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How do children view life differently from adults?

Children are innocent, trusting souls. Adults are hardened by life experiences. People
view the world drawing on their own experiences. Take for example two people that are
the same age, living in the same town. Person A has travelled extensively around the
world while Person B has never been out of town. Their perspective of the world would
be very different. Use this example as a starting point for how children view the world.
Comparatively speaking a child would likely have a simplified view of the world
compared to an adult. Children also view the world with innocence and positivity, not
having experienced people at their worst.

The next time you go to a family friendly function or event, watch what happens when
families arrive. The kids and their parents will go their separate ways. The parents will try
to find someone they know and enjoy talking to, about the same old stuff. Their children
will find other children in the room and play like they have been best friends forever.

As we age the our view of the world expands accordingly and we tend to be able to
understand more about our world with our growing knowledge, perhaps we could say
that the mystery has been replaced by fact. A child has a rich fantasy world in which
possibilities are limitless, they may for instance believe in fairies or perhaps giants and
unicorns etc and be less aware of the realities of life.

Children think innocently. They love everyone they don't see skin color and their brains
are little sponges . That's why we as adults need to watch what we say and how we
behave. They do not have filters either.

Children experience time differently than adults. For a child, for example, going through
the fourth grade, through summer vacation, and entering the fifth grade represents a
really long span of time. By contrast, for that child’s parents, that same period of time
goes by relatively quickly.

Children tend to take things very literally because they have not developed the cognitive
abilities, nor do they have the life experience required to see nuance and irony.

Children also have a much harder time than adults in grasping the idea that other people
live in home environments and cultures that are very different than their own.

Child doesn’t have as many filters, preconceptions, thinking habits as adults do. Kid’s
perception is purer.
What is the difference between the way a child thinks and
the way an adult thinks?
A child never has Trust issues. Ever seen a child scared of jumping in your arms from a
distance/height? No because they know we will catch them. On the other hand adults
have a hard time Trusting others.

Second thing which I actually admire is that children never hold grudges. You scold
them, they cry and at the end of the day they cling to you. Adults on the other hand
can't let go off things.

They have a natural instinct of filtering the bad and looking things in their purest form.
Not same with adults.
If every adult thought as a child does, our world would be a better place.

Adults have a tendency to worry about the future and regret the past. We feel sorry
for ourselves for not making proper decisions yesterday, rather than fixing the problem
that it has caused for today.

Conversely, children are relatively care free. They focus on playing instead of worrying
about bills. They learn from mistakes they make, and keep trying til they get it right,
rather than worrying they might mess up next time.

The most successful adults retain the fearlessness and sense of now, they learn from
mistakes and are happy to make more of them. They make powerful decisions using
their intuition and make massive moves based on what feels right.

The more you live the life of a child in an adult world, the better your chance of living an
complete, satisfying and abundance filled life.
When the knowledge acquired transforms into wisdom then the adult life can be very
different to the child life but maintaining similar joys of a child.

To go into this wisdom is to understand yourself and watch yourself more and more.

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