A Good Friend LEVEL 3

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Yoko's mother goes home. “I'm going home now,” says Eric. “My parents will be worried. come and see you tomorrow after the test. Yoko says, “Thanks again, Eric. You're a good friend.” “That's okay,” he rep He looks at her and smi friend to me.” s. He says, "You are more than a good A Good Friend Written by Rob Waring and Maurice Jamall eme69 ‘SiN O10, oug 1 OH0A 0} PULL) POO e aie oA 3143 ‘Kos w,| “214g ‘NOA YUeYP ‘JAMA, “SKeS BUS ,,'995 | "YO. -djay $243 Inoge pue ‘afij0q ayy al] 8y3 jNoge WOW 1aY S{J9} O40, (,ABUIyTAI@Ae MOU OF UBM | “OOA WYGIUO Jnoge aw |/AL, ‘sAse EMeBO SW LAU, |, '8U0 peg ay} WL] “2UO peg ay} JOU SI 2113 ‘Woy ‘INg,, ‘Shes O40, paluom Jeun6 ysau0} pasudins 300) uns : amoq ‘e = wpeaq . uny m0 jeridsoy Aue 0 flees Barrer cle] Mrs. Ogawa is very happy to see Yoko again. “Yoko, are you okay?" she asks. “V'm fine now, but my foot hurts," she says. “Mom, I'm really sorry.” “That's okay,” her mother says. “You are okay now.” Mrs. Ogawa thinks Eric is bad because Yoko is hurt. She does not know about Yoko's lie. She does not know about Eric’s help. “Eric, I'm really angry with you. Don't ask Yoko to go to the beach again,” she says. “Do you want to come?” asks Eric. Eric is at his friend Yoko's house. He and Yoko often go to the beach. “\'m going down to the beach again. | want to watch the sun go down and sing some songs. We'll have a great time,” he says. “Can you come?" he asks. “Thanks, Eric, Yeah, | want to come,” she says. “I'll ask my mom." She's very excited. eh my A o yeydsoy ayp 01 5806 emeGo ‘IW 1 BWOD BSBB|q “OFA YUM Jeqidsoy ayp re w,1,, “shes ay ,,'919 S| SIYL “eMeBO “SHIN ‘O|IPH,, “D149 Sq] ‘auoyd ay} sueay ays UaYL “payiom US WZO%OA SBIBUM, "eMEBO “SIN SAUIYR TOU YO, “asnoy ayy 18A0 je $400] emeBGg ‘SII! paq Ul! JOU S! ays “a1aY} JOU S| OA Ng “WYyBIUPOOB: ‘Aes 0} W004 5,040, 0} S206 JYIOUL 5,0>404 “O01 MOU SIH fuan MOOT 3893 © No 06 2,Ue9 NOK ‘ON, “skes EMEBO “SIN iON, 112S23]q "WOY ‘KexO aq |],31 ju Aleas 4 O04 sKes ,‘puar4yhog Au 20u s,ay ‘WOIN Ing, {“puaLisfog @ 404 BuNof 003 o4e No& puy ‘Aog jo pury 3ey} a1} 3,UOP | “Buo| 00} S| 4eY SIH j,uop | ‘ON, ‘shes ays “21/9 7e YOO] EMEBO “HW ‘yaYZOU Jay S4Se OYOA ,,06 | UD, “It’s very dark,” says Yoko. “I can't see.” “Don't worry, Yoko. I'll help you," says Eric. Eric says, “Yoko, here, you can have my jacket. You're cold,” he says. He gives Yoko his jacket. “Thanks, Eric," she says. “You're so kind. And you're a good friend.” Then it starts to rain. They start walking again. 12 Yoko talks to Eric. “I'm sorry, Eric. | can’t go. | have a test tomorrow. Mom wants me to study,” she says. Eric understands. “Oh, | see,” he says. ‘m really sorry, Eric. | really want to come with you.” It’s okay. Ill see you at school tomorrow. Bye.” "Yeah. Bye,” says Yoko. -fusos Ayjeos w,|4 °SKes ays 4/9109 SHULL, “Bupyjem daay 5321,, ‘shes ay ,/eudsoy ayj.02 Nod axe 0} quem | “914 NOK aneaj pue diay 404 06 3,Ued |, ‘shes 2113 umop 6ulo6 si uns ayy, ‘hem 6uo} & 040A $1189 2143 wang 300} Ay “220s Aue y]2M 3,U29 |, “shes ays ,/RUOS tt) U3, “squiyy ays “auiyy BuO} e 404 3143 yNoge SAUL 040, 4,00} ’sBuos alos Buls PUY, “S{UIYR ays ,,‘UMOp 06 UNs a4? 95 0} UM |, “ypeag ayy uo 2113 YM aq 0} sjueM ays “ApNas OF UBM 3,USBOP 03404 "WOO JY 02 92Bq $806 OYOA 19327 Yoko cannot ride her bike. They do not have a phone. They cannot call for help. Nobody can help them. “Yoko, I'll help you get home,” says Eric. Yoko replies, “But what about the bikes, and your guitar?” “Let's leave the bikes and guitar here,” he says. “I'll get them tomorrow.” Eric helps Yoko. Shi heavy and it is hard work. 10 Yoko does not tell her mother she wants to go to the beach. “Mom,” she says. “| don’t want dinner tonight. | want to study for tomorrow's test, and then go to sleep,” she says. Yoko's mother is very surprised. “You never study for tests, and it’s only 6 o'clock,” she says. Yoko says, “Good night! “Oh, okay. Good night, Yoko,” says her mother. Yoko goes back to her room. But she does not study. She goes out of her window. She wants to see Eric! “shes ays ,"4]2M 1,Ue> | ‘ON, ,cfeyo nok aay (Ou "YO, ‘shes a} a]s.0q ax te s4oo] 3143 1205 AW 3nd a[30q DYL., ‘SAWS BYS , ‘SLNY 3005 AW “sys 9113 ,, L004 ‘BUOIM SALYAA, pno,, ‘shes uaya 040A ‘say 0} UdYSI] JOU SEOP 3} “AIG 404 0} eq 194 $942} 23 Buos awios Buys 07 1UeM 3 ‘ON, MOU BUOY >peq NOA Gules W,| ‘paLUOM aq jI!M say;oW Ino, ‘sKes w2ldg ‘nok URI UMOp 06 UNs aya a5 03 JUeM 1 ING, “OHOA shes 440A, ‘Poof 30u $,eUL, ‘SKS 21 484 Noe pue JBYIOW 49Y INOge WHY $}J2} O%OA “9341 48Y UO YDeaq aL} 0} SAPLI OFA,

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