 in fragile states PSD Apps
Territories Rwanda (19),interventions
Sudan (16). abroad for 25 transition count
private sector development
14 other countries

Result Question 6b: To what extent has your programme contributed to this result?

Baseline Target 2017 Result 2014 Result 2015 Result 2016 Source

Number of Dutch companies with investment plans 24 FDOV - Facility Sustainable Enterprise Food Security
in developing countries 2 Health Insurance Fund, Rabobank PPP

Number of local companies with investment plans 24 FDOV - Facility Sustainable Enterprise Food Security
145 financial SME Health Insurance Fund, Global Index Insurance Fund
3 ORIO, Rabobank PPP

Number of local companies with investment plans (more programmes) 28.853 FMO MASSIF+ (cumulative, stock)

Amount of corporate co-finance generated with ODA (mln euro) 35 mln (8,3 in kind) FDOV - Facility Sustainable Enterprise Food Security
Assessment of results achieved by NL across the entire Result area 6 Internationalisation of Dutch business

B. Results achieved as planned

Reasons for result achieved:

Implications for planning: None


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