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Communication 11 The rules of conversation Vocabulary & Speaking Reanecrrtnt 12 Lookat situations a-c, which show conversations between people from different cultures. In each there has been a ‘cross-cultural misunderstanding. With a partner, discuss ‘what has caused the misunderstanding. . How much do you e Check the answers on page 126 Or oxford 3000™ Look at the list of things that can happen in a conversation. Check you understand the words in bold in the phrases. Pura tick next to the things you would aim to do and ‘across next to the ones you would try to avoid. have a row put someone at ease listen enthusiastically establish shared interests ask appropriate questions have a misunderstanding have some awkward silences put your foot in it ‘make small talk make good impression tell an entertaining story offend someone dominate the conversation hitit off with someone ® Cross-cultural 9. @ communication Acai 0% 9° wz statuette Deh tema ‘casual conversation. This distance varies between cultures. In North America the distance is 45cm. Write G (greater) or $ (smaller). ‘2 Western Europe ___¢ the Middle East __ b Japan __ 2 a East Asian b Spanish © American G2 10 4 1s 3 Workin groups and do the following. Tell the othersin the 7 Discuss in small groups. What advice would you give a group about... visitor o your country about the following? 1 aperson you know who is good at putting people at + personal space ‘+ making eye contact rasennd how they doit, ‘common gestures * conversation topics 2. aperson you know who tends to dominate the omterrupthg ined ‘Sonversailon, 8 Read the Grammar focus box and choose the correct 3. atime when you or someone you know puthis/her options to complete the rules, footin it 4. aperson you hit it off with as soon as you met them, nan 5. how easy or difficult you find it to make small talk. using diferent question types 4 Howmuch do you know about cross-cultural communication? With a partner, read and discuss the answers to the quiz. 5 120)Listentoatalkby atrainerin cross-cultural communication, Check your answers tothe questions in the quiz 6 149 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Inthe Middle East, how farapart do two people, who avenot friends, stand during a conversation? | Grammar Reference page 36 2. Whyaresilences in conversation a positive thing in some parts of East Asia? 9 Lookagain at the highlighted questions in the 3. Inwhich country is it acceptable to ask somebody exercise 4. Find examples of... about their salary? 1 subject questions where there is no auxiliary verb. 4 Inthe Philippines, what can you be arrested for? 2 indirect questions. 3 questions with a preposition at the end. ‘10a Put the words inthe right order to make questions. laugh / what / makes / you? favourite / about / what's / your / book? awake / what / night / keeps / you / at? cout / do / you / think /go / will / you / tonight? most / who / in / your / family / similar /to / are / you? your / do / you / why / parents / know / name / chose / your? 3. Whaispedke the loudest? Put the nationalities in onder from 1-3(1 = quiet > 3 = loue. ‘Northern European East Asian _ b South American 4 In the UK, which of these questions might you ‘ask when making small talk? b How much do you earn? Whereabouts are you from? : b Now discuss the questions with your partner. d Who will you vote fr inthe election? 11 Workwith a partner. You are going to write some questions about languages for your partner. Student A, turn to page 5 Where do these gestures cause offence? Match 22: SHLISBE, thn page az, ‘ach illustration to two countries or regions. 1 2 12a EASY Workwith a partner. Choose three topics from the list. For each topic write two questions. + family + aholiday * lastweekend + job * home Sov « the Midle East bb Work with a different partnerand ask the questions. b Greece South East Asia © vox ors vineo 1

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