ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest: Renewable Energy From Tidal Currents

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Renewable energy from tidal currents
02 ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest

One of the world leaders in the hydropower business

ANDRITZ is a global and stock exchange- ANDRITZ HYDRO is one of the worldwide ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest was estab-
listed technology Group with more than leading suppliers of electromechanical lished in 1997 in Hammerfest, Norway. The
17,000 employees and over 180 produc- equipment and services ‘From water to UK office was opened in Glasgow in 2008
tion sites, service, and sales companies all wire’, capable of providing global solu- in order to serve the promising local market
around the world. tions for tidal power arrays and hydropower potential including Ireland.
plants, including all services related to the
Today’s ANDRITZ GROUP headquarter is refurbishment and overhaul of existing Based on a 300 kW tidal turbine, tested in
located in Graz, Austria. With its business facilities. Norwegian waters, a 1,000 kW tidal device
areas, HYDRO, PULP & PAPER, SEPARA- was developed and tested at EMEC site
TION, METALS, FEED & BIOFUEL, AN- ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest represents (European Marine Energy Centre) before
DRITZ is one of the leading global suppliers within the group the leading technology becoming part of the world’s first tidal array,
of plants, equipment, and services to the provider in the tidal power business. planned for installation in Scottish waters in
markets it serves. 2013.
One of the main goals is to provide innova-
In a world which is striving to reduce the tive technologies and solutions to maximize A global structure, the commitment to serve
emissions of greenhouse gases and pol- the return on investment for the customers. our customers locally all around the world,
lution, ANDRITZ HYDRO supports the This includes constant improvement of the and proven experience and technologies
customers in their environmental efforts by energy efficiency of proposed equipment are only some of the reasons why our cus-
providing secure and sustainable technolo- and technologies through a continuous tomers can be assured of obtaining the best
gies that maximize energy generation from Research & Development approach. energy-related applications from us.
hydropower and tidal power. Hydropower
represents within this scenario the most
important renewable resource of energy
by far, while tidal power, with its worldwide
availability can be considered as one of the
most promising future energy sources with
an estimated global potential of more than
150 TWh. Highlights
▪ More than 170 years of experience
in the manufacturing of electro-
mechanical equipment
▪ More than 120 years of experience in
electrical equipment
▪ Over 30,000 turbines installed, total-
ling more than 400,000 MW
▪ Complete power plant range up to
800 MW
▪ Leader in service and rehabilitation
▪ First grid-connected tidal turbine
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest 03


Renewable energy from tidal currents
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest develops ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest strives to be
the most energy-efficient, modular tidal the leader in the development of technolo- Highlights
turbine solutions capable of harnessing the gies capable of providing full turnkey solu- ▪ Clean and renewable energy
energy in tidal currents, building on 15 years tions to customers by harnessing the high ▪ Low environmental impact
of knowledge and experience in hydropow- energies and predictable power potential of ▪ Modular equipment design
er, wind energy, as well as offshore oil and tidal streams. ▪ High predictability of energy
gas industry. generation
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest’s modular ▪ First grid-connected device
Since its beginning, the company has been tidal technology solutions are designed to
a frontrunner in the design and installation of allow optimal integration in the daily opera-
tidal turbines and was the first in the world tion plans of the customers, supporting the
to successfully generate electricity from tidal worldwide energy mix and delivering envi-
currents and deliver power to the electrical ronmental benefits.
04 ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest

Tidal Energy
Predictable and reliable
Tidal forces are a result of periodic variations The forces produced by the tides can be The turbines are placed in areas with high
in the gravitational attraction exerted by both basically used to generate electricity in two tidal movements, and are designed to cap-
the sun and moon together with the cen- different ways: ture the kinetic motion of the ebbing and
trifugal forces associated with the rotation surging of ocean tides producing strong bi-
of the earth. These forces create corres- Potential energy directional currents that can be converted
ponding motions or currents in the world’s Energy from a water head is called potential into electrical power. Unlike barrage-type
oceans with a period between high tide and energy. By using pressure turbines, this en- systems, this technology does not require
low tide of 12 hours and 25 minutes. ergy can be converted into electrical power. the construction of a barrier across a wa-
terway, and hence does not have any of the
Additionally, a relationship between the Typical examples are tidal barrages, which adverse environmental effects associated
sun and the moon causes a variation in make use of the potential energy avail- with such developments.
maximum and minimum tide heights over a able from the difference in head between
period of 14 days. high and low tides. Barrages are basically
dams across the full width of a tidal estuary.
Tidal characteristics are mainly influenced They harness this potential energy by means
by bathymetric conditions, coastline mor- of hydropower turbines.
phology and current directions. In some
specific regions, high tidal ranges can result Kinetic energy
in strong currents, which are the basis for the The kinetic energy of moving water can be
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest technology, converted into electrical power by using
allowing highly predictable and reliable en- tidal turbines. This form of energy yield is
ergy generation. the basis of our technology.

ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest exploits kinetic energy in tidal waters

ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest 05

Global market
A broad range of potential sites worldwide

Tidal current electricity is clean, renewable, In addition, as oceans cover more than 70% Furthermore, governments have recog-
reliable and predictable. While ocean cur- of earth’s surface, ocean energy represents nized the great potential of ocean energy
rents move slowly relative to typical wind a vast source of energy, estimated to have and have begun significant incentive pro-
speeds, they carry a great deal of energy. some 150 TWh per year of economically grammes to harness it. In several countries
Sea water has more than 800 times the exploitable resource available worldwide. worldwide marine energy is currently one of
density than air, so for the same rotor swept the technologies receiving the highest level
area, water moving at 2.5 m/s (5 knots) Despite these promising numbers, many po- of subsidies per MWh of energy genera-
exerts about the same amount of force as tential sites are not being explored currently, tion.
a constant 350 km/h wind. although global tidal power production is
expected to grow continuously as the tech-
Ocean currents thus contain an enormous nology develops.
amount of energy that can be captured
and converted into a usable form.
06 ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest

Tidal turbines
Modular product range
Tidal turbines are best described as un-
derwater wind mills, but with shorter blades
rotating at slower speed.The rated output of 1. Nacelle
the devices depends on the water current 2. Blades
conditions at a selected site. For maximum 3. Substructure 1
energy yield from the available resources 4. Ballast weights
the turbines can be easily combined in ar- 2
rays consisting of several units.

Designed for water depths of between

35 and 100 m, the tidal turbines are de-
ployed on the seabed and kept in position
by gravity, pins or pilings (depending on the
seabed and tidal stream characteristics).
This eliminates any visual or audible impact 3
above the surface and, in addition, normal
shipping traffic will not be affected by the
presence of the tidal arrays. The horizontal
axis turbines are equipped with a specially-
designed pitching system allowing optimal
harnessing of tidal currents in both ebb and
flood directions. The whole substructure is
designed to have a small footprint while the
nacelle is optimize to minimize the wake ef-
fect caused by the water flows. Unique ma-
rine installation methodologies have been
developed to minimize installation times
and to exclude the use of divers, requiring
only the support of Remotely Operated Ve-
hicles (ROV) for monitoring purposes.

ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest tidal turbines

are designed to generate power from water
currents with a speed of 1 m/s or more.

Main features Technical characteristics

▪ Proven technology solutions Rated power: 500-2,000 kW (site dependant)
▪ Proven track record of power delivery to Power regulation: Variable pitch, yawing system, variable speed
the grid Operating depth: 35-100 m
▪ Suitable for use in coastal waters Rotor:
▪ Suitable across a range of water depths Type: 3 bladed open
and velocities Rotor swept area: 300-500 m²
▪ Reliable operation and maintenance Nominal speed: approx. 10 rpm
▪ Simplicity of installation and mainte- Generator:
nance Type: Induction
▪ Optimized turbine control and energy Nominal output: 500-2,000 kW
yield by variable-speed blade pitching Weight:
mechanism and nacelle yawing system Nacelle: approx. 130 t
Substructure: approx. 150 t
Installation: Heavy lift vessel/barge (with ROV support)
Lifetime/Service: 25 years/every 5 years
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest 07

EMEC, United Kingdom
First pre-commercial tidal turbine installed
at EMEC (European Marine Energy Centre).

Type: HS1000
Installation: December 2011
Grid connection: February 2012
Site: Fall of Warness,
Orkney, UK
Rated power: 1,000 kW
Water depth: 52 m
Rotor diameter: 21 m

Kvalsund, Norway
World’s first tidal turbine prototype connected
to the grid.

