Touchstone Unit 11 Review Name: - Cesareo Sánchez Nancy - I. Adjectives

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Touchstone Unit 11 Review

Name: __Cesareo Sánchez Nancy_________________________________________

I. Adjectives
Link the following adjectives that are antonyms below.

1. good wrong

2. fat old

3. big small

4. tall closed

5. in short

6. young out

7. open bad

8. hot thin

9. up cold

10. right down

II. Simple Past

a) Read the following story about ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ and complete the text below.
1. Once upon a time there (be) _______________ three bears: huge Papa Bear, ordinary Mama Bear and tiny
little Baby Bear. They (live) _________________in
lived a great big wood.
2. One day, ordinary Mama Bear (cook) ________________
cooked a delicious porridge for her family and (put)
_______________it into bowls: a huge bowl for huge Papa Bear, an ordinary bowl for ordinary Mama Bear
and a tiny little bowl for tiny little Baby Bear.
3. To give the porridge some time to cool down, the three bears (go) _________________for
went a walk.
4. Near the great big wood, there (live) ___________________ a little girl called Goldilocks.
5. She (be) __________________
was not allowed to go into the wood. But one day, she (sneak) ________________
of the house and (run) ___________________ intoran the great big wood.
6. After a while, she (come) __________________
came to the house of the three bears.
7. She (knock) ____ ________________ looked
at the door. She (look) _________________ through the windows. But
nobody (seem) __________________ to be there.
8. So, little Goldilocks (step) _________________ inside.

b) Complete the following exercise about was and were here below to practice your skill about it.
I was at the cinema last night.
1) (I / be / at the cinema last night) _________________________________________.

Was the children naughty?

2) (the children / be / naughty)? _________________________________________.
Are we in a cafe when you called?
3) (we / be / in a cafe when you called)? _______________________________________.

Was I late?
4) (I / be / late)? _________________________________________.

She was a teacher when she was young.

5) (she / be / a teacher when she was young) ____________________________________.

III. Wh Questions in Simple Past

Answer the following questions in simple past with your own words.
1. When did you buy that sweater? I bought it two months ago.
2. Why did the computer break down? Because water fell on it.
3. How long did the train journey take? I have never traveled by train.
4. Why didn’t you tell me about the accident? Because it was nothing serious.
5. John scored a goal, didn’t he? No, he missed the goal.
6. Their dogs barked all night, didn’t they? Yes, they do. They don't let me sleep.
7. Kate didn’t take out the rubbish bin, did she? No, she didn't. because she was busy.

IV. Anyway
Watch and listen to the following clip and use ‘Anyway’+ any complement you want to use in order
to write six sentences about it. The clip is called Starship Troopers - Sgt. Zim Clips.1

1. Anyway, the captain is very rude with the cadets.

2. Anyway, the cadet started laughing and the captain punished him.

3. Anyway, the captain threw a knife at a cadet.

4. Anyway, the female soldier confronts the captain.

5. Anyway, cadets practiced for a war.

6. Anyway, a soldier died during training.

7. Anyway, John confronts the captains.

8. Anyway, John was sentenced to receive ten lashes.

V. Punctuation
Write your answers after the chart about the following exercise related to punctuation.

1 channel=israelwillburn


Your answers here:

My dog blacky loves to go for a walk.

I saw “a horse galloping down the street”. It was brown and white.

She bought oranges, apples, bananas and watermelon from the shop.

What would you like to eat.?

Watch out for the lion!

He’s sorry that he couldn’t come.

Alice quickly answered, “I like chocolate ice cream”.

V. Regular and Irregular Verbs
Write next to the following verbs the past simple and the past participle below.

Past simple Past participle

awoke awoken
Was/were Been
became become
Began Begun
bet bet
Bit bitten
Blew blown

broke broken
brought brought
burnt burnt
bought bought
cast cast
caught caught
chose chosen
Came come
cost cost
Cut cut
Did done
Drew drawn
dreamt dreamt
Drank drunk
drove Driven
ate eaten
fell fallen
fed fed
felt felt
fought Fought

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