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Choose and respond to one of the following questions:

1) Looking at the issues of authorship in visual art, how do you think the issue plays out in the other disciplines?

• For music?

• For dance?

• For performance?

2) Considering the not-so contemporary condition of commissioning artwork (paying an artist to do an art at
one’s direction), how do you think the issue of authorship plays out? Who is the author of the commissioned
work: the artist or the one who commissioned it?

I choose question number 2.

2. Considering the not-so contemporary condition of commissioning artwork (paying an artist to do an art at
one’s direction), how do you think the issue of authorship plays out? Who is the author of the commissioned
work: the artist or the one who commissioned it?

 Commissioning artwork is the procedure of hiring an artist to create a painting, primarily based totally
at the consumer’s request. There are many motives why humans fee artistic endeavors. Sometimes, the
piece they absolutely like is simply too massive or too expensive. In that case, a consumer is possibly to
request a smaller or greater low-cost piece. Other times, a consumer desires a painting in a distinct
color than the original. Interior designers may also fee artwork that suits withinside the color scheme in
their project, at the same time as company customers may need to “brand” the piece with company
colors, to supplement their visible identity. Whatever the reason, commissions are very not unusual
place withinside the artwork world, and maximum artists might be greater than glad to create a chunk
in keeping with the consumer’s desires. We recognize that commissioning artwork may be intimidating,
mainly for the first-time buyer. That’s why, we’ve made this weblog submit that effortlessly explains the
entire procedure. Although now no longer all artists are to be had for commissions, maximum artists
are open to the idea, so don’t be afraid to invite for a quote. Commissioning artwork is a tremendous
manner to get greater low-cost artwork pieces, customize your collection, or gather artistic endeavors
that supplement your residing space. It is a completely non-public procedure for all, and sundry
concerned and may require a variety of work. But the attempt can pay off on the stop while you acquire
a one-of-a-type artwork piece, tailored to your collection.

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