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THEORY OF STRUCTURES Pre Stressed Concrete (Tutorial) LOSSES IN PRESTRESSED PRE — STRESSED SLAB PRE — STRESSED BEAMS PRE — STRESSED BRIDGES SEGMENTAL BRIDGES Yogesh Chaudhari (5) Vishal Das (9) Jai Dige (10) Pragati Dighe (11) puma OS |» Losses in _ Precbvess — _|- Te has been obsewved that the prestsessing force induced in a member does nok __-sernain constant but it decreases with _| the passage. ck time on accoust of verious ___vresvsons . : | - The total losses _rnoy be bigh_as Is. ‘le to 20 ‘lof the _ initial “prestressing, Force. The _designex_ must into accouct_all __| such losses The __ienpertact_caces a _lese 4} i re shweSsin' wee owe $= _ |) 21 astic_shoxtening cb concaete Ste P| | 2) Due to creep in concrete. __|.3) Shrinkage ip _comerete ___| 4) Frictional loss - Ale eS _| 2 Due to creep io steel et ee 5) Due_te “lip at anchorages ee ee! eT PWT, member _| Pre-tensioned | ch Th sh | bh | ~ Elastic ehorteni ag & Wh 3% Js beoding of concxete. a treantcna 7 MALHA f CONGRETO DEACO SUPERIOR SOLUNA, MALHA DEACO INFERIOR CORDOALHA + Prestressed Slabs —— : ee © Prestvessed slabs axe prestressed concrete elements that have a constant css section, | They ave manufactered using high tensile | strength prestressed stands or Single wire “thet axe ermbedded within the elerent. _ |e BenBitge - Floors can be. _guickly Jeasily constsucted _ _ - lower susfauce “is Smooth”, can be lef as _ —___|_Seen ar can be simply painted - 25 ——| |= Concrete elements require minimal Supposk __ - fo —ducring installation . 5 i estes 2 | _|-Tnexease in shear st {th by eliminating in Fill blocks . mes $ a ~ Lexge production volumes, —|7 Rigidity dusring loading unloading lifting 2 | rnb tchigg SES seleng, Hing —_|= Qluality asSuewance. | + Concrete bord ‘normally — Bo =120 ram thick + length: upto ism. SSSSS~*S | wi th_1_noxrnally upto. Sm _clepending upon | = production _technelagy and the. transpy ior} “facilities to _consbnuiton cites Eien al Seanad with GerSuenner 2 Preeheseed Beams (euldings) —Rectangolar bears osu. osed as covering beams/ ativan lapping caith. Smallslengthot- tthe span Becms_o20 __ made _précheescd (veg Gevenuine emfercmaeDper Det 07 Sib nd mayrenfoncementCtoide aepe, sémfore nent) —_T=Shaped cross Section beams axe. Osed_as oor —beams with medions 2 lorge Spas -_______ —__L- Shaped cross Section last (facade Mear beams) 1. _ ae T= beams ‘of cross: 2ectio Ore used for_root £ Hoom 28th losige. Spey. ———Rons.o92_osed_aesecondasry beams byes of TONS _ 1. RUNS OF Saepe. 2-80 ns _of Vt-type. a e _____ 3, ~Runs_of We cheng alery Gecko 9 ~— _ prestressed beam _aste ideal for ides bydushdalag __ wel as mult =ctoreyed_snecidential Project ____® “Pae-stressed Beam ______Types of prie=stresecd Beam. 2 _Poedsesced Bean (Emdged nn fat ne — The pneshesecad beam bridges -nas Several precast LPSC_ beams sopportmna tne opper Stale -Sotnot_vebicles— and fecleen aim _canipass loves it.The badge canbe —Ccomposed_of_| span. multi Spam Lotte 20740 Mp post CONNECTION. BGAM ZA, ~Pre=Shassed Segmental Jondges Sef = ~—A_SegMemba) bridges a baidge Ibuilt mn chart Sections —__ ——Ceauied segments) thatle one plece ot time + And then = ~—+Segnnents_ome erected +0 make Hoe baidge The, lomdge. ——— +18 either cast inplow er precast ______________ This mcthad is osed for_long bidges “Iti -cconarcical a ——— sehen thers loge no:.6}. span $$. = The shuctoze.cam_be fo loaded_and immedioscly ——ofter beng _pre-stressed The prestreesed_cablee ican be spected “The -peeshesacd cables.can le mepected and ——_staplated at outings Segmental baldges cow classified under-tHre followrng:. | Balance camhlevest knidges seo Hee ek ne x Me dpe 2-Span_by_tencconshucied bridges : —4Inctementally laundbes!_baidges. o laa eet . ; ; ~ RE: SIREsSEp SEGMENTAL BRIBGE - 7 OAS TIAHts—__LAUNCHI B — BeP Direction —> a seni “By OY EF a T “T Ts} pt rn 7 Bani

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