Type: HS300
Installation: 2003
Grid connection: 2004
Re-installation: 2009 (after maintenance)
Site: Kvalsund
Finnmark, NO
Rated power: 300 kW
Water depth: 50 m
Rotor diameter: 20 m
Total operating hours: >16,000 h
08 ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest

From feasibility to operation

Four phases to a successful project
Feasibility assessment
To consider the unique morphology of each Assessments are undertaken between the
possible location a detailed site assessment customer, ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest
is required. Important parameters are water and any required third party, defining the
depth, current velocity, bathymetry, profile basic parameters for the future project in-
and flow directions, wave and turbulence cluding, for example, layout and cost evalu-
impact, grid connection, and environmental ation.

Engineering and pre-design

The ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest team oriented approach are the basis for optimal
consists of highly qualified and experienced tidal power solutions. By leading the entire
engineers and project developers, working project management process, ANDRITZ
in close cooperation to develop the best HYDRO Hammerfest is capable of applying
‘value-for-money’ array layout for each spe- all of the required knowledge, skills, tools
cific sites. Well-proven project management and techniques to meet customers’ expec-
methodologies combined with a project- tations.

Project execution and implementation

In the continuous quest to achieve customer professional solutions that ultimately satisfy
satisfaction, the quality of service provided every requirement of the customer.
is equally as important as the quality of the
product. Therefore a global presence and Systematic project management guaran-
the cooperation with strong partners enable tees the fulfilment of quality, cost and time-
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest to provide line requirements.

Service and maintenance

ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest offers com- ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest’s global
prehensive and tailor-made service and structure and organisation, as well as inter-
maintenance programs for its products. national partnerships enable to undertake
The turbines incorporate a condition moni- service and maintenance activities in close
toring system to provide a predictive main- proximity to the sites, minimizing not only
tenance capability. This avoids costly un- the potential downtime periods, but also as-
planned repair activities and potentially sociated costs.
extend the planned maintenance intervals
beyond that predicted.
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest 09

Installation capabilities
The installation concept and philosophy of
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest allows the
deployment of the turbines under the most
severe weather conditions down to depth of
100 m, across the different site morpholo-
gies found worldwide.

Installation is generally achieved in three


▪ Installation of the substructure followed

directly by ballast weights or pinning/
▪ Connection of the subsea cable to the
turbine to establish the electrical con-
nection to the on-shore substation
▪ Deployment and lowering of the nacelle
(with mounted rotor blades) onto the

Installation is diverless with only the support

of standard ROVs. Moored barges or heavy
lift DP vessels (Dynamic Positioned) are
required depending on the site and weather

For maintenance only the nacelle has to be

010 ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest

Research & Development

ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest’s Research tre (EMEC) in Orkney, UK, in December ments for the delivery of the next generation
& Development (R&D) activities started in 2011, considered to be one of the roughest of tidal arrays.
the 1990s, when the HS300 turbine was marine sites in the world.
developed, manufactured and, in 2003, Research findings from field tests, model
installed in Kvalsund, Northern-Norway, ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest efforts in test in laboratories, numerical flow simu-
as world’s first grid-connected tidal current R&D keeps the company at the front line of lations, and technology innovations are all
turbine. innovation, able to offer the best solutions combined into an optimized overall solu-
to the customers, from both a technical and tion. It is this comprehensive approach to
Based on the tested technology, full-scale commercial point of view. product innovations which keeps ANDRITZ
turbines, with a rated capacity of between HYDRO Hammerfest on the forefront of
500 kW and 2,000 kW, were designed for The highest quality standards, latest tech- technology.
the planned commercial applications. The nology and competitiveness — values
first 1,000 kW turbine was successfully in- which are incorporated into every phase of
stalled at the European Marine Energy Cen- our activities — are fundamental require-
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest 011

In harmony with nature

The high efficiency of the turbines supplied Therefore, since 2001 a series of compre-
by ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest results in hensive Environmental Impact Assess-
careful management and protection of the ments (EIA) have been undertaken, starting
environment and natural resources. before the HS300 unit was installed.

Environmental sustainability and awareness The EIA consider the potential impact that
have become more and more important in tidal turbines could have on business activi-
the global market. In line with this philoso- ties, outdoor life, marine life, and seabirds.
phy, ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest’s mis- Among other assessments, noise mea-
sion is to implement the latest technologies surements have, for example, been under-
achieving the highest possible efficiency taken at previous projects.
while maintaining the balance of environ-
mental and natural resources. To date, these EIA have concluded that
there is no significant impact on the areas
This focus on the environment has been studied.
implemented throughout all the steps of the
project and its technological developments.
012 ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest


P.O. BOX 403
N-9615 Hammerfest, Norway
Phone: +47 (784) 06 200
Fax: +47 (784) 201
AH Hammerfest.01.en 04.12

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