The Apple Way of Conducting Meetings

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The Apple Way of Conducting Meetings

Apples three models of conducting meeting;

The Small Team Model -Ken Segall, an American Blogger, in his book "Madly Simple"
given an illustration of Steve Jobs working style. He referenced that Job in a gathering with
an advertisement office asked a lady who was she, she answered she was from showcasing
group. Occupations essentially requested that she leave the meet, this occurrence gives us a
thought of Job working style that 'everybody present in the gathering was because of some
purpose'. Apple intentionally keeps its gatherings little of individuals with basic reasoning. It
centres and spurs individuals to give their contributions to a more brilliant way.
The Personal Accountability Model – In Monday review meetings employees have a clear
and specific agenda for each one of them and are called ‘Directly Responsible Individual’ as
they are solely responsible for their part.
The Direct Communication Model - From the author of ‘Steve Jobs’, Walter Isaacson, we
got to know that Jobs does not like formal presentations. He wants his employee to think
critically and talk passionately. According to him people who know what they are talking
about do not need presentations or power point.
Though these models were considered very productive but some find it alarming. Jobs
successor Timothy D. Cook (Cook) was a democratic leader who used to encourage his
employees and was considered as confident and charismatic whereas Jobs being an autocratic
leader was kind of aggressive in nature which led to slower the decision making and
decreased the innovative drive.

Work Culture at Apple;

Each representative straightforwardly got leader level input on a convenient premise.
Apple Corporate TV was made wherein all worker gatherings held at the Cupertino office
were broadcast live through satellite to all the Apple workplaces all around the world.
'Breakfast Club' gatherings were held at 7 am each day with key chiefs to keep them
'Hearsay Café' was another gathering held at the cafeteria at certain undefined occasions to
talk about any problematic reports or tattle and to answer any inquiries set forth by any
representative without feeling any pressure.
At the point when Steve Jobs got back to Apple in 1997, another worth that was added to the
organization culture was outright mystery. Every one of the new workers needed to consent
to a privacy arrangement which was built up in the new-representative direction programs.
No individual chatter were supported during gatherings and they advanced stringently on
business issues according to the recorded plan focuses.
Groups fostering similar ventures were uninformed of what the other group was doing except
if they required some data from the other group. The working of the Apple groups resembled
a riddle and the general result of the riddle was known distinctly to the highest order. Apple
representatives were similarly wary about sticking around even after work.
Apple's Public Relations (PR) division kept up with the most extreme mystery and flowed
distinctly as much data as was considered significant. The PR meeting was mostly a single
direction exchange.

Meetings at Apple chaired by Steve jobs:

Steve jobs – always expected employees to inculcate the company’s unique culture through a
series of review meetings.

“At Apple quality is stressed over quantity “

 Meetings had a specific agenda and scheduled on a particular day of the week.

 Monday – with executive management team over results and strategy (paid deep
attention to the minutest details of product being developed).
 Wednesday – with marketing communications team (Agenda less, critical thinking,
engaging, independent on technology).
 Incase of emergency meetings they are conducted at Head-office face-to – face.

Rules of road Product launch

 Pixar building – To promote collaborations and generate new ideas.

 Prioritizing – Steve was always concerned about time so he prioritize top 3 points out
of 10.
 Top 100 employes are selected to attend highly confidential product review meetings
in an undisclosed location.
 Target oriented – he was always committed to the product goals & works on them
strategically to achieve the target.

Meeting at Apple chaired by Tim Cook;

He was considered for his administrative abilities, his longing to make the most ideal items,
his capacity to deal with major key choices, his craving to work in a beginning up climate and
a level association, and to be an accomplice to a solid chief. His character contrasted from
that of Jobs. He was amiable and persevering, was known for his intensity.
Cook's most significant individual trait was that he was a business person on a fundamental
level, had the shrewdness needed to deal with the Apple climate, and in conclusion however
most altogether, could adapt up to Jobs' demeanour and requesting disposition.
He proceeded with Apple's act of leading week by week gatherings and maintaining the
classification of its inventive new items.
The gatherings that Cook led were known for the length and expansiveness of the
clarifications he anticipated from his staff.
Tim Cook, as impressive as Steve Jobs, was not terrifying but rather unobtrusively powerful,
pushed on straightforwardness and joint effort, and was considered by the workers to be more

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