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After 1 Year Reading Progression Comments

Basic Proficient Advanced

Is still learning the various Is able to understand that we read to Understands that we read to get
purposes of reading. get meaning. meaning and can explain what they
have learnt.

Is learning how to solve Can persevere when having Attacks difficulties in reading
problems when they face difficulties in reading and is able to with confidence and is able to
difficulties in their reading. problem solve. problem-solve independently.

Is still learning to slow down in Self-corrects when necessary. Confidently and consistently
their reading and notice when they self-corrects their reading.
have made mistakes.

Is learning new comprehension Responds to texts using a range of Interprets and responds to
strategies to help them interpret and comprehension strategies. texts using a wide range of
respond to texts. comprehension strategies.

Is still developing understanding Understands concepts about Understands all concepts about
about print concepts, e.g. reading print, e.g. reading left to right, print, e.g. reading left to right,
left to right, matching spoken with matching spoken with written matching spoken with written
written word, illustrations match word, illustrations match text. word, illustrations match text, and
text. is able to discuss them with others.

Is beginning to use appropriate Uses appropriate language about Uses appropriate language about
language about books, e.g. title, books, e.g. title, author, books confidently and can discuss
author, illustrations. illustrations. their meanings, e.g. title, author,

Is beginning to sound out words Uses their developing phonemic Has an advanced phonemic
they are unsure of. awareness to sound out words. awareness and uses this to
sound out words.

Is able to name and sound out Is able to name and sound out Is able to confidently name and
some of the letters in the each letter in the alphabet. sound out each letter in the
alphabet. alphabet and apply this in their

Recognises a range of Recognises many high-frequency Recognises a high level of high-

high-frequency words in their words in their instructional texts. frequency words in their
instructional texts. instructional texts.

Is beginning to decode Decodes unfamiliar words using a Decodes unfamiliar and tricky words
unfamiliar words. range of strategies and prior using a high range of strategies and
knowledge. prior knowledge.

Is beginning to understand the Understands the meaning of basic Understands the meaning of
meaning of basic punctuation, punctuation, e.g. full stops, most punctuation, e.g. full stops,
e.g. full stops, speech marks and speech marks and question marks. speech marks and exclamation
question marks. marks.

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