Introduction: Team Members Teller: Instead of Going To School On Weekdays The Children Study Online at

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Introduction: Team members

Teller: Instead of going to school on weekdays the children study online at

home because of covid-19 pandemic. At A’ house.
(Pic 1) A:OMG the power went out but today I have an online class. What am I
doing? Let me see....I will come to B’s house to study.
Teller: A knocked at the door.
(Pic 2) A: Hello B. How are you?
B: Hi A. Come in.
A: Can I study with you?
B: Yes, we can study together. I forgot what time do we have the class?
A: at 8 a.m. We have 15 minutes left.
(Pic 3): A, B: Goodmorning teacher!
A: Hey B..........I left my pen at home. Could I borrow your pen?
B: Here you are!
Teller: While they were studying, B’s younger sister came in.
(Pic 4) Younger sister: sister Can you play with me?
B: Keep silent please! I’m studying. You can play with your doll.
Teller: Younger sister felt sad and got out the room. But she turned back the
(Pic 5): Younger sister: sister....sister I’m hungry! I wanna some pizza,
B: oki okiiiiiiii I’ll buy for you later. Now get out of the room. Please!!!!
(Pic 6): younger sister: sister sister Can I borrow your phone?
(Pic 7) : OMG. Mommmmmmm. Where are you!!!!!! How can I study when
my sister always asks me?
5 tips for online for online learning during covid-19
-prepare your study area: this will help you settle in and get into the mindset of
-establish a routine and stick to it
-block out distractions by keeping your phone on the other side of the room or
in another room.
-track your progress on a to-do list on your desktop.
-word document or using pen and paper.
Sing: Stay home-Save lives
Suggestion questions:
1. Advantages and disadvantages of studying online?
2. Do you like studying online or offline? Why?

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