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1. Lead Casket

 Prince of Morocco when sees the lead casket, says that “This casket threatens. Men that
hazard all do it in hope of fair advantages. A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross.
I’ll then nor give nor hazard aught for lead.”
 Morocco's Prince is a cautious individual.
 Perhaps too careful. 
 Appears egotistical in his answer, claiming that a golden intellect should not
descend to chose anything useless.
 Prince of Araagon encounters the lead casket, he bluntly says “You shall look fairer ere I
give or hazard.”
 He, like the Prince of Morocco, exudes arrogance and grandeur, but in a different
 Portia, he concludes, is not worth the danger of losing everything.

2. Silver Casket

 Prince of Morocco looks at the silver casket and says “As much as he deserves – pause
there, Morocco, and weigh thy value with an even hand. If thou beest rated by thy
estimation, thou dost deserve enough; and yet enough may not extend so far as the lady.
And yet to be afeard of my deserving were but a weak disabling of myself. As much as I
deserve – why, that’s the lady! I do in birth deserve her, and in fortunes, in fraces, and in
qualities of breeding, but more than these, in love I do deserve.”
 The Prince of Morocco has a high opinion of himself, 
 but he isn't sure if the method he assesses his "value" is the same method Portia's
father calculated the weight of the coffin. 
 Despite the fact that he thinks of himself in such a way, he did not pick the silver
 The Prince of Arragon says“Who shall go about to cozen fortune and be honorable
without the stamp of merit? Let none presume to wear an undeservèd dignity. Oh, that
estates, degrees and offices were not derived corruptly, and that clear honor were
purchased by the merit of the wearer! How many then should cover that stand bare! How
many be commanded that command! How much low peasantry would then be gleaned
from the true seed of honor! And how much honor picked from the chaff and ruin of the
times to be new varnished!”
 In the end, he chose the silver coffin and feels it is "well spoken."
  He support his decision, stating that he is being rational rather than overvaluing
himself and demanding more.
  Prince of Arragon is a practical guy.

3. Golden Casket

 Prince of Morocco on having to give a decision“It was too gross to rib her cerecloth in
the obscure grave. Or shall I think in silver she’s immured, being ten times undervalued
to tried gold? O, sinful thought!” 
 He ultimately picked it because he feels, that because Portia is such an
unattainable treasure that men will traverse enormous seas to get, the only
material worthy of housing her photo is gold.
 his feelings for Portia to clouded his judgment. 
 The Prince of Arragon was right when he said that “By the fool multitude that choose by
show, not learning more than the fond eye doth teach…”
 He perceives the wealth as a ruse to hide the truth within the casket.
 He is cautious and thoughtful, yet refuses to take chances.
 The choice of the Prince of Morocco is straightforward. He went for the gold coffin since
it appeared to be the most apparent and appealing option. Arragon, on the other hand,
makes his decision with greater caution. Arragon is a pompous person.

 Due to the frightening warning, Arragon rejects lead and believes that gold relates to the
populace's folly. Instead, he opts for silver, implying that he will get what he deserves.

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