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28th Sunday of Ordinary Time / 6th Sunday of the Season of Creation

Indigenous Peoples’ Sunday
October 11, 2020


Commentator: Good morning/afternoon sisters and brothers. Today

is the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time and the 6th Sunday of the
Season of Creation. It is also the Indigenous Peoples’ Sunday and
the Culmination of our celebration of the Season of Creation.

On September 1, we have opened the Season of Creation

highlighting the theme of this year’s celebration which is ‘Jubilee
for the Earth.’ We have integrated this theme in all activities but
especially in our liturgies throughout all the previous Sundays by
aiming to bring the natural world into our liturgies and our liturgies
in the natural world. Every Sunday, we chose a more particular
theme based on the readings of the day within the context of our
Season of Creation celebration. Our particular theme on the first
Sunday was Love of Neighbors and we expanded our notion of
neighbors to include all creatures, both human and other than

human. On the second Sunday we had as our theme, Live in God’s
Mercy: Care for Our Common Home, and we gave emphasis on the
eighth corporal and spiritual work of mercy which is Care for Our
Common Home, as added by Pope Francis in the traditional sets of
seven in his letter “Show Mercy to our Common Home” which he
released on September 1, 2016. On the third Sunday, our theme was,
“God is just in his ways and generous to all.” We reiterated then, that
God’s just and generous ways overflow in all creation. On the fourth
Sunday, our theme was, Ecological Conversion and Ecological
Justice, and with this we meant turning away from our wicked ways
that is destroying our planet and doing God’s will which includes
listening to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, right-
relationships with all creatures and again, caring for Earth, our
Common Home. Last Sunday, the fifth Sunday of the Season of
Creation, our theme was, “Take Care of God’s Vineyard and we
pointed out that this vineyard is none other than Earth, our
Common Home.

Today as we culminate our celebration of the Season of Creation, we

chose the theme “Celebrating the Feast of God’s Bounty in Creation.”
As in the parable of the wedding feast in today’s gospel, everyone is
invited in this feast of God’s bounty. However, a wedding garment is
necessary and has actually been given to us freely by the One who

has invited us, our Loving Creator. This garment is love for
creation. Unless we wear this garment, we cannot be fit to celebrate
the feast of God’s bounty. What a synchronicity that we also
celebrate today the Indigenous Peoples’ Sunday because our
indigenous brothers and sisters all over the world are the exemplar
of love for creation.

Together then with all our indigenous sisters and brothers and in
the name of all that is, let us celebrate the bountiful feast of God’s
love overflowing in all creation. Let us rejoice in God’s invitation for
all, “Come, you are invited to this Holy Wedding Feast!”


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